United Arab Emirates492 Posts
Server: US Server TL ID: NameHaver B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: NameHaver.837 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/365733/1/NameHaver/ Other: Looking for more players to practice all match-ups with. I currently play off and on with a cool group of practice partners. We've got vent, and Skype. I mainly play as Zerg and I can play as Protoss decently, but I want to learn all the races! ^__^
Server: US TL ID: fdsdfg B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: fdsdfg.258 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/435540/1/fdsdfg/ladder/4096#current-rank Other: Update 1/12/2011: I'm currently a 2600 diamond looking for practice in all matchups. My weakest is ZvT - although I am very good at the macro portion of the game and not dying, I have very poor micro when the armies engage. I would like to practice this the most.
ZvZ and ZvP my game is more well-rounded
Server: US Server TL ID: Leeoku B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Leeoku.443 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/857862/1/Leeoku/ladder/2379/ Other: i play zerg atm but trying to get all 3 races down in the order of z>p>t. Phase 1 i was gold, phase 2 silver, retail platinum. general open player willing to go for lotsa practice rounds win or lose and discuss strats/flaws of each other. also open to a 2v2 partner to have some fun
Server: US Server (this includes Canada) TL ID: Goobus B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: GoObus.355 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/268634/1/GoObus/ Other: Plat player who mistakenly got put into diamond. Practice with me! I need to get down my multitasking, micro, and want practice partners who know how to execute a wide variety of builds. I hate ZvZ but I need the ZvZ practice anyways =P
Server: US Server TL ID: bennmann B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Ben.725 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/282335/1/Ben/ladder/1797/ Other: East coast -5 GMT. 6 pooled my way to diamond just because I could (my 6 pool is non standard AFAIK). Need to practice all races when not 6 pooling add me for a decent stomp, or to help me rise above cheese, or to practice cheese defense. Play semi-regularly.
Server: US Server TL ID: NuKedUFirst B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: ReconNine.982 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/440608/1/ReconNine/ Other: UPDATEMasters Terran looking for Masters 2500+ none garbage practice partners, msg me up for games TvZ TvP TvT.. Atlantic (GMT-4) time zone. GL HF Don't PM me while I'm in a game. Currently need all practice partners. 2500+.
Server: US Server TL ID: leftykill B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Wazyky.749 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/611540/1/Wazyky/ Other: Zerg scrub looking for players to have fun with and get better climb the ranks. Live in Arizona and usually on in the morning and midday.
Server: US Server TL ID: FemmeFatale B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: FemmeFatale.113 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/711815/1/FemmeFatale/ Other: My ID is 113. I play Random and would love to practice. Have vent and Skype to talk and discuss game. Currently in Diamond league with Random.
Server: US TL ID: vietxboy911 B.Net ID:IDENTIFIER: oldspiceguy.526 ProfileURL:http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/431280/1/OldSpiceGuy/ Other:Havent placed yet, having troubles but im probably around gold or so. LF people to play 2v2/1v1/3v3 or custom games with and generally to have fun. I'm on alot, but might not be in the next few days. Also want to improve, which can be done by playing.
Server: US TL ID: SilentCrono B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Methos.663 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/502406/1/Methos/ Other: I do 1v1 and 2v2. Live in New York City so Time Zone is EST. PM me on Teamliquid or email me at cmcfee1@hotmail.com. I have a mic and Vent/TeamSpeak so we can communicate on there if you want.