"different leaderboards to different players" little do i know (sc2m/assets/), but like for all lobby issues, data for post playing is all a ok doable + Show Spoiler +
(friggin long to do and mostly test twinker with...): anything can be done...!!!! + Show Spoiler +
the only shit is that you might forfeit the "melee" tittle (just the tittle, not most melee pre set "para matters"), but that's just the cost of politics..
so go for it!!!
"set Unexplored Areas to Grey Mask." grey= default setting = visible map greyed out, just need a unit to de grey black= original = all black, just needs a unit to be discovered which then is greyed out+ Show Spoiler +
On January 19 2011 07:16 Ragoo wrote: Can anyone tell me how to change the texture of Destructible Rocks from jungle to volcano textures when making a map on Bel'Shir texture set?
I need some Rocks with jungle texture and some with volcano (Char) texture.
On January 19 2011 07:22 iGrok wrote: you can't AFAIK The base texture set determines special textures for some things
I finally found out how
Was pretty obvious but there is just so much stuff you can change under model that I didn't see it.
You just go to Data , select the Destructible Rock 6x6 for example, go to Model , scroll down to "Texture Applied Groups" and select whatever type you want (for me it was Char). Now your Rock has Char texture or whatever you chose
I was actually halfway through a reply last night stating that I knew it was do-able since I did it in one of my previous maps. However, I couldn't remember exactly how I did it, was going to find out, but decided to get some sleep in anticipation of today's GSL matches instead
I'm glad you found out - however, from what I remember, switching the model's appearance is applied universally, so now won't all rocks on your map be Char textured? Don't you want both (one type for the north side of your map and another type for the south)?
I guess you could use different size rocks or something...
Nope, I just duplicated the Destructible Rock 6x6 and then changed one of the models, so now I have both types (actually I duplicated it 3 times cause I also needed two different types of low HP rocks lol).
Ah, so you just duplicated the unit and thus have 2 different (yet technically identical) versions of 6x6 rocks... I can't believe I didn't think of that. Sometimes the simplest things pass us by
Won't that force the custom game type instead of melee though? Not that that's really an issue I suppose - the game still plays the same.
Still has the category "Melee,Custom" as it had before cause I changed HP of the rocks, so that's fine I guess. I don't really understand why changing some HP and having the Rocks choose a texture from another texture set should change it to Custom, since I might as well stack a thousand Rocks or other stupid stuff and it'd still be Melee, but maybe these details are too much to ask from Blizz.
"why changing some HP and having the Rocks choose a texture from another texture set should change it to Custom"
just blizzcause
(it retains all the melee useful stuff, its just politics that made blizz categorize ANY change as custom and make a dialog box pop up saying "we are not liable...= custom", + Show Spoiler +
not to say they are not the best company out there regarding the "after purchase services", as far as games go they are
Is the event "Timer - [Timer] expires" broken? I have created an expiring timer, set it to a variable, created a window for it and all that shit, but when a different trigger using the above event should trigger, it doesn't. It won't even display the helptext I'm using to see what's wrong so from what I can tell the trigger doesn't fire up at all. Can anyone confirm this?
i think the term "broken" (used to work but now it doesn't) is highly unlikely to be applicable... (trigger happy mapmakers would have cried out!!! (they usually do), even if it didn't function from the start (doubt that))
i suppose u overlooked some thing in your "equations", or forgot to set "use map settings" type of shite...
I didn't really ask if "broken" was the correct word, but if the event was malfunctioning to anyone else.
Since I have tons of more triggers in my map, which works (most of them atleast), but this event in particular doesn't, I'm pretty sure "use map settings" is in effect. Following are all my triggers related to the trigger in question.
Event Timer - Elapsed time is 1.0 Game Time seconds.
Actions Timer - Start (New timer) as a Repeating timer that will expire in 150.0 Real Time seconds Variable - Set DZTimer = (Last started timer) Timer - Create a timer window for DZTimer, with the title " ", using Remaining time (initially Visible) Variable - Set DZTimerwindow = (Last created timer window) Timer - Show DZTimerwindow for (All players) Timer - Set timer for DZTimerwindow to DZTimer
This trigger works as intended.
Event Timer - DZTimer expires
Actions Variable - Set DZCounter = (DZCounter + 1) UI - Display (Text(DZCounter)) for (All players) to Subtitle area General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions) If DZCounter == 1 Then UI - Display "Message" for (All players) to Subtitle area Variable - Set DZExecute[0] = true
All the variables I'm using have been set properly. Yet, not even my test message (UI - Display (Text(DZCounter)) for (All players) to Subtitle area) shows up, confirming that the event does not work. In the description of the event it states that it can handle repeating timers as well.
sorry for semantics, i said "mapmakers would be heard of... maybe you're the first of many to come? + Show Spoiler +
i had no problems with triggers in previous blizz editors but have not come around to it yet in galaxy...
i suggest you post the exact same post on sc2mapster, i wizzed through and no one seems to have posted on "timer" issues... and i superwhizzed through the assets to find a tutorial, but it's never easy to quick search these things...
my further 2 cents:
does not a repeating timer make the ensued events null and void as opposed to a "regular" timer...?!? just saying maybe a repeat timer needs an extra something (or something extra u put that should not be there)...
the first trigger launching the second (with repeat timer), is that procedure? maybe the original is somehow to blame?
is this for 1 player offline?
custom dependency(ies) checked?
if it indeed is blizz faulty or blizz non allowed = post on bnet
i doubt it's "broken" or it would have been since galaxy got outed, but is entirely possible,
some functions of galaxy (publishing an original race for game start for instance) are there but are not "functional", which is a pity...
Instead of solving the problem, I dodged it by using a periodic "game time elapsed" instead, works almost aswell, just a bit of tuning to do to make it look nice. Thanks for the help though, appreciating the links.