Staying and dying IS losing lane.
[Champion] Riven - Page 6
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Mexico813 Posts
Staying and dying IS losing lane. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On October 21 2011 03:33 Lanzoma wrote: Going back is not losing lane, it's playing smart. Staying and dying IS losing lane. I never claimed to be a good player ![]() | ||
5286 Posts
he does fairly well pre 6 (if you're chugging pots and stuff you don't die tho) but after you get wriggles or just post 6 if you know how to use your combo you can fk him up | ||
United States1600 Posts
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United States288 Posts
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United States289 Posts
On October 21 2011 07:16 Hoban wrote: I have been working on jungling with Riven. Anyone know some good advice/streams to watch? I feel like I am playing two completely different characters doing solo top vs jungle. Solo top you can semi-carry whereas jungle you just build to be an annoying disruptor. Any advice for a newer jungling riven would be welcome. From jungle I've been building Ghostblade and boots5 and playing more like an assassin, running in after the fight starts and beating the shit out of the squishies. You can still semi-carry, but you'll get the beefy items later. How would you lane Riven vs Jarvan and actually win the lane? Came across one today and it just felt like we freefarmed all day. I opened cloth5pot into wriggles and he opened regrowth into philo. We could both farm, and neither could do enough damage to break the other's sustain, other than the occasional gank that made someone back. Any tips on how to win that lane, or is it just an equal matchup? | ||
United States33802 Posts
On October 24 2011 20:25 SpaceToaster wrote: From jungle I've been building Ghostblade and boots5 and playing more like an assassin, running in after the fight starts and beating the shit out of the squishies. You can still semi-carry, but you'll get the beefy items later. How would you lane Riven vs Jarvan and actually win the lane? Came across one today and it just felt like we freefarmed all day. I opened cloth5pot into wriggles and he opened regrowth into philo. We could both farm, and neither could do enough damage to break the other's sustain, other than the occasional gank that made someone back. Any tips on how to win that lane, or is it just an equal matchup? It goes one of two ways: either you both play aggressively, in which case Riven should win 100% of the time basically, or you freefarm and poke. He outrages you, so you can't force him into a fight if he doesn't want to, but you can run away much better, so he can't really initiate either. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Everything else loldies tho. I'm guessing it's just hard counter though. I found udyr easily than irelia because he has less front loaded burst and it's possible to kite with your 2342432 mini jumps. Irelia just gets like wriggles and sheen and bursts you for half your health every 8 seconds. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On October 25 2011 00:58 Slayer91 wrote: I've had a lot of trouble against sustain bruisers like irelia and udyr who even if I do well early buy a wriggles or something and then rape me. I guess I need my own wriggles but even then it feels like they zone me pretty hard. Everything else loldies tho. I'm guessing it's just hard counter though. I found udyr easily than irelia because he has less front loaded burst and it's possible to kite with your 2342432 mini jumps. Irelia just gets like wriggles and sheen and bursts you for half your health every 8 seconds. Yeah, if they have more sustain, it generally turns into me camping under tower and farming. Once I have Wriggles and maybe boots, I feel much safer. Calling for ganks is almost necessary if they dive you a lot, though. | ||
5286 Posts
I agree that good Irelias are a troublesome matchup, especially if they rush wriggles with you. Pre first back, I have no problem and feel that you definetly have the advantage in lane pre 7, but after her w starts ranking up and she gets a sustain item, she's very strong. But after you get a BF sword, you start dominating her in teamfights and 1v1 situations. If you're really having trouble in lane, you can considering picking up an additional cloth armor and chain vest (in general I don't like doing this because it really slows down the BT that much more, but if it stops you from dying whatever goes) | ||
United States858 Posts
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Sexico5880 Posts
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United States865 Posts
ie renek, irelia, gp, garen, yorick, teemo, akali, nasus | ||
England2656 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
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Pakistan2137 Posts
But the rest of my build is pretty much what Navi does. Fan Club OP though. | ||
5286 Posts
renek: open cloth 5 pot (lol) and go aggressive from level 1, if he doesn't open cloth 5 pot like most renekton's who think they're the strongest shit toplane and that they can always open boots3 then he will have to go back or die at level 2-3. armor runepage only solidifies your advantage if you own armor quints irelia: i hate this matchup against irelias who rush wriggles with me, if they go gold/5 or something though its a playable matchup. you boss her around pre 6 and can kill her at 6 if she tries to stay at medium - lowish health. this matchup is probably the most flexible, dependent on summoners and builds from both sides. in terms of playstyle, just getting as much free damage as possible by using your e and w to force good trades for you (like if you can w or q your way in and e out, if she gets her stun off late or too early the trade is usually good for you; if you are just trying to brute force trades because she didn't open cloth5pot which imo toplaners against riven should do, then you can e->w in and trades will be good because she will have to damage through your shield or just run away for 1 second for the shield to run out). i'm willing to play this matchup with other people for more experience for myself and others, add me in game gp: dependent on summoner spells. if you have summmoner spell parity (i.e. flash and 1 combatitive spell on both sides, or flash and teleport on both sides) you can crush him like you crush every other laner. if he has the summoner spell advantage which many solo queue GPs i've played against have had, then i play safe until level 2 because GP at level 1 is even more of a beast than riven just because that exhaust / ignite will own you against a GP that knows his limits well. bad GP's will run away when you start q'ing on them at level 1, good GP's will stand and fight and use their additional summoner and flash to secure the kill. at level 2 and on though riven's kit is just too strong to hold down, and if you ever get a lead in the lane its hard to lose it because she can come out ahead in trades by a large margin. garen: like other toplaners, if riven runs enough armor on her runepage and cloth5pot, she shouldn't have trouble with garen. as in he's pretty damn helpless as he can start getting zoned from lane as soon as he runs out of health potions. yorick: i don't have enough good experience against yorick to give good advice, would be willing to play against yorick players. but post wriggles you can dominate him hard, especially if he's building manamune / tear first. teemo: again, not enough experience. ranged and casters are an interesting matchup though, and i generally just try to lasthit and get aggressive whenever my q's can bring me into aggro range. at level 3 you have so much mobility that even ranged people have trouble getting away; teemo's move quick makes this interesting, but his autoattack range is in turn so small that riven should be able to catch him. akali and nasus: riven just poops on these guys so hard it's not even funny, every time i've run into one i've zoned or killed them very early. akalis in particular have this mentality that they are the best at level 1 in terms of trading and walking away from just about everybody, so if they ever q me instead of lasthitting a creep i just q and auto up to them and give them 3x the damage back and the qq ensues. nasus is nowhere near as strong as riven early on, so you can just pressure him to back really early, and always look for an opportunity if he ever gets to 200-250 hp to flash w auto q->auto-> e etc if he flashes to burst him. if he lasts in lane until level 6, try to gain the experience advantage and then r -> flash -> w -> r active burst him if he's low enough. but this usually isn't an issue because he's just so weak in lane lol | ||
United States37500 Posts
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United States35092 Posts
I've seen Stonewall and a couple people going 2-3DBlades or 1Dblade/wriggles early. Has anybody tried out a mix of those starts? Does anybody have any links to videos of reputable players jungling with Riven(post hotfix)? I play Riven in lane just fine but when I get to 30 I want to play with my friends and they need a jungler. | ||
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