We of BelgianSC have once again started organizing a tournament for you guys After four extremely exciting and above all very enjoyable tournaments it is time for something new, ... ratatatatatata (= drum roll)
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Starcraft Belgian Cup I!
First of all:. the 'what' and 'when':
What: the Belgian StarCraft Cup is actually two tournaments: one from Bronze to Gold players and one for Platinum up to. Grandmaster (you never know Feast wants to join). This allows us to invite two times 32 players to compete for the title: King of the Belgian Starcraft scene.
When: the BSCup I will be held on December 2, 2012, starting at 14h. The tournament lasts one day, but it can take a while go on until late in the evening. That being said, BelgianSC will vouch for the smoothest possible tournament, and give our best effort to ensure you can go to work/school on Monday without those eye bags.
The goal of BelgianSC is to bring the Belgian Starcraft scene together, and not just banelingbust eachother over and over. Therefore we will have a stream with casting (the link is there to www.twitch.tv/belgianstarcraftchannel, but we will certainly have to help you remember the days before the tournament) and as always you can join our in-game chat channel "BelgianSC for a lively discussion about the games and everything else that you want to talk about And last but not least, our website with live results, brackets, and more of that delicious.
Now, if you’re willing to battle with your fellow Starcraft players from Belgium, do not hesitate to (and as quickly as possible) register for the tournament! This is very easy. Go to our facebookpageand search a password on the eventpage for the Belgian StarCraft Cup I. Search on the Z33K website for our tournament or visit (and select the tournament) and click on SIGN ME UP. From there, you only have to give some information about yourself (and remember the password) and you can get a place in our tournament.
In the next few days we will give more update about the whole thing. Watch this forum, our facebook or our website to stay informed.
The BSC team