Would you ever get Zephyr instead of Nashor's if you needed tabi? Or just screw the tenacity unless they have massive CC?
[Champion] Cho'Gath - Page 21
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United States2396 Posts
Would you ever get Zephyr instead of Nashor's if you needed tabi? Or just screw the tenacity unless they have massive CC? | ||
Poland15 Posts
If we are talking about AD items, I used to build Rageblade. But then I was like fresh level 30 and starting ranked in Silver 5. BotRK or Zephyr have pretty useful passives/actives, but I don't think they are good enough to spend 3k gold on them and get only 50% AS in terms of stats. I don't count AD, because doing more physical damage on autoattacks doesn't really do much. Cho can't afford such inefficient items, as he is a shitty champion and won't keep up with his opponents unless he optimizes his stats. Now that I think of it, Zephyr might be a viable option if Nashor's didn't exist, because it also gives CDR. But I only get Nashor's when I'm so far ahead that I can't possibly get killed, so the choice of boots is meaningless anyway. | ||
United States1372 Posts
But I don't think Nashor's is that great. I recommend getting CDR/level blues so that all you need is FH for max CDR, and then you can build a Wit's End if you want more damage. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On December 20 2014 03:42 APurpleCow wrote: Definitely agree with everyone saying Rylai's is awesome on Cho. But I don't think Nashor's is that great. I recommend getting CDR/level blues so that all you need is FH for max CDR, and then you can build a Wit's End if you want more damage. I always liked Wits End on cho, i think its actually pretty legit on him tbh. | ||
Poland15 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
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10417 Posts
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Belgium4558 Posts
On December 28 2014 08:52 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Cho's biggest weakness is that he gets kited and has long cooldowns. Wit's End only solves one of those. How does Wit's End solve either of those problems? Has no cdr, has no sticking potential. What am I missing? | ||
United States13274 Posts
On December 28 2014 08:52 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Wit's End is good, but it should pretty much always be Spirit Visage or Locket imo. If you're up in their face auto-attacking that much you're in the "win more" condition. Cho's not exactly in the greatest place right now, but he does pretty well with tank items on top of a RoA or Rylais. He still stomps a couple matches toplane where you can just cloth5 into glacial and stack feast up. Generally he does well midlane, too, though you will get outscaled by a lot of champs that can stabilize with waveclear mana early enough. From the jungle you just straight up don't have the time for Wit's End. Cho's biggest weakness is that he gets kited and has long cooldowns. Wit's End only solves one of those. I pretty much universally prefer Visage or Locket unless I'm massively ahead, and in that case I prefer Triforce anyway. Eh, I disagree. There are a lot of brawly matchups where it's not trivial that if you get on top of your opponent, you win, and in these scenarios, I find Wit's to be superior to more defensive MR options. Rumble for instance, I find very difficult to deal with with just SV or Locket, because even if I can keep myself alive with one of those items, I don't actually exert much 1 on 1 pressure on him. I also like it as a 2nd item against shit like Renekton/Shyvana/Mundo/Maokai that specialize in prolonged fights and deal significant magic damage as it can allow you to boss these guys around. It's not a super strong teamfighting item and pales in comparison to resists/CDR in those scenarios, but Cho can really crush the vast majority of Fighters and Tanks in isolated situations and Wit's is good at pushing this strength to an extreme. | ||
10417 Posts
On December 31 2014 20:45 Uldridge wrote: How does Wit's End solve either of those problems? Has no cdr, has no sticking potential. What am I missing? Long cooldowns isn't a problem when you have high attackspeed. He does get free +80 AoE dmg on his E. On January 01 2015 04:59 Mogwai wrote: Eh, I disagree. There are a lot of brawly matchups where it's not trivial that if you get on top of your opponent, you win, and in these scenarios, I find Wit's to be superior to more defensive MR options. Rumble for instance, I find very difficult to deal with with just SV or Locket, because even if I can keep myself alive with one of those items, I don't actually exert much 1 on 1 pressure on him. I also like it as a 2nd item against shit like Renekton/Shyvana/Mundo/Maokai that specialize in prolonged fights and deal significant magic damage as it can allow you to boss these guys around. It's not a super strong teamfighting item and pales in comparison to resists/CDR in those scenarios, but Cho can really crush the vast majority of Fighters and Tanks in isolated situations and Wit's is good at pushing this strength to an extreme. Hmmm maybe I'll give it a try against brawlers. I usually build Cho for the teamfight phase regardless of the matchup I'm in because I just feel like it's so much stronger in terms of effecting the game, but I can see the utility in having an early Wit's End for the matchups you mentioned. Although my Cho page is generally attackspeed reds if I'm top lane and I usually E max so that might be part of the reason why I have the opinion on Wit's End ;P. OH but one thing that is really interesting is that I've been thinking about replacing RoA with Righteous Glory because it's just so damn good and you can actually fit a Wit's End into the build from top lane if you don't have to worry about the stacking on Rod anymore... | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States312 Posts
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Australia2470 Posts
I found this build on one of those guide sites and it's pretty hilarious. Relies on you not dieing though, because you have to keep your stacks high. The extra spectres cowl is normally a frozen heart. | ||
10417 Posts
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China1214 Posts
This may lose a bit of its strength with the upcoming chilling smite change, but even then Cho seems to fit the role I like soloQ junglers to have: + Safe, fast clear + Doesn't need buffs after first clear + Front liner + Still functional when behind I was previously playing a lot of Sejuani, but her needing mana to farm quickly shoehorns her into ranger's and/or an earlier mana item, whereas Cho can farm quickly with E autos up to level 9. Her potential upsides are greater with a longer-range AOE engage and followup, but I can see Cho edging her out in the worse and average use cases. Anyone here have any tips or experience with Cho in the S5 jungle? | ||
United States10467 Posts
How do you do Cho'gath vs Riven? I got a kill on her solo and survived with my passive while minions were hitting me. Then after that she flashed every rupture in duels and killed me in the downtime and I didn't have her dps because I went Q>W>E Is it an E max or a W max? If you go E max do you get Nashors? If you go W max, do you get Frozen Heart or RoA? Do you try to combo W and Q together to prevent her from flashing out of your Q? Similarly do you combo them together against Fizz (E) and Fiora (R)? I've been spamming W a lot without Q. When do you go for harass with Q? I'd always miss because Riven was good at dodging long range Qs and moving around. How do you make it less likely that she shields right before you W? I used it on her as she came in range, and then realized she came in range to E and try to all-in me and then some of my damage would have been blocked by a 1.5 second shield. How do you use ult? Harass on CD when you get in range? Feast a minion on CD? Save it during laning until you have a potential kill? | ||
830 Posts
i lterally never q max anymore because it´s not very forgiving: if u dont hit the q in the trade you are dead most likely (or getting bullied for the next minute or so) 95% of the time i go RoA, Nashors only when i know i am going to splitpush a lot (this is when i run tp over ignite also), frozen heart 2nd or 3rd item earliest, unless i lose lane heavily. Lately I´ve been going RoA, then morellos a lot because you can get on 40% cdr so quick (cdr boots or FH after) vs riven: since i w max i never lost to her, i guess it´s just that much better than q... just w every attempted combo, q her if she still sticks around (more or less she would be sitting on top of you) and casually walk away Do that over and over again until she is in killing range with w+q+r I use ult depening on MU and sums i have, if i got tp and i am in a more farm-heavy MU i ult on cd more or less. I found that ulting at lvl 6 and then just basing if you know you are not getting kill pressure/a gank anytime soon is very convenient. With ignite (which i run only in MUs i know i can kill at 6) i try to hold un for ult a bit more in case of an opening. only gold/plat elo tho, so i suck and don´t know if this is actually best | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States302 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
On April 01 2015 23:09 Alaric wrote: Pretty sure you never max Q. It gains 5 more damage per level than W and the mana cost remains flat, but silence duration is pretty big, be it in trades against casters, ganks, or teamfights. It's also way easier to hit, and you can clear a wave with W+autos without losing your "defensive" ability in case of a gank or something. The slow gets better and it has a lower base CD though. I saw someone do it on YT even though I was pretty sure W max was more common. I think I've just realized that people don't miss Cho'gath's Q because they're bad players but rather because the ability is hard to hit. | ||
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