On May 04 2011 19:45 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Jarman is currently the most OP champ in the game, does anyone else agree with this? Was pretty sure he was going to be fotm before I started playing him. After trying him out, Jarvan most definitely OP imho. No other tanky dps has as much range, cc (with not one, but two jumps) and laning power (can also be a strong jungler with ridiculous ganks). He has as much if not more survivability and damage/burst. Add on one of the best escape kits in the game and you get the OP monster that is Jarvan.
Russian Federation4235 Posts
Jarman most OP piece of junk as an individual champion, too true. His kit is way too versatile for what he does, he has like no weaknesses.
Jarvan is way too tanky for his dps. Also his cc is really good haha.
Both his CCs also are unaffected by both QSS and Cleanse, which is very very rare. Well, I guess he also has his shield but that's just a bonus I think
On May 04 2011 19:45 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Jarman is currently the most OP champ in the game, does anyone else agree with this? yes, I say it routinely. great base damage, great base tankiness, great damage scaling, and 3 forms of AoE CC, uhhhh, ok?
I, personally, don't see any problems with him at all. This has nothing to do with the fact that I'm playing him in ranked games, no sir! Not at all!
you guys I was playing Kog Maw and jarman was killing me 1v1 easy, obviously tanky dps is too strong and we should nerf randuins and thornmail (i had 3 pantom danser and i could not kill! and he was run to fast for me to run away from him,)
On May 04 2011 19:45 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Jarman is currently the most OP champ in the game, does anyone else agree with this? ryze
Ok, I dont know wtf you do Mogwai, but I cant get jungle Jarvan to work. I usually die at red with the lizard at like 5-10% hp left.
He channels his inner manliness from playing Panth.
And yeah, Jarman is retardedly strong; I honestly don't know why he hasn't been hit with nerfbats yet.
I cannot for the life of me channel the power of Jarman. I never feel like I'm big enough of a threat / tanky monster....but so far nobody has let me have a solo lane.
Should I just force a solo lane to unlock the true power of earth and fire?
Jarman is OP. First time I picked him I jungled and made a Jarizard. We won the game despite my lack of teamwork, They just fed trying to fight 4v5 while I just knocked towers and slayed dungeon bosses. Then I would just pop into the 4v5 and say DEMACIA while popping their carry and then just EQ out so I didn't get killed for God's sake. Ended up selling all my items and bought better tanky stuff so I could just walk up and destroy the nexus. OK I lost the second game because I don't have the armour runes, and died trying to jungle. But I got a triple kill in the Jungle 1v3 out side of dragon on twisted treeline.
On May 05 2011 00:33 Lanzoma wrote: I cannot for the life of me channel the power of Jarman. I never feel like I'm big enough of a threat / tanky monster....but so far nobody has let me have a solo lane.
Should I just force a solo lane to unlock the true power of earth and fire? Jarman can rape wherever he is, Jarman can go top and rape, Jarman can go mid and rape, Jarman can go jungle and rape, Jarman can even go bot duo lane and rape, just get double kill on enemies all day, flag + lance harass and shit is so OP wtfffff
lance need to learn how to use his lance
lance lance we're falling apart to half time.
just the numbers are mindblowing, he is so stupid, nevermind the ridiculous utility of his cc
50% attack speed and 50 armor steroid
high damage line nuke with good scaling and a sick multiplier (free LW LOL)
You can literally go down the line and point to every part of every ability he has and say "this is too strong. this is too strong. this is too strong."
How do you even release a champ like this?
i think his shield is not OP lol
So the consensus is that I just suck at it.
Challenge accepted. I shall master my lance.
On May 05 2011 04:39 freelander wrote: i think his shield is not OP lol it's a big AOE slow that gives 450 extra hp in teamfights at max level, not bad imo
So, I just noticed all the updates to Mogwai's OP.
It. Is. Brilliant.
I was roaring with laughter, and all the Kain sprites and references are very much appreciated :D