On May 25 2013 12:35 Anakko wrote: Well, i tried that nashor's E max rush on cho top a few games, it actually feels pretty good and fun. Outsplitpushed a tryndamere, the cdr lets you stack feast rather fast, and if you get a frozen heart next you're nigh unkillable in the midgame. Fun for sure.
Btw i like flask/ward/pot, but what do you guys get as starting items for cho top? I do that or cloth 5 vs. like Riven/Darius type dudes.
On May 25 2013 13:19 TheLink wrote: Rod of Ages into Zhonya's has been my core on Cho lately. Your rupture scales 1.0 and feast scales 0.7 true, I much prefer getting as high raw AP as possible for those 2 spells. Can get a chain vest or negatron cloak before the large rod if you need to be a bit tougher. I feel like everyone tries getting cute with his E and forgets just how much damage feast can do. Also much prefer rod over rylai's for the same reason, you just want raw AP and then tanky stats. Abuse the scaling and no spending gold on gimmicks.
RoA and Rylai's both give the same amount of AP, though. If anything, Rylai's is better in that regard since you need to wait 10 minutes before RoA hits 80 AP.
Holy crap Rylai's is only 2900 gold, I always thought it cost way more. Maybe Rylai's is just better than Rod after all. 100 gold, 150 hp and some mana vs the slow and not having to charge. Belt and Catalyst are pretty comparable in terms of build paths too.
Rod makes you feel a lot tankier but Rylais makes you feel a lot more effective
Take your pick, I've been doing Rod from top lane when I do play but that drops off late while Rylais doesn't
Do you ever get Twin Shadows? seems like the best MR item for cho by a long way but I never see it. Helps you stick and traps people in your rupture.
Errrrrr bulwark?
Also Abyssal is pretty good
spooky ghosts are really good, I think they're a good pick if someone else is getting bulwark and you don't wanna invest the cost of abyssal.
Hi, I'm a dota player who recently picked up LoL to play with my friends. I really enjoy playing chogath but most of my games go horribly wrong. I'm level 22 so I can't play ranked, as such I usually queue normal with 2-3 friends who are in silver/gold and I'm tired of being a disappointment. With cho I usually jungle and occasionally top. My biggest problems are I have zero impact as a jungler and I get crushed 9/10 times in top lane. When I jungle, I start wolves->blue->wraiths->golems->red and after level 4 I look for an opportunity to maybe gank. If not I wait until level 6 or above. The problem is every time I go gank (if they don't have wards) people just flash/dash/whatever out of my spikes and I can never get in range to silence/eat before they just casually walk away. This happens pretty much every game and I usually end up farming the jungle and hoping my teamates don't lose lanes. If anybody on the opposing team get some kills and start dominating there's nothing I can do and the game usually goes downhill from there. Toplane is worse, because most of the time I get bullied like crazy starting right from level 1-2. Off the top of my head my last games were against nocturne, kennen, singed and it's the same story every time. They just use some spells and autoattacks and I would already have lost 20-30% of my health while almost every jungler gank fails because they are impossible to kill. Nocturne in particular would just throw a dagger, run past the minions and start chopping with no shits given and as soon as I turn around to fight back he would shield the q/w and fear me so I lose even more hp. Since chogath is supposed to be "hard to bully" as far as I know and this happens in nearly every top game regardless of jungler ganks it must be something I'm doing wrong. Help is appreciated!
As far as ganking goes, if you can burn a flash just by showing up and casting Rupture on them it's actually pretty good—and a signal to keep an eye on that lane so that as soon as you get an opportunity to gank again, who can go for it with the certainty that the opponent's flash is down. I don't know how fast Cho'Gath jungles so I can't say too much about that, but his kit should theorically allow him to gank as soon as level 2-3 depending on lanes and his start. Since you play with friends, if you can get them to give you a smiteless leash on blue buff, you can run straight to red, kill it using smite, and be level 3 when most lanes are still level 3 (or barely dinged 3), with double buff ready to gank.
There's also the fact that you're a level 30- player queueing with 30s, so with how the matchmaking's done there's probably a majority of level 30 players on the opposing team, meaning they are much more experimented than you, which plays a big role especially in top lane. (On the other hand it should help communication, for example to get that smiteless leash, or to have them bait a trade when you come to gank, so your target already blows its cooldowns and can't just dash out of Rupture when you're suddenly here.)
On jungling, if you burn someones flash, it means they are more vurnerable to ganks the next few minutes, so come back to the same lane again and try making something happen. Also, you don't need level 4 for ganks, so the "quick" route in the jungle, wolf->smiteless blue->red is a super quick level 3 and then gank. (until next patch, with small camps also spawning at 1:55) In top lane, I feel the same as you do.
Edit: @Alaric, Cho clears jungle really nicely, E does some real hard work!
So how are you guys doing masteries/runes for jungle cho? Currently doing my standard 9/21/0 jungle page with attack speed runepage.
On June 05 2013 13:04 Brambled wrote: So how are you guys doing masteries/runes for jungle cho? Currently doing my standard 9/21/0 jungle page with attack speed runepage.
I usually rune 0-21-9 for the extra long buffs(i like to keep the second blue and make up for it by ganking mid several times =P, also rune AP quins, Magic Pen Reds, armor seals and MR scaling blues, works wonder at Gold III =P dont really know at higher lvls... usually go stone into RoA and from there a tanky item depending on team comp or a Giant belt
Basically the higher you get the more your runes and masteries should look like 0/21/9 with Gp10/AS/armor/MR mix
On June 05 2013 00:46 WuzzupPeeps wrote: Hi, I'm a dota player who recently picked up LoL to play with my friends. I really enjoy playing chogath but most of my games go horribly wrong. I'm level 22 so I can't play ranked, as such I usually queue normal with 2-3 friends who are in silver/gold and I'm tired of being a disappointment. With cho I usually jungle and occasionally top. My biggest problems are I have zero impact as a jungler and I get crushed 9/10 times in top lane. When I jungle, I start wolves->blue->wraiths->golems->red and after level 4 I look for an opportunity to maybe gank. If not I wait until level 6 or above. The problem is every time I go gank (if they don't have wards) people just flash/dash/whatever out of my spikes and I can never get in range to silence/eat before they just casually walk away. This happens pretty much every game and I usually end up farming the jungle and hoping my teamates don't lose lanes. If anybody on the opposing team get some kills and start dominating there's nothing I can do and the game usually goes downhill from there. Toplane is worse, because most of the time I get bullied like crazy starting right from level 1-2. Off the top of my head my last games were against nocturne, kennen, singed and it's the same story every time. They just use some spells and autoattacks and I would already have lost 20-30% of my health while almost every jungler gank fails because they are impossible to kill. Nocturne in particular would just throw a dagger, run past the minions and start chopping with no shits given and as soon as I turn around to fight back he would shield the q/w and fear me so I lose even more hp. Since chogath is supposed to be "hard to bully" as far as I know and this happens in nearly every top game regardless of jungler ganks it must be something I'm doing wrong. Help is appreciated! Only just started playing cho recently so probably a lot more experts on this. Top lane Cho has a tough first few levels but you shouldn't be having too much trouble past that. It might be because you are lvl 22 going against lvl 30 people who have full masteries/runes. But starting with flask + pot + ward should give you enough sustain to survive the first few levels long enough to make you basically unkillable without ganks. Also starting cloth vs tough AD lanes makes you very durable but you then lack a ward.
I max E vs melee laners and W against ranged. Maxing E gives you huge bonus damage which a lot of people at my level (silver 1) don't expect from a Cho early on. If you are against a melee trying to all-in you (say, riven), fight in your minions, knock them up with Q, and get free AAs with E on. Your bonus damage from E combined with minion damage should let you win the trade, and if not just back off after you Q and keep farming. With your passive you should be able to quickly regain any health lost whereas they have to rely on pots.
Most importantly early on is don't spam W or Q. They don't do a lot of damage early game, cost a ton of mana, have a long cd, and are also your only disengage from an all in. Cho also has a pretty small mana pool early on, so if the enemy laner sees you spamming w and q they can just wait for you to run oom and destroy you.
When your jungler is ganking for you, and the enemy doesn't have wards, try to start autoattacking and get him focused on you. Don't use your W or Q yet until he sees the threat and starts to run, then W to prevent him from dashing/flashing and lead him with Q for the knockup which should lead to an easy kill.
On June 05 2013 19:02 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Basically the higher you get the more your runes and masteries should look like 0/21/9 with Gp10/AS/armor/MR mix
GP10 quints over MS? Why's that?
It's debatable but I think they are stronger because your primary role is to carry aura items and be beefy at higher levels, not to chase people down. MS good too but I feel like GP10 trumps on Jungle Cho.
For whatever reason i decided to pickup cho. Been playing him top but i have no idea how to build him. Currently i've been going 9/21/0 R>E>W>Q and running a generic AP/MPen/Armor/MR page while building tanky. It totally seems to me you can fit a damage item or 2 but im never sure what to get.
On December 18 2014 06:24 Ethelis wrote: For whatever reason i decided to pickup cho. Been playing him top but i have no idea how to build him. Currently i've been going 9/21/0 R>E>W>Q and running a generic AP/MPen/Armor/MR page while building tanky. It totally seems to me you can fit a damage item or 2 but im never sure what to get. when the guide says you can build literally anything that is pretty much still the case i have won going all attack speed, ie/pd or anything with cho.
if they dont significantly bully you(which after a certain point you dont push chogath out of lane) you can snowball real hard and build pretty much anything and win
I main Cho ever since I started playing this game and I think I have the build well thought out. I'll be talking about tanky Cho top. What you want to build: + Armor and/or MR + at least some AP + CDR + AS if you're feeling offensive What you don't want to build: - stacking HP - Magic pen The core items in my build are: Mercs, Rylai's and Frozen Heart, with Rylai's being finished first. These 3 give me decent tankiness in the midgame, tenacity to not get CC'ed to death and some damage. Unlike everyone else, I get Rylai's instead of RoA, because the 15% slow applies on autos, so it lets me chase people down 1v1 or peel better. And I don't really need flat mana. After this core, I will go for Nashor's Tooth into Banshee's if I'm ahead (to push my advantage by slaughtering everyone), or another tank item. That will be Spirit Visage if I need MR, Randuin's or Thornmail otherwise. There is also the option to go Spirit Visage -> Wit's End against a really AP heavy comp. If I want to top off my build with another offensive item, I go Zhonya's or yolo Deathcap. There are some possible combinations which I have not listed, but I have mentioned pretty much every item that can be built on Cho. Please don't buy Warmog's.
On December 18 2014 22:05 dzony wrote: I main Cho ever since I started playing this game and I think I have the build well thought out. I'll be talking about tanky Cho top. What you want to build: + Armor and/or MR + at least some AP + CDR + AS if you're feeling offensive What you don't want to build: - stacking HP - Magic pen The core items in my build are: Mercs, Rylai's and Frozen Heart, with Rylai's being finished first. These 3 give me decent tankiness in the midgame, tenacity to not get CC'ed to death and some damage. Unlike everyone else, I get Rylai's instead of RoA, because the 15% slow applies on autos, so it lets me chase people down 1v1 or peel better. And I don't really need flat mana. After this core, I will go for Nashor's Tooth into Banshee's if I'm ahead (to push my advantage by slaughtering everyone), or another tank item. That will be Spirit Visage if I need MR, Randuin's or Thornmail otherwise. There is also the option to go Spirit Visage -> Wit's End against a really AP heavy comp. If I want to top off my build with another offensive item, I go Zhonya's or yolo Deathcap. There are some possible combinations which I have not listed, but I have mentioned pretty much every item that can be built on Cho. Please don't buy Warmog's. I always favored more resist heavy items on Cho, FH etc, health/resists are good too but no need to build straight health bc of his ult obv.
Bork is a fun ass item on cho too lolol