Server: US TL ID: dotFX B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Train.340 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/460030/1/Train/ladder/2173/#current-rank Other: Looking for a casual sc2 coach but really just a vent/teamspeak or group of people to hang out with while im playing. silver right now, should be gold by tomorrow. I'm a DoTa/LoL player so im still getting my APM/multitasking to where it needs to be but my micro and understanding of the game is pretty good. I play alot and i'm going to be good! :D
Server: EU Server TL ID: ReasoN- B.Net ID: prOsT.775 League: Platinum Rank: 20 Race: Protoss Other: I was a topten-diamondplayer in the beta, but since the start of the retail version i lost a little bit of my skill. I play a lot in the ladder at the moment, but just laddering is boring. So I hope one of you guys will help me to gain new expiriences and play games with me. My goal is it to become a topdiamondplayer with your help again.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Regression B.Net ID: Sial.330 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/294307/1/Sial/ladder/1582/ Other: Somehow I won all my 5 placement matches and ended up in platinum (never played SC nor SC2 beta). Looking for friendly people, who are willing to learn, from any league to work on everything and every matchup.