Are we playing the quiet game?
Because in that case I lose
Lets get talking, we've determined that we shouldn't mass claim traits. How about if we are going to be lynched? Should we claim then? In PM?
Do we want to set up a series of limited claim cells to magnify our information? or is that too prone to giving mafia more information?
my bad, I was asleep.
So wait is there only one big puzzle, or one per day? Are we supposed to be able to solve today's puzzle based on the information given and possibly some additional trait information?
I suppose the puzzle is to figure out where everyone lives
Doesn't appear like there's enough information today to solve the puzzle today even with mass claim, at least if figuring out where everyone lives isn't enough. Regardless, feel free to mass claim to me~
You live at Number 6, which is a Red house.
On August 16 2011 16:28 syllogism wrote: I suppose the puzzle is to figure out where everyone lives
you have until day 2. Figure it out and help us, or you're mafia.
palmargard on skype Palmar on quakenet (can find me in #TLMafia and #loonybin)
Don't claim traits in the thread, ever
you suck syllo
Also, mass claim to me instead.
I'm just that awesome.
I'm not claiming shit until we get a legitimate plan beyond "hey guys let's just mass claim and see if we can figure things out!" It's a really stupid strategy.
We can definitely start trying to figure out who is who - I know that I at least only got a role and house #, so I guess we have to figure out what other traits WE have in addition to what traits scum have. In that case, the last clue seems to be the most helpful, since it covers positioning, which we already know.
oh, and /confirm.
I asked decon, and it turns out even mafia NK(s) targets traits, so they can't target specific players unless they know one of their traits.
On August 16 2011 15:02 TheCrimsonReaper wrote: Are we playing the quiet game?
Because in that case I lose
Lets get talking, we've determined that we shouldn't mass claim traits. How about if we are going to be lynched? Should we claim then? In PM?
Do we want to set up a series of limited claim cells to magnify our information? or is that too prone to giving mafia more information?
I think you're scum.
charles.suo on Skype btw, add me because PMs are annoying.
Palmar, you seem so random.
thecrimsonreaper1 on Skype, add me if you want to chat.
Now that we are done giving out skypes and other such things can we keep the majority of communication in the thread? Nothing sucks *quite* as much as reading over the thread and not being able to figure anything out because of these little cliques of people who don't post because its more fun to IM