On April 03 2012 11:46 De4ngus wrote: i never jungle cho but wriggles sounds pretty bad =/
I dont think its as bad as you think it is. It definitely makes him clear jungle faster and gives reasonable sustain and free wards. It is a good enough early game buy and you can always sell it if you get to ultra late game.
On April 03 2012 11:46 De4ngus wrote: i never jungle cho but wriggles sounds pretty bad =/
I dont think its as bad as you think it is. It definitely makes him clear jungle faster and gives reasonable sustain and free wards. It is a good enough early game buy and you can always sell it if you get to ultra late game.
Sustain is not a problem for Cho because of his passive. Even so, you do a lot of AoE magical damage with your vorpal blades which doesn't work with life steal. Buying a recurve bow feels more effective if you want to speed up your clears. Overall the arguments are the same as for phoenix udyr.
Hey, I've been trying to find this information everywhere. When Cho is in brush and uses rupture, the rupture ground animation doesn't show right? This information would make or break cho gath as a jungler for me.
I remember in the old Cho champion topic 5HIT mentioned how Xin Zhao rapes Cho. Does this still hold true/how would you lane against him (since it's currently free Xin week lol)?
On April 13 2012 02:36 OnceKing wrote: I remember in the old Cho champion topic 5HIT mentioned how Xin Zhao rapes Cho. Does this still hold true/how would you lane against him (since it's currently free Xin week lol)?
Early levels I can see that happening but after Cho starts to stack some armor, ie Ninja Tabi, Glacial Shroud->Frozen Heart and some stacks on Feast, it becomes ridiculously hard for Xin Zhao to burst down
If I were forced to play the matchup I'd probably open a lot of dumb stuff like cloth armor lantern dorans shield(s) glacial and ninja tabi with 2 gold/10 items and play passive until ganks while maxing E in case your jungler comes and you can land something on him.
Update: I've been running solo mid rush gunblade cho lately. It rapes a lot of matchups now that they buffed his movespeed and you can land w even more reliably.
9/21/0 with points in initiator and cooldown, flash/ignite
flat ap/mpen/mp5/lv/flat mr
open boots + 3 pots and qwwewr R>W>E>Q
first buy negatron if you need it, dodge boots if you need it (over chain vest because it delays your gunblade less and gives you more movespeed, always good with cho), or if you're winning just buy parts of gunblade, starting with revolver.
rush gunblade. Once you get gunblade you can pretty much solo anyone by walking towards them -> gunblade -> rupture now that they can't dodge -> scream -> feast -> auto-chase with ignite at any point and most champs can't stop it. Either go tanky now or if you're still wrecking everything start making triforce or PD. Sounds troll but it's actually really freaking legit.
21/0/9 never, RoA -> FH with mercs is pretty standard on a 9/21/0, WOTA is weak on cho, especially after the nerf, Deathcap is strong but you don't have the AP to justify it and you'd rather have Rylais, especially in a tank build, but honestly build whatever you want because you're cho and the only thing that matters is your rupture hit rate.
On May 08 2012 17:18 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: 21/0/9 never, RoA -> FH with mercs is pretty standard on a 9/21/0, WOTA is weak on cho, especially after the nerf, Deathcap is strong but you don't have the AP to justify it and you'd rather have Rylais, especially in a tank build, but honestly build whatever you want because you're cho and the only thing that matters is your rupture hit rate.
this sounds pretty much right. I always build RoA into Frozen heart, like ALWAYS. I usually pick up an abyssal scepter instead of rylais though.
I personally always max Q first, but thats because I usually try jungling and most players don't expect the rupture as much as somone that you are laning against and therefore they don't dodge it well.
On May 08 2012 17:18 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: 21/0/9 never, RoA -> FH with mercs is pretty standard on a 9/21/0, WOTA is weak on cho, especially after the nerf, Deathcap is strong but you don't have the AP to justify it and you'd rather have Rylais, especially in a tank build, but honestly build whatever you want because you're cho and the only thing that matters is your rupture hit rate.
this sounds pretty much right. I always build RoA into Frozen heart, like ALWAYS. I usually pick up an abyssal scepter instead of rylais though.
I personally always max Q first, but thats because I usually try jungling and most players don't expect the rupture as much as somone that you are laning against and therefore they don't dodge it well.
I don't get Rod if I'm going Rylais usually, the game doesn't last long enough. I think that even in the jungle, maxing R>E>W>Q is best because if they don't dodge the rupture, you're going to gapclose on them and apply red buff anyway so the extra auto damage you get off of spines will be easily enough to output more dps than a flat extra bit of burst on rupture. Do what you want, though .
This one time last night I hit Rupture -> Scream -> Feast. I think it was the first time I've ever done that. It was awesome. I still don't think I'll be playing much Cho though, I find it so hard to be useful with him somehow =X.
AP cho is so hit or miss. If you miss your Q there goes half of your damage output. I feel bruiser chogath is so much stronger. I've never thought about hextech on chogath, theoretically should be pretty good on him, but some concerns is the cost effectiveness vs the stats it offers.... I think chogath should just be built bruiser, since he can pretty much avoid building frozenmallet (due to his huge health bonus from his ulti again, but you can build it just to be super beast). With items like atma's, wrig's, wits end, hexdrinker, bloodrazer, offer damage + defensive statas, chogath becomes a tank and a huge damage threat.
On May 09 2012 05:28 wei2coolman wrote: AP cho is so hit or miss. If you miss your Q there goes half of your damage output. I feel bruiser chogath is so much stronger. I've never thought about hextech on chogath, theoretically should be pretty good on him, but some concerns is the cost effectiveness vs the stats it offers.... I think chogath should just be built bruiser, since he can pretty much avoid building frozenmallet (due to his huge health bonus from his ulti again, but you can build it just to be super beast). With items like atma's, wrig's, wits end, hexdrinker, bloodrazer, offer damage + defensive statas, chogath becomes a tank and a huge damage threat.
I like the super generic builds that go double gold/10 -> mercs -> FH + Reverie + Wit's. Not needing HP = rush Frozen Heart to me. Like, seriously, every time I think that on a character I'm just like, "ok, I'ma get FH then."
Cho is definitely one of my favorite top laners. I tend to go boots+3 into either Glacial Shroud > Frozen Heart or Boots+3 > Witt's End as my first items depending on my lane matchup. I guess I don't see the point in rushing RoA because you don't need the health or mana especially if you keep your feast stacks up and know how to last hit. The ability power is nice but also isn't needed. Cho with a witt's is pretty damn scary especially if you get your E maxed.
R > W > E > Q but you get 1 point in Q early for ganks.
My core items for Cho are Merc/Ninja, Witts, Frozen Heart & Abyssal Scepter.