but to make it work consistently you will need to get leviathan also before finishing your triforce
[Champion] Ezreal - Page 4
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9871 Posts
but to make it work consistently you will need to get leviathan also before finishing your triforce | ||
United States17077 Posts
On April 28 2011 02:40 Sabin010 wrote: Since the patch buffs Hybrid Ez. Would it be possible to just rush both Occult and Soul Stealer? Run Cleanse and Ghost to keep stacks on them. I'm a nub as Ez because I just picked him up two days ago and only played about 5 games as him, not to mention he's the only Ranged DPS carry I've ever played. What are your thoughts to rushing two snowballs then getting a Triforce? Sounds like it's time for me to smurf some TT games using this build. Probably get Zhonyas or IE depending on which stack I got first. | ||
United States1892 Posts
On April 28 2011 03:04 UniversalSnip wrote: it'll work fine vs really really bad players which you are probably up against atm if you are even considering that, so go ahead but to make it work consistently you will need to get leviathan also before finishing your triforce I was thinking get Occult, Soul Stealer, Cool down boots, Arch Angel's, Manamune and a Triforce Edit: Yeah just go all out as a brave explorer. | ||
United States2791 Posts
On April 28 2011 05:47 Sabin010 wrote: I was thinking get Occult, Soul Stealer, Cool down boots, Arch Angel's, Manamune and a Triforce Its a "bravery" joke since you were already getting two snowball items and triforce. Just go full bravery and get all 3. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=166147 | ||
United States2798 Posts
Since the last Ez change, I think Gunblade has actually become pretty good on Ez now. You get +75 damage on his Q, minor damage boosts to his E and W, and a nice +132(.5) damage on his ult along with a sweet active for someone who likes to kite and gank. Early game Bilgewater Cutlass active is a great ganking/1v1 tool in theory (50% slow for 3 seconds is pretty damn good). | ||
United States9908 Posts
halp t_t am i doing anything wrong? (im lv27 playing normal games) | ||
2447 Posts
last hit like crazy to get your farm up. playing EZ and not last hitting GOOD makes your dps much much lower. EZ imo is one of the harder AD carry in terms of farming. | ||
United States3130 Posts
http://solomid.net/guides.php?g=2616 With exhaust/flash you will have 2 flashes and a slow to stop a jungle ganker. But you shouldn't be pushing your turret tbh. Your lane is safest when you're around the middle if you're mid and lasthitting most creeps. Also, only use your Q to harass the enemy or to secure otherwise unobtainable farm I'm not too sure on what other problems you might have though with your playstyle with the info you gave. note- double buff is amazing on ezreal. unlimited Q's and amazing slow. You'll always want to have your team's red once midgame gets going as ezreal otherwise has no form of CC at all. edit- mel_ee have you played ezreal lately? i think ever since his patch, his farming has gotten a lot easier since his attack animation isn't as clunky anymore | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On July 26 2011 20:41 wussleeQ wrote: You can run this candy panda build. http://solomid.net/guides.php?g=2616 Do yourself a favor though and take 15% MPen. You only drop 2% ASpd for 0.75% CDR and 15% MPen that works with W, E and R. Just one round of WER at lvl 18 deals (1200 + 1.0*bonus AD) magic damage. | ||
2447 Posts
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United States9908 Posts
![]() On July 28 2011 12:52 mel_ee wrote: ya.. farming with EZ has been nice since the animation rework. cant wait for the upcoming EZ changes as promised by Ezreal himself. wow i didnt know. im excited now | ||
United States9908 Posts
I had trouble laning against tristana in mid. She outranges me and harasses me like a bitch with her ultimate (she didnt even go AP ffs). She also pushed a lot harder than me and i couldnt really do anything about my tower going down cause she rushed 3 dorans. What could I have done or should someone have tried ganking her? (If i think about it, my team sucked..) | ||
Poland5551 Posts
On July 28 2011 12:52 mel_ee wrote: ya.. farming with EZ has been nice since the animation rework. cant wait for the upcoming EZ changes as promised by Ezreal himself. Hope not, just because a champ is underplayed doesn't mean that Riot has to do something to him >.< So many good champs got destroyed just because riot thought they are bad (while in fact noone simply bothered to play them or they just didn't fit in the current metagame) so they buffed them, then it turns out they were never UP so they became OP and got nerfed into oblivion | ||
Australia330 Posts
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India3050 Posts
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Hungary4707 Posts
if you use an ability, your base damage adds to your next attack, as an on-hit effect if you have an ability which procs on-hit effects (like Ezreal's Q), it will proc the sheen effect immediately on use. Basicly if you buy a sheen early, it adds about +80-90 dmg to your Q, which is quite nice | ||
Germany9118 Posts
On August 26 2011 02:27 Ayush_SCtoss wrote: Ok so I started playing Ez like a week ago and I am in love. What I don't get is his affair with Sheen; rather, I have no idea how Sheen works (even after reading online about it). If for instance, I use Q, it procs the Sheen buff. Only for 2 sec. Does that mean my autoattack will deal 100% of Ez's base dmg? Wouldn't it be better to get some other item and then get Trinity force later on? (if it ever gets to that point). It has only been a week so I am kinda a newb with Ez lol. your Q uses the proc that it produces | ||
Canada1528 Posts
On August 26 2011 02:47 freelander wrote: sheen: if you use an ability, your base damage adds to your next attack, as an on-hit effect if you have an ability which procs on-hit effects (like Ezreal's Q), it will proc the sheen effect immediately on use. Basicly if you buy a sheen early, it adds about +80-90 dmg to your Q, which is quite nice This is the simplest way to explain it. Early sheen boosts your damage by 80-90 since Mystic Shot applies on-hit effects such as the true damage+slow from red buff and the procs from items like Sheen/Phage. | ||
United States616 Posts
-Why the fuck do ppl want to auto attack with ezreal? his range is shit and puts him way too close to a battle for it to be worth the hassle. yea his passive gives AS but often times its not even worth the effort to maintain it and spamming essence flux on your allies drains mana fast. His Q seems to be the only real reason to go AD but the math is showing that AP Ezreal's Q is significantly better. - The power of ap ezreal's Q comes from lich bane. For 3400 gold, lich bane's passive turns ezreals ap ratio on his Q from .2 to a whopping 1.2 along with the 1.0 ad ratio! So the 80 ap from the lich bane adds 96 damage to his Q which is slightly less then a fully stacked bloodthirster (3000g) and scales with his w, and e. It's also worth noting that sheen builds into a lich bane so you can still enjoy the double base damage on your Q in the early-mid game. Its not uncommon for AP Ezreal Q to be hitting upwards of 1-1.2k in the late game. You get twice as much flat AP for your money than flat AD, not even counting the +30% from deathcap. -And now you have 4 spammable abilities that all scale off AP. Not to mention the 0.9 ap ratio on his ultimate which already has an absurdly high base damage. As AP, having your ultimate hit 2-3+ people for 1200 dmg each in a 5v5 can wildly swing a battle in your favor especially if they hit the carries in the back. Essence flux is basically ezreal's ult only it does about 3/4 the dmg and has limited range (100 less then his Q according to lolwiki). - and yea i understand mana could be an issue but if your Q is already hitting twice as hard as the AD version, theirs no reason to use any of your other abilities until a team fight. mana problem solved... thoughts, opinions? i really want to know why despite all this, AD is considered without any doubt to be better then AP. | ||
United States17077 Posts
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