Basically you can ask yourself four questions.
1) if the jungler comes right now, will I die or burn flash? (Ignore if you know the jungler can't come) this also applies to midland and people with teleports/glob ults and no one at all.
2) if I go back now will the enemy get a gold/exp advantage on me by staying and pushing the wave?
3) if I don't go back now will the enemy be able to achieve a leveragable item advantage on me?
4) do I need to get items in order to achieve a team objective that will be in play by the time I get back?
If the answers to all except number 2 are no then stay in lane and keep farming. If not you should then you should probably back. As you think about those questions you should realize the advantage you can gain if you can force the enemy botane to back at inopportune times and attempt use manipulate the lane to cause them and take advantage of them
Someone trying to persuade me to give LoL a try. Through google I've seen about a dozen "DOTA2 for a LoL player" guides but finding it really, really hard to find a "LoL for a DOTA2 player" guide. Or at least a good one, and reverse-engineering the former is a little tricky.
Any suggestions on where to look?
Whats the best way to get golems on blue side bot lane?
EDIT: I've seen it done two ways: One by standing in the brush so the golems glitch out and don't hit you and the other via the Support Powerpoint that spellsy put up. When testing, it seems like the latter is better/quicker, but I just want to make sure.
If it's super late game,and I have my full build,what do I do wit all my money?
On February 25 2013 01:30 Lightspeaker wrote: Someone trying to persuade me to give LoL a try. Through google I've seen about a dozen "DOTA2 for a LoL player" guides but finding it really, really hard to find a "LoL for a DOTA2 player" guide. Or at least a good one, and reverse-engineering the former is a little tricky.
Any suggestions on where to look?
I almost feel like there isn't a point. While there are obvious differences(no denying) and not so obvious differences(Abilities tend to be less important than items in League) these differences will become fairly obvious as you play and level up.
If you didn't need to play to understand the game then this would not be an issue, but champion abilities and timings require play to understand correctly. This applies to both your own abilities and the enemies abilities
The big differences are this:
1) Teleportation is not purchasable in the store and you MUST go all the way back in order to buy. When to buy is a strategic decision because you will not be present on the map until you're done with almost no way to rectify that.
2) Summon Spells are common pool long duration abilities which everyone has access too (so long as they're over a certain summoner level). Every one gets two. This is where you find teleportation and blink dagger. Both on very long cooldowns.
3) You cannot destroy terrain in League. In addition there are brushes which obscure vision for anyone outside of that brush. The key to effectively fighting in League is using that vision.
Basically, play the Tutorial, watch this video and then play bot games until you're at least level 10(this will get you out of most of the smurf games).
Ideally, before you play with a new champion you will want to play a bot game or a custom game with no one in it to get a feel for animations and how they scale until you're very familiar with the game
On February 25 2013 08:46 KaiGreene wrote: If it's super late game,and I have my full build,what do I do wit all my money?
Elixirs, you can swap out a popped GA for a Warmogs and v/v, maybe swap out items based on the enemy team comp.
What do you actually do against a jungle Vi with as ADC? Like it I play with friends and usually end up having to carry but I've found it literally hopeless to try and carry against a jungle Vi.
In almost all my games, they all end up with Spirit of Elder Lizard and then tank items. I can't even get to the point of trying to carry because for the past week I've never seen a jungle Vi with a bad score. In team fights fights, they just dive for me and either I zone myself away from doing damage or I lose enough hp that I can't really get good auto's off.
I'm sorry if it sounds like a QQ post but over the past few weeks I've never been any more annoyed of a champion since pre-nerf Shaco in S2.
I gave LoL a shot as my friends didn't want to try Dota. Right now I'm Lvl 9 and initiating heroes/champions seem to be the most fun for me while support (and later jungle) would be my preferred role to fill. Got Amumu and Blitzcrank from my first points. Any advice on other heroes that would fit the description so I can give them a try?
On February 25 2013 19:08 smr wrote: I gave LoL a shot as my friends didn't want to try Dota. Right now I'm Lvl 9 and initiating heroes/champions seem to be the most fun for me while support (and later jungle) would be my preferred role to fill. Got Amumu and Blitzcrank from my first points. Any advice on other heroes that would fit the description so I can give them a try?
You'll like Leona if you like supports that can initiate. The most common advice for new players ,and I agree with it, would be to avoid buying too many champions on your way to level 30, especially expensive champions. You want to save up for runes when you hit level 20 and they're expensive. Until then, you can enjoy the free champions.
On February 25 2013 21:59 NpG)Explosive wrote:Show nested quote +On February 25 2013 19:08 smr wrote: I gave LoL a shot as my friends didn't want to try Dota. Right now I'm Lvl 9 and initiating heroes/champions seem to be the most fun for me while support (and later jungle) would be my preferred role to fill. Got Amumu and Blitzcrank from my first points. Any advice on other heroes that would fit the description so I can give them a try? You'll like Leona if you like supports that can initiate. The most common advice for new players ,and I agree with it, would be to avoid buying too many champions on your way to level 30, especially expensive champions. You want to save up for runes when you hit level 20 and they're expensive. Until then, you can enjoy the free champions.
Thank you. I read about runes and bought a few Lvl 1 runes whenever I got a new slot. I remember reading somewhere that the bonus is quite good and it makes the transition to the best runes easier/cheaper? I got both Amumu and Blitz after they were free so I knew that they would be fun but I can't see myself getting any of the 6k cost heroes.
On February 25 2013 22:18 smr wrote:Show nested quote +On February 25 2013 21:59 NpG)Explosive wrote:On February 25 2013 19:08 smr wrote: I gave LoL a shot as my friends didn't want to try Dota. Right now I'm Lvl 9 and initiating heroes/champions seem to be the most fun for me while support (and later jungle) would be my preferred role to fill. Got Amumu and Blitzcrank from my first points. Any advice on other heroes that would fit the description so I can give them a try? You'll like Leona if you like supports that can initiate. The most common advice for new players ,and I agree with it, would be to avoid buying too many champions on your way to level 30, especially expensive champions. You want to save up for runes when you hit level 20 and they're expensive. Until then, you can enjoy the free champions. Thank you. I read about runes and bought a few Lvl 1 runes whenever I got a new slot. I remember reading somewhere that the bonus is quite good and it makes the transition to the best runes easier/cheaper? I got both Amumu and Blitz after they were free so I knew that they would be fun but I can't see myself getting any of the 6k cost heroes.
You can combine three runes to get a random rune from the next tiers so your tier 1 runes are not completly wasted, but it's close to it. That being said, they are really cheap for what you get so it's not a bad buy. I would skip tiers 2 runes though.
On February 25 2013 21:59 NpG)Explosive wrote:Show nested quote +On February 25 2013 19:08 smr wrote: I gave LoL a shot as my friends didn't want to try Dota. Right now I'm Lvl 9 and initiating heroes/champions seem to be the most fun for me while support (and later jungle) would be my preferred role to fill. Got Amumu and Blitzcrank from my first points. Any advice on other heroes that would fit the description so I can give them a try? You'll like Leona if you like supports that can initiate. The most common advice for new players ,and I agree with it, would be to avoid buying too many champions on your way to level 30, especially expensive champions. You want to save up for runes when you hit level 20 and they're expensive. Until then, you can enjoy the free champions. Malphite is a perfectly good initiator and jungler (albeit a bit slow), and I'm sure he'll work alright as "support-y" while leveling the account. What's more, he's cheap. Maokai works too but he's more expensive. Thresh (super-expensive), Alistar (once you're level 12 you'll be able to use the summoner spell Flash to initiate with Flash-Pulverize—think Blink Dagger + AoE knock-up in DotA; or just the usual Headbutt->Pulverize combo).
Also, Alistar, despite what some people say in this thread, is like, the best support.
Why does it often appear as if streamers have people muted, but they can still see them chat?
1) What does "leash" mean?
2) Why is it always ADC at the bottom and APC solo at top if there's a jungler?
Solo lanes get more exp because they don't have to share it, making it better for champions such as mages/casters (ie relying on spells, be it AP like Annie, Orianna, etc. or AD like Talon, Zed, Kha'Zix) who need the levels to max their spells as early as possible. You usually put the support with the AD carry because he doesn't need levels as much as items, and in a 2v2 the supports can buy the wards, put some pressure on the enemies, have spells to keep you healthy, etc. that allow their partner to save their money, back less often and take as much farm as possible (it's not that the support needs 0 farm, it's that the teams put priority on farming the AD carry so he takes all of it and the support doesn't have much).
The mages champs are often ranged and bursty (as in they deal their damage in a burst and don't need to stay around afterwards) so they don't expose themselves for too long, and the top laners are often tough, hardy champs with good base stats, sustain or resistances woven in their abilities, while the AD carries mostly need to stick around to deal significant damage as they rely on dps, while being squishy, so they are generally the ones who need the most protection/setup for them to deal damage safely and reliably [over time]. Also putting a support with somebody like LeBlanc may hurt her because she needs the levels as early as possible so she can 1v1 the opposing solos, and bully the duo laners/jungler using her level advantage and her spells, so you don't see it often.
As said before.
AP carry usually gets mid because they need a solo lane for levels, have high roam potential, and often have trouble laning in a long lane vs bruisers.
Ad carries go into the duo lane because they rely most on farm and not so much on levels, the support helps them. The duo lane goes bot so you have more dragon control.