On March 10 2012 09:10 overt wrote:
Ez is definitely fun and is completely viable. So if you like him play him. He isn't as easy or faceroll as other AD carries but if you're good with him you'll carry games at any level of play. Try building him standard AD with IE/PD/LW. It's a bit easier and you'll be just as strong as most other ADs.
But yeah corki really strong too if you're looking into other ADs.
how is corki good compared to other AD? I have been wondering after watching OGN tournies and theres Corki every game and only a few with ezreal/graves
On May 04 2012 03:19 justiceknight wrote:Show nested quote +On March 10 2012 09:10 overt wrote:
Ez is definitely fun and is completely viable. So if you like him play him. He isn't as easy or faceroll as other AD carries but if you're good with him you'll carry games at any level of play. Try building him standard AD with IE/PD/LW. It's a bit easier and you'll be just as strong as most other ADs.
But yeah corki really strong too if you're looking into other ADs. how is corki good compared to other AD? I have been wondering after watching OGN tournies and theres Corki every game and only a few with ezreal/graves
Corki is IMO one of the stronger AD carrys with good positioning he melts everything, lol.
I am trying to get an AD carry in my repertoire.... Ezreal is on sale for another 12 hours or so, so should I grab him? Currently I only own Tristana (never play her, I hate her animation), Ashe, and Caitlyn; I don't play them that often because I like to play AP mid (and that supports in soloQ are either brain-dead or non-existent), but I figured once I start playing ranked games seriously I might want to have a greater set of champions. So is Ezreal an even remotely good pick in ranked?
I vaguely remember Vayne was on sale a few weeks back. I truly regret not getting her back then.
Ezreal is extremely good in solo queue imo because his early/mid-game is among the strongest and he snowballs extremely well in mid-game if you stomp your lane. He's also a very safe pick if your support happens to be shit, because of double dash (E+flash).
I also don't get why nobody picks him more often in tournaments especially with the hard focus on mid-game atm.
On May 19 2012 08:38 Sponkz wrote: Ezreal is extremely good in solo queue imo because his early/mid-game is among the strongest and he snowballs extremely well in mid-game if you stomp your lane. He's also a very safe pick if your support happens to be shit, because of double dash (E+flash).
I also don't get why nobody picks him more often in tournaments especially with the hard focus on mid-game atm. Because he's difficult to play and pros resist learning the difficult to play champs unless that cham is stupidly OP. They dont want to spend the time learning him
I actually forgot about genja. He's been playing him some recently :p
After getting stomped playing as Ezreal on the bottom lane, I discovered that AP Ezreal is surprisingly fun - and viable, too. His E makes his laning phase in mid very strong.
On May 25 2012 05:34 Sufficiency wrote: After getting stomped playing as Ezreal on the bottom lane, I discovered that AP Ezreal is surprisingly fun - and viable, too. His E makes his laning phase in mid very strong. I thought AP Ez maxed W to abuse damage through creeps.
On May 19 2012 09:41 P-body wrote:Show nested quote +On May 19 2012 08:38 Sponkz wrote: Ezreal is extremely good in solo queue imo because his early/mid-game is among the strongest and he snowballs extremely well in mid-game if you stomp your lane. He's also a very safe pick if your support happens to be shit, because of double dash (E+flash).
I also don't get why nobody picks him more often in tournaments especially with the hard focus on mid-game atm. Because he's difficult to play and pros resist learning the difficult to play champs unless that cham is stupidly OP. They dont want to spend the time learning him wtf are you talking about, all the pros can play ezreal just fine from back when his w used to heal, he's just not as strong as other dps in certain regards and it's harder to fit him into a team as compared to say, graves or ashe or kogmaw
also corki is trash now, he suffers from the same problems as ezreal, weak range lategame and getting outbursted by newer dps early.
On May 25 2012 07:36 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Show nested quote +On May 19 2012 09:41 P-body wrote:On May 19 2012 08:38 Sponkz wrote: Ezreal is extremely good in solo queue imo because his early/mid-game is among the strongest and he snowballs extremely well in mid-game if you stomp your lane. He's also a very safe pick if your support happens to be shit, because of double dash (E+flash).
I also don't get why nobody picks him more often in tournaments especially with the hard focus on mid-game atm. Because he's difficult to play and pros resist learning the difficult to play champs unless that cham is stupidly OP. They dont want to spend the time learning him wtf are you talking about, all the pros can play ezreal just fine from back when his w used to heal, he's just not as strong as other dps in certain regards and it's harder to fit him into a team as compared to say, graves or ashe or kogmaw also corki is trash now, he suffers from the same problems as ezreal, weak range lategame and getting outbursted by newer dps early.
The introduction of graves really hurt imo. He does what they do in midgame but better, has a better lane phase, and a better late game with his AS steroid.
As someone who plays Ezreal a lot, I found this article interesting:
He claims that maxing W over Q on AD Ezreal is actually more potent, since you can harass with it through minions, it gains more base damage through leveling than Q, and the AS debuff reduces the amount of damage you take during trades.
I'm not sure I totally agree (the CDR from leveling Q and high mana costs of W still making me lean towards Q first), but it's an interesting idea. However, as someone who goes R>Q>E>W, I may consider R>Q>W>E if not R>W>Q>E after seeing the effectiveness of W.
On June 08 2012 01:57 Zenithal wrote:As someone who plays Ezreal a lot, I found this article interesting: http://www.reignofgaming.net/blogs/a-different-view/prant/20627-ezreal-which-skill-should-you-be-maxingHe claims that maxing W over Q on AD Ezreal is actually more potent, since you can harass with it through minions, it gains more base damage through leveling than Q, and the AS debuff reduces the amount of damage you take during trades. I'm not sure I totally agree (the CDR from leveling Q and high mana costs of W still making me lean towards Q first), but it's an interesting idea. However, as someone who goes R>Q>E>W, I may consider R>Q>W>E if not R>W>Q>E after seeing the effectiveness of W. Completely lane dependant. If you've got a soraka, w first no matter what. If their support is short range or the ad is not bursty early, w first. If their ad IS bursty early, get q first to poke from range
On June 08 2012 01:57 Zenithal wrote:As someone who plays Ezreal a lot, I found this article interesting: http://www.reignofgaming.net/blogs/a-different-view/prant/20627-ezreal-which-skill-should-you-be-maxingHe claims that maxing W over Q on AD Ezreal is actually more potent, since you can harass with it through minions, it gains more base damage through leveling than Q, and the AS debuff reduces the amount of damage you take during trades. I'm not sure I totally agree (the CDR from leveling Q and high mana costs of W still making me lean towards Q first), but it's an interesting idea. However, as someone who goes R>Q>E>W, I may consider R>Q>W>E if not R>W>Q>E after seeing the effectiveness of W.
You go OOM if you don't have Soraka. If you do however, that shit is really really good, especially since people aren't used to avoiding W like they are used to juking Qs.
A 40% AS debuff can mean about 30% damage reduction on heros like Vayne too. For 5 whole seconds.
Has anyone tried the maxing W first build yet? It's really hard to tell from just reading, I need like +10 games to decide if it's good or not.
On June 26 2012 14:41 mel_ee wrote: Has anyone tried the maxing W first build yet? It's really hard to tell from just reading, I need like +10 games to decide if it's good or not.
It's all I play. Hitting through creeps feels great. If your opponent is decent, they can avoid Qs but just standing in creeps and getting all the last hits they want. W can also hit multiple champs and buff you, and buff your partner or gank or whatever other champion if you line it up properly. All while doing comparable damage.
On June 26 2012 22:38 Felnarion wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2012 14:41 mel_ee wrote: Has anyone tried the maxing W first build yet? It's really hard to tell from just reading, I need like +10 games to decide if it's good or not. It's all I play. Hitting through creeps feels great. If your opponent is decent, they can avoid Qs but just standing in creeps and getting all the last hits they want. W can also hit multiple champs and buff you, and buff your partner or gank or whatever other champion if you line it up properly. All while doing comparable damage. Especially if you go sheen first.
I think I prefer my Q-focused Black Cleaver Ezreal though
On May 25 2012 05:34 Sufficiency wrote: After getting stomped playing as Ezreal on the bottom lane, I discovered that AP Ezreal is surprisingly fun - and viable, too. His E makes his laning phase in mid very strong.
AP Ezreal is really good once he gets to Lichbane+Deathcap. Problem is getting there. You simply cannot deal with someone pushing on AP Ezreal.
On June 26 2012 22:38 Felnarion wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2012 14:41 mel_ee wrote: Has anyone tried the maxing W first build yet? It's really hard to tell from just reading, I need like +10 games to decide if it's good or not. It's all I play. Hitting through creeps feels great. If your opponent is decent, they can avoid Qs but just standing in creeps and getting all the last hits they want. W can also hit multiple champs and buff you, and buff your partner or gank or whatever other champion if you line it up properly. All while doing comparable damage.
what item build are you going for first?
for me I am trying the sheen --- > blood thirster --- > tri force
as for some of the games, I find that hitting more than 2 champs with W is well worth it.
a lot of players are caught off guard thinking i will naturally do my Q first so they hide behind a minion then the W happens and ohhh ya
Even Q-first ezreal benefits a fair bit by opening any longer trades vs autoattack-heavy carries with his W, that attack speed debuff isn't fucking around.
W is what makes ezreal viable
win trades, buff your entire team to kill towers in 1 creepwave, and mutilate bruisers and junglers in teamfights with the HUGE debuff.
i still don't believe in maxing it first (not my playstyle at all,) but i definitely max it before E.