On March 21 2009 22:37 synapse wrote: If you're playing an online match, you should realize before you challenge someone that it's going to lag - especially against a chinese player. If the chinese player can cope with the lag and Nony can't... well, guess what that means? Real lag (spikes) is inexcusable. Delay should be expected.
On March 21 2009 22:37 RaptuhJeezus wrote: What are you guys hosting on?
Garena lets you tunnel and host on a UDP, but the catch is you can do this with any internet connection as if you were hooked to the other computer
And why not chaos? is that not allowed or something? chaos was ON, imo
On March 21 2009 22:37 synapse wrote: If the chinese player can cope with the lag and Nony can't... well, guess what that means?
That Nony isn't accustomed to lagging as badly as he did? Good point, thanks for agreeing.
): Tough luck.
Hopefully things will go better.
well at least people who were upset about the fuss of Chinese players in TSL now know the justification. this is unfortunate
Everyone hates NonY all of a sudden? He's really not that BM.
Really, I'm sure that F91 would want to play NonY under LAN conditions as well, if possible. It's not like NonY's being completely unreasonable...
glad to see it was only lag and nothing more serious like nony's friends dog shitting next to his comp during a game... 
Sucks to see this delayed, hope they get a gosu series in sometime lag free.
no one hates Nony but people have very short memories, he refused to GG before the Idra controversy where we atleast got one G out of him. His fpvods were very disparaging to his opponents at worst and dismissive at best. He's not BM but his attitude has never been fantastic so an issue like this doesn't really come as a surprise. He also contributes a lot to the site and that should be appreciated
I play iccup at a D+ level and I refuse to play on bnet or if my opponent doesn't have the AH. You people make it seem like there was just a little bit of delay, like the average iccup game, but looking at NonY's post, it seems like there was at least battlenet delay.
Sure he agreed to play, but he shouldn't be expected to play in these conditions. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't get much entertainment out of "i tell shuttle to pick up reaver, too late. all his moves are just send units in to attack and hope i dont respond fast enough." Thank you NonY for delaying the match and actually giving us a good show.
And yes, I get slightly BM too when I lose because of lag even when the LL is on. I tihnk NonY handled himself rather well considering that it's for a decent amount of money and hundreds/thousands of people will be watching you.
On March 21 2009 21:19 H wrote:The irony. Chinese players can do it!!! So can the other foreigners!! :eyeroll:
What? I have no idea what you are reffering to but let me guess, the sentence about how lag is same for both players. Don't put words I haven't said into my mouth, please. In fact i find such sentence stupid, a) F91 is probably used to such lag conditions more than Nony, b) even if both of them were used to it the same, race still make some difference.
What I was reffering to is that majority here is Nony's fans with a tendency to defend him and make excuses no matter what he did. I didn't say Nony did good thing I didn't say Nony did bad thing, I didn't judge, I just said that it would be hard for Ash to argue with a priori biased persons.
I used to have a lot of respect for nony before this. Anyone who thinks I wrote all the posts is only to insult and destroy his reputation has no idea what he's talking about. The reason why I wrote them isn't only about defending the chinese players. I myself have even asked quite a number tournament admins to disqualify the chinese players when I know it's their problems and games were unplayable. Some who do not know me may think that I'm nothing but a biased manager from fnatic.
Everything I did is to ensure a best possible environment for everyone to play in and also a best possible stream for the audience. My complaints about nony are mostly due of him refusing to solve the problems which he claimed to have . Instead of being rational telling me about the condition, he chose to leave the server right after he typed some not-so-polite comments before either one of us had enough time to respond. A smooth tournament requires toleration of players and also admins. F91 was kind to accept nony request to agree playing at (20 CET) 3 am China time so why does nony have problems being nice to spend some time for us to settle the problems instead of delaying the stream for everyone who has waited 2 weeks for it?
I will only say this one more time, the problem was definitely solvable had nony been patient or polite enough. It was being played on Low Latency in iCCup so for those who are going to tell everyone how Lan Latency differs from Battle net speed please stop and save your time. I personally have doubts in nony's complaint bout the lag which shouldn't happen in a Low Latency iCCup game. Maybe I should upload the replay and let everyone judge if admin allows me to do so?
Other than that, Nazgul has already explained what's in my mind so thank you nazgul for that. I will stop posting in this thread now to avoid more flames. I apologize if any of you has been offended by my posts but please I just was trying to tell everyone the other side of the truth so people would know the story behind it instead of randomly blaming f91 for the delay. It's really unfair to F91. He has also offered to start the series again from nil nil.
It makes me so sad that I've played this game for so fucking long and hardly ever notice lag. Like a no lag b.net game and a lan latency game is indistinguishable to me. Lolz, I suck.
Shucks, four pages and Nazgul and Ash have made the only valid comments. IdrA's comments are valid as well.
FYI Ash has been a manager for several pro gaming teams for well over 7 years and tries his best to accomodate every parties wishes.
Cut the man some slack.
Many of you have no idea what you're talking about, so quiet down.
Look forward to next week's match. GL both players.
On March 21 2009 20:03 Ash wrote: There may be some who lagged with the chinese or some who don't. In this case, Nony had the opportunity to play in a lag free game if he was kind enough to do a f10 o n h o but he refused to do so. I'm sure most of you may automatically assume nony being a victim for this lag but honestly chinese connections aren't as stable as most of the connections you guys tend to have so you cant expect them to provide you a completely iCCup LL lag free game everytime you play.
In most of the cases, China - USA,Canada,Spain + some of the countries usually work FINE unless they have a bad day.
Sportsmanship? Think twice!
look we all know that chinese connection really suks (by this im referring to chinese connections to other countries).
but u rn't making any sense in your logic u said u did a connection test like some days b4? y did u run that test? because u didnt want lag rite?
so how come u do a test to make sure there's no lag and when there is lag IN A GAME u say that nony is being a bad sport for not wanting to play?
every gamer knows that lag tends to fuk every1 over cept one person
u cannot say he's being a bad sport for leaving a laggy game... if u joined a laggy game in sc woudln't u leave? it's a waste of time!
if nony says there's lag and that it's crippling his micro then u gotta move the date telling nony to tough it up is like telling a marathon runner who's juts lost one of his leg to stop being a pussy and run...
On March 21 2009 22:37 synapse wrote: If you're playing an online match, you should realize before you challenge someone that it's going to lag - especially against a chinese player. If the chinese player can cope with the lag and Nony can't... well, guess what that means?
dude if u r expecting to watch a GOOD online match u should expect some delays cus of the stupid lag jeez.. y do the players have to accommodate for ur ass? it's not even like they were forced to play =.=
Everyone really likes stirring the drama... Guys, just relax.
I don't think anyone can fault Nony for wanting to play in an environment that more closely suited to what the rest of the non-Chinese world plays in and that he's been playing in for years. None of us except Ash/Nony/F91 know exactly what he said so lets not jump to conclusions. For the time being we only have Ash's word to go on, so perhaps Nony could have been a bit more diplomatic about it if we are to believe Ash. That said, I think we can all understand Nony's reasons for delaying the match to try to get more optimal conditions.
I don't think Ash is really out to get Nony either, just perhaps using a poor choice of words sometimes.
Nony and F91 are both great players, let everyone (players, coaches, tl, etc) do their thing and we should get some great games out of it. Relax guys.
Bummer. I was planning to play basketball and then come home looking forward to this. Now, there's no liquibitio and it's too cold outside. + Show Spoiler + Damn it, not a good weekend.
edit: Fuck, im sorry guys if I spoiled anything.
On March 21 2009 23:55 ondik wrote:Show nested quote +On March 21 2009 21:19 H wrote:On March 21 2009 20:24 ondik wrote: Good luck fighting with biased mills Ash The irony. Chinese players can do it!!! So can the other foreigners!! :eyeroll: a) F91 is probably used to such lag conditions more than Nony,
That was my point. o: I'm not personally biased. I don't really care about IdrA or Nony or what they do with their SC careers. It's just that people say stupid shit in order to make others look bad, particularly in this thread.