On September 04 2012 07:15 WhiteDog wrote: Do you still max W after the slight nerf ? I just completly suck with Ez it's quite frustrating, need tips (I'm at 1500 elo and usually play kog / vayne / graves / MF, or jungler) Yes.
Max rwqe, poke with w and q, harass harass harass, all in burst.
On September 04 2012 07:15 WhiteDog wrote: Do you still max W after the slight nerf ? I just completly suck with Ez it's quite frustrating, need tips (I'm at 1500 elo and usually play kog / vayne / graves / MF, or jungler)
They didn't nerf the strength of the W which was mostly in the Atk Spd slow. The fact an ADC has one is very strong and makes for much better trading. You do have to try harder to aim it and it may not pack as much of a punch, but it might be the difference of landing an extra set of harass before the all-in.
So as of right now, what do you max? A buddy and I are in a bit of a debate. He says max Q, I say W because the AS buff is obviously really nice.
But what about after the W nerf? Still W?
On October 26 2012 06:46 Dalguno wrote: So as of right now, what do you max? A buddy and I are in a bit of a debate. He says max Q, I say W because the AS buff is obviously really nice.
But what about after the W nerf? Still W? Not W anymore, except situationally. W's strength in lane was winning every trade because you removed all their AS and buffed your own. Now, it's primary use is a second nuke and using it to deal damage through the minion wave. Maybe if you're laning against someone who's trying to just sit behind the wave and farm, you can max W to constantly harass them while staying pretty safe yourself, but it's not the ultimate trading tool that it was beforehand.
That said, I could be wrong. W has more damage per level than Q, and Q's main power is the poking prowess on top of proc'ing Sheen/TF and AD scaling, none of which relies on levels. There may still be something to maxing W to take advantage of the damage it gets from levels, while holding off on Q because it gets more damage from items.
I think I'll try W max for a few more games to see if the damage is still worth taking, even without the AS debuff. If not, back to Q>E>W with one point in W by ~4-5.
How do you guys build ezreal nowadays? I've been having a lot of success with mallet after IE, but then again I've gotten fed in my last four games.
On February 24 2013 05:06 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote: How do you guys build ezreal nowadays? I've been having a lot of success with mallet after IE, but then again I've gotten fed in my last four games.
Boots/bloodthirster/shiv/iceborn gauntlet/Last Whisper/situational defensive item (or IE if you know you can forego defenses without getting squashed).
On February 24 2013 06:38 zer0das wrote: Boots/bloodthirster/shiv/iceborn gauntlet/Last Whisper/situational defensive item (or IE if you know you can forego defenses without getting squashed).
i honestly believe getting any atk speed items on ez is a waste. with enough cdr, you shoot ur mystic shot every 2 sec. you also gain alot of temp atk speed through ur passive. and you can just arcane shift away if you get caught
On February 24 2013 07:29 Lightswarm wrote:Show nested quote +On February 24 2013 06:38 zer0das wrote: Boots/bloodthirster/shiv/iceborn gauntlet/Last Whisper/situational defensive item (or IE if you know you can forego defenses without getting squashed). i honestly believe getting any atk speed items on ez is a waste. with enough cdr, you shoot ur mystic shot every 2 sec. you also gain alot of temp atk speed through ur passive. and you can just arcane shift away if you get caught Feels like you hit alot harder without an Atk speed item, esp if youre good at hitting your skillshots(which you should be at 5 stacks constantly when a teamfight starts if you hit your ult and use w though)
Shiv isn't really for the attack speed, it's primarily for the chain lightning. Nearly every time you land a q on them, you hit multiple champions due to it. Really strong in mid-game teamfights.
On February 24 2013 08:16 zer0das wrote: Shiv isn't really for the attack speed, it's primarily for the chain lightning. Nearly every time you land a q on them, you hit multiple champions due to it. Really strong in mid-game teamfights.
ye, but with iceborn, as long as you land your q, you are hitting multiple targets and slowing them
On February 24 2013 09:09 Lightswarm wrote:Show nested quote +On February 24 2013 08:16 zer0das wrote: Shiv isn't really for the attack speed, it's primarily for the chain lightning. Nearly every time you land a q on them, you hit multiple champions due to it. Really strong in mid-game teamfights. ye, but with iceborn, as long as you land your q, you are hitting multiple targets and slowing them you can waveclear faster when you don't have ult up
ive seen alot of pro go bt then lw. But also in debate is IE then lw,
What u guys think for pure dps dmg?
shiv first on ezreal? or the new ruined king first on ezreal? thoughts?
On March 03 2013 17:03 .ImchEEzy wrote: shiv first on ezreal? or the new ruined king first on ezreal? thoughts?
Nah. I wouldn't rush Static Shiv on Ezreal. Dont synergize well with his kit at all. Every time he lands spell he gets freee attack speed, so why would you rush attack speed? Attack speed is multiplicative with attack damage itself and crit chance, so no reason to just stack attack speed.
Just BT rush much stronger on ezreal. I'd even debate that even though new BotRK super strong, just plain old BT might be better considering the ration on Ez' Q,
Only champ I'd rush Static Shiv on would be like maybe Vayne or Kogmaw, and thats just because they have either huge free AD steroids, or % damage. EVen then, with current BotRK in game, just get BotRK first.
So I've been playing a bit of ezreal every now and then and I've tried the following build: Dorans -> BotRK -> Boots 2 -> LW -> TriForce/IE -> IE/Triforce
I'm mainly concerned about the first 2 big items I build. Is this a decent mid game comp?
Another thing is, I played vs a Taric/Graves lane and I went LW first. Is that a good idea when against that comp or is BC or standard better?
On March 03 2013 17:03 .ImchEEzy wrote: shiv first on ezreal? or the new ruined king first on ezreal? thoughts?
No point in rushing shiv for Ezreal. Ezreal needs AD, especially for his q. Ezreal is more skill shot based then AA DPS in my opinion. Rushing BT gives sustain and a lot of AD for his Q. Botrk first isn't as good either. Once again, Ezreal needs the AD, not the attack speed or the passive on Botrk. More AD = better Q = better poke = dead opponents.
both shiv and botrk gives better Q than BT
I'd rather take BT than BotRK, BotRK is more for AA champs and Ez already has an AS steroid with his passive..