S T A T S B O Y S [spoiler]Cricketer12Railgan Seeker Heartland Phredxor The_Red_Viper IntoTheHeart[/spoiler] Golo [spoiler]GoloCharoisaur DJHellium ArtyK Poopi vult Solar242 [/spoiler] Twice Liquid [spoiler]mizenhauerLuolis Olli Soularion The Templar Argonauta Peter[/spoiler] Totally not LPLR [spoiler]DurnuuEj Elentos Inflicted Kashim Musicus Opisska[/spoiler] [spoiler]
Tournament rules: -round robin tournament format -top 2 teams advance to the finals: the finals are best of 3 matches: 1st series is bo5 like RR matches, 2nd series is all-kill format where #1 seed picks first map and loser picks next map, 3rd series is a bo1 between 2 picked ace players. The bo1 map is picked by vetoing ABABAB and leaving 1 map. A is the #1 seed from RR. -3 rounds, round finals each round: -round scoring: every round: -1st place - 3 points -2nd place - 2 points -3rd place - 1 point -4th place - 0 points
additional 1 point for winning round finals
top 2 teams in points after 3 rounds qualify for the finals
Match rules: -Proleague format bo5 (4 preset matches and ace if needed) -5 maps for each match will be drawn randomly before the match. Following the draw, each captain has 3 days to submit their line up for a prefixed match date. After revealing the line ups, each team is entitled to 3 days for preperation. -each team will play a match every week
KeSTApo rules: -if a player intends to play race different than specificed in the line up, it needs to be declared in line up submition. Random is allowed. This also goes for potential ace match picks. 1 race allowed per player. -EU to America is played on America East -America to Asia/Australia is played on America West -EU to Asia/Australia is played on America Central -typing in games is forbidden except for: gging out, (any form of gg is allowed), trash talking your opponent, asking for a pause. Typing any form of GG means forfeiting the game. -opposition will be executed
I am superbad, haven't played in ages, have shitty internet and travel frequently, so I can't promise regular availability. However if a team is desperate enough, I am willing to ruin theit chances
If we get enough players i would love to let this run a little longer than one round. Maybe three rounds with one round allkill format. That would be possible because you would have most likely enough players per team so people who cannot play each week don't have to.
Considering that this is proleague format we might run into trouble. Let's say it will be a bo5 format meaning 4 players/games per week. In theory it could be a 3-0 meaning that the 4th game which will be played is useless. (assuming we will do it similarly to LRSL where you have a week time to play your match, really the only execution which makes sense for us imo). Do we simply accept this as a possibility or let it count as 3-1/4-0 ? I think it should count tbh.
Using TLMC maps is a good idea even though i would argue that doing so might reduce the willingness of players to participate because you cannot just ladder to train the maps. Though it would definitely be more fun for people who don't mind that.
edit: if we cannot get enough signups maybe we should do a hybrid LRTL, i am sure that would work out nicely
On September 07 2017 21:42 opisska wrote: I am superbad, haven't played in ages, have shitty internet and travel frequently, so I can't promise regular availability. However if a team is desperate enough, I am willing to ruin theit chances
League really doesn't matter, i actually hope that some lower league players also join in. 1) these games are the most fun anyway 2) this tournament is all about having fun so it's a really good chance to have the tournament feeling while not having any real pressure. 3) we really need as many people as we can get :D
I am also much more likely to be available during weekdays than on weekends and away for possibly week or two at a time... but if it is a PL format, I guess this can be worked around, if we have enough payers.
Ha, on the upside, I have just finally procured working internet, it currently runs 20/20 Mbit over 4G mobile with "unlimited" data. Was quite an adventure, as noone wanted to give me a contract when I am not a legal Polish resident, luckily T-Mobile doesn't care about paperwork, just money and they gave me the contract in exchange for a generous deposit.
On September 08 2017 03:53 Kashim wrote: lol, for what?
Well there was that thread about match-fixing earlier and Ej_ may or may not have called the OP an idiot.
Then some dickhead, who may or may not be involved in this conversation, failed to realize that it's actually him who organizes this and reported him
I'm pretty sure this is some ploy by the TL staff to sabotage our league.
The conspiracy is bigger than you think. A couple of hours ago I decided to dust off my skills and Microsoft instantly intervened by freezing the SC2 client using Windows Update in the middle of a game.
No new signups for LRTL 1in about 15 hours, EJ's ban hit us hard. We might be doomed but there is still one thing which makes it right to fight the good fight: Hope. Hope for a better day, a day without the fear of losing yet another LRTL member, a day where new blood rises in the scene and the tournament can be held. A shitposter can dream
On September 08 2017 23:58 Elentos wrote: I would say we should have each team choose 1 color and have every player on that team play their matches in that color, Proleague style.
On September 08 2017 23:58 Elentos wrote: I would say we should have each team choose 1 color and have every player on that team play their matches in that color, Proleague style.
On September 08 2017 23:58 Elentos wrote: I would say we should have each team choose 1 color and have every player on that team play their matches in that color, Proleague style.
On September 08 2017 23:58 Elentos wrote: I would say we should have each team choose 1 color and have every player on that team play their matches in that color, Proleague style.
On September 08 2017 23:58 Elentos wrote: I would say we should have each team choose 1 color and have every player on that team play their matches in that color, Proleague style.
Captains choose.
Whoever picks me better choose purple
Looks like we'd be on the same team.
Thought you were pink.
I don't remember ever favoring pink over purple, even when my favorite color was red.
On September 09 2017 03:45 opisska wrote: With just four teams, could we at least pick reasonably distinct colors? Some of the PL color pairs were pretty hard to distinguish.
Well, if I had to guess, I'd say Durn will go with Pink, Mizenhauer with Orange and Luolis with Teal.
On September 09 2017 03:45 opisska wrote: With just four teams, could we at least pick reasonably distinct colors? Some of the PL color pairs were pretty hard to distinguish.
Well, if I had to guess, I'd say Durn will go with Pink, Mizenhauer with Orange and Luolis with Teal.
Pink vs. Orange may be the best example of a very bad color pair. At least there will be added difficulty!
On September 09 2017 03:45 opisska wrote: With just four teams, could we at least pick reasonably distinct colors? Some of the PL color pairs were pretty hard to distinguish.
Well, if I had to guess, I'd say Durn will go with Pink, Mizenhauer with Orange and Luolis with Teal.
Pink vs. Orange may be the best example of a very bad color pair. At least there will be added difficulty!
The color set by the player in options overrides whatever is selected in the CG lobby anyway, so it will only affect casters
On September 09 2017 03:45 opisska wrote: With just four teams, could we at least pick reasonably distinct colors? Some of the PL color pairs were pretty hard to distinguish.
Well, if I had to guess, I'd say Durn will go with Pink, Mizenhauer with Orange and Luolis with Teal.
the last map is up for change if anyone has a better suggestion, we will play bo5 PL most likely and draw 5 maps out of 7 before every round/match and player submission
I would like to get the draft with Golo/mizenhauer/Luolis/Durn picking the players from this thread ASAP.
On September 10 2017 19:15 Elentos wrote: Also I know it's kinda late for this suggestion but I feel like the teams should come up with names. You know, like afnikka in the first VSL.
My team's name is dependent on the number of TL writers/staff members I draft.
Hi my name is Phred. I think Zest is best and I enjoy playing games that aren't called Starcraft. Pick me if you want your team to have low expectations.
Bold is the people who will most likely do the drafting itself (except for if Golo doesn't reply here and then Charoisaur takes the 4th seed) I won't sort out who will be active and who not, that's up to the captains Protoss is dead
Bold is the people who will most likely do the drafting itself (except for if Golo doesn't reply here and then Olli takes the 4th seed) I won't sort out who will be active and who not, that's up to the captains Protoss is dead
e: ))
Olli can't be a captain. We can't have more team kills TT
Charoisaur was actually sixth place (golo was fifth, olli was eighth)
Bold is the people who will most likely do the drafting itself (except for if Golo doesn't reply here and then Charoisaur takes the 4th seed) I won't sort out who will be active and who not, that's up to the captains Protoss is dead
Bold is the people who will most likely do the drafting itself (except for if Golo doesn't reply here and then Charoisaur takes the 4th seed) I won't sort out who will be active and who not, that's up to the captains Protoss is dead
e: ))
yup i'm here
We want to draft sometime tomorrow (time yet to be determined). Can you make it?
Bold is the people who will most likely do the drafting itself (except for if Golo doesn't reply here and then Charoisaur takes the 4th seed) I won't sort out who will be active and who not, that's up to the captains Protoss is dead
e: ))
yup i'm here
We want to draft sometime tomorrow (time yet to be determined). Can you make it?
sure! just let me know the time once it's decided, i'm basically free all day
Hi guys I'm Cricketer. Number 2 DRG and Sanfan. A member of the S T A T S B O Y S, and one of the actual worst players here. I'll probably stick with zerg unless a mirror shows up, that's when I'll go random.
On September 10 2017 23:15 Cricketer12 wrote: Hi guys I'm Cricketer. Number 2 DRG and Sanfan. A member of the S T A T S B O Y S, and one of the actual worst players here. I'll probably stick with zerg unless a mirror shows up, that's when I'll go random.
Pretty sure random isn't allowed and every player has to stick to a race for each match at least.
On September 10 2017 23:15 Cricketer12 wrote: Hi guys I'm Cricketer. Number 2 DRG and Sanfan. A member of the S T A T S B O Y S, and one of the actual worst players here. I'll probably stick with zerg unless a mirror shows up, that's when I'll go random.
Pretty sure random isn't allowed and every player has to stick to a race for each match at least.
Bold is the people who will most likely do the drafting itself (except for if Golo doesn't reply here and then Charoisaur takes the 4th seed) I won't sort out who will be active and who not, that's up to the captains Protoss is dead
e: ))
yup i'm here
We want to draft sometime tomorrow (time yet to be determined). Can you make it?
sure! just let me know the time once it's decided, i'm basically free all day
-typing in games is forbidden except for: gging out, (any form of gg is allowed), trash talking your opponent, asking for a pause. Typing any form of GG means forfeiting the game.
Bold is the people who will most likely do the drafting itself (except for if Golo doesn't reply here and then Charoisaur takes the 4th seed) I won't sort out who will be active and who not, that's up to the captains Protoss is dead
e: ))
yup i'm here
We want to draft sometime tomorrow (time yet to be determined). Can you make it?
sure! just let me know the time once it's decided, i'm basically free all day
Just to be clear, how is the logistic gonna work? There will be a given time when to play? I presume it's likely to be weekends, when most people declared they would be available? Any ideas of a timezone?
I know I am just walking trouble disguised as a person, but I'd just want the potential captains to know about my irregular availability, especially on weekends. i would also likely not be able to play in the middle of the night, I really need my sleep schedule. I will understand when nobody picks me
Yeah i am kinda wondering as well, you really wanna do this live each time instead of doing it LRSL style where you simply had to play the match in a weeks time?
I mean obviously doing it live would be better and more hype i just don't see this working for us tbh. Several players pretty much said they cannot play at certain times, etc. It's just a bit too ambitious for us probably :D
Hey guys! Nice that you chose Ametrin as a Map for your league. Since i would love to improve the Map in the future i would appreciate any replays you maybe got on it, or any kind of feedback. I would love if you could maybe upload some or PM me!! <33
On September 11 2017 09:30 GoloSC2 wrote: yo solar and soularion, could you guys tell me what level you're roughly at? failed to find your profiles online, would be much appreciated
Soularion lost a bo9 to me soooooooooooooooo, granted it was nearly 3 years ago and he'd probably kick my ass now...
On September 11 2017 09:30 GoloSC2 wrote: yo solar and soularion, could you guys tell me what level you're roughly at? failed to find your profiles online, would be much appreciated
I would like to sign up, Poopi#2144. I play terran, around 4.8k-5k MMR right now since I have outdated builds in TvT/TvZ, but I peaked at 5.3k MMR the last time I played LotV seriously (before summer iirc), so if I take the time to watch recent vods of terrans I might be able to play at this level relatively quickly. I like playing competitive matches so I'll find the time to train enough if needed!
Railgan? GMs? I though we were going to meme hard btw is says Im random but im in fact a filthy zergu. Btw I like my team, with mizenhauer we are going to spam sick BM on chat.
Yeah sorry for missing out on the draft, i woke up at 18 CEST and forgot about everything. In hindsight i'm sad that i couldn't have my team being named "Bag of Sacks". I hope i can snipe railgan)
On September 12 2017 04:09 Luolis wrote: Yeah sorry for missing out on the draft, i woke up at 18 CEST and forgot about everything. In hindsight i'm sad that i couldn't have my team being named "Bag of Sacks". I hope i can snipe railgan)
you had one job... i hope the dice rolls protoss if i meet you
On September 12 2017 04:09 Luolis wrote: Yeah sorry for missing out on the draft, i woke up at 18 CEST and forgot about everything. In hindsight i'm sad that i couldn't have my team being named "Bag of Sacks". I hope i can snipe railgan)
you had one job... i hope the dice rolls protoss if i meet you
Durn and Heartland will snipe him for this.
Also Ej what's the tournament structure, who plays who first, what's the map order, when are player lists due, when are matches happening?
On September 12 2017 04:09 Luolis wrote: Yeah sorry for missing out on the draft, i woke up at 18 CEST and forgot about everything. In hindsight i'm sad that i couldn't have my team being named "Bag of Sacks". I hope i can snipe railgan)
you had one job... i hope the dice rolls protoss if i meet you
Durn and Heartland will snipe him for this.
Also Ej what's the tournament structure, who plays who first, what's the map order, when are player lists due, when are matches happening?
The tournament features the "Cato" style. That is, you are free to violently ambush any other player in the dark at any time in a totally random fashion.
Yeah we don't have anything other than bnet. I guess we could set up a discord server or something. Btw I was thinking about scheduling the match this weekend either in the afternoon (3 pm cest or something) or the evening (~ 8 pm), saturday or sunday, depending on everyone's availability. And then I'll be able to decide on a lineup, depending on who is/isn't available.
On September 13 2017 20:19 Durnuu wrote: Yeah we don't have anything other than bnet. I guess we could set up a discord server or something. Btw I was thinking about scheduling the match this weekend either in the afternoon (3 pm cest or something) or the evening (~ 8 pm), saturday or sunday, depending on everyone's availability. And then I'll be able to decide on a lineup, depending on who is/isn't available.
Apparently mizenhauer got soO to join his team and that's way too awesome not to allow. So:
soO joins Twice Liquid soO will play every match vs master players at 70% handicap and 50% vs diamond and below If anyone feels like a master would still have no chance against 70% soO, we can discuss these lines further.
Won't play until I'm back home and have adjusted. I haven't been home for over a month and playing here is 100% pointless, as you saw in my series vs Durn and mize in LRSL
As TwiceLiquid had 8 players after soO's recruitment, Solar242 is being moved by mizenhauer to Golo's team to even up the player numbers. S T A T S B O Y S has recruited GuMiho as their 7th player.
GuMiho plays under The SoO Rule: -70% handicap vs Master players -50% handicap vs Diamond and below -the handicapped player is not to be cheesed or rushed in a way that is virtually impossible to hold (bunker rushes, 1 base all-ins etc.)
On September 15 2017 00:51 Ej_ wrote: As TwiceLiquid had 8 players after soO's recruitment, Solar242 is being moved by mizenhauer to Golo's team to even up the player numbers. S T A T S B O Y S has recruited GuMiho as their 7th player.
GuMiho plays under The SoO Rule: -70% handicap vs Master players -50% handicap vs Diamond and below -the handicapped player is not to be cheesed or rushed in a way that is virtually impossible to hold (bunker rushes, 1 base all-ins etc.)
Is it possible to play against Koreans without handicaps, but being allowed to do whatever we want as builds?
My playstyle in competitive matches involves cheeses sometimes so being forbidden to use such a tool kills the fun, and it is always awesome to be able to play against superb players, especially Korean players since it's rare, so if I have the luck to be on the same map as a Korean, I'd like to play a real game of Starcraft, if that player is ok with it.
On September 15 2017 01:07 Poopi wrote: Is it possible to play against Koreans without handicaps, but being allowed to do whatever we want as builds?
My playstyle in competitive matches involves cheeses sometimes so being forbidden to use such a tool kills the fun, and it is always awesome to be able to play against superb players, especially Korean players since it's rare, so if I have the luck to be on the same map as a Korean, I'd like to play a real game of Starcraft, if that player is ok with it.
On September 15 2017 00:51 Ej_ wrote: As TwiceLiquid had 8 players after soO's recruitment, Solar242 is being moved by mizenhauer to Golo's team to even up the player numbers. S T A T S B O Y S has recruited GuMiho as their 7th player.
GuMiho plays under The SoO Rule: -70% handicap vs Master players -50% handicap vs Diamond and below -the handicapped player is not to be cheesed or rushed in a way that is virtually impossible to hold (bunker rushes, 1 base all-ins etc.)
Ej_ I'm on your team you shouldn't design rules specifically to fuck me over
On September 15 2017 00:51 Ej_ wrote: As TwiceLiquid had 8 players after soO's recruitment, Solar242 is being moved by mizenhauer to Golo's team to even up the player numbers. S T A T S B O Y S has recruited GuMiho as their 7th player.
GuMiho plays under The SoO Rule: -70% handicap vs Master players -50% handicap vs Diamond and below -the handicapped player is not to be cheesed or rushed in a way that is virtually impossible to hold (bunker rushes, 1 base all-ins etc.)
Does dedicated aggression (with adepts for example) count as a rush? Defending against 2 gate adepts one-shotting drones sounds fun...
Neither captain sent me any times, I guess that if they don't, you guys can just schedule your matches on your own and send me or mizen replays and we will make it work.
On September 16 2017 23:10 Ej_ wrote: Neither captain sent me any times, I guess that if they don't, you guys can just schedule your matches on your own and send me or mizen replays and we will make it work.
Wait really? From my understanding this was planned to be on monday? I guess the communication between our captains wasn't good enough
I only saw this from mizenhauer's perspective but both of them opened 3 base roaches. Mizenhauer went for ravagers with his fourth base while Ej poked around. After a while Ej was revealed to have a 4th base and mutalisks. Mizenhauer attacked and sacrificed his army for most of Ej's economy, but lost a lot back at home to the mutalisks. Ej eventually counterattacked and won.
soO poked with 4 zerglings and delayed the factory + killed a bunch of SCVs when Elentos lifted his barracks. After a few minutes of buildup soO attacked into some cyclones and hellions with ling/roach/ravager and won.
Luolis opened with a fast hidden expansion in the corner base. Durn immediately saw it since it's in view of the watchtower and forced a lift with an adept. Both players went up to 3 bases but Durn quickly closed out the game with an adept push.
Aeronauta opens 1 base ling/bane against 2 base ling/bane. The initial attack takes about half the health off the natural hatchery, and all the lings die before the banelings finish morphing and explode on the queen. He remains on 12 workers but expands while continuing to very unsuccessfully pressure with ling/bane. Eventually Aeronauta gives up on the pressure and starts to drone up. Kashmir's lair is much faster and he goes mutas against roaches. Aeronaut eventually makes a nydus but does nothing of value with it, and Kashim pushes across the map to finish him.
I only saw this from mizenhauer's perspective but both of them opened 3 base roaches. Mizenhauer went for ravagers with his fourth base while Ej poked around. After a while Ej was revealed to have a 4th base and mutalisks. Mizenhauer attacked and sacrificed his army for most of Ej's economy, but lost a lot back at home to the mutalisks. Ej eventually counterattacked and won.
soO poked with 4 zerglings and delayed the factory + killed a bunch of SCVs when Elentos lifted his barracks. After a few minutes of buildup soO attacked into some cyclones and hellions with ling/roach/ravager and won.
I am disappointed in my game but luckily my teammates could make up for my poor performance. I hope coach Durn gives me another opportunity in the future. Thank you my fans for cheering for me, I promise to work hard to show better games next time.
On September 17 2017 01:31 Elentos wrote: I am disappointed in my game but luckily my teammates could make up for my poor performance. I hope coach Durn gives me another opportunity in the future. Thank you my fans for cheering for me, I promise to work hard to show better games next time.
On September 17 2017 01:31 Elentos wrote: I am disappointed in my game but luckily my teammates could make up for my poor performance. I hope coach Durn gives me another opportunity in the future. Thank you my fans for cheering for me, I promise to work hard to show better games next time.
Alright so i'm playing Gumiho on thursday, just making sure : no one base cheese / early rush allowed for both players, but until what point? SoO did finish the game pretty quickly :>
On September 19 2017 22:11 ArtyK wrote: Alright so i'm playing Gumiho on thursday, just making sure : no one base cheese / early rush allowed for both players, but until what point? SoO did finish the game pretty quickly :>
Oh you can't cheese him off 1 base. GuMiho can even make 4 rax in your main.
On September 19 2017 22:11 ArtyK wrote: Alright so i'm playing Gumiho on thursday, just making sure : no one base cheese / early rush allowed for both players, but until what point? SoO did finish the game pretty quickly :>
Oh you can't cheese him off 1 base. GuMiho can even make 4 rax in your main.
Since Golo and Cricketer are taking forever to set up their match, Ej and I have arranged a showmatch so LRTL fans can get their fix. We'll be playing a Best of 7 offracing as Terran (Ej) and Protoss (me). But we're adding a twist. Ej has been bragging about how he can play mech in every matchup, so he's only allowed to use mech type builds (aka no mmmm). The games will be played and then cast from replay by Ej, myself and hopefully GumBa at a yet to be determined date. For now we'll leave you with the map pool selected abababa order out of all the maps in StarCraft 2 history.
Since Golo and Cricketer are taking forever to set up their match, Ej and I have arranged a showmatch so LRTL fans can get their fix. We'll be playing a Best of 7 offracing as Terran (Ej) and Protoss (me). But we're adding a twist. Ej has been bragging about how he can play mech in every matchup, so he's only allowed to use mech type builds (aka no mmmm). The games will be played and then cast from replay by Ej, myself and hopefull GumBa at a yet to be determined date. For now we'll leave you with the map pool selected abababa order out of all the maps in StarCraft 2 history.
We should create a discord channel for each match like for example "STATSvsDJs" That way all players can directly interact and don't have to wait for captains to act as messenger, it delays stuff.
I know the first match went smoothly but the second one, obviously not :>
tmrw at: Saturday, Sep 23 2:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) Mizen and I will be casting the awful bo7 tomorrow and possibly LRTL if we can get this last match to happen. Unless it's a 2:2. that would require an ace on the spot too.
Just watched the VOD of S T A T S B O Y S vs DJs and Dinosaurs. Despite Mizenhauer said the mineral patches on Ametrin were still f*cked, they were actually correct, you can see it in the VOD on the double click on one of the low ones (900 on 4 Patches and 1500 on the other 4). Just saying But if there is still any issue about the map PM me <3
On September 25 2017 06:51 Zweck wrote: Just watched the VOD of S T A T S B O Y S vs DJs and Dinosaurs. Despite Mizenhauer said the mineral patches on Ametrin were still f*cked, they were actually correct, you can see it in the VOD on the double click on one of the low ones (900 on 4 Patches and 1500 on the other 4). Just saying But if there is still any issue about the map PM me <3
My mistake. I don't know how many minerals there should be on a patch . The map is great though.
(Vote): Proleague format (Vote): All-kill every 2nd round
problems with all-kill format: different scoring than in PL format gets messy when adding points from different rounds (so every round would have seperate placing and maybe playoffs?), bo5 all-kill is boring
Proleague format is better for several reasons imo : - More players can play on average (all-kill can go 4-3 or 4-0, but in proleague format at least 3 players from each team will play). - No one-man-team (though Proleague bo5 does come close, it's still better). - Can be played in advance and then cast from replay. Technically all-kill can too, but only one game at a time, so...
I would normally prefer an all-kill round, but since this league is just for fun, proleague format makes more sense. The rounds are also short enough that we can probably have 3 pretty easily.
Match is going to be cast at 10:00 ET 16:00 CEST this Friday (after Super Tournament). As of now, I think only match one will be played live. I'll do it pov before casting the other three. Other captain should make sure to have someone available for a potential ace match.
On September 27 2017 07:53 mizenhauer wrote: Match is going to be cast at 10:00 ET 16:00 CEST this Friday (after Super Tournament). As of now, I think only match one will be played live. I'll do it pov before casting the other three. Other captain should make sure to have someone available for a potential ace match.
Since railgan and I would have been the only one playing a live match, I'm gonna move it to the next day (saturday), at the same time so we can try to get more live matches played.
On September 27 2017 07:53 mizenhauer wrote: Match is going to be cast at 10:00 ET 16:00 CEST this Friday (after Super Tournament). As of now, I think only match one will be played live. I'll do it pov before casting the other three. Other captain should make sure to have someone available for a potential ace match.
Since railgan and I would have been the only one playing a live match, I'm gonna move it to the next day (saturday), at the same time so we can try to get more live matches played.
I love that I was told about this beforehand (Also not sure about seeker, but phred is still from replay, and I think viper cant play sat so he is replay as well....)
I believe two lineups are already submitted. I'll be trying to cast these games on Saturday at the same time as last week as I'll be out of the house all day Sunday, so submitting line ups earlier gives players more time to arrange matches.
This league is apparently so important that the Spanish government went out of their way to shoot rubber bullets against own people in order to provoke them into a general strike including suspension of transportation and taxis and blockades of main freeways in the direction of Barcelona airport.
Yet it was all in vain and I made it to Prague, where I have at least a semi useful gaming setup. Or maybe it doesn't matter at all because I am not an important player and the lineups are still a mystery ... who knows?!
Totally Not LPLR vs S T A T S B O Y S Opisska <Abyssal Reef> Seeker Elentos <Incubation> Cricketer Kashim <Ametrin> Railgan Inflicted <Caldeum 3> Phredxor ACE <Neo Catalyst>
Twice Liquid vs DJs and Dinosaurs mizenhauer <Incubation> Golo Olli <Abyssal Reef> Poopi Templar <Caldeum 3> Charoisaur Luolis <Neo Catalyst> ArtyK ACE <Pandora>
I'm going to be out of the house all day on Sunday, so can we try and plan to schedule the matches to be aired at 4 pm cest/10 am est on saturday? please arrange your matches for that time or play them ahead of time and send me replays on discord if you can't be available for live matches. Remember captains, have someone on hand for ace matches should your match go there.
This is probably well known for all for you, but maybe someone finds it useful, as I had to investigate all of this now:
- you change your region in Bnet or can do it from SC2 Menu using the globe in top right - however you need to additionally specify the exact server in options->language and region - hotkeys seem to now be preserved when changing region, this wasn't the case a couple years ago
On October 06 2017 00:04 opisska wrote: This is probably well known for all for you, but maybe someone finds it useful, as I had to investigate all of this now:
- you change your region in Bnet or can do it from SC2 Menu using the globe in top right - however you need to additionally specify the exact server in options->language and region - hotkeys seem to now be preserved when changing region, this wasn't the case a couple years ago
edit: however, it offers me only 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 to play in matchmaking, wtf?
ROSTERS -updating rosters will be possible between the rounds -teams can trade, release, and acquire players freely, without a draft -any new player must meet the following critteria: a) be an active user in the live reports threads of the SC2 section OR b) show exceptional involvement in the community in other sections of the site (examples: Mizenhauer's writer coverage, Kashim's liquipedia work) -the rule above does not work retroactively: soO, GuMiho and Railgan all allowed to keep playing (and can be traded or released like the other players)
As for the possible replacements, players are encouraged to suggest their own picks, otherwise we will converge most likely to some of the TLMC maps and old ladder/tournament maps.
Vult drops out cause of heavy work schedule, and with DJHelium apparently being dead we need at least an extra player or we might end up in situations like week 1 again, where we take ages to get a lineup. Now considering the requirements to enter the league i don't really know where else to ask so, hopefully a gm will come along :>
any new player must meet the following critteria: a) be an active user in the live reports threads of the SC2 section OR b) show exceptional involvement in the community in other sections of the site (examples: Mizenhauer's writer coverage, Kashim's liquipedia work)
On October 25 2017 05:51 ArtyK wrote: DJs LOOKING FOR PLAYER
Vult drops out cause of heavy work schedule, and with DJHelium apparently being dead we need at least an extra player or we might end up in situations like week 1 again, where we take ages to get a lineup. Now considering the requirements to enter the league i don't really know where else to ask so, hopefully a gm will come along :>
any new player must meet the following critteria: a) be an active user in the live reports threads of the SC2 section OR b) show exceptional involvement in the community in other sections of the site (examples: Mizenhauer's writer coverage, Kashim's liquipedia work)
On October 25 2017 05:51 ArtyK wrote: DJs LOOKING FOR PLAYER
Vult drops out cause of heavy work schedule, and with DJHelium apparently being dead we need at least an extra player or we might end up in situations like week 1 again, where we take ages to get a lineup. Now considering the requirements to enter the league i don't really know where else to ask so, hopefully a gm will come along :>
any new player must meet the following critteria: a) be an active user in the live reports threads of the SC2 section OR b) show exceptional involvement in the community in other sections of the site (examples: Mizenhauer's writer coverage, Kashim's liquipedia work)
i'm not expecting much :>
Requirement is reading articles isn't it?
Then we should kick a bunch of people including me :>
Elentos <Echo> Railgan Musicus <Port Aleksander> Heartland Ej <TT> Seeker Kashim <Ametrin> The_Red_Viper ACE <Neo Catalyst>
Twice Liquid vs DJs and Dinosaurs Peter <TT> ArtyK Luolis <Port Aleksander> Poopi Mizenhauer <God's Garden> Charoisaur Olli <Neo Catalyst> Solar ACE <Pandora>
S T A T S B O Y S vs DJs and Dinosaurs Railgan <TT> Golo Intotheheart <Neo Catalyst> ArtyK Seeker <Ametrin> Charoisaur Heartland <Port Aleksander> Poopi
genuine question, if anybody has time constrait issues (eg. I played Olli yday), we can move the deadline around. Not like anything's gonna change for worse after Terran has already been castrated
Round 2 is over and just like last time, we're (probably) going to replace some maps, so I've got some polls that need votes (click the map names to vote keep or replace). I also made the stats for each map (under spoilers), though it's mostly to see how often a map has been played and what race played on it.
Catalyst : played in both round 1 (6 games) and 2 (4 games). Worth noting that the map changed slightly at some point (but really, almost nothing) because of TLMC. + Show Spoiler +
Pandora : played in both round 1 (3 games) and 2 (3 games). Just like Catalyst, I believe this map changed at some point ; I noticed it during my game versus ArtyK, there is now a direct high ground link between 2nd and 3rd bases if you take them in a straight line, unlike the version of the map shown in the OP. + Show Spoiler +
- TvZ : 0-1. - ZvP : 2-0. - PvT : 2-1. (i counted Mizenhauer vs Elentos in playoffs despite the fact that it was the 6th game in a 4-1 series) - Mirrors : TvT, 1 ZvZ, 0 PvP. - Total : 7 games.
- TvZ : 2-0 (didn't count Peter vs Kashim in R2 playoffs because it was a walkover). - ZvP : 0-0. - PvT : 0-0. - Mirrors : 2 TvT (didn't count Charoisaur vs Seeker in R2, walkover), 3 ZvZ, 0 PvP. - Total : 7 games.
- TvZ : 1-1. - ZvP : 1-0 (i counted intotheheart vs Mizenhauer despite the fact that it was the 4th game in a 3-0 series). - PvT : 0-1. - Mirrors : 2 TvT, 1 ZvZ, 0 PvP. - Total : 7 games.
In general, I personally think we should probably replace the maps that have been here for 2 rounds so that we have some diversity, except possibly Catalyst if we want to keep a ladder map (though we could just put Blackpink or whatever instead). Obviously replacement suggestions are welcome. Idk if these polls even matter because in the end, Ej decides, but I made them so might as well post
On November 26 2017 20:00 Musicus wrote: Players should have a value as in FPL and captains only get to spend an X amount of points.
Edit: actually don't do that, just spouting nonsense :D
Why not, could be fun? Who gives the value, Seeker as in FPL? How many points does Seeker give to himself? Does he take into account just skill or also existing beef with the person and ban history? In my case it would be difficult to tell though
We need to un-kill the league. However I have been told that some people left and in general the interest is dwindling.
I suggest that we do a re-count of people that are actually interested in playing and then see where do we go from there, what do you guys say? Unless a wild Ej appears and tells me to stop mowing his lawn, I also suggests that everyone interested writes it here or PMs me; I'll PM all remaining players tomorrow to get a reply from everyone.
If we find enough people, I guess we could start playing next week? Are there any people physically capable of streaming (sorry, my computer is too shit for that) and willing to do so, since miz seems to have lost interest?
I can still play LRTL, however I feel like my level is a bit too high so it's not fun for the lower-level opponents (= diamond and below). Maybe we should implement a special rule about that (idk what exactly, maybe use the handicap implemented in SC2 or something).
On December 10 2017 03:00 Durnuu wrote: I can still play LRTL, however I feel like my level is a bit too high so it's not fun for the lower-level opponents (= diamond and below). Maybe we should implement a special rule about that (idk what exactly, maybe use the handicap implemented in SC2 or something).
Well, that we have to discuss. I still consider this Ej's league, so if he shows interest, I'll let all decisions on him, if he wants to.
However my personal opinion is that something could be done. I can see possible changes in-game (handicap) and in the way matchups are chosen - which loses the "PL feel" , but could make for more fun games. However that really depends on what teams we get in the end, because if each team had like one master, then it would be boring to have the same matchups every week.
edit: also I am in a rather similar position, but reversed - I am too bad for most of the players to have fun with
Looks pretty good with already 17 players confirming at least some participation (some people have some time limits, I will also be away over Christmas for example).
This way, I think we can start next round next week, in particular if some more people confirm. We will probably have to change the teams though, probably just letting under-manned teams draft from TotallyNotTheOnlyPeopleWhoReallyCare would suffice, but let's do that after I catch everyone.
However, we desperately need a caster or at least a streamer - I guess the amount of people who can talk into a microphone is endless in the league, but without someone who can actually push video to twitch it is uselss.
Mixture of the above (we'll vote in fun/good legacy maps (6)
Current ladder rotation (for standard games) (5)
Old school shit (WoL beta-era maps) (2)
Weird stuff (current LRTL maps) (0)
All-time great maps with reasonable winrates? (0)
13 total votes
Your vote: What map styles do you want to use?
(Vote): Old school shit (WoL beta-era maps) (Vote): Weird stuff (current LRTL maps) (Vote): Current ladder rotation (for standard games) (Vote): Mixture of the above (we'll vote in fun/good legacy maps (Vote): All-time great maps with reasonable winrates?
We need to decide on a map rotation set, please feel free to make your own recommendations and suggestions. Of note: if we use the all-time all-star maps, the winrates would be based on their patches, not whether they'd play well in LotV.
Top (or bottom) 4 MMR players become captains, draft all teams from scratch. I think the disparity in playing skill between teams is enough to consider this option.
Captains are given maps immediately, given 3 days to come up with a roster, players are then given a week to play, and then the caster has 4 days to cast. Then we move on
A player can be fielded more than once per game, but cannot do this more than once a round. So if ith gets fielded twice (because my captain had a stroke), ith can't do this again this round. Furthermore, ith is not the ace player for that match as well. I would be allowed to be the ace in the next match, if my captain's stroke didn't go away. The spirit of this policy is to let some teams have an easier time fielding players, if too many people are too busy.
The captains would be allowed to change players for certain maps depending on the needs of the game. It's often not fun for a player to go up against someone significantly better, and while this would do away with some of the blind picks of the games, it'd also make the league a bit better balanced, so captains can't throw their weakest players under the bus. It would hopefully make games individually better, as the hope is for matches to have a smaller MMR gap between them.
Regardless of shuffle or redraft, all teams have 5 players who said they would be available, so matches are Bo5.
I would like to add that the rough idea for the "Players Shuffling" rule is that in a match, each captain would get to do one switch of player-for-player in the lineup for the match and only if that decreases the overall MMR gap of the matches (per viper's clever suggestion against abuse).
This is probably the most controversial question of them all, but I have come to this idea after talking with several people, who all expressed the same concern: widely imbalanced matches (D3 vs. M1) are just not fun for anyone, interestingly I heard the same opinion from both sides of the equation.
On December 11 2017 20:29 Musicus wrote: Just a heads up, I won't be able to play between the 21st and new year since the house will be full with family. I won't have my room with my PC.
There will be Holiday break definitely, so many people have already saif something similar. I myself will be in Kuwait from 22 Dec to 3 Jan
Essentially my goal us to get one week played this year, which should be feasible, even though it will be slightly faster than the 14 day window people prefer.
Mixture of the above (we'll vote in fun/good legacy maps (6)
Current ladder rotation (for standard games) (5)
Old school shit (WoL beta-era maps) (2)
Weird stuff (current LRTL maps) (0)
All-time great maps with reasonable winrates? (0)
13 total votes
Your vote: What map styles do you want to use?
(Vote): Old school shit (WoL beta-era maps) (Vote): Weird stuff (current LRTL maps) (Vote): Current ladder rotation (for standard games) (Vote): Mixture of the above (we'll vote in fun/good legacy maps (Vote): All-time great maps with reasonable winrates?
We need to decide on a map rotation set, please feel free to make your own recommendations and suggestions. Of note: if we use the all-time all-star maps, the winrates would be based on their patches, not whether they'd play well in LotV.
Top (or bottom) 4 MMR players become captains, draft all teams from scratch. I think the disparity in playing skill between teams is enough to consider this option.
Captains are given maps immediately, given 3 days to come up with a roster, players are then given a week to play, and then the caster has 4 days to cast. Then we move on
A player can be fielded more than once per game, but cannot do this more than once a round. So if ith gets fielded twice (because my captain had a stroke), ith can't do this again this round. Furthermore, ith is not the ace player for that match as well. I would be allowed to be the ace in the next match, if my captain's stroke didn't go away. The spirit of this policy is to let some teams have an easier time fielding players, if too many people are too busy.
The captains would be allowed to change players for certain maps depending on the needs of the game. It's often not fun for a player to go up against someone significantly better, and while this would do away with some of the blind picks of the games, it'd also make the league a bit better balanced, so captains can't throw their weakest players under the bus. It would hopefully make games individually better, as the hope is for matches to have a smaller MMR gap between them.
Regardless of shuffle or redraft, all teams have 5 players who said they would be available, so matches are Bo5.
For anyone who might've missed it the first time around.
Opisska, it's even worse when you consider we're supposed to be people who LIVE on threads.
On December 11 2017 20:21 Olli wrote: Vote reasonable maps please!
I mean, I just wanted to know if people wanted to play on good maps, or hilarious shit like Kulas Ravine.
Mixture of the above (we'll vote in fun/good legacy maps (6)
Current ladder rotation (for standard games) (5)
Old school shit (WoL beta-era maps) (2)
Weird stuff (current LRTL maps) (0)
All-time great maps with reasonable winrates? (0)
13 total votes
Your vote: What map styles do you want to use?
(Vote): Old school shit (WoL beta-era maps) (Vote): Weird stuff (current LRTL maps) (Vote): Current ladder rotation (for standard games) (Vote): Mixture of the above (we'll vote in fun/good legacy maps (Vote): All-time great maps with reasonable winrates?
We need to decide on a map rotation set, please feel free to make your own recommendations and suggestions. Of note: if we use the all-time all-star maps, the winrates would be based on their patches, not whether they'd play well in LotV.
Top (or bottom) 4 MMR players become captains, draft all teams from scratch. I think the disparity in playing skill between teams is enough to consider this option.
Captains are given maps immediately, given 3 days to come up with a roster, players are then given a week to play, and then the caster has 4 days to cast. Then we move on
A player can be fielded more than once per game, but cannot do this more than once a round. So if ith gets fielded twice (because my captain had a stroke), ith can't do this again this round. Furthermore, ith is not the ace player for that match as well. I would be allowed to be the ace in the next match, if my captain's stroke didn't go away. The spirit of this policy is to let some teams have an easier time fielding players, if too many people are too busy.
The captains would be allowed to change players for certain maps depending on the needs of the game. It's often not fun for a player to go up against someone significantly better, and while this would do away with some of the blind picks of the games, it'd also make the league a bit better balanced, so captains can't throw their weakest players under the bus. It would hopefully make games individually better, as the hope is for matches to have a smaller MMR gap between them.
Regardless of shuffle or redraft, all teams have 5 players who said they would be available, so matches are Bo5.
For anyone who might've missed it the first time around.
Opisska, it's even worse when you consider we're supposed to be people who LIVE on threads.
Seeing as the posts don't really get any movement lately, I would call this done for the sake of speed. So let these be the new rules of the league:
1. A round has 3 weeks, where a week takes roughly 14 days (yes, I am on a power trip to redefine the world "week", deal with it). Map order is shown immediately upon conclusion of the previous week or a break and then captains have typically (barring unforeseen circumstances that are bound to happen every other week) three days to submit lineups. The captains need to be available around the deadline so that we can properly apply rule 3.
2. A lineup consists of four names in order of the maps presented to the teams. One name can appear on a lineup twice - this is the "twice-fielded" player. An individual player can be "twice-fielded" only once per round, but a team may "twice-field" a different player every week. A "twice-fielded" player cannot be the ace of that week, but can be the ace of any other week. A team can chose to not "twice-field" of course.
3. After the lineup are revealed, for each match, I will ask one captain if they wish to submit a switch of two of their players with each other in the lineup, change the lineup accordingly and then ask the other captain (blindly paralell switch is pointless). Only such switch is possible so that the the combined difference in MMR decreases. For these purposes, the pre-round MMR table, which we collected and will publish, will be used. For this purpose, I ask the captains to be available at least intermittently during the day of the reveal. Any time lost during this phase will be taken from the "play the games" phase.
4. After the lineups are finally fixed, players have typically 7 days to arrange the games and play (the deadline will be given specifically each time). For each map, BOTH players are required to actively try to contact the other player. We WILL give walkovers for inactivity. Alternatively, the players can arrange with the casting team to have their games played live. However bear in mind that you are not entitled to having a live play catered to your time needs and should you not reach an agreement, it is still your responsibility to play the games within the period stated. I am aware that this sounds little bit anti-fun, but the most anti-fun thing in the league is people ignoring their games. We hope that this topic never becomes relevant anyway!
I still hope we can draft the teams tomorrow evening - LIVE ON DURN'S STREAM - let's see if we can actually get some captains before then!
edit: fuck me, already editing, 3 weeks of course, not 4.
For the maps, I thought this was a pretty sweet idea (Cric's) to incentivize captains be active to draft teams:
Have each capt select 1. Ith and Opisska select 1 each for being new tournament advisors. Then poll everyone else for last map. So we have a cycle of 7 maps, which is perfect as the final playoffs will be a Bo7.
Because of our inability to get the top 4 in a timely manner, we will do a slightly unusual bottom 4 draft. The tentative time is:
Tomorrow, Dec 12 at 7 pm CET on Durn's stream.
The draft will be super fair, starting from the weakest, then in "snake path" until teams are filled. Additionally, each captain will pick a map.
Captains are no other than the sc2 stars the_red_viper, Cricketer12, intotheheart and yours truly piss.
Don't forget to tune in for the epic picking strategy and a chancr to hear my voice for the first time. Also viper's, so we can try to analyze his accent!!!
Time to brush up your finest twitch emoting art, because this is really happening!
What happens when the worst players get all the power? When the absolute noobs get to decide everything? Learn that - and much more - in just a couple of hours!
Will the perfect logical order of the magic MMR prevail, or will emotions get the best of the wannabe captains? 16 players to pick from, noone is safe, no matter how much they resist, no matter how much they don't want to, they are gonna be drafted!
Each captain (myself theredviper intotheheart and opisska) has the opportunity to select a map that get directly into the pool. The remaining three maps will be selected by all of you! Please pm me a map you would like to see, and I will make a strawpoll. Top 3 maps get into the pool.
My team is obviously OP, but I have promised to play Railgan rather less frequently. Sorry man, you are just tooooo goooood for the league and we couldn't find a well balanced answer otherwise. But you'll definitely get some playtime.
Thanks to all involved, now we finish the maps and start playing! Also there hopefully will be a VOD, who doesn't want to watch half an hour of spreadsheet editing?!
My team is obviously OP, but I have promised to play Railgan rather less frequently. Sorry man, you are just tooooo goooood for the league and we couldn't find a well balanced answer otherwise. But you'll definitely get some playtime.
Thanks to all involved, now we finish the maps and start playing! Also there hopefully will be a VOD, who doesn't want to watch half an hour of spreadsheet editing?!
Week 1 will be on accelerated schedule. Tentative schedule:
- Wednesday we finalize map pool, start period for lineups - Friday lineups complete - play until Thursday noon or live Thursday evening (Dec 21), casted by Luolis and maybe other people
First 6 maps are (ex-)ladder maps and thus in case of any confusion, the latest ladder version is to be played. They all seem to be LoTV-freindly (minerals nad gas) on EU, but I urge players to check before a game. The last map is twice on EU, please play the version with no "mod". Also please study the map beforehand, it's really unusual.
The first team pairing was fairly rolled by intotheheart and the maps are as following:
Drunk Santa vs. O'sAOYUT
Abyssal Reef Blackpink Aiur City Island Coda
ace: Could Kingdom
Cricket > Footbal vs. 동 하면 채동
King Sejong Station Agria Valley Aiur City Island Cloud Kingdom
ace: Coda
According to W1 accelerated schedule, captains must submit their lineups before FRIDAY 17:00 GMT (+00:00) and be available (or have someone backup available) at the time for switching. The games need to be played and the replays submitted either until next THURSDAY 15:00 GMT (+00:00) or can be played live on next THURSDAY (Dec 21) from 19:00 GMT (+00:00) - the exact time is yet subject to confirmation. Streaming will be likely provided by (at that time) drunk Luolis, possibly with help of other SC2-analysts such as the low diamond ith or in the worst case, myself
For anyone playing Aiur City Island, please note what was said in the map thread : "After the map has been hosted it's necessary to change from melee to miscellaneous in the map options menu on the right" E : I actually don't know why we need to do that, I just tried it in melee and the bridges worked fine.
I wanted a racially diverse team to cope with the map landscape. Understandably, maps don't have the highest impact at all skill levels, but I didn't wanna take a bunch of players into their race's graveyard, either.
Knowing I was second, and seventh pick made life a whole lot easier. I expected Cric to slam the Railgan pick. I was more interested in Durn anyway, as I didn't want Railgan to suffer another few rounds of me. My second pick (and seventh pick overall) was to take ArtyK, or Elentos. Assuming I couldn't get a higher-MMR zerg player than Elentos, anyway. This left me with a lot of racial flexibility, since the maps were not known at the time. In the event Durn was taken first and I could not rely on him, I decided to pencil in Luolis, and try to table either ArtyK or a higher-MMR Zerg player. In this situation, I wouldn't have taken Elentos second pick.
The draft came, and Durn was taken first. I took Luolis, which was a choice leaving Railgan in the pool. The next picks were Railgan, ArtyK, Mizenhauer, and Poopi.
Given I already had a Terran player from earlier, I decided to just take the highest-MMR zerg I could, as Elentos was still in the pool if necessary, and ArtyK was no longer around. Furthermore, I had Luolis which was perfectly reasonable. I took Kashim because he had the highest MMR of the zerg players in the pool. I briefly thought about Olli over Kashim, but I knew he was busy. Furthermore, I'm not able to play this round, either. So if we have two of five guys not available for the round, it may annoy the rest of the team, so I took Kashim to avoid that.
Olli and Ej were scooped up, and I decided to make do, and take Elentos. Another Terran player. No complaints. At this point, my strategy of trying to racially balance my team had done me well,or so I thought at the time. Without knowing the map pool, I thought to diversify my team in that respect.
Phred, Musicus, and Seeker were taken next, so I took Argonauta. Another Zerg player. I got lucky with that pick, as it turns out he is willing to play all 3 races.
The last player in the draft - Solar242 was given to Opisska, who also agreed in good faith to not play Railgan every single match, and try to run Solar242 as often as possible.
I think I'm happy with the balance of my team, but we'll see if I was just stupid for not slamming the highest-MMR players. I consulted my team for the map pick of Cloud Kingdom, which was our second pick in the event KSS was already in the pool.
On December 15 2017 03:07 intotheheart wrote: ith draft preparation:
I wanted a racially diverse team to cope with the map landscape. Understandably, maps don't have the highest impact at all skill levels, but I didn't wanna take a bunch of players into their race's graveyard, either.
Knowing I was second, and seventh pick made life a whole lot easier. I expected Cric to slam the Railgan pick. I was more interested in Durn anyway, as I didn't want Railgan to suffer another few rounds of me. My second pick (and seventh pick overall) was to take ArtyK, or Elentos. Assuming I couldn't get a higher-MMR zerg player than Elentos, anyway. This left me with a lot of racial flexibility, since the maps were not known at the time. In the event Durn was taken first and I could not rely on him, I decided to pencil in Luolis, and try to table either ArtyK or a higher-MMR Zerg player. In this situation, I wouldn't have taken Elentos second pick.
The draft came, and Durn was taken first. I took Luolis, which was a choice leaving Railgan in the pool. The next picks were Railgan, ArtyK, Mizenhauer, and Poopi.
Given I already had a Terran player from earlier, I decided to just take the highest-MMR zerg I could, as Elentos was still in the pool if necessary, and ArtyK was no longer around. Furthermore, I had Luolis which was perfectly reasonable. I took Kashim because he had the highest MMR of the zerg players in the pool. I briefly thought about Olli over Kashim, but I knew he was busy. Furthermore, I'm not able to play, either. So if we have two of five guys not available for the round, it may annoy the rest of the team, so I took Kashim to avoid that.
Olli and Ej were scooped up, and I decided to make do, and take Elentos. Another Terran player. No complaints. At this point, my strategy of trying to racially balance my team had done me well,or so I thought at the time. Without knowing the map pool, I thought to diversify my team in that respect.
Phred, Musicus, and Seeker were taken next, so I took Argonauta. Another Zerg player. I got lucky with that pick, as it turns out he is willing to play all 3 races.
The last player in the draft - Solar242 was given to Opisska, who also agreed in good faith to not play Railgan every single match, and try to run Solar242 as often as possible.
I think I'm happy with the balance of my team, but we'll see if I was just stupid for not slamming the highest-MMR players. I consulted my team for the map pick of Cloud Kingdom, which was our second pick in the event KSS was already in the pool.
was fun to read though, you certainly had a more thought through approach than me. then again, i didn't know anyone and basically spent all my prep time trying to find everyone's mmr
I always picked the highest MMR player available at the moment, as I have announced previously I will do, thus making it easier for the other captains. I am that a nice person (not just someone who wants to have good players, no no ...)
Reminder that the games need to be played before Thursdat 16:00 CET, or, better, LIVE on Thursday from 19 CET or so. (we are still not completely clear who actually streams, because Luolis said he thinks he only casts in somebody else's stream but we will sort it out).
Kashim <Abyssal Reef> Poopi Elentos <Blackpink> Inflicted Argonauta <Aiur City Islands> Solar424 Luolis <Coda> Railgan (Luolis lost FYI so we can all mock him)
A great match we have here! Will Phred find the holy grail of a sniper build for random vs. random? Will he train for all nine possibilities? How will the Olli Poopi rematch go? How did it even go the last time? Will someone remember? Can Solar step up to beat the beastly Ej? Or will we be down 1-2 before the captainbowl? How will a 3.7k ZvZ on a rush map go? Will I finally win a map? Who will be available for ace? Instant captains rematch?
Drunk Santa vs. 동 하면 채동 Thursday, Jan 11 5:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) Luolis <Cloud Kingdom> Musicus Kashim <Blackpink> The_Red_Viper Elentos <KSS> Mizenhauer Intotheheart <Agria Valley> Artyk Ace <Abyssal Reef>
Drunk Santa vs. 동 하면 채동 Thursday, Jan 11 5:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) Luolis <Cloud Kingdom> Musicus Kashim <Blackpink> The_Red_Viper Elentos <KSS> Mizenhauer Intotheheart <Agria Valley> Artyk Ace <Abyssal Reef>
Drunk Santa vs. 동 하면 채동 Thursday, Jan 11 5:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) Luolis <Cloud Kingdom> Musicus Kashim <Blackpink> The_Red_Viper Elentos <KSS> Mizenhauer Intotheheart <Agria Valley> Artyk Ace <Abyssal Reef>
Elentos v Miz? RIGGED
Literally the only match-up between 2 people with similar MMR
Drunk Santa vs. 동 하면 채동 Thursday, Jan 11 5:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) Luolis <Cloud Kingdom> Musicus Kashim <Blackpink> The_Red_Viper Elentos <KSS> Mizenhauer Intotheheart <Agria Valley> Artyk Ace <Abyssal Reef>
Elentos v Miz? RIGGED
Literally the only match-up between 2 people with similar MMR
Current standings: Match Score Map Score O'saoyut : 2-0 6-2 Cricket : 1-1 5-4 Drunk Santa : 1-1 3-3 Chaedong : 0-2 1-6 Next matches are Drunk Santa vs Cricket > Football and O'saoyut vs Chaedong best dong. Too lazy and tired to make proper results like last time
I would really not expect any captain to double-field himself, but I still suspect that Viper isn't as bad as he claims - then yet he decides to play the two off-races instead of Zerg? I think our viewers deserve a story behind this peculiar strategy!
I am not gonna lie, the Hangul team is a strong opponent, because they are the most equalized team. From the players that wanted to play this week, 3 out of 4 lose to on paper easily to basically anyone but Viper, so we hoped at least one of us hits Viper so that Poopi can push it to ace. And he gifted us himself twice? How kind!
A story that presents itself very clearly on the other hand is how we made Phred the punching bag of the league. Seriously, I am not doing that on purpose, but he keeps getting incredibly strong oponents without really a reasonable way to save him with a switch.
I specified to crick I'd play P or Z to avoid any chance of a TvT. If Luolis is fine with it, i'd like to ask if we can play TvZ (I know he'd rather play that than TvP for sure, and probably TvT too )
On January 18 2018 07:10 Cricketer12 wrote: In my defense...I knew that, and it was a typo. I DID want to make durn P.
But I'll let piss make the final decision
Well the fact that you actually wrote should have ticked me off (because you omitted race for players, where it was standard) so it's also partly my fault. In any case, I believe you and changed it accordingly, even though I think Luolis won't be the happiest about it
On January 18 2018 22:17 intotheheart wrote: From now on, I will send out my players in order of maps, not try to match players to their maps. Hopefully this will resolve issues, going ahead.
What was the original lineup ? Was it just a swap between Kashim and Luolis ? I'm sure Crick would be fine with another swap so that you don't get screwed
So realistically speaking, a swap between Kashim, and Luolis would fix everything if you guys are down for it. I think the screwup messes with Luolis in any case though - now he'd have to play a TvP, as opposed to the Luolis vs. Durn where you were sporting enough to propose a ZvT.
I think Kashim's also closer to your reported MMR, and Luolis/Durn also have close reported MMRs. I'll let you guys choose, as I'm not playing this week.
While O'sAOYUT has already secured the playoffs, there are still valuable points for grabs for the regular season finish as both Cricket>Football and Drunk Santa have a chance to top the standings, pushing O'sAOYUT to second place - provided that O'sAOYUT loses of course. If O'sAOYUT lose, they lose at least one point in map score, landing at best at +3, but can go all the way to +1 in theory, while Drunk Santa has potential for +3 and Cricket>Football for +4 even, but remember, that they both lost the H2H, so need to have at least one map advantage - so every map played can matter a lot tonight!
On the other end of the rankings, things look much grimmer for 동 하면 채동 as they would have to win 3-0 with Drunk Santa losing 0-3 in order to gain a step in the final table and that doesn't look very promising as 동 하면 채동 not only goes against the very O'sAOYUT at the top, but they have also somewhat mysteriously sent their captain not just once, but twice.
And that is probably pretty much it for LRTL by the looks of it. There might be a round playoff if enough people can be bothered, but there don't seem to be much chance for more rounds unless someone steps up and tries to collect the bones of the fallen teams into yet another incarnation.
Thanks to everyone who took part, it has been fun for the short time this it existed. Thanks to Ej for making it happen, to Mizenhauer, Luolis, Durn and possibly any other people who helped with streaming and I did not notice that.
I will probably be formulating a thing for a 1v1 league, but that won't happen for at least a few months. For now, consider the LRTL Discord server to be unused. If needed, I will start a new thread for future leagues on TL and send out invites in/back to the server later.
Note: the 1v1 league will have divisions for different MMRs, so GMs/Masters won't be playing against Golds/Plats. I would be organizing a 1v1 massive round robin tournament and then have the top 8 play double eliminations or something - to maximize the amount of playtime everyone gets for a signup.