![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/alffla/f91nony.jpg)
Update: 24/03/09
A 30 minute lag test was played yesterday and there were no complaints from either side. Series will go on as planned.
Yauyuan uploaded replay of game 2 here
There are times when things just never go the way they do no matter how hard you try to ensure things go smoothly. Indeed, this week was one of those times. After last episode's lag issues between Strelok and F91, we took every precaution possible between F91 and Nony to ensure that there would be no lag. The two tested their connections with each other earlier on in the week and there was no lag, thus everyone thought things would run smoothly today.
Well, it turns out that even with testing Chinese Internet can't be consistently good. Nony and F91 tried to play out the series but it was aborted prematurely due to lag issues. Here is what Nony had to say about the series
Liquid`NonY wrote:
lag is too bad. he nearly dropped in first game with high latency. 2nd game i move shuttle before scourge hits, no response in time. i cast storm on mutas, no storm before death. i tell shuttle to pick up reaver, too late. all his moves are just send units in to attack and hope i dont respond fast enough. i cant stand being fast enough and having it not pay off, so reschedule.
lag is too bad. he nearly dropped in first game with high latency. 2nd game i move shuttle before scourge hits, no response in time. i cast storm on mutas, no storm before death. i tell shuttle to pick up reaver, too late. all his moves are just send units in to attack and hope i dont respond fast enough. i cant stand being fast enough and having it not pay off, so reschedule.
Here is what F91's manager, Ash, had to say;
On March 21 2009 20:03 Ash wrote:
I can see a lot of people flaming me for what I'm gonna say given the amount of nony fans there are in TL.net but I'm still going to write my point of view of this whole event. Please read carefully what I'm going to say instead of flaming me blindly
So this is what happened:
Over the past few days, I've been asking nony to do lag test with f91 just to ensure things go fine but everytime I msg him in MSN when he is available(available mode in msn) I get 0 responses but I still see him posting in TL.net at that particular time. The message usually goes like this " Hello nony! please let me know when you're back and tell me if you will be available to try out the connection with f91" Fine, I didn't mind about it because I was confident with the connection of china and USA due to the amount of games the fnatic players have played against americans in the past so I knew any problems can be easily solved (IF there is any).
After a few days of requesting, I finally get a reply from Nony on wednesday to try it out. Both of them tried it once in iCCup and nony said speed was fine then left the server. As soon as I see that I told plexa about the good condition and setup a date for nony to play against f91 which is Friday 20CET.
On Friday, Nony showed up and went ahead to play against F91 (there wasn't any tl admins around so we had to deal things ourselves) After the first game , F91 was up 1-0 and then nony complained in channel that there was lag in F91 . I was kinda surprised when I saw it since they didn't have any problems 2 days ago so I asked F91 to reconnect. Five minutes later, the series continued with me joining as an obs. Surprisingly it was fine in iCCup low latency. A few minutes later, spikes happened every once in 2-3 minutes which I ended up leaving the game. Not long after, Nony came out from the game saying something like " fuck it i shouldn't have agreed to play chinese players in the first place. reschedule if you want" and left immediately which obviously showed that he has lost the second game as well. Dude this guy did not even bother to switch the latency to high/extra high and complained about lag? Whats more ridiculous is he told me that he is a professional player and he expects the games to be played in LAN speed. Everyone who plays iCCup regularly would know that lan high latency is definitely playable even for high level games. How many koreans in iCCup have you seen leaving your game because they cant play in low latency???
Hence, I'd like you guys to reconsider if you still think nony has the real sportmanship. I had a lot of respect for nony before this when he went to korea , heck I would even consider myself as a nony fan but sadly now after what has happened i think he's not as mannered as most people would consider him to be afterall. Draco vs Nony TSL 1 year ago anyone??
seriously how can you actually expect a LAN speed game connecting from America to China? You should've been more than happy provided that you're able to play in high latency game in iccup without lag. I can't imagine how he'd talk if he had to play f91 in a situation like how strelok played f91. (Chinese can barely have a perfect connection with Ukr unless they were to play in battle net speed) which is why the respect I have for strelok now is even more. This is what nony has expected and he said he'd refuse to play in any other possible environment because he is a professional player and he plays only in "professional" speed. uh wtf? Give f91 a flight ticket so they could play in an internet cafe maybe?
1. Nony wants low latency speed in iCCup with 0 lag 0 spike 0 latency.
2. Nony refuses to play on high latency in iCCup even if there is no lag because he thinks as a professional player, the difference of response time like 0.005 sec?is unplayable.
3. Nony refuses to play in such situation unless the TL admins force him to do so.
4. Nony refused to tolerate.
There may be some who lagged with the chinese or some who don't. In this case, Nony had the opportunity to play in a lag free game if he was kind enough to do a f10 o n h o but he refused to do so. I'm sure most of you may automatically assume nony being a victim for this lag but honestly chinese connections aren't as stable as most of the connections you guys tend to have so you cant expect them to provide you a completely iCCup LL lag free game everytime you play.
In most of the cases, China - USA,Canada,Spain + some of the countries usually work FINE unless they have a bad day.
Sportsmanship? Think twice!
I can see a lot of people flaming me for what I'm gonna say given the amount of nony fans there are in TL.net but I'm still going to write my point of view of this whole event. Please read carefully what I'm going to say instead of flaming me blindly
So this is what happened:
Over the past few days, I've been asking nony to do lag test with f91 just to ensure things go fine but everytime I msg him in MSN when he is available(available mode in msn) I get 0 responses but I still see him posting in TL.net at that particular time. The message usually goes like this " Hello nony! please let me know when you're back and tell me if you will be available to try out the connection with f91" Fine, I didn't mind about it because I was confident with the connection of china and USA due to the amount of games the fnatic players have played against americans in the past so I knew any problems can be easily solved (IF there is any).
After a few days of requesting, I finally get a reply from Nony on wednesday to try it out. Both of them tried it once in iCCup and nony said speed was fine then left the server. As soon as I see that I told plexa about the good condition and setup a date for nony to play against f91 which is Friday 20CET.
On Friday, Nony showed up and went ahead to play against F91 (there wasn't any tl admins around so we had to deal things ourselves) After the first game , F91 was up 1-0 and then nony complained in channel that there was lag in F91 . I was kinda surprised when I saw it since they didn't have any problems 2 days ago so I asked F91 to reconnect. Five minutes later, the series continued with me joining as an obs. Surprisingly it was fine in iCCup low latency. A few minutes later, spikes happened every once in 2-3 minutes which I ended up leaving the game. Not long after, Nony came out from the game saying something like " fuck it i shouldn't have agreed to play chinese players in the first place. reschedule if you want" and left immediately which obviously showed that he has lost the second game as well. Dude this guy did not even bother to switch the latency to high/extra high and complained about lag? Whats more ridiculous is he told me that he is a professional player and he expects the games to be played in LAN speed. Everyone who plays iCCup regularly would know that lan high latency is definitely playable even for high level games. How many koreans in iCCup have you seen leaving your game because they cant play in low latency???
Hence, I'd like you guys to reconsider if you still think nony has the real sportmanship. I had a lot of respect for nony before this when he went to korea , heck I would even consider myself as a nony fan but sadly now after what has happened i think he's not as mannered as most people would consider him to be afterall. Draco vs Nony TSL 1 year ago anyone??
seriously how can you actually expect a LAN speed game connecting from America to China? You should've been more than happy provided that you're able to play in high latency game in iccup without lag. I can't imagine how he'd talk if he had to play f91 in a situation like how strelok played f91. (Chinese can barely have a perfect connection with Ukr unless they were to play in battle net speed) which is why the respect I have for strelok now is even more. This is what nony has expected and he said he'd refuse to play in any other possible environment because he is a professional player and he plays only in "professional" speed. uh wtf? Give f91 a flight ticket so they could play in an internet cafe maybe?
1. Nony wants low latency speed in iCCup with 0 lag 0 spike 0 latency.
2. Nony refuses to play on high latency in iCCup even if there is no lag because he thinks as a professional player, the difference of response time like 0.005 sec?is unplayable.
3. Nony refuses to play in such situation unless the TL admins force him to do so.
4. Nony refused to tolerate.
There may be some who lagged with the chinese or some who don't. In this case, Nony had the opportunity to play in a lag free game if he was kind enough to do a f10 o n h o but he refused to do so. I'm sure most of you may automatically assume nony being a victim for this lag but honestly chinese connections aren't as stable as most of the connections you guys tend to have so you cant expect them to provide you a completely iCCup LL lag free game everytime you play.
In most of the cases, China - USA,Canada,Spain + some of the countries usually work FINE unless they have a bad day.
Sportsmanship? Think twice!
Given the laggy conditions, TeamLiquid thought that it would be best if the series was played with minimal lag to ensure the highest quality of games possible. Thus, we have decided to delay the series a week to give the players plenty of opportunities to play and hopefully on one of those days there will be no lag. In the mean time we will bring you some interviews with the players and staff analysis of the series.
The series will air at 2pm EST on Sunday next week. TeamLiquid apologizes for the delay, and hopes that we haven't caused significant trouble for anyone.