On August 11 2013 00:48 BronzeKnee wrote: Now if only there was one more Korean so we could have an all Korean European WCS Final Four!
Such a good idea not to lock the regions, so we could just have Korean, Korean East and Korea West WCS.
Koreans are imbalanced, let's remove them from the game.
God Forbid I watch a tournament in Europe that will send European representatives to the WCS finals that actually has European players huh?
Is it better them being crushed in WCS grand finals even more rather than Europe finals, and not give spot for a bit more capable players that defeated them already?
Its fine watching them get stomped in finals as a reminder of who the best country at starcraft is. It is a little sad that they don't make it that far to get stomped though.
Not sure about that. One sided stomp isn't that good for grand finals, rather than some more upset potential all these Koreans in EU and US can bring to the table.
On August 11 2013 01:01 Ammanas wrote: It's funny how WCS EU with the worst player pool, worst quality of actual games and the worst production (although that's because OGN and NASL are just so good, ESL is doing very good job) out of all the WCS is consistently getting the most viewers
No it's funny how silly your opinion is, now that's really poor quality trolling
eh? I think WCS EU has the best production, the best casters and the best atmosphere?
One brief Code S appearance, and a top 16 at NASL season 4
He lost to HerO. In the winter. Give the guy a break.
(HerO won NASL)
When I see him play a game that passes over the 15 minute mark I might consider giving him a chance but that wont happen so. No this guy is just annoying in all way you can be.
He cheese in every game, has the most retarded nick in e-sport history, is in general one out 100+ Korean SC2 players I can switch around in interviews cause they all talk/behave the same and with his 100% cheese style he managed to knock out every fan favorite player.
Oh so you're a macro elitist and mad because your favorites got knocked out
I agree with the ID though, MVPfinale was way cooler
On a quick and hilarious note seeing as I'm briefly on the subject of mid 2000 FPS games allow me to present the greatest thing ever, a Chinese quake player got more money than iloveoov, july, tod and naniwa. How? He beat fatality once on the great wall of China http://www.esportsearnings.com/tournaments/2240/acom_fatal1ty_shootout
I gues thats the difference between kroeans and foreigners right there. Grubby said he sacrificed alot the last month practicing really hard and not doing anything else. The last month.
On August 11 2013 01:01 Ammanas wrote: It's funny how WCS EU with the worst player pool, worst quality of actual games and the worst production (although that's because OGN and NASL are just so good, ESL is doing very good job) out of all the WCS is consistently getting the most viewers
No it's funny how silly your opinion is, now that's really poor quality trolling
Why would I be trolling lol? That is my actual opinion based on watching every single game of Ro16 onwards of all the WCS tournaments.
Should also demand proper champagne-opening skills and alcohol tolerance to make sure there isn't a PERSONALITY OVERLOAD similar to a certain frenchman
Personality? Is it that important to you that the player does some stupid ceremony or BMs the opponent?
... Lets play Tim Tebow over Tom Brady because Tim is a "likeable" guy and a god fearing Christian... Western culture would rather have a fun time getting negative results than getting positive results through hard work and dedication I guess.
SC2 is entertainment. In entertainment personality matters. Deal with it.
Is it entertainment? I thought it was a sport... lol
Sport is entertainment, which is what most sports survive on (on a professional level)
I guess that is why so many sports franchises base their personnel decision on personality, not talent and skill. LMFAO
I'm unsure if you're being intentionally thick or don't understand this, but: what happens if people stop being entertained by soccer? What happens to the sport as a whole? On a professional level, that is.
I'm thick? People are entertained by the level of skill and talent on the professional level in soccer or football, goofy things said or done on the field are just distractions from the main entertainment. (which is the match itself)
Okay, I'll spell it out for you. If people aren't entertained by -insert thing-, they stop watching. It so happens that skill and good play is a big part in soccer, just as it is in Starcraft, but soccer storylines and narratives established over an in comparison extremely large period of time. Starcraft does not yet have the readily available abundance of storylines, which is why many people obsess over "personality"; they want a way to connect to foreign players or players they don't know. If you think the viewer count would be the same if we didn't know who was playing, you're very mistaken. If you think "level of play" is the only thing that matters in sports as a whole, you're very mistaken.
Why do you think people cheer for their own countries and go out of their way to watch objectively inferior teams play when for example the World Cup is on? Why do people cheer for -insert small British team- instead of Manchester United? Because those are the teams they support, the teams they care about. Skill plays a role, but it's not the sole deciding factor in who watches what.
I think it's really sad when people complain about Koreans supposedly "lacking personality" because they all have (except a very select few such as Innovation) personality and interesting storylines, but they aren't as accessible. Why are more foreigners watching WCS EU than watched WCS KR earlier today? Slightly uncomfortable answers, I know, and it's kind of sad to think about, but that's the way it is.
uhh I agreed with you up until the last point. One BIG reason that WCS EU has more viewers than WCS KR (is this actually fact?) is because WCS KR finals took place at like 5am US eastern and like 2am US west. WCS EU started in the morning in america so more people are going to wake up and watch.
WCS EU has more viewers than WCS KR among foreigners. Korean TV numbers are inaccessible and the comparison would be unfair. Either way, WCS KR aired around noon in EU on a Saturday, so the time shouldn't have been that much of an issue.
One brief Code S appearance, and a top 16 at NASL season 4
He lost to HerO. In the winter. Give the guy a break.
(HerO won NASL)
When I see him play a game that passes over the 15 minute mark I might consider giving him a chance but that wont happen so. No this guy is just annoying in all way you can be.
He cheese in every game, has the most retarded nick in e-sport history, is in general one out 100+ Korean SC2 players I can switch around in interviews cause they all talk/behave the same and with his 100% cheese style he managed to knock out every fan favorite player.
Oh so you're a macro elitist and mad because your favorites got knocked out
I agree with the ID though, MVPfinale was way cooler
I think adäjäiojasdjk would be way cooler
Naniwa proxying 2 dark shrines and a stargate aint cheesing huh?