First: Thanks for hosting! I'm looking forward to reading all the roles now.
I was very happy to roll mafia this time, since I haven't been playing it much lately. On day 1 we where kind of scared of OP town, there was a number of good scumhunters on town side, Syllo was being harassed on Skype by Sandroba, we learned of a number of roleclaims had happened already in PM's, and Sand hinted he had found a way to "break the game", getting listcheckers, immunity etc. There was a potential for a mass claim to him with the medic PM's, and on top of that he was already suspicious of me and kita.
Luckily there was next to no pressure on any of us in the thread. Pandain did his ban thing and 3 mafia votes him pretty much straight away, because it's just so obvious, but only one town thought it was worth a vote, haha. Kavdragon/aidnai made day 1 a breeze.
Night one our biggest headache was Sandroba. We actually decided to go for a suicide bomb on him straight away, Syllo was tired of keeping up the act in PM's, he was constantly dodging having to claim, and we felt Sand might have drawn some protection with his mass PM. Kudos to tnkted for realizing the risk of this in thread. Luckily incog tells of the roleblock option alternative. We decide to hit experienced players that will be dangerous if left alive, but are unlikely to have drawn medic protection at this point, and end up with Foolishness, meapak and lastly Chezinu on flamewheel's recommendation. Overall I think we got pretty lucky with those hits, learning that foolishness was already working with a circle and had pegged syllo. On top of that Meeple (wiggles) pulls off another mafia medic save .
By day 2, we realized that town was playing very bad, and that we could actually afk our way to a win, which is a little boring, but town was all over the active people. Kav triggers my bomb with his first post (great baiting YM!), and noone questions that someone else than Bum killed Kav. Pandain does another ban on a townie, and gets even more town cred from it. At this point Pandain wanted to prove he could get away with protecting Bumatlarge in thread, while Syllogism was begging him not to. Long story short Pandain does it anyways, Syllo ragequit irc, and suddenly we have a mess to clear up. Luckily Palmar's amazing thread presence kicks in, and he forces a lynch on to Bum, who is painted red. We where very scared of a no lynch happening at this point, basicly there was no way Bum could be red by his actions in thread, and if we didn't get the red paint off on him, both Pandain and Palmar was exposed.
We got a bit greedy by hitting Mig the following night, Palmar is rng'ed to do the hit, and suddenly our thread presence and player with most town cred is gone. My original bombword ("obvious") gets turned down (curu would have blown up from this ), and instead we try and bait curu to say "atmosphere", failing miserably ^_^. Syllo wanted to steal the Politician role, since he figured we could win almost by purely out shooting town if town lynched traitor before dropping our KP from 3, but Kita decided against it. Worked allright though, considering we got a free lynch day 3 from tnkted's role.
I stayed up untill 4:30 AM discussing bombwords on IRC night 3 and getting them turned down by incognito, until settling with "marines". You have no idea how happy I got that the bait worked on first post red .
Balance wise there is always a lot of rng in games with many roles, and mafia got very lucky a few times. The frame on death role is sick, but it didn't actually get us anything, since Palmar was lynched the day after anyways from a watcher check. Rolethief only worked out great because people claimed their roles publicly. My bombs where loads of fun and had great potential, but where highly unreliable - we really wanted curu dead. In the end town only lynched one mafia in 4 days, and that was due to a red check.
@scamp: I didn't expect you to say Leroy, I figured that we had almost won anyways, so I would just mine up you and myself, and then let myself get lynched, only to shout something stupid in thread just before lynch, wasting lynch and going out with a bang.
Sorry to the town that felt disheartened, I can see why posting restrictions and our passivity must have been very annoying.
GG everyone.
GG people.
Sadly town didn't get too much use out of their powerful roles. And a the ability to paint a flip red is ridiculously powerful.
btw I won My role PM says that no matter what the outcome is Bill Murray wins just letting You know suckers + Show Spoiler +
Thanks for hosting.
I am never playing in a game with post restrictions again though. I realize most weren't half as bad as people were conveying, but seriously. Kurumi mucked up the entirety of day 1 when he was not obliged to, LSB never explained the kitaman thing leading everyone to ignore him as a troll, etc.
7 + 1 Mafia vs 24 Town (1 Survivor - lol at it being Kenpachi) with essentially 4 KP every night and an Ackbar that can suicide when about to be lynched. That ALL bombs blew up when anyone said the keyword (thanks redFF for putting me out of my misery) was insane too.
I am pretty mad at my own play, I had Pandain in my sights day 1 but the incessant trolling and then Kavdragon vs aidnai let it completely slip through my sights. I still can't fathom why bum nuked someone we all agreed was Town, the Flip Framer basically fucked everything up after that. Imagine if Mafia had saved it and used it to make Palmar flip Town. I was sure syllogism was scum too since his only contribution was a nonsensical attack/vote and nothing else, but with the Town in such chaos and everyone doing their best to act annoying I had no idea what was a PR and what was scum.
Overall from scum I think the Bombmaker + Flip Framer were too ridiculous. Not to excuse Town's shoddy play and it's understandable that they neeed strong roles to compensate for everyone in Town having a power, but some of them were so ridiculous that they weren't ever going to be used - Vig that dies to a mishot, Vig that dies if he guesses role/alignment wrong, my own ability was purely luck based, and so on.
In the end I think it was the post restrictions that really raped Town. Mafia could act however they wanted and no one could be sure because Town was overplaying their own restrictions. That and the fact that the only active veteran players got sniped night 1 and Town was left with only a few people that even gave a shit about the game.
I apologize to anyone I flamed or called bad during the game. This was the most frustrated I've ever been playing a Mafia game because of my very much unmet expectations for the playerlist and the general nobody-cares-but-me feeling the entire Town was giving.
And Ace, criticize how you want but it was impossible to do anything of worth in the thread. The entire time I was trying to pressure Pandain for his ban we had Kurumi spamming 5 KILL ME NOW and other assorted bullshit posts between each one I made asking Pandain something or trying to convince people. Then Kavdragon vs aidnai got brought up and everything else got washed away. I sadly ended up contributing to this with flaming and shutting down players once I really got annoyed.
The scumteam could basically play out in the open without consequence because Town was more interested in roleplaying and trolling than accomplishing anything. Pandain/Palmar were obvious lynches if bum had flipped correctly but the Framer fucked up everything from that trail too.
I think Mafia had the game won after the night 1 hits because they effectively culled almost everyone who was willing to put effort into playing the game.
My attack wasn't nonsensical, on the contrary your vote on FW was and made you look like someone who wasn't reading carefully. I wasn't contributing but my votes made sense and ghrur's explanation of what he was doing was quite strange
It wasn't as much the vote itself as it was that that was your only contribution for the next 20+ hours. When you play Town you actually do relevant stufff in the thread.
I couldn't do anything relevant. Even when Kurumi new I had a post restriction (And sorry I had no idea we weren't allowed to reveal that) he wouldn't let it go. So every post I made unleashed 5 posts of spam. I'm sorry.
Town's biggest problem was that nobody posted. Mafia literally lurked to a win; Flamewheel had what, 4 posts?
In addition, we didn't have enough KP/vigs. It was obvious from the time that flamewheel in particular claimed a hit that he was lying, but there was no way to kill him. That's why I hinted as to my power; I was announcing that I was going to lynch flamewheel. I was forced to claim by someone (Damn you mafia!! *shakes fist*) and decided to tell the truth because I am an idiot and did not realize that there could be a role thief.
And yes, my role was pretty useless for a townie. The only saving grace of it was the fact that this game had majority lynch. I was town's protection against a nolynch, which was kind of nice, but the lack of any other power (list check plz) was bad.
Also, we needed more detective roles.
Original Message From Incognito: It will probably start mid next week. Don't know if you're a role yet, we're still making them up. You're probably in it though. Show nested quote +Original Message From tnkted: hahahaha this looks great. When does it start though?
(am I a role in personality mafia?)
Also, I think this game kind of exemplified the problems that exist with invitation only games; you get a bunch of people who weren't planning on being able to play a game to join, only to have them go afk half the time because they don't have time/whatever.
This is why games with open invitations tend to be much more busy and exciting; people who care enough to try to sign up to get into a game are more likely to post and talk than people who are simply invited.
I was a vig. I had to lynch a townie to get a bullet though. After BM and Ace flipped town I stopped even thinking about it. I suicided on Sandroba because I figured A) He told the truth and he had a body guard and mafia were role blocking him or B) He was lying and was scum. I figured either way I'd kill some scum.
On August 23 2011 22:38 Jackal58 wrote:I couldn't do anything relevant. Even when Kurumi new I had a post restriction (And sorry I had no idea we weren't allowed to reveal that) he wouldn't let it go. So every post I made unleashed 5 posts of spam.  I'm sorry. No worries, I just wanted to get killed so those jubjubs could stop saying "Jackal and Kurumi stop trolling/tunneling/shitting up the thread" like we could _^_ Also Retarded Ghost Inventor is totally going to be in my themed games.
United States9244 Posts
Its extremely difficult to balance a game with 32 blues. Mafia needed to have some pretty powerful roles or things would have spiraled out of hand had some things gone the other way. For example, imagine some combination of LSB's vig shot going through day one, the list checker invention given to a town who wasn't role blocked, a successful medic protection on Foolishness, a witch brings Meapak back to life, ghrur shoots pandain instead of kurumi or a information role coming up red. Town had some pretty strong roles too and out of all those kp, the only one that went through was Jackal's attempted suicide on sandroba, which accidentally killed syllo.
2 shot vig that only kills scum nurfed inventor conditional vig role claim vig rng tracker + watcher + day 1 bulletproof mass mason day vig dt + 3 person mason vote rigger multishot conditional assassin witch double vote + bodyguard role cop conditional vig inventor after twin sac vet + dodge one lynch admiral akbar conditional vig + mason medic politician conditional vote rigger
I think the biggest problem was there never was a time where someone could push a lynch or punish someone for being scummy. Day one we had the aidnai fake red check, day two bum randomly throws a nuke at chez, day three we have a red check, and day four was rigged. With such a high mafia kp, town really needed to hit at least a couple of scum during the first two cycles. People can't be allowed to have 10 posts by endgame. I'm not sure what the solution to this would have been, besides continuously hounding them or threatening vig shots.
The roles were pretty imaginative and did a good job matching the personalities. Perhaps, rather thing forcing post restrictions on people, give some suggestions and encourage, but not require it. I can see how the framing role can be pretty frustrating for town. Perhaps a no flip or night action only modification would have worked out better. Other than maybe a limit on the number of bombs Barundar could use, mafia roles seemed reasonable. I liked that fact that we were given a suicide bomber and role thief in order to counteract any insanely strong town powers or role claimers.
Just curious, did I get the forced role claim + role thief power since they were both of the roles I made for PTP/PTP2 or was that just a really big coincidence :p
Oh I just realized the Traitor was unlynchable and gave the Mafia 1 KP and a mislynch too.
A janitor type over a bastard mod type role would have been more balanced yes.
And as said, we had very good luck with stopping town from using their power roles.
I was counting on my suicide to take out a visiting scum. Didn't know who it would be but I got one. My biggest fear was a medic was on him too. I was pretty sure I was going to be the next days lynch any ways. 2 or 3 people had already put me on their scum lists. Of course they were all scum but.....
Well, was a 1-1 trade worth it at that point in the game? I mean if you had just shot a mafia you wouldn't have died right? And then town would have had a little more breathing room.
Didn't have any bullets. Any vig action I did involved a 1-1 trade if my target was right. And by the looks of my scum guesses odds are I would have shot a townie anyways. It was really my only shot at killing scum.
United States9244 Posts
On August 23 2011 23:23 Curu wrote: Oh I just realized the Traitor was unlynchable and gave the Mafia 1 KP and a mislynch too.
Traitor also could never be recruited so we if accidentally shot him, he died. We got one guess in order to communicate with him and we were looking for a Fishball, but we ended up going with tnkted because of this:
You are Showtime!
Enter a deal with the mafia from day 1 to act with them and be converted. Successfully enter the town's blue circle and subvert control over everyone, effectively winning the game on your own. Get vigi'ed by a crazed townie before you are converted and lose.
We were kinda hoping he would just jump on a lynch one of the days, but I understand what BC was thinking, being worried about accidentally getting a scum lynched.
On August 24 2011 00:10 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 23 2011 23:23 Curu wrote: Oh I just realized the Traitor was unlynchable and gave the Mafia 1 KP and a mislynch too.
-_- Traitor also could never be recruited so we if accidentally shot him, he died. We got one guess in order to communicate with him and we were looking for a Fishball, but we ended up going with tnkted because of this: Show nested quote +You are Showtime!
Enter a deal with the mafia from day 1 to act with them and be converted. Successfully enter the town's blue circle and subvert control over everyone, effectively winning the game on your own. Get vigi'ed by a crazed townie before you are converted and lose. We were kinda hoping he would just jump on a lynch one of the days, but I understand what BC was thinking, being worried about accidentally getting a scum lynched.
I had to actually request to switch teams, but I never actually did lol. I died too early.
I should have claimed traitor, that would have been hilarious.