On January 02 2011 00:21 baskerville wrote: 1/usually blizz prefers to make it long (each player with his own trigger), as "any" player is applied to axioms in the game, not to variables users are bound to want to change... however copy pasting and "saving as" so as to produce a clean usable template for all your future mods (tweaking then required for each final one) saves a lot more of time than you'd think ...
2 and 3/ I don't know yet (the blindly try everything one by one with test / result (over and over) is always doable if you're thorough and practical about it), sc2mapster tutorials have all the answers on lobby and related stuff, the search function should quickly direct you to those pertaining to your questions (or pm someone you fancy has already done it), then it's up to you to comb through the different tutorials...
galaxy is cool but purposefully not user friendly.
edit: about "galaxy is cool but purposefully not user friendly." it does not bode well for blizz to sell an editor that can potentialy produce so many different kind of games (not only sc2 type)... they sell games... it's counter to "regular" marketplace policy... Just commenting on their need to make it " purposefully not user friendly" (I insist it is) since they intend on holding on to it better than they did sc1 (I'd give it till lov, easy).
edit2: you should treat blizz's sc2's galaxy release as the only real statement (serving the "further implementation" implies nothing, worse it seems a naive pun...) .. they're really good at this, all the way back to the w1 shareware, they set the bar "we will release the editor"... just imagine if they hadn't... (we were fortunate to get any level of accessibility at all in it is what I'm saying) I said purposefully because it implied that they were "still" releasing such a prize on our hands... "galaxy is cool but..."
Thanks for your fast response. I followed your advice and made a template. I can see how easily it may come in handy for future use.
Anyways, anyone has a solution to my second question? I've been seeing more and more maps have this black screen thing and I think it's just a simple camera function that I can't find.
"Anyways, anyone has a solution to my second question?"
This contains some of my thoughts on the matter at hand if you are just not "configuring" galaxy's view options window, relax, I'm like you I get lost in the motherf...er .. just do it from top to bottom and learn with it.. noone can remember all the issues at once... too many, however I don't think that's a "buggy" area yet on galaxy... it's just difficult to master controlling everything displayed at once.
I created a map based on another map. I published it and played it. Then I realized that I could build barracks before supply depots. It appears that I reverted to a previous patch. How to I make the map the newest patch?
I tried setting the type to both melee and custom.
Edit: I think I figured it out. I have to add the Liberty Mutli (Mod) dependency to update to the latest patches. Otherwise, soem maps may revert to beta patches when played on multiplayer.
your map is just under the heading of the campaign dependency (which is what you get if you want "more" units than for melee (if you want the campaign units like heroes or sc1...))
in this, you have another techtree than in the melee, you can build a lurker den for one...
if I'm right...
have the right dependencies simply go to the menu and delete the campaign dependency (implement others if there not associated with your map).
be careful, implemented dependencies "act" on a whole bunch of "object strata", deleting it could provoke issues (so you should be "copy saving another version" testing it, and if all is well gogogo)
if not the another way is very long...(pm me if that's the case I'll try and help if you wish me to) good luck
watching kings of tin while uploading picture wheat is as awesome as ever.. better than day9, just cause day can't bounce off another good caster (the "chat" is not as good as another invested player caster)
I'm wondering what people think is too big for a map? I was making a map and wanted it to be bigger for the obvious macro game which is much better but I was wondering what is too big? (or can the biggest size still not be big enough?)
My playable size on the map I was making is 256x160. 256 is the max you can make it (I assume? I'm still new to it) and I'm wondering if that is just too big for a map.
I used sc2 map analyzer and it says for the distance between mains... By Air: 243.0 By Ground: 330.9 By Cliffwalker:281.6
I swear most maps I see it'll be around 150ish or so. So I guess I'm wondering if that is just waaaay too big.
please elaborate when asking, you've tried and found out that if you've downloaded it needs to be unlocked to tamper with it.. you can play it though... (some are locked for that too)[/quote]
no you know, say you create "marine arena" (pretend it's not locked, but it's surely locked?) or you join marine arena.. and bnet will automatically download it. my question is WHERE does that downloaded map go and HOW/IF it's possible to open it directly. (inside editor it's possible to login and search for maps to download but for reason irrelevant? it's not possible for me to do that)
file/open/local files/map from games usually end up in mod (use mod not map) use it for the for the maps YOU do), however you could also be looking in the "campaign" folder for "cool maps" too
The maps you can "see but not open" with galaxy are locked (you can play them), the one's you can open are not (but could still hold surprises) you get them by importing them from sites or other, like iGrok said no compulsory download... only if required (usually mods to complement the map), if the Mapmaker is good (or paranoid depending on the point of view), you don't even download when playing, you get it from blizz (who denies it to the players, granting authors' discretion)
the most awesome ums out there only HOST and you got to wait in line to try them out... that's the way 'galaxy' is gonna be... you only get a replay to weep while u wait in line...
most blizz maps are open, some mapmakers leave them open, most don't. In the case of "6/9 months old friggin awesome maps/mods", expect them to be locked AND for said 'pros' to have tried implementing any other safeguards they could think of, against anyone approaching their baby (for real!)
if you're a decent "coder" you can open them from outside software (remember to not steal, i always sign my maps Blizzard and my nick' + Show Spoiler +
if you can't download (and i see a number of various reasons for that) you can manually place maps in the folder too, getting them from a third party + Show Spoiler +
just pm me for particulars, if i'm totally besides the point in my response
Care to explain how to set up spawns like shakuras so that you can not spawn at the close ground positions? Been messing around with a 4player map with spawn points @ 10,2,4,8 and I don't want 10 & 2 to be able to spawn and don't want 4 & 8 to spawn during a 1v1.
here is where i ended up (lots of pictures there, i'd rather not double post)
sorry i'd rather not elaborate, cause i haven't done it yet myself
in order: player properties/team (simple and advanced)/game variants /leading to a custom dependency that has to be completely "re set" (cause you can't just change one or two)
if you untoggle the default "melee" (in game variants) you have to reconfigure a new one...
(cause i didn't desperately need it... i got bored trying out all the settings...)
the controller seemed to be where it's at then you have to "link" this new game variant dependency hope it's less complicated, but you know what i know...
i believe Antares777 has beat blizz's "deviation" on this issue...
to finish, the "special" request you have (two specific spawns possible, another with some locked spawns) is possible for sure (blizz done it for Shakuras or whatever...) I think the game variants/custom dependency linked should allow it... otherwise you might have to ressort to triggers... whenever in doubt, sc2mapster assets
do you guys think soon we will have to queeu for uploading ??? like on vimeo or other (gotta pay to get "premium", to get "jump to the front of the line type deal")