On April 19 2013 10:59 olabaz wrote:Show nested quote +On April 17 2013 15:31 TheLastRaven wrote: Does anyone know what is up with the wave of Ezreals I see who rush spirit of the elder lizard? I see this happening across the elo spectrum. It's a sort of poke build. You go: Dorans -> Tear -> Sheen -> Vamp -> Iceborn Gauntlet -> Lucidity Boots -> Elder Lizard -> Muramana -> LW -> BotRK It's very fun to play. Edit: Fixed build path I actually saw this build on stream yesterday and came here to learn more about it... It seems so safe and fun to play, however you do lose dmg. I think its very situational, you might want to go this build when you have quite a bit of dmg on your team already.
The idea is that you become this godly mobile kiter adc with fast E's and ~1sec Q's, also your range becomes just insane since you don't want to AA as much as usual .
P.S. Botrk makes no sense in this build, you will definitely want to go BT. Since the nerfs even more so...aaaaaa
So, after seeing the 'new' ezreal build 3 times in the dig vs GGU game, what are the opinions on it? Which items do you build and in what order? Masteries? Runes? It looks really cool and i want to try it but don't know exactly how to build him. Also it seems to me that your lategame potential is absolutely zero if you use this build. Any opinions?
On April 27 2013 23:41 Immortall wrote: So, after seeing the 'new' ezreal build 3 times in the dig vs GGU game, what are the opinions on it? Which items do you build and in what order? Masteries? Runes? It looks really cool and i want to try it but don't know exactly how to build him. Also it seems to me that your lategame potential is absolutely zero if you use this build. Any opinions? I love this build but it is a little situational. Only go this build if your top lane, or the rest of your team, is dealing a lot of damage. If top mainly has CC, then don't go this build.
My build is:
Dorans Blade -> Elder Lizard ->Tear -> Sheen -> Iceborn Gauntlet -> Lucidity Boots -> Muramana -> LW (good if everyone is stacking health/tanky)/BT(good for sustain)/Defense item if needed (aka feeding or enemy AP carry/ADC killing everyone) And get a Vamp scepter anytime after Elder Lizard if you feel like you need sustain.
Runes are standard ADC runes except Lifesteal Quints. You need these to improve your sustain in lane. Always rush for Elder Lizard. If you feel you are needing more AD or get poked down in lane, get health pots and Elixir of Fortitude.
Late game potential seems lackluster, but if you use this build to it's full potential it won't be. After getting Tear, spam any of your abilities (usually Q and E) every 3 seconds to get that bonus mana. The bonus mana is essential to getting Muramana, which gives you extra physical damage and increases your lategame potential. If you don't know how to skillshot, then don't use this build at all. It relies on you landing your Q's.
Main point of the build: This has been going on in the asian servers for a while. Basically, the build focuses on CDR, Poke, and Kiting. Rushing Spirit of the Lizard Elder gives a lot of good early game stats that you can abuse to push the lane, prevent the lane from being pushed, and gives you sustain. I think the usual build is to get a tear of the goddess afterwards and then sheen. Tear gives you mana and you need the bonus mana to fully utilize the muramana later for the end game. This is important since this build does not give as much AD initially compared to the standard AD. The IG really helps with poking and kiting for team fights and gives Ezreal CC and CDR. With this build, you want to use your Q a loooot. At the full build, it'll be Q --> auto --> Q. It's just that fast. One thing that I don't like about this build is the lack of tenacity and the difference in AD with the normal ADC build. When you can, get Elixir of Fortitude since it gives you health and some extra AD.
Look at some of this guy's past games to see how he plays (might take some time to search though): http://www.twitch.tv/never_loses
Thanks for the explanation! I've tried the build a few times (without LS quints tho, i'm poor) and i really like it. It's really bad if you're behind tho. I like to go lizard -> vamp -> sheen -> iceborn or when fed tear before Then after that manamune and lw and cdr boots somewhere in there. It's really cool, strong and fun to play and i recommend it to anyone who likes ezreal
It's called the Bebe build from what I've seen around Youtube, named after TPA Bebe.
United States6657 Posts
In Korea they are just calling it the "blue ezreal" build, since the core items are all items with a blue-background. (Lucidity boots, Elder Lizard, Muramana, Iceborn Gauntlet, LW). It does do less burst-dmg than a straight up BT/LW build, but the real strength is in the true dmg proc from the elder lizard during mid game... it burns like a mother fucker when u get hit by 2-3 Q's, and makes it really safe for ez to farm. Plus when u try to farm from a far with ult in minion waves and you leave like a sliver of health left on them, the burn will often kill them off for you.
I would say the strength is more that ezreal is incredible slippery with a insanly low cooldown arcane shift
Not to mention you can trueshot barrage every 30 seconds basically :D
When you should build blue Ezreal: -Your team is running a poke comp. (Jayce/Lux/Nid etc.) -Your team already has good damage and you do not expect them to peel for you (Kha'zix top, Karthus mid, Jungle Zed etc.) -The enemy team has a AD Assassin-heavy or dive comp (Kha Zix/Zed/Talon mid, J4 jungle)
When you should NOT go blue: -You have a "protect the adc" comp that already provides plenty of protection against diving threats and is relying on you to dish out damage. (Shen top, Orianna mid, Nautilus jungle, Alistar support) -You are going up against a AP-heavy team with no divers against which you don't need kiting and the armor you bought with your Iceborn Gauntlet is wasted. (Rumble top, Lux mid, Amumu/Sejuani/Nautilus jungle)
On May 18 2013 08:15 AsianEcksDragon wrote: When you should build blue Ezreal: -Your team is running a poke comp. (Jayce/Lux/Nid etc.) -Your team already has good damage and you do not expect them to peel for you (Kha'zix top, Karthus mid, Jungle Zed etc.) -The enemy team has a AD Assassin-heavy or dive comp (Kha Zix/Zed/Talon mid, J4 jungle)
When you should NOT go blue: -You have a "protect the adc" comp that already provides plenty of protection against diving threats and is relying on you to dish out damage. (Shen top, Orianna mid, Nautilus jungle, Alistar support) -You are going up against a AP-heavy team with no divers against which you don't need kiting and the armor you bought with your Iceborn Gauntlet is wasted. (Rumble top, Lux mid, Amumu/Sejuani/Nautilus jungle)
In your 2 examples for not going blue you just shouldn't be picking ezreal period. If your team is relying on you to do damage you need someone with higher DPS like vayne/kog/trist. If they don't have divers then you don't need ezreal's self-reliability and can go for a higher DPS option.
On May 18 2013 13:18 LazyFailKid wrote:Show nested quote +On May 18 2013 08:15 AsianEcksDragon wrote: When you should build blue Ezreal: -Your team is running a poke comp. (Jayce/Lux/Nid etc.) -Your team already has good damage and you do not expect them to peel for you (Kha'zix top, Karthus mid, Jungle Zed etc.) -The enemy team has a AD Assassin-heavy or dive comp (Kha Zix/Zed/Talon mid, J4 jungle)
When you should NOT go blue: -You have a "protect the adc" comp that already provides plenty of protection against diving threats and is relying on you to dish out damage. (Shen top, Orianna mid, Nautilus jungle, Alistar support) -You are going up against a AP-heavy team with no divers against which you don't need kiting and the armor you bought with your Iceborn Gauntlet is wasted. (Rumble top, Lux mid, Amumu/Sejuani/Nautilus jungle)
In your 2 examples for not going blue you just shouldn't be picking ezreal period. If your team is relying on you to do damage you need someone with higher DPS like vayne/kog/trist. If they don't have divers then you don't need ezreal's self-reliability and can go for a higher DPS option.
I thought the deciding factor was whether or not your team can hold down the game long enough for you to get items.
On May 18 2013 13:18 LazyFailKid wrote:Show nested quote +On May 18 2013 08:15 AsianEcksDragon wrote: When you should build blue Ezreal: -Your team is running a poke comp. (Jayce/Lux/Nid etc.) -Your team already has good damage and you do not expect them to peel for you (Kha'zix top, Karthus mid, Jungle Zed etc.) -The enemy team has a AD Assassin-heavy or dive comp (Kha Zix/Zed/Talon mid, J4 jungle)
When you should NOT go blue: -You have a "protect the adc" comp that already provides plenty of protection against diving threats and is relying on you to dish out damage. (Shen top, Orianna mid, Nautilus jungle, Alistar support) -You are going up against a AP-heavy team with no divers against which you don't need kiting and the armor you bought with your Iceborn Gauntlet is wasted. (Rumble top, Lux mid, Amumu/Sejuani/Nautilus jungle)
In your 2 examples for not going blue you just shouldn't be picking ezreal period. If your team is relying on you to do damage you need someone with higher DPS like vayne/kog/trist. If they don't have divers then you don't need ezreal's self-reliability and can go for a higher DPS option. Honestly I feel like you're underestimating Ezreal's damage. If you're the ONLY threat on your team, your teamcomp sucks even if you're a hypercarry.
Ezreal has a quite a bit of midgame damage and if he goes closer to standard ADC builds (IE-PD/Triforce-LW-BORK/BT) his damage output is quite high even late. - You have a +50% AS boost that you can keep up, plus an "extra autoattack" pretty constantly, - A lot of poke (regardless of build), - Pretty solid dueling even against high range carries.like Kog or Trist if you get the jump on them (literally). - Your mid/late game burst is actually one of the highest among ADCs (Losing only to like, Graves and Sivir) - Good teamfight (MF beats you here, whatever.) Trueshot is particularly good here because it basically stacks your passive instantly while dealing a considerable amount of upfront damage. Then you just keep up 50% AS. And give allies +AS. You're unlikely to get bruiser'd down, even if the enemy team is stupidly dive-heavy.
I'd almost definitely pick Ezreal against something like Rumble Lux. That's a lot of ranged instakill power that I want to be able to easily dodge. Going as a low range (vayne) or more immobile (Varus, MF) sounds really scary in those situations.
damn blue ezreal is not a joke
Kite all day every day. Champions with gap closers couldnt keep up with me which I felt was awesome. The only problem I had , in which I believe this build to be worthless against, was Morgana and Yi. Other than that I felt like this build is the way to go to make him a hard carry in solo q.
His dps is tremendous as its sustaining assuming you can land your skillshots. Late game full build is not a joke and does not fall off noticeably. The utility from this build makes him extremely valuable in teamfights especially since he can create a soft aoe cc. Honestly I would almost recommend playing him blue exclusively except in cases where you fall behind.
It's a good counter to the heavy AD teams as well because you end up with like 152 armor or something from IBG and that makes it pretty hard to burst you with physical damage.
On June 03 2013 10:45 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: It's a good counter to the heavy AD teams as well because you end up with like 152 armor or something from IBG and that makes it pretty hard to burst you with physical damage. Yea i noticed that too which was a very nice surprise. In the end you can make him much tankier, which will make him a godlike with the kite, once you trade away the elder item for something although I have no idea what would make a good substitute.
off topic: No idea what the build path is. I like to finish the elder first as teh passive and stats is OP for the mid game but I find him lackluster without his cd and IBG. imo he feels weak without those three items (lucidity, IBG, elder). Once I get those combined with Tear and LW I feel like a god just kiting all day except again maybe against a good sensible yi
On June 04 2013 00:57 heroyi wrote:Show nested quote +On June 03 2013 10:45 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: It's a good counter to the heavy AD teams as well because you end up with like 152 armor or something from IBG and that makes it pretty hard to burst you with physical damage. Yea i noticed that too which was a very nice surprise. In the end you can make him much tankier, which will make him a godlike with the kite, once you trade away the elder item for something although I have no idea what would make a good substitute. off topic: No idea what the build path is. I like to finish the elder first as teh passive and stats is OP for the mid game but I find him lackluster without his cd and IBG. imo he feels weak without those three items (lucidity, IBG, elder). Once I get those combined with Tear and LW I feel like a god just kiting all day except again maybe against a good sensible yi there are a few variants of the build
- dorans - long swords, spirit stone (in this order) -> elder lizard
then it branches
even or winning?)
- tear immedately - fit in a vamp when you can - cdr shoes (ideally in one buy, get a mana crystal or the longsword for your vamp if you die and don't have 1k) - sheen + glacial (either order depending on need) -> iceborn - last whisper - upgrade tear to manamune when near full or after LW - 6th item botrk, upgrade your vamp to cutlass at the same time as you sell dorans if you want to keep your total lifesteal and AD about the same
losing severely?)
- bloodthirster - cdr shoes - glacial, sheen (in that order) -> iceborn - /ff
the reason you skip the manamune is because it will never get enough charge to be worth it before the game snowballs if you are losing badly. if you look at probuilds you generally only see this variant in games that end up surrender at 20 games where the guy playing ezreal lost. trying to tear at all when the game has gotten out of control doesn't work because its a long term investment and you need damage now and not later
the thing about blue ez is there really isnt anything you can swap elder lizard out for, because the burn damage procs off iceborn gauntlet's slowing field. the only possible candidate to keep your CDR at 40% would be a black cleaver but it seems like the synergy between elder and iceborn is just so good that going to cleaver doesnt even improve your damage, really the only way you can up your damage if the game gets to 60 min is to bank up so much gold you can sell all your shit for a normal 6 item adc build in one buy and even then it is questionable if the range tradeoff is worth the extra damage vs the sorts of comps you want to play blue ez against to begin with
I've been toying around with a 'American Ezreal' build (as the items all have a blue, red, or white color motif) that is basically a fusion of the normal (aka Red) Ezreal adc build and the new Blue Ezreal build out of Korea.
The core idea behind it is that there's 2-3 major components out of each build (Red Ez wants Bloodthirster and either Infinity Edge or Phantom Dancer, Blue Ez wants Elder Lizard, Muramana, and Iceborn Gauntlet), so why not just do that and faceroll everyone you see?
Honestly, I've yet to figure out what the item sequencing is, if it's even viable, it's strengths/weaknesses, etc. My gut feeling is that you need to start with Boots + potions for sustainability in lane, go into Berserker Greaves for better/faster CS, then get Elder Lizard. Afterwards, go BT -> Muramana -> Iceborn Gauntlet -> IE or Dancer. I also feel like this build is very glass cannon-y, and requires a ton of gold (current math says you need almost 11.5k just for all the items, not including pots or other purchases), which means your CS has to be near 100% in lane, which is pretty unlikely for non-pros.
I guess another option couple be replacing Gauntlet with Phage/Frozen Mallet, for a bit of HP/survivability in lategame.
On June 04 2013 15:38 Kinie wrote: I've been toying around with a 'American Ezreal' build (as the items all have a blue, red, or white color motif) that is basically a fusion of the normal (aka Red) Ezreal adc build and the new Blue Ezreal build out of Korea.
The core idea behind it is that there's 2-3 major components out of each build (Red Ez wants Bloodthirster and either Infinity Edge or Phantom Dancer, Blue Ez wants Elder Lizard, Muramana, and Iceborn Gauntlet), so why not just do that and faceroll everyone you see?
Honestly, I've yet to figure out what the item sequencing is, if it's even viable, it's strengths/weaknesses, etc. My gut feeling is that you need to start with Boots + potions for sustainability in lane, go into Berserker Greaves for better/faster CS, then get Elder Lizard. Afterwards, go BT -> Muramana -> Iceborn Gauntlet -> IE or Dancer. I also feel like this build is very glass cannon-y, and requires a ton of gold (current math says you need almost 11.5k just for all the items, not including pots or other purchases), which means your CS has to be near 100% in lane, which is pretty unlikely for non-pros.
I guess another option couple be replacing Gauntlet with Phage/Frozen Mallet, for a bit of HP/survivability in lategame.
Eh. Probably better to do: 1. Blue Build > Sell SOTEL when you are rich for IE/BT + Blue pot/buff for 40% cdr
The reasoning behind your build is kinda weird I think. The strengths of Blue Ez and "red" (more likely just ADC Ez) are a bit incompatible. One being poke, the other AA.
Just do the Doublelift variation and get Thirster before finishing manamune