On March 17 2013 14:42 Wade Fell wrote: Testsubject is basically just making half-assed attacks on the D1 lynchbait kk
Its almost like I already told you I don't have a much original to say.......
Yeah I gotta admit the new GK post isn't super sexy :| but GK is not a sexy man. contrast his "promised post" in NMMXXIV though (link) and it's like exactly the friggen same. This is town GK. I'll even quote his post so you can see it and I like never do that
+ Show Spoiler +On August 16 2012 15:24 goodkarma wrote:Okay, my long promised "case post." I'm sorry for the hype, as this is going to be short and possibly a bit disappointing for those that were anticipating it + Show Spoiler +(like latest Batman movie disappointing  ) . But here's my case. It's going to be short and sweet.: A big part of day one is establishing a good future town atmosphere. To that end, there are several people that are not participating as they should. The guiltiest of these are: Jhuyt and Golbat. Jhuyt:Jhuyt is especially suspicious to me right now. I have read the recent case presented against him by Archrun above. I tend to agree heavily with his first point: about Jhuyt's experience with Solar's post history on TL being consistent with his posting. I'm not ready to call Jhuyt a liar, but claiming Solar is troll/emotional generally on TL requires further explanation. Upon looking through some of his posts, I haven't seen this to be the case. If he is lying, this is enough reason to lynch him. Now the other part of Jhuyt that is scummy is how wishy-washy he is in the limited amount of content he has posted. Let's look at his latest post. In bold are his current "reads" on certain people. Notice how hesitant he is to take a stance on anyone.: Show nested quote +On August 15 2012 20:18 Jhuyt wrote: Hmm, you're right, I should try to be more helpful.
On Solar: This is just how he is in general from what I've seen on TL, so I don't have anything there.
On Shady: Shady tries to control the game, which is an act that I don't often see in normal townies, I've most often encountered it when a scum tries to make everybody think he's the sheriff. It is, however, a game of high risk and relies heavily on the actual sheriff being useless. He might be the sheriff as well, and this is why I think the first day is kinda silly, I don't know what to think solely based on his posts, they seem consistent.
I still think that YourHarry is something scummy simply because his posting behavior is strange, on everybody else, I need more evidence before making up my mind. Also, he is currently the winner of the "lurker prize." It is clear from what he has contributed that he has little interest in scum hunting. Therefore: ##Vote: JyuhtConsider it both a vote based on scum behavior and on "lurker policy." In the absence of a stronger scum read my vote goes on him. Golbat:I expected more from you. I know that it really sucks being mislynched day 1, and I haven't ruled out your lurkiness as being from over-reacting to your poor play in XXII by playing almost the exact opposite of how you played then. But you have to step up and continue posting your reads. What got you in trouble then was vote-swapping without giving much explanation. As long as you give an explanation for your reads, don't be afraid to FoS and vote. What you're doing now makes you look just as scummy as how you looked in XXII. ##FoS: GolbatYourHarry:I haven't forgotten about you. However poorly I feel you'd be playing as town by playing the way you are right now, I can't say it would be inconsistent with what I'd expect based on your previous play. I'm not un-FoS-ing you but I'm not ready to vote you as my top scum read right now either.
is it shit? yes. But that was town GK, and this is town GK
Like look he LITERALLY calls golbat scummy for the same reason he votes Jyuht. That's not GK setting up a voteswap, that's just how the man thinks.
On March 17 2013 14:42 VisceraEyes wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 14:40 TestSubject893 wrote:Ok, VE, I can go into a little detail. geript:The RNG stuff doesn't seem very indicative to me, but the tarot card speculation rubbed me the wrong way. It seems like he's posting just to post. I really don't think anyone could think that speculating about similarities to tarot cards could get us anything, so it stuck out to me as scummy. zare:Zare's post here basically just seems like a summary. It struck me as an attempt to just blend into the crowd. He doesn't add anything to the discussion really, but takes 3 paragraphs to do it. Very much a feigning contribution kind of post. If I had to pick right this second I'd vote to lynch zare. How about you give me your thoughts on the overwhelming vote leader right now, GoodKarma? Thank you for providing your lynch preferences, but those points seem a little weak and the case on GK grows stronger with every post he makes. I'd like your thoughts on why the majority of voters are wrong and we should vote for one of your guys.
Honestly, I totally null on him right now, not because of anything he's posted but because I don't really remember any of his posts and didn't take any notes on him. I guess I'll take this opportunity to look closer and get back to you.
Wait wait that doesn't look the same at all. He gives a shitty summary of their play in this game and in that post he goes into detail explaining why he thinks the way he does.
On March 17 2013 14:46 VisceraEyes wrote: Wait wait that doesn't look the same at all. He gives a shitty summary of their play in this game and in that post he goes into detail explaining why he thinks the way he does.
Ok yes in NMMXXIV he is more legit. He talks a bit about the play of the people, he's less shitty. But the idea that GK is bad because he's not evenly applying his criteria for scumminess, or that he's scum for having an easy swap is not correct.
I will note one deviation from meta, though, and that is that town GK typically is asking questions of people and prodding a lot in thread, and this one is not. Still, though, his slow-movingness indicates town GK to me and not the quick-drawing scum GK from LVII
Okay, how about his blatant misrepresentation of my post, which is the only reasoning I even gave? What about his attempt to discredit my vote as "joke lynching" and "OMGUS"?
BH...BH bro I need you on the right lynch. And the right lynch is GK right now.
On March 17 2013 14:49 Wade Fell wrote: I will note one deviation from meta, though, and that is that town GK typically is asking questions of people and prodding a lot in thread, and this one is not. Still, though, his slow-movingness indicates town GK to me and not the quick-drawing scum GK from LVII
On March 17 2013 13:58 goodkarma wrote:@Viscera:+ Show Spoiler +On March 17 2013 13:46 VisceraEyes wrote:Okay here's where it gets interesting. I've labeled the points and address them below. Show nested quote +On March 16 2013 17:33 goodkarma wrote:Let's look at Viscera's "policy post." I disagree with pretty much everything he has to say in his attempt at starting a circle.: On March 16 2013 17:06 VisceraEyes wrote:Tenets of the Super Awesome Scumhunting Team- Attendance
All members of the Super Awesome Scumhunting Team are required to post at least FIVE times per phase, a total of TEN times per cycle. This is a half a page of filter per day. Failure to meet this standard will result in immediate expulsion from the team.
#1 I'd rather have one good post than five shitty ones. Quantity =/= to quality.
- Logistics
All members of the Super Awesome Scumhunting Team will be expected to fill out nightly reports, due before the following Dawn phase, outlining all of his findings for the day and his most recent "Lynch List". Failure to submit this report will result in immediate expulsion from the team.
#2 In other words: "Let's outline who we should lynch when town has no power whatsoever to lynch"... While sometimes situationally okay, it's a pretty dumb policy. Mafia can use this information better than town.
- Compliance
All members of the Super Awesome Scumhunting Team will be expected to vote with the Super Awesome Scumhunting Team at the end of each day unless directly specified otherwise by VisceraEyes. Failure to do so will result in immediate expulsion from the team.
#3 Let's not blindly sheep people...
Here at the Super Awesome Scumhunting Team, we're out to find and destroy Mafia. We have a variety of programs designed to help you, the aspiring scumhunter, attain your goals of a safe and secure future for the town. Not a member of the SAST? It's easy! Just apply here in the thread using the command " ##Apply: SAST"! Anyhow, going to bed. Will be back tomorrow. I humbly request we focus on scumhunting. Thank you and good night. 1) I now have ~5 posts this cycle. What I asked for was NOT a high volume of posts. This notion that I was somehow asking applicants to spam the thread with nonsense posts rather than high quality posts is ridiculous, and not even close to what this point was designed to inspire. So strike one. 2) Again, a complete misrepresentation of what I was asking for from applicants. What I'm asking for is a last will post, preferably just before dawn but whenever over the course of the night because players in the SAST will be prime night-hits as they'lll all be obviously town and all voting together. I'm not asking to discuss lynches exclusively at night. Strike 2. 3) A complete misrepresentation of what I was asking. The SAST is an elite core of scumhunters who will no doubt have reached a consensus on who to lynch by the end of the phase. I'm asking no one to sheep, I'm asking for players willing to discuss and agree upon a lynch before the deadline. The last line referring to myself is in case there's any cause to worry about last minute shennanigans and it's necessary to move votes - but I vow that I will be completely transparent in my thought process around this caveat, and it shouldn't be an issue anyway. Strike 3 sir. Now what I find interesting about his disagreement post wasn't even the fact that he completely misrepresents everything I posted about. The most interesting part of this is how vehemently he disagrees with my idea, yet comes to no conclusion about my alignment based upon it. He doesn't even say it's suspicious - only that he disagrees with everything about it. ##Vote: goodkarmaHe's not only actively refusing to show any evidence that he's looking for scum (in the form of reads) but he's also against my super awesome idea of a Super Awesome Scumhunting Team for misconstrued interpretation of my objectives. Now, the really important part of my post. The following players are being extended an open invitation to join the SAST based on their performance in the thread.Mr. Wiggles DoYouHas ThePeaShooter Wade FellIf your name is in the above list, simply use the command ##Join: SAST in the thread and you'll immediately enjoy the benefits of a full fledged Super Awesome Scumhunter! Is this an OMGUS vote? I find this hard to take seriously. It's one thing to be trolly in the beginning, but "joke lynching" someone is hardly appropriate or at the level of play that apparently you are capable of. I'm guessing there's more to it than this, so please elaborate.
TestSubject really hasn't said much of anything (hypocritical from me right?). The main thing that stands out to me about him is that a significant exchange between him and Wade Fell took place regarding punishing bad town play. TestSubject supports this argument with his main entrance post, calling for pressure against Coag. However, He doesnt attempt to pressure him at all, and really fails to significantly mention him.
I can see where he is coming from with his read on zare, but overally Test doesnt seem like the best lynch candidate to me at the moment.
I don't like to think I'm wrong about this kind of thing. GK are you here
On March 17 2013 14:53 GreYMisT wrote: TestSubject really hasn't said much of anything (hypocritical from me right?). The main thing that stands out to me about him is that a significant exchange between him and Wade Fell took place regarding punishing bad town play. TestSubject supports this argument with his main entrance post, calling for pressure against Coag. However, He doesnt attempt to pressure him at all, and really fails to significantly mention him.
I can see where he is coming from with his read on zare, but overally Test doesnt seem like the best lynch candidate to me at the moment.
I got this too. Aside from participating in a little dick waggling with BH I haven't seen much scummy from him either.
What do you think about Sandroba? He thinks you're mightily suspicious apparently.
On March 17 2013 13:15 ThePeashooter wrote:So to expand on what I was saying earlier. I think Coagulation has only shown himself to be more scummy. I was more or less making a casual prod at him to get a reaction and his response was horrible. I truly do not know why no one gave it more attention, but I will explain. Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 02:26 Coagulation wrote: I got my role pm at like midnight about 5 minutes before I went to bed. And I finally get up and sit down to read thread when I wake up in morning and what do I find but peashooter pissing and moaning that I havnt been POSTING IN MY SLEEP. real fucking solid work there. "THIS GUY ISNT POSTING WHILE HE SLEEPS HE MUST BE SCUM"
GJ Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 02:29 Coagulation wrote: hey guys unless your reading or posting in thread 23 hours a day your scum according to peashooter. Im sorry we are all not hardcore like peashooter and strap diapers to our asses and drool in front of a keyboard all day like peashooter. or hey maybe hes a shit scum going for the easy target and fabricating bullshit so he doesnt have to contribute. He basically missed the whole point. I'd prefer he was inactive until he became useful as opposed to just posting worthless dribble. Then he just decides to attack me without actually providing anything useful, continuing to completely miss the point I was jabbing him anyway. He could just be stupid, but in mafia, I have found it's wiser to assume Malice before excusing stupidity. Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 04:50 Coagulation wrote: peashooter would be my best bet for a scum lynch at this point. I hardly ever have good reads day 1. This is the post that really did it for me. I get it, I accused you. You come out at mad as hell, then say you want to lynch me, but immediately try to absolve yourself of responsibility if it goes wrong. When you combine that with Wade Fall wanting to kill me it could easily snowball and he would still have his wishy washy read and be able to deny responsibility. Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 09:59 Coagulation wrote: im going out. I will continue to read over thread on phone. Then he leaves again without ever having said anything constructive or useful.
To make a few bullets: 1. Spams and posts nothing of value. 2. In response to that he attacks a strawman. No one ever called him inactive, we said he was posting nothing of value. 3. Thinks I'm really scummy and refuses to actually truly commit on his accusation, which looks like he wants to divert blame if it goes bad. 4. Leaves again without ever actually contributing anything. I truly don't see any reason to keep him around. Which is why I would recommend voting for him over GK, particularly if GK posts something of substance. I am currently leaning more heavily on Coagulation being a better candidate. I would like to hear Mr. Wiggles respond to this case though. I actually find this a little tough to respond to, because most of my stance towards Coag is based on gut feeling, so that makes it harder to put it into words and explain adequately.
Basically, Coag makes short posts a lot of the time, and spams sometimes. He will also post emotionally sometimes. It depends a bit on context though. If he's been playing here recently and he got called out for spamming or not being present in the thread 24 hours a day, I could see him making those posts towards you. If he's scum though, he's smart enough to post like that in order to leverage it to his advantage somehow.
In my experience, he isn't the most useful player on Day 1, and starts to have better reads and to share those reads and go after players on later days. That's why I'd be hesitant to lynch him right now. I'd rather wait and just see how he plays. If he doesn't do anything, we can lynch/vig him, otherwise, he'll start to pull his weight. He doesn't play the same as a lot of other people, and I guess it's a little similar to Kenpachi or something. Games I've seen sometimes recently have people wanting to kill Kenpachi because he posts a lot of one-liners and some spammy throw-away posts. But, that's just the way he plays, and people aren't used to it. Coag is kind've similar, unless he's changed since I've played with him.
So, I can't contradict that his posts haven't had a ton of bearing on the game so far, or that his response to you was a bit disproportionate, but I can't say I want to lynch him for it, since lynching him would basically be a coin-flip at this stage of the game, as I don't think the way he's been playing is really indicative of his alignment. You can try to policy lynch him, but it won't do anything. You'll just do it for a few games in a row, and he'll just stop playing here for a while. I don't see him changing his play-style just because some people don't like it.
tl;dr: Wait and see? I can't make a judgement call one way or the other as far as his alignment (i.e. he's null to me), so I think a different lynch is a better bet to hit red.
Ok here's what I'm going to do
i still think GK isn't scum and testsubject IS scum. I know it's privileging the hypothesis but all the evidence around testsubject points to him being scum, and GK seems off but not entirely off. I don't want to be wrong, but if i'm wrong I want to be voting the right guy
So I'm going to go fluff my komodo dragon's feathers for a bit and think on this. Even though GK's statements all seem scummy his TONE sounds like town GK, and yes I know that's not going to convince anyone but it has me convinced right now. I'll figure out what his deal is and why this is town GK and i'll show you all who's right and who's wrong
testsubject be a man and post some serious case rather than flailing around like you are now if you ever want me not to lynch you today
On March 17 2013 14:45 Wade Fell wrote:Yeah I gotta admit the new GK post isn't super sexy :| but GK is not a sexy man. contrast his "promised post" in NMMXXIV though (link) and it's like exactly the friggen same. This is town GK. I'll even quote his post so you can see it and I like never do that + Show Spoiler +On August 16 2012 15:24 goodkarma wrote:Okay, my long promised "case post." I'm sorry for the hype, as this is going to be short and possibly a bit disappointing for those that were anticipating it + Show Spoiler +(like latest Batman movie disappointing  ) . But here's my case. It's going to be short and sweet.: A big part of day one is establishing a good future town atmosphere. To that end, there are several people that are not participating as they should. The guiltiest of these are: Jhuyt and Golbat. Jhuyt:Jhuyt is especially suspicious to me right now. I have read the recent case presented against him by Archrun above. I tend to agree heavily with his first point: about Jhuyt's experience with Solar's post history on TL being consistent with his posting. I'm not ready to call Jhuyt a liar, but claiming Solar is troll/emotional generally on TL requires further explanation. Upon looking through some of his posts, I haven't seen this to be the case. If he is lying, this is enough reason to lynch him. Now the other part of Jhuyt that is scummy is how wishy-washy he is in the limited amount of content he has posted. Let's look at his latest post. In bold are his current "reads" on certain people. Notice how hesitant he is to take a stance on anyone.: Show nested quote +On August 15 2012 20:18 Jhuyt wrote: Hmm, you're right, I should try to be more helpful.
On Solar: This is just how he is in general from what I've seen on TL, so I don't have anything there.
On Shady: Shady tries to control the game, which is an act that I don't often see in normal townies, I've most often encountered it when a scum tries to make everybody think he's the sheriff. It is, however, a game of high risk and relies heavily on the actual sheriff being useless. He might be the sheriff as well, and this is why I think the first day is kinda silly, I don't know what to think solely based on his posts, they seem consistent.
I still think that YourHarry is something scummy simply because his posting behavior is strange, on everybody else, I need more evidence before making up my mind. Also, he is currently the winner of the "lurker prize." It is clear from what he has contributed that he has little interest in scum hunting. Therefore: ##Vote: JyuhtConsider it both a vote based on scum behavior and on "lurker policy." In the absence of a stronger scum read my vote goes on him. Golbat:I expected more from you. I know that it really sucks being mislynched day 1, and I haven't ruled out your lurkiness as being from over-reacting to your poor play in XXII by playing almost the exact opposite of how you played then. But you have to step up and continue posting your reads. What got you in trouble then was vote-swapping without giving much explanation. As long as you give an explanation for your reads, don't be afraid to FoS and vote. What you're doing now makes you look just as scummy as how you looked in XXII. ##FoS: GolbatYourHarry:I haven't forgotten about you. However poorly I feel you'd be playing as town by playing the way you are right now, I can't say it would be inconsistent with what I'd expect based on your previous play. I'm not un-FoS-ing you but I'm not ready to vote you as my top scum read right now either. is it shit? yes. But that was town GK, and this is town GK
They are the same structurally, because that's simply how he posts and thinks. That will usually not change between being town and scum. However, a difference I can note is how much more specific he is here, and how he cites specific examples, and tries to convince others that this is the correct choice. In his current cases and thread presnse, I do not get that feeling from him. I get the "Look at my vote and contribution!" feeling
tl;dr: I'm right and you're all wrong, I'm just not sure how yet. I will find a way
On March 17 2013 14:57 GreYMisT wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 14:45 Wade Fell wrote:Yeah I gotta admit the new GK post isn't super sexy :| but GK is not a sexy man. contrast his "promised post" in NMMXXIV though (link) and it's like exactly the friggen same. This is town GK. I'll even quote his post so you can see it and I like never do that + Show Spoiler +On August 16 2012 15:24 goodkarma wrote:Okay, my long promised "case post." I'm sorry for the hype, as this is going to be short and possibly a bit disappointing for those that were anticipating it + Show Spoiler +(like latest Batman movie disappointing  ) . But here's my case. It's going to be short and sweet.: A big part of day one is establishing a good future town atmosphere. To that end, there are several people that are not participating as they should. The guiltiest of these are: Jhuyt and Golbat. Jhuyt:Jhuyt is especially suspicious to me right now. I have read the recent case presented against him by Archrun above. I tend to agree heavily with his first point: about Jhuyt's experience with Solar's post history on TL being consistent with his posting. I'm not ready to call Jhuyt a liar, but claiming Solar is troll/emotional generally on TL requires further explanation. Upon looking through some of his posts, I haven't seen this to be the case. If he is lying, this is enough reason to lynch him. Now the other part of Jhuyt that is scummy is how wishy-washy he is in the limited amount of content he has posted. Let's look at his latest post. In bold are his current "reads" on certain people. Notice how hesitant he is to take a stance on anyone.: Show nested quote +On August 15 2012 20:18 Jhuyt wrote: Hmm, you're right, I should try to be more helpful.
On Solar: This is just how he is in general from what I've seen on TL, so I don't have anything there.
On Shady: Shady tries to control the game, which is an act that I don't often see in normal townies, I've most often encountered it when a scum tries to make everybody think he's the sheriff. It is, however, a game of high risk and relies heavily on the actual sheriff being useless. He might be the sheriff as well, and this is why I think the first day is kinda silly, I don't know what to think solely based on his posts, they seem consistent.
I still think that YourHarry is something scummy simply because his posting behavior is strange, on everybody else, I need more evidence before making up my mind. Also, he is currently the winner of the "lurker prize." It is clear from what he has contributed that he has little interest in scum hunting. Therefore: ##Vote: JyuhtConsider it both a vote based on scum behavior and on "lurker policy." In the absence of a stronger scum read my vote goes on him. Golbat:I expected more from you. I know that it really sucks being mislynched day 1, and I haven't ruled out your lurkiness as being from over-reacting to your poor play in XXII by playing almost the exact opposite of how you played then. But you have to step up and continue posting your reads. What got you in trouble then was vote-swapping without giving much explanation. As long as you give an explanation for your reads, don't be afraid to FoS and vote. What you're doing now makes you look just as scummy as how you looked in XXII. ##FoS: GolbatYourHarry:I haven't forgotten about you. However poorly I feel you'd be playing as town by playing the way you are right now, I can't say it would be inconsistent with what I'd expect based on your previous play. I'm not un-FoS-ing you but I'm not ready to vote you as my top scum read right now either. is it shit? yes. But that was town GK, and this is town GK They are the same structurally, because that's simply how he posts and thinks. That will usually not change between being town and scum. However, a difference I can note is how much more specific he is here, and how he cites specific examples, and tries to convince others that this is the correct choice. In his current cases and thread presnse, I do not get that feeling from him. I get the "Look at my vote and contribution!" feeling
:| GK this would be a great time to rise to your own defense or something
I need to think a bit about GK and the points brought up in his defense. So, I'll take some time to digest the information, but might not be back to post for a while.
Since you seem to know his play intimately, BH, is there anywhere I can read where he was put under pressure or threat of lynch? If there's examples as both alignments, that would be nice. I didn't follow any of his games, so I can't find it easily without reading them all.
On March 17 2013 14:55 VisceraEyes wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2013 14:53 GreYMisT wrote: TestSubject really hasn't said much of anything (hypocritical from me right?). The main thing that stands out to me about him is that a significant exchange between him and Wade Fell took place regarding punishing bad town play. TestSubject supports this argument with his main entrance post, calling for pressure against Coag. However, He doesnt attempt to pressure him at all, and really fails to significantly mention him.
I can see where he is coming from with his read on zare, but overally Test doesnt seem like the best lynch candidate to me at the moment. I got this too. Aside from participating in a little dick waggling with BH I haven't seen much scummy from him either. What do you think about Sandroba? He thinks you're mightily suspicious apparently.
Not much to say, he called me scum, didn't vote for me and then joined your team. And that is literally all of his posts.