[Champion] Teemo - Page 2
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United States33802 Posts
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United States776 Posts
I really like 30-0-0 masteries for most lanes and hybrid reds, armor yellows, ap blues, ap quints, but some hard lanes require special mastery setups in order to go even or just not die. yorick in particular is a lane that most people think counters teemo for some reason at my level(just made plat, so gold/plat area, I'm getting a lot of yorick counterpicks) Vs yorick, if you go 30-0-0 masteries and the above runes, you will lose lane, and hard. If you take 17-0-13 masteries, lifesteal/spellvamp and biscuteer/ward being the important ones in utility, then changing your rune setup to hybrid/armor/mr/lifesteal, and starting dorans blade and running teleport, you actually outsustain yorick and run him OOM. I typically recall once i have 900+ gold for a vamp scepter, wards and pots(opting to use teleport if the lane went bad or you got ganked). At this point yorick has probably farmed a tear but either hasn't recalled, or is at an exp disadvantage due to when he recalled. both situations are favorable allowing you to hit 6 safely and set up shop. proper kiting/bush control vs ghouls allows you to lose minimal life and eventually run yorick out of mana again. Teemo has all the kill potential in this lane 1v1 once cutlass and boots come into the picture. I've been having a lot of success with dorans(+biscuit/fakeward)-->vamp-->cutlass-->boots(zerkers?)-->botrk then frozen mallet or hurricane depending on how big of an advantage i have. hurricane helps shove the lane relenetlessly vs opponents you've already curbstomped and demands a lot of attention from mid/jungle, giving your team a lot of breathing room, ideally allowing them to stop feeding. frozen mallet first gives you the kiting necessary to continue your dominance over champs that otherwise would outscale you, such as jax. After you've completed the trifecta of botrk/hurricane/frozen mallet the game is usually decided and rarely goes much farther. either you've split pushed successfully enough to allow your team towers and dragons and barons(switching to pushing bottom lane, sending 4 top around the 20 minute mark) to snowball your team to victory, or you got caught and killed enough (orcounterpicked) for the enemy top laner to manage to 1v1 you, at which point ad teemo might as well /ff and afk. I've toyed with several 4th items. bloodthirster, IE, Shiv, zephyr, phage-->trinity force(its OP), but I'm not really sure what's good at this point. wardens mail is always there if you're ever worried a fight might be close late game. zephyr seems to give just about everything teeto needs late game at a reasonable price, so I'd lean towards that as being solid in most situations. The best part about s3 is that hurricane gave teemo a really strong 2 item teamfight timing. botrk + hurricane and then suddenly joining up for surprise 5v4 butsex(enemy top laner is trying to farm top and catch up) is the best. Be a man and first pick teemo. he's the best. | ||
Canada10567 Posts
I much prefer bruiser so that you can actually join in fights/peel/tank a bit if necessary though. The kiting power that a couple well placed shrooms along with blind & blade give you is really, really obnoxious. | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
@ItsFunToLose: 30/0/0 is quite hilarious, as against anyone without a gap closer you just lolol shit on their face, but I tend to prefer being tankier. Both are effective, I think. About a 4th item, as I said I rather like GA in a lot of cases. If you're getting focused (which, let's face it, you're Teemo) it makes you even more annoying and people will curse your name. Short of that, even though you're playing "AD Teemo" you're still mostly mixed damage, so consider Zhonya for both extra damage and maximum trolling with the active. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On October 29 2013 20:51 Sponkz wrote: But bruiser teemo should be played in a split-push comp. Teemo has never been a fantastic team-fighter and the reason why he is partly good for team fights as AP, is the amount of dedication some Teemo-players (from my PoV) put in their shroom settings. This allow you to control the fights alot more, because aside from Q and auto's you don't really do anything, but if you can bait people around in well-placed shrooms you melt them like chocolate. ADC only really provide autos too. For the mid game it's respectable damage (so until the ADC gets like 4 major items). More importantly if you get caught out by a bruiser in the mid game and you don't have a tower to run back to, then won't you die? Can't shroom everywhere you're pushing. I think I remember people doing Teemo APC in botlane during Trolls. How did that go? | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
Blade of the ruined+mallet makes you a good adc or what are you trying to imply here? Like sure, the %dmg from blade is decent against high health targets, but by no means makes you a threat, the same way a typical adc does. His peeling is mediocre; the only real good part about his kit is the blind, apart from that he's just a worse auto-attacker than an ADC. You seem to forget, that IF you decide to run teemo top, you need an extremely tanky front-line from your support and jungler (e.g Amumu/Leona or similar), because you're pretty much playing like pantheon (back-line peeling for your ADC), except you do way less damage. @obesechicken13 Yeah, you forget the part where ADC's build multiplicative scaling items, that makes them terrifying late-game. Can't really compare ADC autos with teemo's autos. That's just absurd. For the split-pushing part, the most common thing I've seen is taking outer+inner turret top and then you kindly rotate bot post-30 min. This allows your team to pressure dragon and baron respectively while still insuring that your team gets some sort of global gold from the towers you end up pushing. I've seen some Teemo's completely demolish bot-lane and get the inhibitor while his team lost baron-control and had to give it to the enemy (still very much worth it). | ||
United States10467 Posts
On October 30 2013 03:42 Sponkz wrote: @Requizen Blade of the ruined+mallet makes you a good adc or what are you trying to imply here? Like sure, the %dmg from blade is decent against high health targets, but by no means makes you a threat, the same way a typical adc does. His peeling is mediocre; the only real good part about his kit is the blind, apart from that he's just a worse auto-attacker than an ADC. You seem to forget, that IF you decide to run teemo top, you need an extremely tanky front-line from your support and jungler (e.g Amumu/Leona or similar), because you're pretty much playing like pantheon (back-line peeling for your ADC), except you do way less damage. @obesechicken13 Yeah, you forget the part where ADC's build multiplicative scaling items, that makes them terrifying late-game. Can't really compare ADC autos with teemo's autos. That's just absurd. For the split-pushing part, the most common thing I've seen is taking outer+inner turret top and then you kindly rotate bot post-30 min. This allows your team to pressure dragon and baron respectively while still insuring that your team gets some sort of global gold from the towers you end up pushing. I've seen some Teemo's completely demolish bot-lane and get the inhibitor while his team lost baron-control and had to give it to the enemy (still very much worth it). Yeah, I'm aware Teemo's scaling into late is bad compared to ADC, but I'm mostly wondering if the blind lets him crush ADs bot enough. If you're just getting the outer then you're in little danger since you're so close to turret and wards but as soon as you go for the inner turret that's where I'd kill Teemo whereas someone like Udyr or Shen might get away if ganked. | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
While he isn't a high-damage threat, he's disruptive, fairly resilient (assuming Mallet/Defensive masteries/maybe GA), and hard as hell to pin down without turning your whole focus onto him. AP Teemo is more adept if you want to carry games with damage, but Bruiser is by no means useless in a teamfight. He doesn't fill a role of carry or front line tank, he provides a target, he blinds marksmen, and he gives area control with shrooms. | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
Obviously you're not doing a lot of damage to late-game tanks with lots of both resists stacked on top of armor. That's the ADC's and certain APC's jobs, and something AP Teemo does well at. Bruiser Teemo works best against things he can kite and disrupt. Things like Udyr (who famously doesn't have a good late game anyway), Nasus (even if he Withers you, you should be able to kite well and survive while your ADC does their thing), or someone like Skarner. | ||
Canada966 Posts
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Denmark4564 Posts
On October 30 2013 05:10 Lightswarm wrote: i do kinda wanna see ad carries do primarily ap dmg. would be kinda interesting to play out rather than the typical BF upgrade/LW Well if their primary damage was AP, they wouldn't be ad carries? We already have Kog'Maw, Ezreal and Corki as a mixture of ap and AD and all 3 are really good tri-force users aswell, which is a contrast to the build path you're describing. | ||
United States33802 Posts
TF and Ziggs don't have it on every auto (Ziggs's being his passive and TF being E and PAC reset) so are unreliable. Also TF's range is booty and if he stays in range he dies instantly. Ori's AP ratio on her autos is really small and requires buildup time on top of that. Kayle's is tied to her Fury active. Late game it's pretty fuckright devastating in combination with her shred and nuke, but when it's on CD early game she sucks. Teemo is really the only champ right now that can reliably build AP and fill the Marksman role. Not saying it's good to do so and put him in a duo lane so he can rush a DC or whatever, but from a mechanics standpoint he's the only real choice for it. On topic: Lately I've been preferring Zhonya's first on AP Bruiser Teemo in nearly any situation where the opponent isn't pure AP. Nashor's is fantastic if I get fed and have a chance to build other AP, but by itself it's been wearing on me. Seeker's is just such a great item to have in most lane matchups and Hourglass makes you kind of a monster. My current issue is that he doesn't really have a good straight MR item to build outside of Merc's. I often find myself just getting GA if I need MR. I never really buy Abyssal for some reason though I suppose it's probably a decent item on him. The issue I have with Abyssal (and this is kind of nitpick) is that the MR reduction doesn't affect them when they hit shrooms on the other side of the map, and if you're poking with poison you have to remain in aura range for the best effect. Often if I'm against an AP champion I just get a lot of health in Liandry's and DRings instead. | ||
3925 Posts
AD Teemo - I often go E>W>Q, a point in Q but not much else until late game. Mov.speed on Teemo is just the best. Keep the distance, wait for shrooms to hit in a good spot, rush in and finish the job. 30/0/0 masteries are probably insane on Teemo because of the AP his auto attacks deal. I need to try that out. AP Teemo - Rush Liandrys Torment, then CDR, then Shroom it up with ap/mag pen | ||
United States33802 Posts
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3925 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Australia86 Posts
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