On July 12 2013 01:47 Big J wrote: Btw, how are group standings decided?
Is it: 1. Match wins 2. set difference 3. set wins 4. direct duel ?
Asking because Liquipedia says First isn't through yet, which would mean it is not like I described and there is some weird tiebreaker way to still prevent him from advancing.
Only set wins. If there are ties, they play again. Tiebreakers are Bo1, played after the last day of Ro16.
On July 12 2013 01:47 Big J wrote: Btw, how are group standings decided?
Is it: 1. Match wins 2. set difference 3. set wins 4. direct duel ?
Asking because Liquipedia says First isn't through yet, which would mean it is not like I described and there is some weird tiebreaker way to still prevent him from advancing.
Only set wins. If there are ties, they play again. Tiebreakers are Bo1, played after the last day of Ro16.
Ah ok, so if First wins one game he goes on, because then in the worst case for him it's 1. First 5-2 2. hyvaa 5-4 3. Rain 4-3
If he loses however 2-0, it can be 1. hyvaa 5-3 2. First 4-2 2. Rain 4-3 or 4-4 and First and Rain play a tiebreaker. Right?
On July 12 2013 00:49 ballasdontcry wrote: hah, the bookies are idiots to put bomber at +284 (~26%). no fuckin way bomber was that big of an underdog to flash. if there was one matchup that flash was weakest right now it's probably tvt. i can see flash getting -300 if he was playing a tvz though...
the bookies don't make the numbers, it's the people who are betting afaik?
The bookies do make the numbers but it is not based on how likely they think someone is to win. The bookies want to encouraging the betting to be split in such that they are never in a situation where one outcome will lose them a lot of money.
Often people will bet money on their favourite player/team even if the odds given by the bookie are worse than the player's/team's chances of winning, hence if the bookie sets the odds to be a true reflection of what they thought would happen then they would probably lose money if the fan-favourite (in this case Flash) won. Therefore they set the odds to try to discourage people betting on Flash by giving him unrealistically low odds and encourage people to bet on Bomber by giving him unrealistically high odds.
The bookies will also change the numbers they set if a lot of money is bet on one outcome to encourage people to bet on the other outcome to try to maintain some kind of balance. They don't want to have an equal amount bet on each side but they want it such that whatever they would pay out for one outcome is covered by the money bet on the other outcome.
On July 12 2013 00:49 ballasdontcry wrote: hah, the bookies are idiots to put bomber at +284 (~26%). no fuckin way bomber was that big of an underdog to flash. if there was one matchup that flash was weakest right now it's probably tvt. i can see flash getting -300 if he was playing a tvz though...
the bookies don't make the numbers, it's the people who are betting afaik?
Partially true. An oddsmaker sets the opening lines. Then the line can move to reflect the bets coming in. I like bomber and flash and it's a shame they both couldn't have made it.
On July 12 2013 01:10 robson1 wrote: Bomber going to get slaughtered in the Ro8 =(. Still amazing play.
Soulkey would be really tough, but i don't see anyone else he cannot beat. not saying he's necessarily the favorite against everyone, but should stand at least a somewhat decent chance. Bomber vs First would probably be siiick cityyy TvP.
On July 11 2013 23:27 phil.ipp wrote: why was it bomber vs flash and not bomber vs innovation ...
why did a winner of the first match play against a loser
in all the other groups it was the other way around?!?
Round robin with pre-determined order. Talking about that, why are Rain and Fantasy playing eachother last; should´nt tournaments avoid those situations (Teamkill in te last round).
omfg really great job OSL, fantasy will give his absolut best i bet !
If he is a professional then he should.
Seriously doubt he's going to put active effort into coming up with ways to deny his team mate from advancing ;;;
Not saying he's gonna throw it, but he's probably not gonna do rain specific prep if he's already out.
Yeah well he definitely won't put in the extra effort with PL playoffs and all, but he definitely won't give Rain the win if Rain doesn't deserve it.
The entire team looked like it didn't put any effort at all with the PL playoffs coming. Bisu complained about it once, back when he still used to qualify for individual leagues.
On July 12 2013 01:10 robson1 wrote: Bomber going to get slaughtered in the Ro8 =(. Still amazing play.
He can beat First or Maru.
Would probably lose 3-1/3-0 to Soulkey.
He can beat nearly anyone as we just seen. I'm not doubting his abilities to go toe to toe with everybody aside from maybe innovation and soulkey. but. You know... it's bomber. I've been hurt like 432198192381923819238 times before.
Players I root for tend to fail at crucial points. (what's that genius? Still not recovered from your 2012 finals mega choke?)
I find it funny, that people still disregard the abilities of Bomber and Maru. Maru was close to beat Soulkey last season and showed so far a stellar performance in this. Bomber showed amazing play this season. To say both of them have no chance against any player is just plain stupid.
On July 12 2013 02:12 TeeTS wrote: I find it funny, that people still disregard the abilities of Bomber and Maru. Maru was close to beat Soulkey last season and showed so far a stellar performance in this. Bomber showed amazing play this season. To say both of them have no chance against any player is just plain stupid.
If bomber looses in the Ro8 against hyvva. Hyvva should hire not one but two bodyguards because the entirety of Teamliquid will probably kill the guy on sight.
On July 12 2013 01:47 Big J wrote: Btw, how are group standings decided?
Is it: 1. Match wins 2. set difference 3. set wins 4. direct duel ?
Asking because Liquipedia says First isn't through yet, which would mean it is not like I described and there is some weird tiebreaker way to still prevent him from advancing.
Only set wins. If there are ties, they play again. Tiebreakers are Bo1, played after the last day of Ro16.
Ah ok, so if First wins one game he goes on, because then in the worst case for him it's 1. First 5-2 2. hyvaa 5-4 3. Rain 4-3
If he loses however 2-0, it can be 1. hyvaa 5-3 2. First 4-2 2. Rain 4-3 or 4-4 and First and Rain play a tiebreaker. Right?
No lol. By set wins, its like how many series you won against other people in the group. First is 2-0 at the moment and has hvyaa left. If he loses, he goes 2-1 and hyvaa goes 2-1. Then, if Rain beats Fantasy, it would be Rain 2-1 with Fantasy 0-3. Therefore, Fantasy is eliminated and Hyvaa, Rain, and First play tiebreakers to determine which two advance.
Another example: First beats Hyvaa, and Fantasy beats Rain. This means that Fantasy is 1-2, Rain is 1-2, Hyvaa is 1-2, and First is 3-0. First is through to the Round of 8 while Fantasy, Rain, and Hyvaa play tiebreakers to determine who gets the last seed.