Guys I can't defend a case that doesn't exist. Everyone seems to agree that I can't possibly be town, so why is there no case against me? Points to defend? This wagon is fucking awful guys, vote for Kurumi! What the holy fuck?
We have no counterclaims to the blueroles anymore so this means that we pretty much have confirmed:
Furomite as Penguin Risk as Two-Face RG as Mr.Freeze Me as Solomon Grundy
Anyone wanting to counterclaim step forward now, or I will just proceed with looking at these as confirmed.
Between us we have as much power as the entire scumteam considering this lynch. Plus we got the advantage that we don't have to be afraid acting together. This means we can if we pull together and talk this trough decide this lynch.
So can all of you please propose your scumteam, and then we can discuss it from there. We can even discuss wasting CW if we get to an agreement.
Palmar's case is the following - "He doesn't give a shit about this game"
Go read my filter! I very OBVIOUSLY care about this game! Why is he even saying that? Because I'm not spamming up the thread with bullshit? THAT is bullshit!
Palmar isn't scum. This I am pretty sure about. If he is he have played so good he just deserves to win, and I won't spoil it. Katina isn't scum. She have been on all the right lynches all game long. Even this scumteam wouldn't bus this hard. jaybrundage I think should be off the hook as well. Evantrees was pushed by Radfield day 3, so I don't think he is scum either (not sold though) Qualis was checked and came out green (Is an odd chance that this is Hugo and that he chose VT as his cover) Kurumi is third party, he is out. Adam I grew more unsure about throughout this day, but I think he isn't scum. From the last 4 I am not sure at all, but I will leave out Tyran for now.
The other 4 is my guess for scum:
VE Hiro Jayjay RayzorFlash
And especially jayjay and razor who both have talked about Penguin having a bg in Solomon earlier in the game. I truly think you guys have discussed this in the scum QT...
On February 11 2012 20:32 DoctorHelvetica wrote: Don't know. It's obvious enough now that I was "hired" by Joker, so I assumed Toadesstern is Joker and that Palmar took the fake claim so that Toades wouldn't have to. Because Toades didn't call him out, I didn't push him to get lynched. I briefly considered hte possibility that they're both playing me and that the real Joker is too afraid to CC but I doubt it. One of them is the Joker.
If I survive the night the Joker can't die. I also can't be killed by Batman or Catwoman, just scum/vig. A scum/vig hit will take me out and open up the possibility of the Joker dying. That's why I need medics. I think it's pretty clear from Toades' posts regarding the issue, his claims of invulnerability, etc. that he is the real joker. I just don't understand the point of Palmar's lie, it's easy enough to keep Toades alive knowing this. Medics just need to keep me up.
nice. now everything is spilled out. If scum didn't know, they know now.
Might as well wrap it up for everyone.
Toad was asked at one point if he "hired" someone by doc. This word apparently is in both PMs, looking at the way toad reacted. In the game Joker "hires" the past-actor clayface to carry out his jobs and to protect him. Same constellation for penguin (btw: doc, you said in your case that opz claimed penguin? was that in the qt? he sure talks about him a lot) and solomon (please don't claim). Knowing the lore, it was quite obvious that Toad is joker. Let's see if I would have lost the bet.
Unfortunately, medics don't do shit against batman, doc. I can't believed, you let yourselves lead into so much brabbeling.
also, rG, I am still waiting, I know you read this.
On February 14 2012 02:44 RayzorFlash wrote: It does make sense for penguin to have a bodyguard vet too, probably Solomon Grundy (fits game lore/theme)
My problem with a hiro lynch is that even if he is mafia, which i think is decently likely, it gives us next to no real info... I'd rather lynch radfield/palmar... I actually wouldnt mind a palmar lynch just because his posts and claims have started to give me.a headache,lol...
3 of these 4 players are on the Kurumi lynch. So I think they are trying to save their scumbuddy. Now for theorycrafting on lynching CW over scum today...
Tunkeg - why do you think I'm scum guy? WHY? You're acting as if I'm confirmed scum when THAT'S NOT THE CASE IN THE LEAST.
Seriously, I want to win and lynching me is a guaranteed loss - basically lynching anyone but Catwoman is a guaranteed loss, but I really want to know why you want to lynch ME specifically. What is the case on me?
On February 17 2012 06:59 VisceraEyes wrote: Tunkeg - why do you think I'm scum guy? WHY? You're acting as if I'm confirmed scum when THAT'S NOT THE CASE IN THE LEAST.
Seriously, I want to win and lynching me is a guaranteed loss - basically lynching anyone but Catwoman is a guaranteed loss, but I really want to know why you want to lynch ME specifically. What is the case on me?
The case for me seing you as more scummy than town is your behaviour during the Radfield lynch. Rest of town seems more townie than you, so thats it basicly.
On February 17 2012 06:53 Tunkeg wrote: I'll do my selection based off of elimination:
Palmar isn't scum. This I am pretty sure about. If he is he have played so good he just deserves to win, and I won't spoil it. Katina isn't scum. She have been on all the right lynches all game long. Even this scumteam wouldn't bus this hard. jaybrundage I think should be off the hook as well. Evantrees was pushed by Radfield day 3, so I don't think he is scum either (not sold though) Qualis was checked and came out green (Is an odd chance that this is Hugo and that he chose VT as his cover) Kurumi is third party, he is out. Adam I grew more unsure about throughout this day, but I think he isn't scum. From the last 4 I am not sure at all, but I will leave out Tyran for now.
The other 4 is my guess for scum:
VE Hiro Jayjay RayzorFlash
And especially jayjay and razor who both have talked about Penguin having a bg in Solomon earlier in the game. I truly think you guys have discussed this in the scum QT...
On February 11 2012 20:32 DoctorHelvetica wrote: Don't know. It's obvious enough now that I was "hired" by Joker, so I assumed Toadesstern is Joker and that Palmar took the fake claim so that Toades wouldn't have to. Because Toades didn't call him out, I didn't push him to get lynched. I briefly considered hte possibility that they're both playing me and that the real Joker is too afraid to CC but I doubt it. One of them is the Joker.
If I survive the night the Joker can't die. I also can't be killed by Batman or Catwoman, just scum/vig. A scum/vig hit will take me out and open up the possibility of the Joker dying. That's why I need medics. I think it's pretty clear from Toades' posts regarding the issue, his claims of invulnerability, etc. that he is the real joker. I just don't understand the point of Palmar's lie, it's easy enough to keep Toades alive knowing this. Medics just need to keep me up.
nice. now everything is spilled out. If scum didn't know, they know now.
Might as well wrap it up for everyone.
Toad was asked at one point if he "hired" someone by doc. This word apparently is in both PMs, looking at the way toad reacted. In the game Joker "hires" the past-actor clayface to carry out his jobs and to protect him. Same constellation for penguin (btw: doc, you said in your case that opz claimed penguin? was that in the qt? he sure talks about him a lot) and solomon (please don't claim). Knowing the lore, it was quite obvious that Toad is joker. Let's see if I would have lost the bet.
Unfortunately, medics don't do shit against batman, doc. I can't believed, you let yourselves lead into so much brabbeling.
also, rG, I am still waiting, I know you read this.
On February 14 2012 02:44 RayzorFlash wrote: It does make sense for penguin to have a bodyguard vet too, probably Solomon Grundy (fits game lore/theme)
My problem with a hiro lynch is that even if he is mafia, which i think is decently likely, it gives us next to no real info... I'd rather lynch radfield/palmar... I actually wouldnt mind a palmar lynch just because his posts and claims have started to give me.a headache,lol...
##vote: Radfield
tunkeg. you didn't play the game did you? as rayzor states here it 100% fits the lore. Rayzor and me are probably not the only ones who figured that out. Because two players state it, that doesn't make them scum.
Also, if I try to save VE, why the fuck did I say that he has to be shot immediately? He is my number one scum bet right now.
We outed 3 PRs who have to be eliminated by CW. She will kill them. Town on the other hand has plenty of KP, Palmar, Riddler, Lynch, Penguin. We have ENOUGH KP to kill scum in one cycle. So why not play it safe, remove a anti town KP and use our billion KP to blow up scum. If we win one day, one dt claim or one vig shot, it was already worth it. We also might end up mislynching which gives scum 4 KP.
[b9This play makes sense.[/b] It is not anti-town. Palmar originally suggested it and then the blues weren't even outed. He is anti-town, too? If you don't feel that way fine, but don't just call scum.
You also conveniently fail to mention that forumite and risk who are confirmed town in your list are pushing for a CW lynch as well.
On February 17 2012 05:57 jaybrundage wrote: Penguin who have you shot so far? Because as Adam stated I dont think we saw your KP anywhere have you shot?
On February 17 2012 05:50 Forumite wrote: Since I´m claiming:
N1: Shot Slardar. Claimed in the Phone Booth topic. N2: Shot Kurumi, didn´t take apparently. Softclaimed in the thread when matching up nightactions. N3: Shot Chaoser, just like Joker did. I was originally going for VE, but changed right before deadline, because he sounded so apologetic in the thread. Go me!
My shots N2 and N3 didn´t show up for a reason, but I´ve shot each and every night.
Joker is still ahead of me in Townkills, even if we count Chaoser as teamwork. Go Me!
But that's ridiculous! I fully believed that Radfield was a DT - his claim matched up with my suspicion of Sheth. Why in the hell would I not believe his claim? I'd been pushing Sheth's lynch for 2 days! And Radfield is a beast player to be a DT bro. Kitaman knew what was up, he was fully against a Radfield lynch too. Kita flipped blue bro, not scum.
I'm telling you, the Rad thing was a mistake. I'm not scum sir.
We outed 3 PRs who have to be eliminated by CW. She will kill them. Town on the other hand has plenty of KP, Palmar, Riddler, Lynch, Penguin. We have ENOUGH KP to kill scum in one cycle. So why not play it safe, remove a anti town KP and use our billion KP to blow up scum. If we win one day, one dt claim or one vig shot, it was already worth it. We also might end up mislynching which gives scum 4 KP.
So will scum. If we lynch CW, what makes you think scum wont kill 2face/Penguin ASAP ? Also, they still have their medic, so shooting at them isnt as efficient as lynching them.
Yes, misslynching means we will be heavily relying on batman and penguin shot. But If we kill CW, and Batman/Penguin kill town with their shot, we are is the same bad position. And I do not see palmar not shooting VE at nigth if we let him leave anyway.
Lets lynch VE. It is strictly better from a town point of view than lynching CW.
We outed 3 PRs who have to be eliminated by CW. She will kill them. Town on the other hand has plenty of KP, Palmar, Riddler, Lynch, Penguin. We have ENOUGH KP to kill scum in one cycle. So why not play it safe, remove a anti town KP and use our billion KP to blow up scum. If we win one day, one dt claim or one vig shot, it was already worth it. We also might end up mislynching which gives scum 4 KP.
So will scum. If we lynch CW, what makes you think scum wont kill 2face/Penguin ASAP ? Also, they still have their medic, so shooting at them isnt as efficient as lynching them.
Yes, misslynching means we will be heavily relying on batman and penguin shot. But If we kill CW, and Batman/Penguin kill town with their shot, we are is the same bad position. And I do not see palmar not shooting VE at nigth if we let him leave anyway.
Lets lynch VE. It is strictly better from a town point of view than lynching CW.
a) batman's shot is a lynch, because it goes through protection. Why wouldn't he kill VE? And what does "let him leave anyway" mean? b) yes of course will they go for the PRs. but it will be 3 KP instead of 4. It's only about the KP.
Yes, let's kill VE, but for the sake of our PRs, remove CW first.
We have 2 NKs and a lynch to reduce the scum KP to 2.
So no. It is not strictly better. I am 100% certain that the KP we "waste" on CW right now, will come back to us. Risk and forumite voted Kurumi, isn't that something that would make you reconsider?
So this is how I view it after thinking it through:
Both scenarios that are most likely gives us the same lead after night 4. But I have reviewed my thoughts, and this is why I think taking out CW is better- So this is why I am inclined to swap to Kurumi (sorry man :/) : -We take out a guaranteed kp if we hit. -We won't have a guaranteed kill of a town PR night 4.
So you guys were pretty much right about killing Kurumi. I still think most of the scumteam is on Kurumi, because they want to save VE. But I still think town is better off with killing CW, and for you guys to shoot some reds tonight.
Assuming both Penguin and Two-Face are protected from scum behind Solomon Grundy and Mr.Freeze, we should lynch catwoman and then let those guys mop up the rest tomorrow.
That's 4 players that are nigh-on immune to night hits, since scum cant afford to waste their KP on slaying the vets.
Scum will be forced to fire into the 'unknown' towns, which will make the 'final 4's job even easier.
We outed 3 PRs who have to be eliminated by CW. She will kill them. Town on the other hand has plenty of KP, Palmar, Riddler, Lynch, Penguin. We have ENOUGH KP to kill scum in one cycle. So why not play it safe, remove a anti town KP and use our billion KP to blow up scum. If we win one day, one dt claim or one vig shot, it was already worth it. We also might end up mislynching which gives scum 4 KP.
1)So will scum. If we lynch CW, what makes you think scum wont kill 2face/Penguin ASAP ? Also, they still have their medic, so shooting at them isnt as efficient as lynching them.
2)Yes, misslynching means we will be heavily relying on batman and penguin shot. But If we kill CW, and Batman/Penguin kill town with their shot, we are is the same bad position. And I do not see palmar not shooting VE at nigth if we let him leave anyway.
Lets lynch VE. It is strictly better from a town point of view than lynching CW.
1) The town power-roles get the added bonus of WIFOM protection from hits that do NOT come from CW, so it wouldn't be optimal play for scum to target those two in particular tonight. This is a fact, not my opinion. Scum's shots might fail against those two. Catwoman's do not.
2) We're already relying heavily on Batman (because of you guys -.-) and if Catwoman kills one of Pen/TF, I have faith that town WILL lynch Kurumi tomorrow. Like, town couldn't be that stupid. And Palmar isn't going to shoot me tonight, because I have faith that he'll listen to reason and realize that I'm town. He'll aim for scum tonight, not me.
Your logic is missing a few considerations, and I implore you to reconsider our options before resolving to lynch me sir.