On January 15 2011 13:23 iGrok wrote:go to channel MotM - we run a constant KotH for games - we can probably rotate in a few non-MotM maps as well 
A couple places to find games are:
obs (mostly for people to observe) TLkoth (find a game) iCCup (map discussion, pick-up games) MotM (map discussion, KotH)
Hope these help!
forelmashi "is there a way to check latency in sc2? all other blizz games show you latency of some form"
so ... no one? that's a good question
my 2 cent: + Show Spoiler +my way of trying to answer this very question was to make huge maps with free for all testing in mind... the result of testing came out very disappointing the 100 food for 6 players is a guarantied lag fest... the 4 player with insane cps is a guaranteed "i'm not even able to play" yes sc2 is lag prompt, + Show Spoiler +
How do you get real bridges?
ie not: "fake bridges" with adequate pathing being hidden by angle + Show Spoiler +(the angle in which the model is displayed in game) adding doodads? + Show Spoiler +
Been there done that!
my 2cent: + Show Spoiler +I think a path only (no graphics involved out of the proper view setting window) could produce a "real bridge" + Show Spoiler +just haven't reached this particular planet in galaxy
With regards to bridges, there simply is no way to make them work as you would expect (units moving over and under them). You can only make fake bridges at the moment (terrain with bridge doodads on top) - which when done right can look very convincing, but of course they function just like normal terrain.
I believe there were plans to implement bridges using 'Terrain Objects' but those are basically totally broken. Seems like something Blizz aren't too bothered about right now.
how bout tunnels with triggers?
Well, we're rapidly delving in to things I don't know a huge amount about - but I still think bridges specifically are essentially impossible to make with the galaxy editor. The engine just doesn't allow for layers of pathing and as such you'll only ever be able to go over things and not under them, or the opposite - but not both. There are levels in the single player campaign that have destructible bridges, but you never pass back underneath where they once stood, they're just a gimmick really.
In my personal opinion, when it comes to competitive melee maps at least, functional bridges are something the game can do without - which is probably why they're not implemented at this time (or likely in the foreseeable future).
The only way to make tunnels would be to create the roof of the tunnel with doodads - meaning units can't pass over the tunnel, only through it. A lot of large doodads turn transparent so keeping track of units in the tunnel would be possible, but for the sake of gameplay it seems pointless and if anything quite distracting.
How do you manually resize images? I'm having trouble with some of my images, they are not being automatically resized.
you can downsize them with an image editor (tophoshop rules all) if you're talking about tl "resizing", the tl "profile" can be helpful (toggle resize pictures sometimes bugs apparently)
tl <-> 22cm with 70/80 dpi
did you ever get out of your minimap conundrum?
On January 16 2011 06:32 baskerville wrote: you can downsize them with an image editor (tophoshop rules all) if you're talking about tl "resizing", the tl "profile" can be helpful (toggle resize pictures sometimes bugs apparently)
tl <-> 22cm with 70/80 dpi
did you ever get out of your minimap conundrum?
No I didn't figure out why the mini-map isn't working on Shoreline, but then again I didn't really try to fix it 
I was hoping there was an easier way like (img width=x length =x)(/img) or something.
you'll get a mod to answer you, i hope
i get you... after a while circumventing shit gets 0 so boring......:z
i got a minimap bug and found a way
+ Show Spoiler +if you're switching texture (which is how i got it) the mini map has to be refreshed after switching textures do the texture switch (remember to have some of it on the map)/save/close galaxy re open,voila: mini map displays textures (not gotten to getting lights to display on it though) hope this helps for future maps obviously cause the bug remains unfixed on several of my maps (in all i did not respect the rule i set before) in effect, not sure if the "bug" can be avoided by any other way so no "wrong" changes and your mini map display remains "linked" to the editor display in any case variing def of galaxy in the preference menu regularly "allows" it to refresh, seems useful (going to low for grunt work" and high (once in a while) for eye candy and lights and stuff) I'm looking at Wheat teaching his kid how to play sc2 edit:+ Show Spoiler +
I'm trying to create a UMS in the galaxy editor but I'm having trouble. Does anyone know how to put units in a medivac in the editor? I've tried dragging and dropping and that didn't seem to work and I've also tried right click the medivac to see if there was an option to edit what units it was carrying but to no avail... Anyone wanna help me out?
Is it really that hard to get the concept of this thread?
On January 18 2011 11:26 FlopTurnReaver wrote: Is it really that hard to get the concept of this thread?
Apparently lol
Is there any custom map with warcraft 3 unit and heroes?
yes i've come across many a thread with nerdgazums about imported models
use the search function on tl or on http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/
0h .. thank you for posting in the proper thread, honest
I didnt follow the custom map section so I guess I should use this thread to ask my question :p
Is there any custom map for P to practice forcefields against a Terran bio army?
Like P having an army consisting of zealots, stalkers and sentries vs T with MMM
If a map like this exist it would be nice if someone could post a link. I did a quick search through this forum but didnt really know what to search for...
Search for unit tester either on TL or just on b.net, dunno if there are any maps particular for this though.
Hello everyone.
I'm currently trying to make an ability which, when an enemy comes in range of the abilityholder, enhances the holder's movementspeed by a value until the enemy is no longer inside range or for a set number of seconds.
I appreciate any help I can get, I've made fairly advanced terrain and triggers but I just can't seem to get a hold of the Data Editor.