On April 23 2011 10:36 antelope591 wrote: It's not that the stream itself is THAT bad....its the fact that other online tourneys like TSL and now IGN are putting out AMAZING quality streams while the best NASL can manage is a choppy, blurry 480p stream. People expect a lot better than that at this point cause they've already been spoiled by waaay better quality. yeah, + this isn't even live so there's no excuse./
Sometimes its just better to not say anything then coming up with: " Both these players will have the ability to damage eachother". Really??
and haypro loses again, gg.
Haypro busily microing his burrowed infestors at Slush's third and loses the majority of his army.
Yeah, the fact that the sound actually got worse makes me pretty sad. That being said, the recording schedule means that todays matches were recorded before yesterday's were broadcast, so they may not have had enough time to react to the feedback. The audio really is terrible, which makes me sad. I really want this to succeed.
Haha haypro concentrated on microing the wrong thing at the wrong time... Tried to be fancy by fungaling some drones, in the meanwhile loses his whole army. Really cheering for Slush, hopefully he will win.
Haypro, trying to harass and miscontrols his army. Slushs's game to lose now
I'm speechless liquid's just cursed recently I don't even know whats going on.
Slush has a huge sup lead
Slush is so far ahead ... but Haypro's defense was really impressive.
Slush corners Haypro's last hope-the infestors-at the 3rd of Haypro.
That was the most heroic zvz defense i've ever seen...
Didn't get recognized at all though >.<.
These two really dont know the subtleties of zvz. It's not really their fault that they don't. They'd have to play zerg to know them, but it's certainly unfortunate.
Whooooaaa ... Haypro's coming back.
On April 23 2011 09:55 Resilient wrote:Yes, it's still much louder in the right ear. I'm not sure why people are saying the sound is fixed and better. For me it's still very much unbalanced.
HayprO continuing Team Liquid's slump
On April 23 2011 10:40 sermokala wrote: I'm speechless liquid's just cursed recently I don't even know whats going on. Just wish them the best, since its Jinro's night to play in the GSL.
I don't understand this. For me the quality of the production seemed very good at the very beginning of NASL. But now it just seems to get worse and worse. I think they need to hire some more guys, this won't do for long.
WTF... how did Haypro claw his way back in this... amazing defense.
Haypro engages a reallly good fight