On February 15 2013 17:35 RuskiPanda wrote: Didn't really play much in between season 2 and season 3 gap but what exactly made it so that things like 7 health pots and a ward (or something of that variety) are now the common opener on most laners that I see against me (apart from AD obviously). Are Boots/3 pots just bad now or something?
Boots nerfed from 50 ms to 25 and junglers can't start boots any more so starting boots isnt needed to survive jungles any more.
(passive without boots ms upgraded up by 25 to account for that)
I need a magical rune page, which I can use on basicly all ap champions, like: Kassadin, Zigs, Nidalee, Evelyn
flat magic pen x9 flat health x9 flat mr x9 flat apx3
Would that be good?
I usually take scaling health or manar regen /lv seals, but i guess flat health would help survive pre6 ganks better. Scaling AP blues are also pretty popular, but Mres would be better for melee AP champs.
Also, does anyone have a good way to force/kill a 9pot/2ward mid laner out of the lane with a squishy AP champ?
United States47024 Posts
Flat health seals have extremely poor slot-efficiency. Scaling health seals surpass them at level 5.
If you want early survivability, armor is probably better even against magic damage APs because of how poor flat health seals are. Otherwise, use scaling and not flat health seals.
On February 18 2013 12:20 Wrath 2.1 wrote: I need a magical rune page, which I can use on basicly all ap champions, like: Kassadin, Zigs, Nidalee, Evelyn
flat magic pen x9 flat health x9 flat mr x9 flat apx3
Would that be good?
yeah don't use flat health
other than that its good, only thing is you wont be able to run an AP jungle with that page (need armor yellows). I run armor on my non mana regen yellow page for this reason, its fine mid (autos/ganks/creep agro/later fights). As I've got a ton of champs and 4 runepages.
For the d-blade vs sword+2pots, why is it 44 hits? isnt 2 pots 300 health, so 60 hits?
On February 18 2013 14:33 deathray797 wrote: For the d-blade vs sword+2pots, why is it 44 hits? isnt 2 pots 300 health, so 60 hits? You're forgetting the 80 hp Dblade gives
How does tower attack priority on minions work?
Long-winded explanation of the simple question. ![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif) + Show Spoiler +Sometimes, when under tower early, it takes 2 AA + 1 tower hit to kill a caster minion. I see pros hit 1 AA on caster minion, wait for tower damage then hit second AA. Now, I can do that as well but pros seem to know (before the red sight line appears) which minion the tower will go for. This can be crucial when your own wave arrives and starts doing damage to some enemy minion while tower is attacking as well. If I am to cs well under tower I need to know if the 1/2 health minion will get next tower aggro or if it will go for a full health one because that tells me how much time I have to dps 1/2 health minion to try and get the cs before tower 1-shots it.
The same thing when a huge wave is pushing, they somehow know which minion will take tower aggro before the tower chooses. I understand that first minion within tower range gets first aggro, but then what?
Also, I love this thread. It's like a bunch of TIL moments all rolled up into one.
Well, they changed the priority for the tower to siege>melee>caster minions. But good question I also wonder how the tower choses from let's say 3 full HP melee minions and one 1/2 HP melee minion.
On February 18 2013 12:20 Wrath 2.1 wrote: I need a magical rune page, which I can use on basicly all ap champions, like: Kassadin, Zigs, Nidalee, Evelyn
flat magic pen x9 flat health x9 flat mr x9 flat apx3
Would that be good?
If you want just one page, I'd suggest switching the health yellows for armor. In case there is a Khazix mid or a Lee Sin jungle, you will probably need the armor. Kassadin and Evelynn also will eat a lot of auto harassment from ranged aps early on. And in the case where you probably won't eat much physical damage from your opponent, they still reduce creep and tower damage.
Thanks for the feedback!
red - magic pen yellow - armor blue - mr quintessence - 4,95 ap
So this is would be the recommended page for most casters? (Since I only have 2 rune pages at the moment, and not much spare ip I must be most effient^^)
How to counter 2 teleports and a shaco all split pushing
Either out-splitpush them (push harder with champs also able to 1v1 and hard cc the TPs), or have hard engages, and if they aren't strong enough to repel you 2v5 or 3v5 push hard and force them to fight around objectives like Nashor or inhib towers. Of course if the defenders also have hella strong clearing potential (hello Anivia, Xerath, TF, Lux, Cait) then you probably got outdrafted, or outplayed early on so that you can't take the lead out of their hands.
On February 17 2013 04:45 olabaz wrote: Kind of like how you can stack tear with out actually wasting mana?
Wait what? How do you do that?
On February 19 2013 02:32 red_ wrote:Show nested quote +On February 17 2013 04:45 olabaz wrote: Kind of like how you can stack tear with out actually wasting mana? Wait what? How do you do that? stand in the fountain with a toggle spell on
with upcoming ashe buff. What would be a rough ashe guide with skill order? R>W>Q>E?
On February 19 2013 05:28 nosliw wrote: with upcoming ashe buff. What would be a rough ashe guide with skill order? R>W>Q>E?
It shouldn't really change much imo.Considering the uber tanky bruisers with gap closers meta is just so hard for her.Also laning phase is really hard as well.But you should just do a standart ie/pd/lw on her(maybe you could start 3 dorans instead of vamp to help out laning).
That is the skill order yeah.I think ghost/flash would be better than the regular barrier(cleanse)/flash (if the teams allow it ofc).
Ashes laning is quite strong. I think she might be viable after the buffs again, she is just a little bit too weak right now will see, I play her quite frequently on my smurf (diamond 5 atm) and she is not bad. For skillorder the r>w>q>e is pretty much correct. Personally I like to get 2 points in e quite earlish (lvl 8 mostly) just due to the reason that you cant check objectives (drake, nash, buffs) from lane with only 1 points, you would nee to walk quite a bit to get in range. If you are not good at using hawkshot you should probably just go with only 1 point. Items: you usually like IE first so an itembuild would be: IE PD (def item whenever you need, but atleast you need ie, zeal) LW/BT (situational which one first, maybe botrk depends how they change/buff it) AS boots with Furor upgrade (situational homeguard) for lane you want 0-2 dorans (personally I always start dorans so for me its 1-2 dorans if you dont like it longsword is fine)
How to lane vs Kayle bot lane. I've played cait and vayne and I get raped really hard.
ad kayle I suppose? Im not really confident in answering it because I didnt play against it at all, I suppose you should try to play around her E cooldown and try to poke her when its on cd. Dont let her get cs when she is in melee form and try to back out when she uses the E.