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On November 01 2011 23:07 Ayestes wrote: On a side note, I recall the designer of Riven saying that crit does not scale on her passive. Was I mistaken? Testing during her release patch gave numbers showing that her passive damage is doubled with her crits. This may have been ninja nerfed since then, seeing as I haven't tested since.
any advice on playing against cho and singed? after lvl 6, i can't seem to be doing anything other than farm under my tower..
however, i have to note that i denied them extremely hard prior to lvl 6. is that my only timing window or something?
On November 02 2011 00:05 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On November 01 2011 23:07 Ayestes wrote: On a side note, I recall the designer of Riven saying that crit does not scale on her passive. Was I mistaken? Testing during her release patch gave numbers showing that her passive damage is doubled with her crits. This may have been ninja nerfed since then, seeing as I haven't tested since.
Just tested. Passive does not crit. Initially I thought it did but I was thrown off by havoc + lethality.
On November 02 2011 22:39 billy5000 wrote: any advice on playing against cho and singed? after lvl 6, i can't seem to be doing anything other than farm under my tower..
however, i have to note that i denied them extremely hard prior to lvl 6. is that my only timing window or something? Tanks are tanky. There are very few champions who can trade well with a tanky champion until built. Just try to farm under tower like you said, call for ganks, etc. Cho in particular has absurd sustain, so trying to outlast him in lane is just begging to be punished.
Navi, which combos do you use to harass or trade hits? I was watching westrice play, and it seemed like he goes q,q,w(auto),q then e to back up or e,q,w(auto) then qq to back up (not 100% sure about either combo). However, I've been playing way differently as I just trade hits and usually come out ahead unless my opponent is someone like rumble. In other words, my combos are never consistent so I don't have the best timings/positioning with them. Before I start making bad habits, I'd like to know some of the more effective ones.
On November 06 2011 09:43 billy5000 wrote: Navi, which combos do you use to harass or trade hits? I was watching westrice play, and it seemed like he goes q,q,w(auto),q then e to back up or e,q,w(auto) then qq to back up (not 100% sure about either combo). However, I've been playing way differently as I just trade hits and usually come out ahead unless my opponent is someone like rumble. In other words, my combos are never consistent so I don't have the best timings/positioning with them. Before I start making bad habits, I'd like to know some of the more effective ones. westrice triest to go q, auto, q, auto, w, auto, q, auto. take away one auto if he isn't in reach with his first q.
You mention that Irelia is strong vs Riven, I've played Irelia's side of the match up and, well I feel very weak vs Riven, I play very defensive early, start cloth + pots with as red, armor yellow, mr blue and ms quints. w>q>e.
What can I change from my setup? should I be more aggresive as I level my w? or am I just that bad?
On November 06 2011 10:38 gaizka wrote: You mention that Irelia is strong vs Riven, I've played Irelia's side of the match up and, well I feel very weak vs Riven, I play very defensive early, start cloth + pots with as red, armor yellow, mr blue and ms quints. w>q>e.
What can I change from my setup? should I be more aggresive as I level my w? or am I just that bad? Riven has no sustain, you do. Use that to your advantage.
On November 06 2011 10:38 gaizka wrote: You mention that Irelia is strong vs Riven, I've played Irelia's side of the match up and, well I feel very weak vs Riven, I play very defensive early, start cloth + pots with as red, armor yellow, mr blue and ms quints. w>q>e.
What can I change from my setup? should I be more aggresive as I level my w? or am I just that bad?
Can you be more specific about what is causing the problems? In general just try to get autos onto creeps or him for W healing whenever he can't punish you for doing it. Armor pen marks would probably help but I doubt it will really make a difference.
I still don't see how Irelia is strong against Riven, she loses damage trades too badly. Like, all you have to do with Riven is not fight her when W is up and you'll either outdamage her or run her oom at which point she's helpless. Just rush Lantern and Riven's good to go.
irelia and tryndamere have the advantage of having great sustain off of their autoattacks, and both have autoattack modifiers (w and trynd's crits) that can make a prolonged laning phase pre wriggles tough if they play it correctly as long as you dont let her get creep advantage it should be a playable lane if either side is allowed to let their side push on the other while it does open them up to ganks it becomes impossible for the other to trade hits (and thus more difficult to lasthit) as long as they build wriggles lantern with you if they have a lead its hard for them to lose it
disclaimer; this is with both sides running 25 armor pages (which in my opinion stomps others who don't run 25 armor by the way it works, and is great on sustained champions in particular) i think riven has the advantage against irelia pre 6 in lane but tryndamere that runs armor and cloth5pot is strong against riven
I have a general question about both Riven and playing top lane. I don't typically play top lane. I usually play AD or Jungle. However, I've just loved Riven since she came out, and I just started to play her in human games. I've had some weird variance in using her though.
For one game, I played against Xin'Zhao. I initiated a level 1 fight and he overcommitted into the turret and I got first blood. As soon as he came back to lane, I was level 3 and he was only level 1 and I steam rolled him again. After that, he was thoroughly zoned and it was a stomp, even though my team was 4v5 (18-0-12). I felt super strong after the first blood and I don't think I could have lost after that.
For another game, I played against Talon. Talon got cocky and tried to zone me and stand behind my minions. I waited for Rake to go out and then I initiated a level 1 fight. I was not quite at 100% health from pulling golem, and though I probably would have beaten the Talon, he leveled up to level 2 during the fight and used his new skill and health to eke me out. After that though, I couldn't gain any traction. His harass was just harder than mine, especially with two Dorans, than I could muster. The rest of the game played out weirdly, but that's neither here nor there.
So, my question is this: is this a general way that the top lane works out? Seems so momentum based and reliant on the jungler to reset the power balance if someone gets the upper hand. Or, is this a property of Riven? Is she very momentum based so that she either streaks good or streaks bad? I know I didn't play from behind well at all. So basically, I'm asking, what was the Xin supposed to do against me in game 1 and what should I have done against Talon in game 2? How do you play from behind with Riven against a strong gap closer like Talon?
xin: dont dive against talon: use your pot before you start engaging especially if you're going with the mindset of going in (since u took some damage from minigolems, imo ur mid should leash the aggro while u just give some damage), or go in in a scenario where level up can't fuck it up (if he's past your minions and you engage he's going to eat way more creep aggro than you anyway lol)
build armor against AD bursters like talon if you're behind, an extra cloth or chain before your core is fine since they build into great items on riven anyway
top in general can be fairly momentum based, but the most momentum-y champs are probably akali and talon if either get a huge lead they can 100% zone or burst you down very quickly
On November 07 2011 13:50 Takkara wrote: I have a general question about both Riven and playing top lane. I don't typically play top lane. I usually play AD or Jungle. However, I've just loved Riven since she came out, and I just started to play her in human games. I've had some weird variance in using her though.
For one game, I played against Xin'Zhao. I initiated a level 1 fight and he overcommitted into the turret and I got first blood. As soon as he came back to lane, I was level 3 and he was only level 1 and I steam rolled him again. After that, he was thoroughly zoned and it was a stomp, even though my team was 4v5 (18-0-12). I felt super strong after the first blood and I don't think I could have lost after that.
For another game, I played against Talon. Talon got cocky and tried to zone me and stand behind my minions. I waited for Rake to go out and then I initiated a level 1 fight. I was not quite at 100% health from pulling golem, and though I probably would have beaten the Talon, he leveled up to level 2 during the fight and used his new skill and health to eke me out. After that though, I couldn't gain any traction. His harass was just harder than mine, especially with two Dorans, than I could muster. The rest of the game played out weirdly, but that's neither here nor there.
So, my question is this: is this a general way that the top lane works out? Seems so momentum based and reliant on the jungler to reset the power balance if someone gets the upper hand. Or, is this a property of Riven? Is she very momentum based so that she either streaks good or streaks bad? I know I didn't play from behind well at all. So basically, I'm asking, what was the Xin supposed to do against me in game 1 and what should I have done against Talon in game 2? How do you play from behind with Riven against a strong gap closer like Talon?
Know your matchups. Ideally, you're never going to give away first blood and your opponent won't ever give you first blood. In other words, don't play aggressively. Test the waters. You can still trade hits at lvl 1 (assuming you have creep advantage), but never over-commit. However, if either of your situations inevitably occurs, ganks are usually the best response. Still, you most likely have to give up some cs end up last hitting under your tower.
A general rule of thumb of matchups at top: if your opponent can outpush you from level 1, he probably has the upper hand early on (one of the reasons why rumble wins most of his matchups). There are some exceptions, though. Talon won that fight partially because he had creep advantage, and that's why it felt like he had a stronger harass than yours. Note, I'm only assuming he had creep advantage because of his rake and the fact that you mentioned him leveling up but not you.
someone actually just asked me that yesterday ww usually has the ability to trade damage very nicely because the way his q works, however riven outputs too much damage for ww to heal it all up with both opening cloth 5 pot, while they both have 5 pots (usually pre 6) riven definetly has the advantage if ww tries to keep up q trades he'll run oom quickly
not to mention that riven is easier to gank for pre 6 because of her damage and small cc chaining ability and post 6 while ww has great set up cc riven has the damage to be easy to gank for as well
after lantern if you manage to e most of his q's you shouldn't have trouble at all because you deal too much damage for him to heal up
Definitely try to take advantage of the timing window before WW gets level 6 + chalice + wriggle and become immobile in top lane.
I feel very weak jungling with Riven for the first couple of jungle paths. The ganks are pretty nice but require some teammate assistance. Overall I enter the late game a little behind on farm, but don't have a ton of trouble getting to the core of BT/Wriggle/Boots/GA. Do most people notice a bit of an early game hitch with Riven in the jungle? I had to chug a lot of pots because I was just losing way too much life even with a vamp scepter to the big buff camps.
On November 12 2011 14:12 Takkara wrote: I feel very weak jungling with Riven for the first couple of jungle paths. The ganks are pretty nice but require some teammate assistance. Overall I enter the late game a little behind on farm, but don't have a ton of trouble getting to the core of BT/Wriggle/Boots/GA. Do most people notice a bit of an early game hitch with Riven in the jungle? I had to chug a lot of pots because I was just losing way too much life even with a vamp scepter to the big buff camps. Try starting Doran's Blade.