On August 27 2013 08:27 olabaz wrote: I'm not saying TF is a bad item I'm saying your build is bad. It is half way in between two builds and accomplishes neither of them well enough to opt for it. If you want to build TF build him like corki -> IE/LW/BT/TF/AS Boots and if you want to build Tear/CDR build him like blue ez -> Muramana/Gauntlet/LW/BotRK/CDR Boots. But 1/2 and 1/2 is cutting corners on both and not what you want to be doing.
TF first, without IE, is entirely valid. It's strongest early due to the proc multiplying your base damage, and just because you're not building pure crit doesn't mean you can't use the crit. However, I think you're getting Tear too late for it to be meaningful. Sheen/TF already gives you a reasonable mana pool, so look for other ways to supplement it.
On August 27 2013 08:58 Tooplark wrote:Show nested quote +On August 27 2013 08:27 olabaz wrote: I'm not saying TF is a bad item I'm saying your build is bad. It is half way in between two builds and accomplishes neither of them well enough to opt for it. If you want to build TF build him like corki -> IE/LW/BT/TF/AS Boots and if you want to build Tear/CDR build him like blue ez -> Muramana/Gauntlet/LW/BotRK/CDR Boots. But 1/2 and 1/2 is cutting corners on both and not what you want to be doing. TF first, without IE, is entirely valid. It's strongest early due to the proc multiplying your base damage, and just because you're not building pure crit doesn't mean you can't use the crit. However, I think you're getting Tear too late for it to be meaningful. Sheen/TF already gives you a reasonable mana pool, so look for other ways to supplement it. I think he was giving a list here and not the order. Zerkers last would be a bit silly.
On August 27 2013 08:20 AsianEcksDragon wrote:Show nested quote +On August 27 2013 08:15 Gahlo wrote:On August 27 2013 03:53 AsianEcksDragon wrote: I'm definitely digging Trinity Force on Ezreal. The movement speed give him the kiting power that he's already known for. I'd say it's better than gauntlet unless you really need the armor or you're against a team full of AD Assassins. You are strong right in the beginning and don't have to wait for 3 items to do damage. You can also proc the speed bonus on creep and monsters. Also much better at tower sieging than Blue Ez because of the stronger sheen proc and higher ASPD.
My current build is: 1. Doran's Blade 2. Sheen 3. Zeal 4. Complete TF + Tear 5. Bloodthirster or Last Whisper (depends on how much armor you're up against) 6. Ionian boots 7. Muramana 8. Frozen Mallet (optional)
Complete build is: TF/BT/LW/Ionian/Muramana/Defensive item of your choice.'
Masteries: 23/7/0 or 23/4/3. Remember, TF gives crit so put points into Lethality and frenzy. I personally go 7 defense because manamune should solve all mana problem. If you don't plan on building manamune then perhaps you would want the 3 utility. At that point, wouldn't Tear take till the 40ish minute mark to charge? You're right. I should probably just complete the manamune and go for LW next so I get the AD bonus and faster charging. Again, you can choose to start tear in exchange for a weaker laning phase or just abandon tear altogether. I personally like having a muramana because it's just a lot of damage and works with both Q and auto. Sheen Manamune seems like a reasonable early items - you won't hit like a wet noodle in lane if you get sheen before tear, you can still squeeze in a brutalizer if you want to. The manamune passive will keep you relevant for a while, and youll probably be finishing up Triforce around the same time that your Manamune transforms for one hell of a power spike.
I would get Phage earlier in the Triforce buildup though, it seems like a really good early purchase now. It's not quite doran-efficiency, but it's close, and is giving you a lot of movespeed during lane (during which point your trades are not heavily based on AS/Crit - especially if you have low AD still.)
I don't really see why a poke-oriented Ezreal build ("Blue ezreal") is required to go gauntlet over Triforce. Gauntlet is committing to having a low damage high util build. It's a LOT of money for NOT a lot of damage. Switching it to a Triforce still gives you a heavy poke oriented build, exchanging the utility of gauntlet for (wait for it) Tons of Damage.
So I've started picking up Ez again, now that people won't rage at my for not doing blue. I know NOTHING about his lane phase. Who should I be agressive/careful against? How much harassing should I try to do?
Just a reminder, you should still be building IBG against heavy AD teamcomps
On September 09 2013 16:57 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Just a reminder, you should still be building IBG against heavy AD teamcomps
IBG against heavy AD, or kitable teams. Some teams will get absolutely destroyed by a blue ez simply due to the inability to put damage onto the ez, even if they can go through the other 4 members of your team.
Also IMO, full defensive item if the enemy comp warrants blue build & can't burst you is unnecessary. Just go full dps because they aren't going to be touching you.
United States47024 Posts
On August 27 2013 23:48 sylverfyre wrote: I don't really see why a poke-oriented Ezreal build ("Blue ezreal") is required to go gauntlet over Triforce. Gauntlet is committing to having a low damage high util build. It's a LOT of money for NOT a lot of damage. Switching it to a Triforce still gives you a heavy poke oriented build, exchanging the utility of gauntlet for (wait for it) Tons of Damage. Because Triforce's power development doesn't fit the build.
Triforce as a late damage item is mediocre, because it gives a little bit of everything and a largely flat damage component through the proc that scales with neither crit nor AS. The strength of Triforce is abusing it's powerful single item timing to snowball the game. A later, softer, Triforce timing is simply not as strong, and at the point where you're sitting on parts and delaying your Triforce, it's not as compelling. It's even arguable that post-Muramana, the Triforce timing is weak enough that you may as well be picking up a straight damage item that actually scales better into the lategame like BT or LW if you want damage.
With a Sheen->Manamune->Triforce build, you are sitting on an essentially flat power curve until your Muramana + Triforce timing. With a straight Triforce, you are going to use the Triforce timing to snowball kills/towers/objectives into your next major damage item (LW, BT, or IE depending on the game).
On September 09 2013 17:14 Amui wrote:Show nested quote +On September 09 2013 16:57 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Just a reminder, you should still be building IBG against heavy AD teamcomps IBG against heavy AD, or kitable teams. Some teams will get absolutely destroyed by a blue ez simply due to the inability to put damage onto the ez, even if they can go through the other 4 members of your team. Also IMO, full defensive item if the enemy comp warrants blue build & can't burst you is unnecessary. Just go full dps because they aren't going to be touching you.
IBG is definitely better against melee ADs that likes to dive the ADC. It's pretty much a free kill if they dive in and get kited. Trinity Force is better in laning and against other comps.
I've just been building Triforce-LW-BT, and basically killing everyone so fast that it doesnt matter if I kite them, they're dead after the first shift anyway. I seriously think this build is completely overpowered, and the one game I lost with it was a 3v5. It will be nerfed 100%
I've been trying AP Ez mid and I've been getting mixed results. Usually laning sucks but the late game is ok.
- Short CD ult you can use to attempt a snipe, harass a target with no sustain, or push a wave if absolutely necessary.
- Ult has a large hitbox
- Great escape
- Great late game damage scaling with high AP ratios
- Lichbane Q poke is one of the best AP poke abilities because of how easy it is to land, its range, low mana cost, medium damage, and short cooldowns.
- Can't push (except by using ult)
- No sustain so easily pushed out of lane
- All skillshots. No one hits all their skills but as you get better, I'm sure you'll waste less mana and hit more. I currently use smartcast on easy targets like minions and cc'd targets and shift cast whenever I'm shooting at far targets.
- Hard to burst people down unless you've already ulted because your ult is delayed and can be flashed. Other mids can however burst you down. If they're low enough you can definitely E,W,Q, ignite into them though.
- Squishy, if you get hit but Vi's Q,E,R combo, you just die. Which means you often have to save E and not go aggressive.
- Can't harass people behind creeps except with W which if you max first, reduces your pushing power and csing ability further.
- No CC. If your team lacks CC then there'll be many situations another mid could've helped get a kill.
- If you do manage to chunk someone with your ult to get them into kill range, they'll often just heal up with pots or fountain instead of giving you the opportunity to kill them. And they can push the wave faster than you.
- His laning is horrible. Another mid, eg. Lux can push waves and harass you with something like E, chunking you down until you're low enough. You'll have to cs under tower or tank minions. Then once you're low enough they can try to burst you down with no risk of enough retaliation since your QWE won't be enough to kill them, and since your E isn't targeted and your Q gets blocked by creeps, they tend to get the jump on you. I legitimately think you should max Q and get barrier on Ez just to survive lane. I've tried laning against Swain, Lux, Ahri, and Kat and the experience is always the same.
- Lichbane is vital on him. I tried ibg once and a third of my damage to champs was physical as opposed to normally something like 10-15%. I think that means that most of your damage comes from Q's and specifically the sheen effects on Q.
- Nashors pushes faster but the poke damage on lichbane lets you trim waves from a distance more easily and harass people in the mid game. The damage to mana ratio is better.
- Vision control is vital. It helps you not get caught in bad fights where you insta die since you're squishy. It also helps you snipe targets with your ult.
I used to play AP ez, I tried it again recently. Same weak laning phase, but now with the change to lichbane your lategame is not that great either. I think its just bad now. In the past you would just output stupid amounts of damage, I carried games ridiculously. Now it just feels pretty similar to many other lategame AP's, and that laning is just so bad its not worth it at all.
We went from 1.0 AP, to 50+.75AP to .75baseAD+.5AP.
Huge huge nerfs to AP ez scaling.
On February 26 2015 04:42 sob3k wrote: I used to play AP ez, I tried it again recently. Same weak laning phase, but now with the change to lichbane your lategame is not that great either. I think its just bad now. In the past you would just output stupid amounts of damage, I carried games ridiculously. Now it just feels pretty similar to many other lategame AP's, and that laning is just so bad its not worth it at all.
We went from 1.0 AP, to 50+.75AP to .75baseAD+.5AP.
Huge huge nerfs to AP ez scaling.
Couldn't gunblade be a viable first item on him?
On February 26 2015 04:42 sob3k wrote: I used to play AP ez, I tried it again recently. Same weak laning phase, but now with the change to lichbane your lategame is not that great either. I think its just bad now. In the past you would just output stupid amounts of damage, I carried games ridiculously. Now it just feels pretty similar to many other lategame AP's, and that laning is just so bad its not worth it at all.
We went from 1.0 AP, to 50+.75AP to .75baseAD+.5AP.
Huge huge nerfs to AP ez scaling. Yeah, I was reading about old lichbane in this thread, and back then Pr0skier would miss like 6/10 mystic shots in his montages and still get triple kills. The new lichbane definitely makes ap Ez probably not as op looking.
On February 26 2015 05:17 Uldridge wrote:Show nested quote +On February 26 2015 04:42 sob3k wrote: I used to play AP ez, I tried it again recently. Same weak laning phase, but now with the change to lichbane your lategame is not that great either. I think its just bad now. In the past you would just output stupid amounts of damage, I carried games ridiculously. Now it just feels pretty similar to many other lategame AP's, and that laning is just so bad its not worth it at all.
We went from 1.0 AP, to 50+.75AP to .75baseAD+.5AP.
Huge huge nerfs to AP ez scaling. Couldn't gunblade be a viable first item on him?
I mean, uhh no
No triforce or lich proc, spellvamp doesn't apply on Q, reduced spellvamp on W that doesn't hit creeps. It gives him nothing he wants. The sustain is mostly worthless because his tiny hp either gets 100-0ed or doesn't get caught. the active is kind of cool but no way is it outdamaging even sheen.
On February 26 2015 06:02 sob3k wrote: Also you said no CC, lategame I really like Rylais on him if you are going to do AP. Its a very nice slow, nearly permanent if you chain Q's. Ez Q doesn't apply Rylais.
Does not apply spell effects. http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Ezreal
you're right, I've built it on him several times...lol thats kind of sad. How could I not notice that....