Canada13379 Posts
On April 14 2011 13:05 travis wrote: if gretorp says indeed one more time... well im not gonna do anything actually
but i hope he stops saying indeed
... indeed ... :o
I dont mind it too much some people have words or sayings they say a lot and they dont realise it and he hasnt been trained on how to be "on tv". I feel if Gretorp and Inc make a commitment to casting (re: Artosis/Tasteless style step back from serious competitive play expecting to win) then they should really take some classes on broadcast voice/how to speak when being recorded. It will help them keep their voices safe and probably give us better entertainment overall.
If they decide not to be commentators full time thats fine I just hope we get an awesome duo in the long run :D
I think sometimes Zerg just tries to play too passive and macro against Protoss. Imo you gotta play like July with a lot of aggression and harassment to keep their supply down.
Its a long time since I saw a zerg win after protoss reached 200 supply. Maby zergs just needs to play hyper agressive in that matchup. Julyzerg took out his teammate that way in the recent CSN teamwar thing.
Is 720p working for anyone? 480p and 1080p works, but when I choose 720p it says the stream is offline. I can't watch 1080p without massive lag, so 720p would be my best choice if it would actually work.
Khaldor dropping some knowledge bombs
On April 14 2011 13:07 ct2299 wrote: I don't see why 5 minute intermission is such a big deal. Allows for bathroom breaks and such. People are so hard to please lol.
but it was a 20 minute intermission and they didn't even have music playing just the same 2 videos over and over again.
On April 14 2011 13:09 Jyvblamo wrote: Why do they need to have the twitter or facebook icons there. It's not like we can even click on them. It's to remind you that you can use those social media to support them.
Does the gameplay seem faster?
On April 14 2011 13:10 Eishi_Ki wrote: Khaldor dropping some knowledge bombs
Indeed he is.
TT1 is up to 3 gates and adds a robo and forge. Taking his 4th gas.
SjoW mining from 3 gases now. Starting to create banshees, no cloak. Banshee is followed by a raven.
United States7483 Posts
On April 14 2011 13:09 Moonwrath wrote: I think sometimes Zerg just tries to play too passive and macro against Protoss. Imo you gotta play like July with a lot of aggression and harassment to keep their supply down.
Zerg needs to make use of the fact that they max faster, and their units are cheaper and faster to suicide units all over the map all at the same time non stop so the protoss just gets owned trying to keep up.
tank banshee marine soooooo strong vP
I want sjow to do his mass air again
Protoss buildings are glowing at me...
Edit: More than usual.
On April 14 2011 13:07 Arckan wrote: Every time it comes back from intermission (I imagine the stream is going offline temporarily at some point) my stream is automatically set to 1080p (I have yet to buy an HD pass).
I can see the battles just fine at 480p and am trying to avoid eating too much bandwidth for the sake of those around me, anyone else having this 'problem'?
I was going to comment that the non HD stream quality was REALLY FUCKING GOOD as a sort of tongue in cheek joke, but ya I've been watching all night like this (on a side note: being unsure of whether my network could handle a 1080 stream was one of the things holding me back from purchasing the ticket, I may just go grab a season pass now, guess my internet isn't as bad as i thought it was.)
On April 14 2011 13:10 Umbrella wrote: Does the gameplay seem faster?
yep they might've accidentally hit 2x speed
nvm its fixed now
On April 14 2011 13:01 Doraemon.doraemon wrote:hahahahahaha
Hahahaha, that made my night.
Why are Zergs crying about Protoss 200 army power when we had the really interesting series from Sheth yesterday CRUSHING Arotosis's "deathball" over and over?
He used some creative thinking, misdirection and relentless pressure and the protoss fell apart piece by piece. It was awesome to watch even though as a protoss player (and a gsl fan) I was rooting for Artosis I was inspired and happy to watch such strong Zerg play.
Then we had Idra at dreamhack Vsing the BEST protoss in the world and using the same basic principal of endless pressure had him on the ropes in a massive way. Idra lost that game because he made a big mistep but In such a high calibre game against a player like MC you lose if you make a misstep regardless of race ect.
My point is, Zergs are making so much noise about it being unfair that they can't sit back for 20mins and then A move the protoss with a 200 army. Well maybe thats because protoss is simply a better race to play like that? When Zerg plays with Aggression, misdirection (tech switches ect) and relentless pressure they do SOOO much better.
Ten minutes later, something happens: a banshee is coming to the Protoss' base, but TT1 defends well.