If i was Boxer, jessica and Cella i would be so pissed. They CREATED him brought him up from nothing now he kills them and single handedly wins the finals for another team.
On August 12 2012 10:00 Mohdoo wrote: Is anyone still saying Taeja isn't the best player in the world?
I still strongly believe if byun had the same opportunities as taeja he could do as well as taeja has I guess I'll wait until IPL5 to see how the two stack up against each other.
On August 12 2012 09:56 starception wrote: Taeja sooo good. Team Liquid will win this... I think TL is the best foreign team at the moment, perhaps even the best team as they took down SO many teams.
Team Liquid is so good. I use to brush them off as another foreign team with a few good players but they have gotten so far as a team. IPL TAC finals...wow. Hopefully they will play in GSTL as I want to see what Team Liquid can dish out against more teams.
Never would I thought I'd say that Team Liquid is the best team in the world. So many great players. They really do deserve to win IPL TAC as they are the best team at the moment. I think they stole MVP's crown as best team.
1st bold.Taeja is basically carrying the team.
2nd bold. This makes me think you are trolling since without taeja I highly doubt liquid would be here. I mean you said that TL is a great TEAM, but there is maybe 2 players winning most of the games for them.
3rd bold. Again Taeja is carrying the team, and so many great players? There is hero, taeja, and ret always seems to throw games/is in a slump while rest of TL hasn't really helped.
It would be like saying IM was the best team, but they have only nestea/mvp win games.
every time i see micro that good makes me want to start learning terran just for the chance to be able to do something like that. it would feel so satisfying
Let's be honest here, Taeja had the game in the bag after he sniped the third (while running a drop in the main). If he had retreated into a proper position (or gotten his emps off when he had to fight) he could have won it there.
So yes Yonghwa was in a better position for a short period, but Taeja had played a pretty good game before that as well.
Imho Yonghwas main fault was not rebuilding his robo after he lost it. If he had built a few more Colossi (as in one more or two more) Taeja could not have microed his way out of the hole he was in. Storms simply don't seem to hit him