On December 11 2012 09:48 Oatsmaster wrote: Well I got hit for 400 damage, fun times. Full Claim. I have 3 abilities. I can only use 1 at a time Rocket punch deals 50 damage but cant be used twice in a row. Poximity bomb deals 100 damage to whoever visits me Heal Beam heals/protects my target for 100 hp. The 75 damage was from a pistol I got by being the leader of a successful party.
Just to clarify, was this damage over the entire game or from last night?
What is your point gk? Who else would hit me for such a staggering amount of HP? Austin did an ability called, self-destruct right? But it wasnt listed anywhere in his pm so.. I dont know.
On December 11 2012 10:25 Oatsmaster wrote: What is your point gk? Who else would hit me for such a staggering amount of HP? Austin did an ability called, self-destruct right? But it wasnt listed anywhere in his pm so.. I dont know.
He seemed pretty convinced it would hit me. I was rather scared it was a vengeful thing that would kill whoever was the last person to vote for him. Maybe it can only hit townies? Could be a scum factional ability.
I find it hard to imagine another scum, for the same reason that I couldn't see any way of making a case on anybody other than austin in the first place.
When he flipped scum and my night pm didn't mention any damage to me, I dismissed that sef-destruct thing, but you are right, that might have been it.
Ok guys, Its been a good game :D I will be going somewhere with no internet for the next 4 days, so I expect the game to be over by the time I get back.
On December 11 2012 13:56 iamperfection wrote: Acro is your 500hp heal only self target?
Self-target only.
I have sent in my actions already. I am going to shoot Toad for as much damage as I possibly can and pray I can kill him before you guys kill Lavos. Part of the reason my own wincon is now incredibly hard is because so many townies are alive. I honestly don't think you could've gotten here with what looks to be12 townies alive without my help scumhunting.
With 12 townies alive, for a total of 500 damage on Toad. And that is without any of people's abilities. It looks like Lavos is going to die in 3 cycles. I am incapable of doing that kind of damage to Toad and it fucking sucks that I am going to lose after helping town be in such an awesome position. The least you can do is NOT roleblock me.
Why does anyone think scumhunting was actually hard this game? They pretty much handed themselves to us on a silver plate following the sand/toad parity check...
On December 07 2012 05:20 Acrofales wrote: Oh, I forgot to vote? Thought I had done so with the case.
##Lynch risk.nuke ##Epoch Middle Ages
All the cool kids want to go to the middle ages. I don't care.
Yeah uhh.. same.
On December 08 2012 00:27 TheChronicler wrote: Good morning!
Austin is z-Bo. I have no problems with this. Why are we going to 65m bc? I'll have to vote epoch today since I'll be traveling to a magic tournament tomorrow.
##vote: austinmcc ##Epoch: 65,000,000 BC
The whole reason you could get away with doing absolutely nothing past cycle 4 or so is because there were people like Syllo and me lining up the cases for you.