Zerg has low-hp units that die very quickly compared to Protoss. Even without lag, Nony still would most likely lose. He gladly accepts a 0-0 restart from 0-2.
F91 is already a good player and doesn't need to exploit anything to win. If there's lag, then he is probably more adjusted, but to call him exploiting the lag in order to beat his opponents pretty pathetic. Especially since he rapes his opponents. It's not like tiny delays in micro made the difference and allowed F91 to beat them by a small margin.
As for Nony on Andromeda, he was getting out-macroed and was way behind in upgrades. Lag or not he was getting rolled.
On March 25 2009 01:18 vnlegend wrote: Zerg has low-hp units that die very quickly compared to Protoss. Even without lag, Nony still would most likely lose. He gladly accepts a 0-0 restart from 0-2.
F91 is already a good player and doesn't need to exploit anything to win. If there's lag, then he is probably more adjusted, but to call him exploiting the lag in order to beat his opponents pretty pathetic. Especially since he rapes his opponents. It's not like tiny delays in micro made the difference and allowed F91 to beat them by a small margin.
As for Nony on Andromeda, he was getting out-macroed and was way behind in upgrades. Lag or not he was getting rolled.
howd you get the replays? ^^
On March 25 2009 02:37 7mk wrote:Show nested quote +On March 25 2009 01:18 vnlegend wrote: Zerg has low-hp units that die very quickly compared to Protoss. Even without lag, Nony still would most likely lose. He gladly accepts a 0-0 restart from 0-2.
F91 is already a good player and doesn't need to exploit anything to win. If there's lag, then he is probably more adjusted, but to call him exploiting the lag in order to beat his opponents pretty pathetic. Especially since he rapes his opponents. It's not like tiny delays in micro made the difference and allowed F91 to beat them by a small margin.
As for Nony on Andromeda, he was getting out-macroed and was way behind in upgrades. Lag or not he was getting rolled. howd you get the replays? ^^
replay link:
If lag has been a problem all along why the heck do you still keep inviting chinese players? :S
On March 25 2009 01:09 Biff The Understudy wrote:Show nested quote +On March 24 2009 21:56 7mk wrote:Just imagine this: On March 24 2009 16:54 Sea[Shield] wrote:shut the fuck up you illiterate piece of shit what are you babbling about i didnt throw a fit i was discussing the games with people in private. i didnt make a single public comment about it, or say anything to Savior. then rekrul decided he needed you nerds to suck his dick for a little bit and posted certain bits and pieces of it to get you all riled up. you rose to the stimulation astoundingly. well done puppet boy.  bwahaha By the way: Show nested quote + IdrA was just temp banned for 2 days by Carnac.
That account was created on 2004-07-31 20:59:50 and had 8299 posts.
Reason: "shut the fuck up you illiterate piece of shit" = unacceptable
... and ... Show nested quote +moriya was just temp banned for 1 week by Plexa.
That account was created on 2009-03-14 10:01:09 and had 7 posts.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On March 24 2009 12:17 moriya wrote: And noob Idra, check your replay again to see why F91 didnot take you with 7:0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This isn't acceptable posting I guess it's only in a stacraft forum that "noob" is considered as a worse insult than "illiterate piece of shit" and "sandy vaginas". (Or maybe it has something to do with the post count?) This most likely has something to do with that: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=17883#cmd06
+ Show Spoiler +All other things being equal, we will give preferential treatment to site members who have been with us longer (as reflected in their post count + length of time with us as a registered member). It's a simple recognition of the quality of these people. Longevity and contribution are prized commodities around here. In a similiar vein, "known" pro/semi-pro players will also be treated with deference (yes, quite a few hang out here). Don't complain - these guys have earned it.
Remember: we ban little girly-kids all the time because they sign on thinking they can say and do whatever they want to whomever they want right from the get-go - just like they're used to doing at other sites. That attitude won't work here. That's a promise. As far as new users are concerned (i.e. anyone with less than 500 or so quality posts to their name), this site is Holy Ground. The veterans are the users who've consistently shown respect to the site and to others and that's why they're still here. Show them some respect.
In practice, this policy means a user who has 1000+ posts may be able to get away with a few minor transgressions in etiquette with just a warning. If you're at 50 posts and you try the same kind of stunt, then we may just ban you. Harsh? Yes. Unfair? Most definitely. But that's the way life is. Learn to live with it.
This also means you should think twice before calling that guy with 5000+ posts a jackass. If the guy's been with us that long, chances are YOU'RE the one being an idiot. Some battles are just not worth fighting - just move on. So from that commandment Idra has: - Veterancy: He's been here a long time. - Post Count: Idra has 8000+ vs Moriya's 7 posts. - Pro status. - Contributions: Not just all the juicy drama as a result of his BM but he regularly helps us nooblets in the Strat forum with knowledge few others on this board have at the level he does.
Moriya has... 7 posts, none of which are terribly noteworthy in terms of contribution. You better believe Idra will be given preferential treatment and rightfully so. Imagine Mani telling Moriya to eat shit and die, what do you think would happen to him? Now, reverse that situation and imagine the consequences.
<rant> Also, I find it laughable how many people are jumping on Idra for things totally unrelated to this topic. Nony didn't want to play in lag conditions that he felt were intolerable by his standards, Ash thinks either the lag wasn't that bad or people should just suck it up and play anyway. No one is clearly in the right or wrong here as it's a matter of opinion as far as I'm concerned. Like arguing whether blue or red is the superior color (blue is, btw).
Idra agreed with Nony and all of a sudden this crazy shitstorm arises with people accusing Idra of making excuses for his match against F91, that he doesn't deserve to be in Korea, he should go home, and all manner of personal attacks on his character. He's most definitely not the most "manner" of players and I can certainly understand that he gets under people's skin but I think it's getting to the point of ridiculousness where personal attacks against him are just becoming the norm. For people that seem to give such a huge mammoth crap about being "mannered" they certainly seem to lack any form of restraint, manner, or ability to simply take the high road. You don't need to praise the guy, support him, or even refrain from disagreeing with him. Simply showing some "manner" would suffice, even if you feel it's not due to him.
While Idra may not have been the most likable person in the past, it most certainly won't get better at this rate. A few weeks in Idra's shoes would probably drive anyone to be ill-tempered to say the least. </rant>
Germany / USA16648 Posts
On March 25 2009 01:09 Biff The Understudy wrote:Show nested quote +On March 24 2009 21:56 7mk wrote:Just imagine this: On March 24 2009 16:54 Sea[Shield] wrote:shut the fuck up you illiterate piece of shit what are you babbling about i didnt throw a fit i was discussing the games with people in private. i didnt make a single public comment about it, or say anything to Savior. then rekrul decided he needed you nerds to suck his dick for a little bit and posted certain bits and pieces of it to get you all riled up. you rose to the stimulation astoundingly. well done puppet boy.  bwahaha By the way: Show nested quote + IdrA was just temp banned for 2 days by Carnac.
That account was created on 2004-07-31 20:59:50 and had 8299 posts.
Reason: "shut the fuck up you illiterate piece of shit" = unacceptable
... and ... Show nested quote +moriya was just temp banned for 1 week by Plexa.
That account was created on 2009-03-14 10:01:09 and had 7 posts.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On March 24 2009 12:17 moriya wrote: And noob Idra, check your replay again to see why F91 didnot take you with 7:0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This isn't acceptable posting I guess it's only in a stacraft forum that "noob" is considered as a worse insult than "illiterate piece of shit" and "sandy vaginas". (Or maybe it has something to do with the post count?) for the record I should have banned IdrA for longer.
Phyre, something tells me you didnt even read the posts about Idra, or why he was even brought up in this topic. Idra came to this thread on his own, defending the poor manners of Nony as if he didn't act inappropriate. This is why Idra came into the cross hairs. He is acting like a moron on here trying to defend someone else for acting like a moron. He doesn't get it and shouldn't just be ignored every time he acts up. If no one targeted his behavior he won't have any reason to fix it. It's like training a dog. o.O
People! F91 is old as fuck (in starcraft age), this guy has being slaying koreans (and PJ) before any of yous so stfu and let's say he creampied all foreigners and leave it at that.
On March 25 2009 06:40 haduken wrote: People! F91 is old as fuck (in starcraft age), this guy has being slaying koreans (and PJ) before any of yous so stfu and let's say he creampied all foreigners and leave it at that.
I thought PJ has a pretty good record against F91. I saw a replay of them recently and PJ won pretty decisively. If Nony fails to take down F91, I'd love to see a PJ/LX vs F91 liquibition match.
On March 25 2009 06:24 jeremycafe wrote: Phyre, something tells me you didnt even read the posts about Idra, or why he was even brought up in this topic. Idra came to this thread on his own, defending the poor manners of Nony as if he didn't act inappropriate. This is why Idra came into the cross hairs. He is acting like a moron on here trying to defend someone else for acting like a moron. He doesn't get it and shouldn't just be ignored every time he acts up. If no one targeted his behavior he won't have any reason to fix it. It's like training a dog. o.O At first I thought this was entirely possible, my memory is pretty terrible. Perhaps I've overlooked something, so I went back through the thread Ctrl+Fing "idra".
Looking through the first 14 pages or so Idra was pretty reasonable in my opinion, certainly nothing to warrant personal attacks on himself. I wouldn't say he was defending the alleged poor manners of Nony either so much as saying what Nony did wasn't all that BM (which again, is opinion). Last I checked, that doesn't give anyone free reign to make personal attacks. If it was, I should be able to start making personal attacks on you because I happen to disagree with your assessment of the topic. The topic isn't black and white though. If someone was defending the use of hacks or something, sure, flame away. That's black and white, this is not.
Idra came into this thread, gave his opinion in civil fashion and well before he started appearing even remotely pissed I found these:
On March 21 2009 19:29 Boundz(DarKo) wrote: Lol Idra would have whined about lag even if it wouldn't have lagged. <3 Nony.
On March 21 2009 22:43 jxzcvk wrote:Show nested quote +On March 21 2009 21:22 IdrA wrote:On March 21 2009 21:16 kulik- wrote: i didnt said that u are making excuse i just try say... that everyone knows taht chinese have lag problem so if is problem for u dont play vs them... nobody force u to play again F91... u saw chance of playing this event... to make some money... u face it quite well... u played and lost ok... but nony? he knew that there is gonna be lag problem and according to ash it was so big... what did he expected? that its gonna be like in estro house on lan??
actually he had reason to believe there wouldnt be a lag problem because of the lag test. when he plays and sees that it lags he leaves. i dont see anything wrong with that. whereas i just played it out and then everyone jumped on my ass afterwards saying i was lying about the lag to downplay my loss. that aside, he did not agree to play in lag. he agreed to play liquibition. are foreigners not allowed to play in any event chinese choose to play if they dont want to deal with lag? so u got owned by 2 hatch muta under lag?
On March 23 2009 17:34 kernl wrote: Idra, you are a very, very, very stupid person. Really.
I don't think either of those were all that warranted, just people taking pot shots at him.
Wow, I just watched their match on Andromeda. Reminds me a lot of his matches with Idra, where F91 pounced on a slight error of his opponent.
Match starts with Nony complementing Ash for perfect lag.
Nony keeps all his corsairs alive, and has several reavers, seems to have an advantage. All of a sudden, he tries to move out his reavers on the ground. F91, who put zerglings all across the map for vision, uses only 1 control group of hydras and snipes 3/4 reavers moving out on the ground. 2 of those could not be microed, 1 of them was mismicroed by the shuttle, possibly as a resullt of lag but nony makes no mention of it.
Nony runs all his corsairs into a group of hydras, loses all his corsairs.
Midway through the game, the game appears to lag, both nony and F91 complain about it, and Ash leaves the game.
F91 was very aggressive with his expos, and had more economy than Nony. Nony tries for a storm drop but the shuttle get scourged. F91 appears to have maphacks built into his brain, as there didn't appear to be any way F91 could've saw the shuttle.
Finally, in F.91's final push, Nony complains about the , but the game is already decided.
Phyre: Definitely. I think Idra could be much better mannered, but when I see someone post something like "lol idra you stupid fuck you need to be mannered" I just facepalm, because they probably don't even SEE the irony.
Ash and F91 seem to be pretty cool. Reminds me that I know so little about Chinese starcraft. I wish there was more English coverage of the Chinese scene.
United States20661 Posts
On March 25 2009 04:50 Night[Mare wrote: If lag has been a problem all along why the heck do you still keep inviting chinese players? :S
Invited one. He keeps killing everyone. Not our fault ;(
Told you that you ll be stuck with F91 forever ^.~
Baa?21242 Posts
Only way to take out F91 is to get Pj or Lx =P
NooOO i wanted to see Nony win against F91!
I can't wait to watch the games even though the result seems kinda out of question 
On March 25 2009 11:26 zhuangcorp wrote:F91 appears to have maphacks built into his brain, as there didn't appear to be any way F91 could've saw the shuttle.
I will not get into the flamewar, I'll only comment on this sentence: F91 had an overlord at the six o'clock island when the slow (!) shuttle passed near the wall, and on such level it should be no big deal to notice something like that.