[Champion] Jarman the Fourth (aka Jarvan ok) - Page 26
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Indonesia2978 Posts
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Canada1214 Posts
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United States12704 Posts
On January 09 2012 11:47 Shiv. wrote: just jungled my first game as Jarman. Fuck it Smash, y ur taste in champs so gud. I'm thinking about using my IP for Jarman solely for the reason of Smash and this guide. I want to be a man like Smash. | ||
England6749 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
1. typically dives carries more than trying to kill tanks 2. gets more from flat pen due to Q's reduction | ||
3232 Posts
On January 09 2012 14:40 nyxnyxnyx wrote: just minor nitpick here. if you're running jarvan leona you probably want 21 offense on the jarvan especially since leona's bonus sunlight damage counts as your damage and is thus boosted by executioner I guess 21/9 seems better for the kill lane. It has been my natural tendency to pick up 21 in defense for the bonus gold per kill/assist (doesn't seem much, but helps snowballing) and the tenacity for late game tanking, as well as the ability to tolerate more harass/creep damage. Still will give the 21/9 a run for the money though. | ||
Canada33091 Posts
On March 03 2011 09:59 Mogwai wrote: one might as well ask why the sky is blue. I daresay Jarman is so funny though because he takes himself so seriously and is surrounded by goofy assholes like Teemo and Mundo. Mundo goes where he pleases! How's he goof- hahahaha, couldn't keep that up with a straight face. | ||
United States4054 Posts
On January 10 2012 11:22 101toss wrote: I guess 21/9 seems better for the kill lane. It has been my natural tendency to pick up 21 in defense for the bonus gold per kill/assist (doesn't seem much, but helps snowballing) and the tenacity for late game tanking, as well as the ability to tolerate more harass/creep damage. Still will give the 21/9 a run for the money though. The bonus gold talents are horrible. Please never get them. | ||
Slovenia1308 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
W has neither the size, nor the mana sustainability to try to compete with GP, and even if it could, you'd be so fucking worthless in teamfights with a maxed W midgame. play passively on the first push, then when the wave equalizes and you have your EQ combo, at which point you start burst trading with him on every CD because you'll both crush him in terms of Sustain and if he wants to just stand and fight (this is GP we're talking about, not Pantheon, he's not scary enough to boss cloth jarman around with a dblade once you have EQ). | ||
141 Posts
i find that jarvan is lacking. his shield is mediocre as it doesn't scale, his E is subpar attack speed bonus for a melee champ, uses too much mana in general and Q may look good, but is terrible. i find that riven is much stronger. to me jarvan probably is best as jungler right? he can't snowball and laning is better with yorick. his E Q combo lift up is the only thing he has. yorick is deceptively more tankier and can chase better and tower dive and has a crazy ult. | ||
United States5348 Posts
On January 14 2012 16:51 getpicture wrote: what do ppl think of jarvan's late game if equally farmed vs a nocturne. nocturne has devastating fear and spell shield. i find that jarvan is lacking. his shield is mediocre as it doesn't scale, his E is subpar attack speed bonus for a melee champ, uses too much mana in general and Q may look good, but is terrible. i find that riven is much stronger. to me jarvan probably is best as jungler right? he can't snowball and laning is better with yorick. his E Q combo lift up is the only thing he has. yorick is deceptively more tankier and can chase better and tower dive and has a crazy ult. yeah, i mean, if you compare him to blitzcrank and annie, well annie's early game is much stronger, i mean she has a hard stun while jarman doesnt. And blitz has a knockup as well as a pull and silence, so he just does everything jarman could do but better. | ||
141 Posts
jarvan isn't tanky at all, he's extremely armor rune reliant. so if you don't have armor runes, dont bother playing him. skarner yorick rumble shyvana etc can't bothered to name them all- they do much more dps. take a look at skarner's ult e.g anti carry always win. to sum up jarvan vs other fighter melee counterparts, jarvan is -less tanky, shield doesn't scale costs too much mana and worse than spell shield. (noc and sivir have a reason why they need it) -long cooldowns -unable to chase >ridiculously poor chasing power. poor movement speed and no snares W is terrible. -unable to escape messy team fights. no sustain- this is BIG. (can't lifesteal as well with bloodthirsters to carry) worthless passive no matter what you say. tanky dps is better done with so many other champs. ask yourself this question, have you ever played riven, skarner ,shyvana blitz,nocturne? they are so much stronger. | ||
United States6533 Posts
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United States399 Posts
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365 Posts
1. You are comparing a normal ability to an ultimate, further more Malphite ultimate offers nothing but damage and longer knock up time, where is the extra utility you are talking about? In fact Jarvan's EQ provides more utility due to the armor pen as well as the armor and attackspeed buff. 2. Jarvan passive is essentially half a nuke. Against a say 2.2k hp squishy late game with 100 armor. It is hitting for 110, this is without factor in his Q's armor reduction as well as masteries/runes and the possibility the squishy will get extra armor which is not "that" likely because MR is more important most of the time. Compare it to say Poppy's passive it is worthless, but in generally his passive is quite strong. 3. Jarvan has a multitude of CC, this is why his damage is bad compared to champions such as Shyvana, if their damage are similar then what the point of playing Shyvana? 4. His shield does not scale, that is correct, what it does provide is the AoE slow, I do not think I need to explain why an AoE slow is powerful. Asking for a snare as you just did is absolutely ridiculous. In combination with his EQ which is one of the longest dash in the entire game as well as the leap on his ultimate, which gives Jarvan exceptional chasing power as well as suited to catching people off guard. Sustain can be achieved with wriggles, his cd is long due to his strong his kit is, mana problem can be masked by careful usage his skills, the new mana mastery is a godsend for him, in the jungle his mana problem is masked by blue buff. This goes away generally at mid game or so. I think this address rest of your points. I am not a Jarvan expert on any stretch of the imagination, but I have a feeling that you are not playing him to his potential, so word of advice here is to simply play more. I think Mogwai can explain this better because I only have about 50 games with Jarvan so quite a bit here is simply theorycrafting and logic. I hope you will give him another try. | ||
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