The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 157
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United States1938 Posts
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United States1238 Posts
On March 21 2012 15:52 gtrsrs wrote: start game 5-0, hold enemy top laner to 12 cs at 20 minutes lol still lose, team blames me solo queue ![]() I'll lend you my backpack. should be able to carry now. | ||
United States9109 Posts
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Canada737 Posts
i have never hated a champion more than i hate lulu right now. fucking fantastic bot lanes. I pray every game the tard on the other team gets to pick lulu and fail at support. | ||
United States1938 Posts
On March 22 2012 09:07 Kaneh wrote: Lulu is the fucking worst champion in the entire history of the game because now all sorts of people are fucking calling support and have no fucking clue how to play support. i have never hated a champion more than i hate lulu right now. fucking fantastic bot lanes. I pray every game the tard on the other team gets to pick lulu and fail at support. I've just been banning her if I have an open ban left and nobody has preferences. | ||
6170 Posts
25 min into game "vayne, why do you only have a zeal and a vamp scepter" 32 farm 0-4 es best 1-7 ziggs (off my gank) and 3-17 viktor also very strong when we surrender | ||
United States13684 Posts
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Canada4122 Posts
Played with a group of friends. Tried convincing them that I can not feed every time I play with them. Claim I recently learned to jungle lee sin. Summary of game: Gave red to nid top twice. Gave FB stupidly tanking creeps Died to trundle in jungle Died with flash on because TF stunned me before I can react Died again after being caught walking to blue buff Was lv6 when solos were 12 and duo lanes 10 Sometimes I still don't get how there can be such a huge difference between 1200's and 1600+. Are we playing the same game under the same rules? | ||
Canada747 Posts
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France45622 Posts
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Vietnam10817 Posts
Lost all 3, I was expected this would happen but still, all 3 lost to bad teams but we are just worse. Gonna take a break from ranked so those 800 will drop to where they are and I can play with people that have some clues. | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
On March 22 2012 13:28 Abenson wrote: Sometimes I still don't get how there can be such a huge difference between 1200's and 1600+. Are we playing the same game under the same rules? That's interesting, a friend of mine asked something similar few days ago, too, although you seem to be polite & calm while playing unlike him. He questioned something like "why is it that every time I play with you I just seem to fail harder from game to game?". We only play normal games with him (just because he is a real life friend, he just rages so much and screams OP like a little child at everything that beats him, really annoying). He has like 100 more normal game losses than wins while we have 150 or so more wins than losses. Whenever he played some games alone and won, you can hear him bragging in TS about how super stronk and cool his jungle Udyr is and that he MUST show it to us. So we queue up with him... 3 losses (0/7, 1/11, 2/8, always having less money than the support...) later he's tilting and quits the game again for 3-4 days. He does so many stupid mistakes and overestimates his champion far too often - with the difference that while playing with us the enemy will immediately punish him for stupid actions while he (probably) gets away with it when playing alone. Then, when he is far far far behind, he has no real plan what he can / should do to come back and just continues to snowball the whole team to another loss. | ||
United States1628 Posts
On March 22 2012 09:07 Kaneh wrote: Lulu is the fucking worst champion in the entire history of the game because now all sorts of people are fucking calling support and have no fucking clue how to play support. i have never hated a champion more than i hate lulu right now. fucking fantastic bot lanes. I pray every game the tard on the other team gets to pick lulu and fail at support. This, so much this. I've already played 3 games as an ad carry with a Lulu bottom and every game they steal cs, refuse to ward, and generally prioritize keeping themselves alive instead of protecting the carry. Soooo frustrating as someone who mains supports most of the time. It baffles me that some people literally have no idea what a support is supposed to do. | ||
United States1935 Posts
Then I come back from class, try to play a game, get another 4 dodges in a row, then on the 5th try somebody insta calls "janna mid". Captain proceeds to ban janna because lol no janna won't go mid. Troll declares "Sona mid", I pick sona as joke (don't lock) and so he clicks 10 different champs, settling on dragonlady with promote/revive. I dodged. Is this usual for trying to play this game? | ||
Finland951 Posts
game 1. , Enemy Mid Fizz was 9/1 in 10 minutes. When the game ended in 35minutes or so, our brand had 75 cs, and our jungle fiddle had 40cs and 1/12. Serious BM by our top, mid, and jungle. Game 2. Our first pick picked corki, and then our third pick took MF, and demanded bot. MF died like 4 times for just playing bad, and then he decided to start feeding intentionally, and refused to take part in team fights. Game drags out forever, our double AD lineup has zero armorpen, they just stack armor. Enemy refuses to finish, even though its 4v5, and they can destroy us without us even touching them. Game 3. 2 Last picks argue about who gets to support, they decide we don't need an support, and garen + MF lane will do. 20minutes later we FF when enemy vayne is something like 12-2, and that is even though she was 1/2 or something when i ganked her twice. Garen runs around the map giving kills, first by accident, then intentionally. Game 4. I think that this is the point where i have to bring out lord murderkaiser, he will surely make it better. Well, no. We trade farm with malzahar, but top Vlad is clueless against WW. Game ends again in 20minutes when they have a 10/0 or something WW, and botlane has lost as well. Game 5. "its still 1 hour before my girlfriend comes home, better play 1 game, win or lose, i don't care, let it just be a good game" Last pick says nothing until there are just his and the fourth picks turns left, last pick says "cant support, don't have any support champs" and the fighting starts. Then he just randoms something, and runs to their turret to give kills, and goes afk. Some notes: -Proud of myself, did not say a bad word during these games, even when we had obvious trolls, and fighting going on. -What is it with these CANT SUPPORT types, that say it when its their time to choose. Say it earlier, i can support, if that is what it takes. -Here's hoping that tomorrow will be better. ^^ | ||
United Kingdom1483 Posts
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little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
Other two randoms writing french in chat, only demanding top and mid position in one broken english sentence, so we're like "better let them have what they want, they are french". So we crush bot lane with several double kills but top and mid (surprise!) fail horribly. They just don't ward and overextend as Karthus mid / WW top and die to every single jungler gank. WW goes afk and admits it in /all chat, reason: our jungler fail, 5 ganks too much to win, i afk. Karthus then proceeds to intentionally feed because "it's clearly lost already". When I'm like "report ww and karthus" enemy Vayne that got ass raped by us is like "i understand them your jungler fails i rather report you for negative attitude GG NOOBS". Before I could respond my PC crashed due to overheating (probably been playing too much today) - that would have been one hell of a postgame chat conversation. FUCK YOU ALL! | ||
United States3803 Posts
On March 22 2012 09:07 Kaneh wrote: Lulu is the fucking worst champion in the entire history of the game because now all sorts of people are fucking calling support and have no fucking clue how to play support. i have never hated a champion more than i hate lulu right now. fucking fantastic bot lanes. I pray every game the tard on the other team gets to pick lulu and fail at support. FUCKING THIS. I play a lot of AD, and retarded Lulus are horrific. BUY WARDS STOP AUTOATTACKING AND PUSHING MY LANE. Last game I bought more wards than the lulu, who bought 2 all game. Me: "Buy wards WTF WTF" Her: "No money" Me: "WTF are you spending money on??" Aaaaaargggghhh | ||
France45622 Posts
The result? We win every teamfight, sometimes 5-1, but we can't push the towers because Akali tought it was a wonderful idea to pick her for top when we already had Cass mid and Maokai jungle (had to take a safe pick since he and Janna didn't talk at all during champ select and they were 4-5th pick). So 30 minutes pass without any inner tower taken despite 4-5 won teamfights. Then a fuckup let them have Baron, then someone gets caught and we lose an inhib, and then somebody insists on doing nashor even when graves' dead and minions are at our nexus turret. Of course we don't have any dps, must give up, and enemy team gets a free baron. Damn. I should have picked Trundle. | ||
United States1238 Posts
On March 22 2012 18:18 Caphe wrote: So Season 2 has begun on CN server. Point reseted. I was reset to 1290. First 3 games most of my teammate are 800 in season 1 and others are new to ranked.(They were resetted to 1100+ wtf) Lost all 3, I was expected this would happen but still, all 3 lost to bad teams but we are just worse. Gonna take a break from ranked so those 800 will drop to where they are and I can play with people that have some clues. Chinese players are so bad. I played the first 3 months of season 1, June to August and had to carry every fucking game to 17xx. And the highest then was about 1900. I thought chinese people were suppose to be good at mobas. dafaq. Typical Chat: Teammate 1: 又是这个sb外国人 Me: BUT I CARRY YOU REAL HARD Teammate 2: FUK YOU MOM DOG | ||
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