Bill Murray, I honestly don't understand you. Why would you PM me asking me to vote for you if you're so thoroughly convinced that I am mafia? And are you seriously accusing me of being mafia because I backed L up ONCE when you don't even know for certain that L is mafia?!
The reason I switched my vote is because after reading through L's posts more closely, he implies that: 1. He is not green and that his role can be easily proved. 2. He doesn't want to role claim though so the mafia doesn't know what exactly they're dealing with. 3. He wants to be in contact with the blues in this game so that he can set "his plan" going.
I suspected from all this that he has a blue role which gives him the ability to directly kill a mafia member or put them in harms way. Am I sure that L is town-aligned? Of course not. Do I have misgivings over my vote? Sure, this is all just my own speculation. I could definitely be mistaken. Since you're referencing my play style from last game, you'll see that in the beginning of last game, I (who was town) voted for L (who was mafia), and then later in the game, I realized my mistake and wrote a really really long post accusing him of being mafia and asking the town to lynch him.
Therefore, even if L is mafia, accusing active posters who support him of being fellow mafia is just ridiculous. If anything, all it proves is that he's convincing. If, however, an INACTIVE person who hadn't posted at all stepped up out of nowhere and defended L when he was in trouble and under great suspicion, I would agree that that is much more incriminating.
I asked you to vote for me because I literally pmed every person like I said I would because I am a man of my word. I also feel like you are worried about being accused. this is the most i've ever seen you post, madnessman. scared?
Feels like you were really quick to defend yourself. If you were green you would be like "what do i have to hide?", but that's not how you're being.
On March 13 2010 06:45 Incognito wrote:Show nested quote +On March 13 2010 06:37 nemY wrote: I think regardless of who gets elected the most important thing the DT(s) should NOT do is ROLE-CLAIM to the mayor/pardoner. The chances of one of them being GF is so high that it's just not worth it yet. Unless the DT is telling other people about it too, you'd think a DT for GF trade is good, no?
Absolutely not. DT for GF is not a good trade. With no clue analysis, unlimited role checks and only behavior analysis, DT is the most powerful role in the game.
epic quote you have there BM
lol you like that? i laughed my ass off
yea I was half trolling that thread ^_^
On March 13 2010 10:16 Bill Murray wrote: If you were green you would be like "what do i have to hide?", but that's not how you're being.
Takes off pants. *Moons*
hahaha nakedness = guaranteed green
On March 13 2010 10:11 Bill Murray wrote: Which is exactly what you're doing. That's the pot calling the kettle black if I've ever seen it. You're going to lynch someone who is trying to help the town? I'm honestly trying to figure out who is red. If you get elected, and lynch me, my name won't be red. I already posted why. If you think you can make a better case for someone else without using the assumption that I'm red and that support for me is a mafia tell, maybe I'd listen. Seeing as I know I'm not red, I'm probably the only person in the thread who knows conclusively that ALL your reasoning is full of shit.
On March 13 2010 10:16 Bill Murray wrote: I asked you to vote for me because I literally pmed every person like I said I would because I am a man of my word. I also feel like you are worried about being accused. this is the most i've ever seen you post, madnessman. scared?
Feels like you were really quick to defend yourself. If you were green you would be like "what do i have to hide?", but that's not how you're being.
That's the most retarded counterargument ever sigh... I was going to write a post in this thread about how it might not be the best idea for L to lynch you if he wins mayor, but now I am having second thoughts about doing that. This is the most you've ever seen me post?!?! Are you talking about EVER?! Because in that case you must need glasses since somehow you managed to miss this post last game: + Show Spoiler +On February 19 2010 01:10 madnessman wrote:So I have an incredibly short attention span, and with the way this game has gone, I can feel my interest slipping -_-;; It seems to me as though both mafia teams are discussing behind closed doors, and townies are not doing anything. I also have a feeling I'm going to get hit tonight, so I figure I may as well take a gamble and write this. Basically, I would like to propose to townies that we band together, unite, and vote in unison to lynch L. The basis behind my proposal is mainly behavioral related, with some clue analysis thrown in. These are my reasons: 1. The chances that a mayor/pardoner is a member of the mafia are extremely, extremely high. Here's what I wrote in a PM to DoctorHelvetica the day before yesterday: Show nested quote +i wrote a post on pg 65 (http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=111913¤tpage=65), but to elaborate on it, the more i think about it, the more certain i am that redtooth and L must be mafia. mayor+pardonner are both incredibly important positions and gives whichever team (whether it be mafia a, mafa b, or town) who "owns" those positions an enormous advantage. the end tally was so low that a mafia team could EASILY get their candidate elected. there's no way a mafia team would let such a big position just slip from their fingers. itd be sheer stupidity.
it is a game of 30v10v10, but the mafia know who their team mates are, whereas townies dont. and with so many people abstaining, it was probably fairly easy for them to have their candidate elected.
you yourself were mafia last game, and ended up being elected mayor, were u not? surely u must know how much of an advantage each mafia team has over the town when it comes to elections
what perplexes me is that redtooth voted for L. is it possible that they are on the same team? could it even be possible for a non-mafia to get elected?
what are your thoughts on all of this.
ill admit im wary of sending u this, esp. since i just realized u kept switching votes and ultimately u voted for L. i did too though..so meh. i might just post my thoughts on the main thread..it's so dominated by spam tho im almost discouraged against doing so lol.
After looking at Foolishness' post though, maybe I am giving the mafia too much credit. Maybe there's a chance they played it too risky/were too disorganized and let a mayoral position slip from their grasp. But I think the chances of that are quite slim. A single team could singlehandedly have won the mayoral/pardoner positions given how many people abstained. (This doesn't mean that we should discredit the people who abstained/voted for other candidates though, obviously. As DoctorHelvetica was so kind to share: ) Show nested quote +Yes. When I was mafia our strategy was to throw in just enough votes for me to be mayor. When it was clear I was going to win, I instructed several mafia voters to change their vote to a competing non-mafia candidate. As we can also see from Foolishness' post, a mayoral candidate who played it pretty "safely" and didn't rely on a last minute influx of votes was L. But many of the last influx of votes were green townies, and therefore I think there's a better chance L is mafia over redtooth. I am well aware that I was one of the foolish people who voted L for mayor, but the reasons why I did so I see now in retrospect are quite foolish. I voted for him because (a) he presented himself as a leader with a strong, decisive voice at a time when everyone was confused and unsure (b) i didn't think his profile had enough substance for incognito to write clues on. with regards to (a), I see how stupid it was of me to jump on the L bandwagon. First off, the fact that he presented himself as a decisive leader is something any mafia member would do. To hold influence over the town is such an invaluable asset in this game. with regards to (b), this leads me to point #2. 2. At first, I thought that it was impossible for L to be mafia because his profile has absolutely no substance whatsoever. I believe he wasn't able to upload a picture until AFTER the game started, and his quote is "YOU JUST DON'T KNOW." this isn't a reference to anything as far as i can tell, and is SO little for incognito to base claims on. i now see that i was quite stupid to think that way. while his profile/picture contains absolutely nothing for incog to base his clues off, his very name "L" does fit the clues. L is of course in reference to the detective character in death note. let's read this part of day 2's passage: + Show Spoiler +When he finally arrived at his victim’s house, he noticed that the door had been left wide open. Cautiously, he peeked in the window, noticing that a pot of soup was still cooking on the stove. A pencil and a few charts were also spread on the table, but the Mafioso could not notice that anything important or telling about the papers. Figuring that his victim had been alerted to his presence and had hidden all his important documents before hastily vanishing, the Mafioso tiptoed upstairs, careful not to make any noises that could alert his victim. Upon reaching the upstairs bedroom, the Mafioso noticed fresh tracks beneath the window, and jumped down, careful not to disturb the tracks. He raced through the forest, and soon found his robed target sitting by the lake. Ace felt no surprise as he turned around to greet the Mafioso. He was about to warn the Mafioso that he couldn’t hide in the darkness, when suddenly the Mafioso sprayed gasoline all over Ace and quickly lit a match. As he left the scene, Ace’s attacker muttered to himself, thinking how much fun it would be to terrorize the town not only in the darkness, but also in the light. what characterizes L (the detective) in death note? he is extremely thoughtful, clever, observant. the way the mafiaso acts in this passage just REEKS of someone with L's character. he plots/plans/observes/is clever and thoughtful. he doesn't just jump into action but is very sly and clever about what he does. he cautiously checks the room first. he checks the papers to see if they're important. he slyly tiptoes up the stairs so he doesn't alert his victim. he cleverly notices fresh tracks and follows them. with regard to the whole darkness and light thing, L's enemy is Light Yagami. perhaps the whole L hides in darkness because his enemy is Light could account for this part of the clue. 3. so the pm that i sent doctorhelvetica -- time stamp: 09:53. next thing i know, meeple goes + Show Spoiler +On February 17 2010 10:40 meeple wrote: My analysis: ... Killer 5:[r]madnessman[/r]
Bickering and madness references
Dunno about the others yet followed by L who goes: + Show Spoiler +On February 17 2010 11:18 L wrote: I think incog made the clues easier this time, because I'm pretty sure i can name like 4 people with 80% certainty.
nemy madnessman mystlord phrubaz
Pretty sure i can find more, but that's my quick first reading. I'm going to be pretty blunt and say please lynch me if I post before tomorrow because I really need to get this work done and without the threat of me dying I will likely come back :/
and then later his explanation: + Show Spoiler +The two guys arguing seem to be madnessman. This one is a bit weaker than my other connections, but I haven't found anything that explains the key points quite as well: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/profile.php?user=madnessmanBasically there are two birds which are fundamentally opposed to each other, but more importantly, one of them is a completely fearless dick who does whatever he wants despite prohibitions to the contrary: hence guts. I don't really have anything that explains the pan, though. this is the passage in which both meeple and L reference: + Show Spoiler +d3_crescentia was getting ready for bed, when he heard some strange noises outside. It seemed at first that some bickering had broken out. When he walked outside, he heard some cursing, and shouting. Puzzled, d3_crescentia went to investigate. As it turns out, the man who was being yelled at had scrawled graffiti all over the man’s house. d3_crescentia attempted to intervene, but a cold menacing glare came over the duo’s faces. Before d3_crescentia could cry for help, a pan was flung into his face, knocking his teeth into his brain. d3_crescentia died soon after from internal bleeding in the brain. are you kidding me? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! this coming from the guy who claims he's such an excellent clue analyzer with great success. because when people squabble/argue/draw grafitti, these are extremely telling signs of MADNESS. the fact that both meeple and L would out of nowhere draw such bullshit, terrible clue analysis on me a few minutes apart definitely caught my attn. i'd like to give meeple and L credit and say there's no way they could be so terrible at clue analysis, but why would they both suddenly do this? and within minutes of each other? my behavior has been in no way suspicious; if anything, i started off this game completely ignorant of the mechanics of internet mafia and extremely unsure/looking for the guidance of vets. therefore it is a possibility to me that doctorhelvetica shared my pm (in which i am suspicious of redtooth+L) with them, as both accusations sprung up soon after i pm'd dr.H. but honestly, i think it is behavior like this/tendency to point fingers and create suspicion without a basis that are telltale signs of mafia. SO i hope i have made a good enough argument that all you townies/other mafia team will consider lynching L tonight. of course i am not absolutely certain that i am correct in my accusation, but i've thought this through and i dont think we have much to lose. i understand that u all may be wary to lynch L; after all, L is pardoner and has the ability to pardon lynches. but what use is a pardoner to us who can't figure out the difference between mafia and townsman? as i've shown in #3, we have reason to believe that either his analysis is extremely flawed or that his accusations are heavily biased. there's no point in having a pardoner who MOST LIKELY will end up pardoning people who are mafia members. if he is a mafia member, he will pardon his fellow mafia members. if he isn't a mafia member, he will probably pompously and incorrectly asses the situation, and end up pardoning a mafia member as well. furthermore, the way this game is going down, it's now 25v10v10. we townspeople are STILL disorganized and disunited vs. two coherent, organized teams, and to add insult to injury, we're being picked off like flies. at this point, there's no point in our going after "small fish." we need to hit them now, and where it would hurt. like i said, i could be wrong that L is mafia, but i hope my reasoning has shown that it is worth it to make this gamble. in terms of calculated risks and potential gain, it is very very worth it. 4. on a final note, consider this: L claims he is such an amazing clue analyzer, but currently he is down 0/2. i dont base this as a reason to lynch him, as everyone makes mistakes. HOWEVER, if u scroll through the thread, u will see that he pushed for ace and emp to be killed/lynched both with extreme conviction. i myself am pushing for L to be lynch, but i acknowledge that there is room for error. L does no such thing. any towns person would hesitate and not be so ready to kill off another person, as there's a high chance (3/5th chance) that said person is a fellow townie, and killing off a fellow townie is not beneficial to the rest of the town. on the other hand, a mafia member would not be so hesitant because either way, as long as the person they accuse/push for ISNT on their team, he's either on the rivalry mafia team or a townie, both of which are readily dispensable for him. while i construct my argument on why it is worth it to take this RISK, L doesn't even seem to care about the consequences for the town if he is wrong. tl;dr: just read the bold points. we have strong reason to believe L is mafia.
Honestly if I were mafia, I would probably ignore your accusations and not draw your attention to yourself, since not a lot of people take you seriously. BUT being the dedicated town member I am, I decided to explain my motivations behind voting for L to you. Since this is a game without any contextual clues in the day posts, we only have behavioral clues and we need to question everything we know. Therefore, I thought it necessary to explain away this "incriminating behavioral clue" that you seem to think I've displayed -_-.
On March 13 2010 09:09 Incognito wrote: DT Check List: CynanMachae ~OpZ~ Sidesprang
Medic Prot List: Incognito Bodyguard A Bodyguard B Why are you dictating a list for the DT's and Medics? Do you have any reasons for the people you've chosen?
Let the DTs and medics choose for themselves. If you post a public list, and the DTs and medics actually follow it, the mafia bus driver can effectively screw with the town without even needing to find his/her fellow mafia members in order to coordinate. I think these lists are not a helpful idea for the town.
It also irks me that you've declared your idea to be final without thinking through the differences in the mechanics in this game. Or perhaps you have, but decided to hold such things back and post the flawed argument nonetheless.
On March 13 2010 09:11 Incognito wrote: 2. Please refrain from deviating from this list unless you have VERY good reasons. Yuck.
Also, what the heck is this:
On March 13 2010 03:53 Incognito wrote: Day 1 lynch targets. Looks like the race is between BC and L. Who are you guys going to lynch?
I have a feeling Malongo/Foolishness/Versatile are good targets. All been quiet, all good enough to be mafia since I think the three candidates are town. They just haven't done enough for me to see them as town-sided. What does everyone else think? Why are you simply naming the other reputable players in the game? "Good enough to be mafia"? How does being "good" have any relation to their chance of being mafia in a game with randomly distributed roles? And being quiet isn't automatically a mafia tell. Maybe they just want to try a different style this game.
Finally, did you put a serious effort into your election campaign beyond the initial posts?
On March 13 2010 10:18 nemY wrote:Show nested quote +On March 13 2010 06:45 Incognito wrote:On March 13 2010 06:37 nemY wrote: I think regardless of who gets elected the most important thing the DT(s) should NOT do is ROLE-CLAIM to the mayor/pardoner. The chances of one of them being GF is so high that it's just not worth it yet. Unless the DT is telling other people about it too, you'd think a DT for GF trade is good, no? Absolutely not. DT for GF is not a good trade. With no clue analysis, unlimited role checks and only behavior analysis, DT is the most powerful role in the game. nemY is absolutely right in this case. First of all the GF role only has a purpose if the DT is still around, so if you lose the DT, the GF is just another mafia member. Secondly, and I'm probably reiterating things that everyone knows, the power of the DT is not only to identify mafia but to privately or publicly confirm town members for various uses. (Private trust-worthy discussions, for example.) And so trading the DT for a single mafia member is not ideal.
I'm surprised that this early in the game I'm making a post of this size focused on just one of our players, but those three statements are truly bad ideas that do not help the town. Whether they were things you truly overlooked while formulating your ideas or are intentional actions, the town will have to examine what plans you propose very carefully.
P.S. Everyone who's using red and blue and whatever colors to strengthen your posts - please don't. The colors themselves do not contribute anything whatsoever to your reasoning, and instead (at least to me) shows that you don't have enough confidence in your arguments alone and have to rely on gimmicks to reinforce them.
+ Show Spoiler +On March 13 2010 10:52 Zona wrote:Show nested quote +On March 13 2010 09:09 Incognito wrote: DT Check List: CynanMachae ~OpZ~ Sidesprang
Medic Prot List: Incognito Bodyguard A Bodyguard B Why are you dictating a list for the DT's and Medics? Do you have any reasons for the people you've chosen? Let the DTs and medics choose for themselves. If you post a public list, and the DTs and medics actually follow it, the mafia bus driver can effectively screw with the town without even needing to find his/her fellow mafia members in order to coordinate. I think these lists are not a helpful idea for the town. It also irks me that you've declared your idea to be final without thinking through the differences in the mechanics in this game. Or perhaps you have, but decided to hold such things back and post the flawed argument nonetheless. Show nested quote +On March 13 2010 09:11 Incognito wrote: 2. Please refrain from deviating from this list unless you have VERY good reasons. Yuck. Also, what the heck is this: Show nested quote +On March 13 2010 03:53 Incognito wrote: Day 1 lynch targets. Looks like the race is between BC and L. Who are you guys going to lynch?
I have a feeling Malongo/Foolishness/Versatile are good targets. All been quiet, all good enough to be mafia since I think the three candidates are town. They just haven't done enough for me to see them as town-sided. What does everyone else think? Why are you simply naming the other reputable players in the game? "Good enough to be mafia"? How does being "good" have any relation to their chance of being mafia in a game with randomly distributed roles? And being quiet isn't automatically a mafia tell. Maybe they just want to try a different style this game. Finally, did you put a serious effort into your election campaign beyond the initial posts? Show nested quote +On March 13 2010 10:18 nemY wrote:On March 13 2010 06:45 Incognito wrote:On March 13 2010 06:37 nemY wrote: I think regardless of who gets elected the most important thing the DT(s) should NOT do is ROLE-CLAIM to the mayor/pardoner. The chances of one of them being GF is so high that it's just not worth it yet. Unless the DT is telling other people about it too, you'd think a DT for GF trade is good, no? Absolutely not. DT for GF is not a good trade. With no clue analysis, unlimited role checks and only behavior analysis, DT is the most powerful role in the game. nemY is absolutely right in this case. First of all the GF role only has a purpose if the DT is still around, so if you lose the DT, the GF is just another mafia member. Secondly, and I'm probably reiterating things that everyone knows, the power of the DT is not only to identify mafia but to privately or publicly confirm town members for various uses. (Private trust-worthy discussions, for example.) And so trading the DT for a single mafia member is not ideal. I'm surprised that this early in the game I'm making a post of this size focused on just one of our players, but those three statements are truly bad ideas that do not help the town. Whether they were things you truly overlooked while formulating your ideas or are intentional actions, the town will have to examine what plans you propose very carefully. P.S. Everyone who's using red and blue and whatever colors to strengthen your posts - please don't. The colors themselves do not contribute anything whatsoever to your reasoning, and instead (at least to me) shows that you don't have enough confidence in your arguments alone and have to rely on gimmicks to reinforce them.
Wow... that was honestly a great, well thought out post Zona ^_^
At this point, I don't believe I can put up the night post since the projected winner, BloodyC0bbler, has not sent in his lynch candidate. When he does the night post will go up. Night 1 will run from whenever I get the post up to 9:00 p.m. tomorrow (Saturday). Sorry for the delay.
United States3044 Posts
On March 13 2010 10:52 Zona wrote:Show nested quote +On March 13 2010 09:09 Incognito wrote: DT Check List: CynanMachae ~OpZ~ Sidesprang
Medic Prot List: Incognito Bodyguard A Bodyguard B Why are you dictating a list for the DT's and Medics? Do you have any reasons for the people you've chosen? Let the DTs and medics choose for themselves. If you post a public list, and the DTs and medics actually follow it, the mafia bus driver can effectively screw with the town without even needing to find his/her fellow mafia members in order to coordinate. I think these lists are not a helpful idea for the town. It also irks me that you've declared your idea to be final without thinking through the differences in the mechanics in this game. Or perhaps you have, but decided to hold such things back and post the flawed argument nonetheless.
It's called creating order for the town, and establishing some sort of plan. Bodyguards are going to be made public, and there's a good chance they're going to be under fire at some point this game. I'll give you that maybe his DT check list is opinionated, but honestly who else are you going to protect?
Look at this way, now, maybe I'm biased from lack of experience but guess what? MEDICS SUCK BALLS! Have you ever seen a medic perform outstandingly during a game? I sure have never seen a medic block more than one hit during a game, and usually those hits are very obvious (like Scamp protecting jspazz in the other game). Letting the DT's and medics roam free is certainly not beneficial to the town.
Why do you want the medic/DT's acting on their own accord? Problem with forming some sort of town circle eh? Don't like the town being organized? Oh! Perhaps you've adopted the Chezinu style of play where you just try to cause some chaos for shits and giggles.
You assume the town doesn't have order.
BloodyC0bbler, if you happen to read this before checking your PM, please send me your player to be lynched as soon as possible, so I may get the night post up.
United States3044 Posts
On March 13 2010 11:09 L wrote: You assume the town doesn't have order.
If you're talking to me I never said that, but I can see how it could be implied. At any rate, he's the one saying "Lets just let medics/DT's do want they want". There's definitely something wrong with that.
On March 13 2010 11:05 Foolishness wrote:Show nested quote +On March 13 2010 10:52 Zona wrote:On March 13 2010 09:09 Incognito wrote: DT Check List: CynanMachae ~OpZ~ Sidesprang
Medic Prot List: Incognito Bodyguard A Bodyguard B Why are you dictating a list for the DT's and Medics? Do you have any reasons for the people you've chosen? Let the DTs and medics choose for themselves. If you post a public list, and the DTs and medics actually follow it, the mafia bus driver can effectively screw with the town without even needing to find his/her fellow mafia members in order to coordinate. I think these lists are not a helpful idea for the town. It also irks me that you've declared your idea to be final without thinking through the differences in the mechanics in this game. Or perhaps you have, but decided to hold such things back and post the flawed argument nonetheless. It's called creating order for the town, and establishing some sort of plan. Bodyguards are going to be made public, and there's a good chance they're going to be under fire at some point this game. I'll give you that maybe his DT check list is opinionated, but honestly who else are you going to protect? Look at this way, now, maybe I'm biased from lack of experience but guess what? MEDICS SUCK BALLS! Have you ever seen a medic perform outstandingly during a game? I sure have never seen a medic block more than one hit during a game, and usually those hits are very obvious (like Scamp protecting jspazz in the other game). Letting the DT's and medics roam free is certainly not beneficial to the town. Why do you want the medic/DT's acting on their own accord? Problem with forming some sort of town circle eh? Don't like the town being organized? Oh! Perhaps you've adopted the Chezinu style of play where you just try to cause some chaos for shits and giggles. Have you thought through the implications of the mafia bus driver role? This is no ordinary mafia game where a public DT/medic list *might* be beneficial. Alone, and without public DT/medic lists, the mafia bus driver (who does not begin knowing his/her mafia teammates) cannot really use the power effectively. The power cannot be used to protect the mafia or whitewash for them, since the bus drvier doesn't know who they are. And if the bus driver has no idea who the DTs will check, doing a random switch has a very low chance of producing useful results for the mafia.
With a public DT list, however, the bus driver could elect to switch someone in that DT list with anyone else. Remember the bus driver doesn't even need for this 'someone else' to be mafia for this to be effective - even if a blue is switched with a green, or a green with a blue, then the DT can be discredited. Or, if people are considering the chance that the DT's check was bus driven, then doubt is thrown on the result of the check, making it a lot less useful.
A DT choosing his or her own check instead can hopefully find a fellow town member, and then can form a private, trusted discussion group where all participants know that every idea is free from mafia interference, even if they aren't necessarily correct at first.
I do agree that on the whole, the medic power isn't that effective. But once again, having a public medic list that the medics actually follow just allow the mafia to avoid wasting their hits and slowing down their killing of the town, when wasted hits give the town more days, more time to figure out who the mafia are. The medic becomes a ton more powerful if he/she survives to late game because there are a lot fewer people for the mafia and medic to choose from, and thus the chances of their choices coinciding are a lot higher.
Addendum: + Show Spoiler +I can see how a DT list and medic list can be useful for a certain style of play, in which the town rallies around a FEW vocal, strong, central players, who are entirely confirmed by the DT and then subsequently protected by medics so that they can be the town leaders, recipients and proclaimers of DT checks, and the like, but the bus driver weakens this considerably. First, public DT-confirmation is a lot more shakey because of the bus driver. And like I mentioned in my main post, publicly declaring a DT check list is just inviting the bus driver to switch and muddle things up.
Also, the style of play which involves a few central, strong, DT-confirmed + medic-protected individuals leading the town is not the only road to success. Town members forming private discussion groups with people they trust, as well as posting their thoughts in public can root out mafia and win that way, and this style is far less vulnerable to mafia manipulation, as there aren't just a few individuals who are dominating the town's decisions. The town's power is in its mass, why not play in a style that emphasizes that? In any case, the bus driver makes the other route far less attractive.
On March 13 2010 11:00 flamewheel91 wrote: At this point, I don't believe I can put up the night post since the projected winner, BloodyC0bbler, has not sent in his lynch candidate. When he does the night post will go up. Night 1 will run from whenever I get the post up to 9:00 p.m. tomorrow (Saturday). Sorry for the delay.
Woops, posted in voting thread.
On March 13 2010 11:30 Fishball wrote: BC is not on MSN, so he is probably working now. Night shift. Also, only severe warning for d3? I thought this game was hardcore.
It is, but it's night 1. Plus, modkills have more severe consequences that move beyond this game. It starts to get hardcore with the next storm... (day 2).