Doranx2->Lizard->Vamp Scepter->IE->BT.
Figure already have huge attackspeed steroid, but want both crit scaling and lifesteal asap. Best of all worlds.
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Canada10660 Posts
Doranx2->Lizard->Vamp Scepter->IE->BT. Figure already have huge attackspeed steroid, but want both crit scaling and lifesteal asap. Best of all worlds. | ||
United States1484 Posts
On June 05 2013 09:14 iCanada wrote: I just do regular Ezreal, except I rush a Lizard in lane. Doranx2->Lizard->Vamp Scepter->IE->BT. Figure already have huge attackspeed steroid, but want both crit scaling and lifesteal asap. Best of all worlds. yeah but that defeats the whole point of the build the point of the build is the one two punch of the iceborn aoe applying elder lizard and cdr not only being more effective the more of it you get but also being an exploitable stat on ezreal with his flat 1 sec cdr reduction when he hits Q if you are going Elder IE BT first off your LW is going to be outrageously late and second off you are going to have to auto people a lot with this build and if you are just sitting there autoing people then elder lizard's proc is not very good and it just becomes a sustain item if you want to do a blue ez build where you still auto a lot, then do doublelift's variant, where he went BT first then got his tear and iceborn | ||
United States8298 Posts
On June 04 2013 15:38 Kinie wrote: I've been toying around with a 'American Ezreal' build (as the items all have a blue, red, or white color motif) that is basically a fusion of the normal (aka Red) Ezreal adc build and the new Blue Ezreal build out of Korea. The core idea behind it is that there's 2-3 major components out of each build (Red Ez wants Bloodthirster and either Infinity Edge or Phantom Dancer, Blue Ez wants Elder Lizard, Muramana, and Iceborn Gauntlet), so why not just do that and faceroll everyone you see? Honestly, I've yet to figure out what the item sequencing is, if it's even viable, it's strengths/weaknesses, etc. My gut feeling is that you need to start with Boots + potions for sustainability in lane, go into Berserker Greaves for better/faster CS, then get Elder Lizard. Afterwards, go BT -> Muramana -> Iceborn Gauntlet -> IE or Dancer. I also feel like this build is very glass cannon-y, and requires a ton of gold (current math says you need almost 11.5k just for all the items, not including pots or other purchases), which means your CS has to be near 100% in lane, which is pretty unlikely for non-pros. I guess another option couple be replacing Gauntlet with Phage/Frozen Mallet, for a bit of HP/survivability in lategame. Where's your Last Whisper. I think BT Triforce could potentially return as a super high damage poke that doesn't suck at autoing as much as blue ez. Or anything that subs in Triforce for IBG in search of damage at the cost of utility. It's only a loss of 10% CDR, which you can make up in multiple ways: Brutalizer (up there with elder lizard in powerful early buys - almost as much damage for 700 less gold) or Blue Buff are the ones that come to mind. I'm actually rather surprised how little we see Brutalizer on these poke-based ezreal builds. Muramana even synergizes very effectively with Black Cleaver (The muramana proc applies its own stack, seperate from the Q or Auto that provided it) | ||
United States1484 Posts
On June 05 2013 14:58 sylverfyre wrote: i tried brutalizer onceShow nested quote + On June 04 2013 15:38 Kinie wrote: I've been toying around with a 'American Ezreal' build (as the items all have a blue, red, or white color motif) that is basically a fusion of the normal (aka Red) Ezreal adc build and the new Blue Ezreal build out of Korea. The core idea behind it is that there's 2-3 major components out of each build (Red Ez wants Bloodthirster and either Infinity Edge or Phantom Dancer, Blue Ez wants Elder Lizard, Muramana, and Iceborn Gauntlet), so why not just do that and faceroll everyone you see? Honestly, I've yet to figure out what the item sequencing is, if it's even viable, it's strengths/weaknesses, etc. My gut feeling is that you need to start with Boots + potions for sustainability in lane, go into Berserker Greaves for better/faster CS, then get Elder Lizard. Afterwards, go BT -> Muramana -> Iceborn Gauntlet -> IE or Dancer. I also feel like this build is very glass cannon-y, and requires a ton of gold (current math says you need almost 11.5k just for all the items, not including pots or other purchases), which means your CS has to be near 100% in lane, which is pretty unlikely for non-pros. I guess another option couple be replacing Gauntlet with Phage/Frozen Mallet, for a bit of HP/survivability in lategame. Where's your Last Whisper. I think BT Triforce could potentially return as a super high damage poke that doesn't suck at autoing as much as blue ez. Or anything that subs in Triforce for IBG in search of damage at the cost of utility. It's only a loss of 10% CDR, which you can make up in multiple ways: Brutalizer (up there with elder lizard in powerful early buys - almost as much damage for 700 less gold) or Blue Buff are the ones that come to mind. I'm actually rather surprised how little we see Brutalizer on these poke-based ezreal builds. Muramana even synergizes very effectively with Black Cleaver (The muramana proc applies its own stack, seperate from the Q or Auto that provided it) like i said in my previous post its the interaction between iceborn and elder which is the main thing that makes this build so broken, and you need an awful lot of physical damage slamming on a target for the armor shred to match the true damage burn, and losing the huge midgame mana regen spike elder provides really hurts | ||
Canada1100 Posts
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United States19573 Posts
On June 05 2013 15:12 RavenLoud wrote: I've been wondering, what if you replace the LW with an IE for blue ez? Would the crits make up for the armor pen? No, cus you cant Crit Q, and never really get to auto, and dont have outside crit chance. | ||
United States3106 Posts
On June 05 2013 14:58 sylverfyre wrote: Where's your Last Whisper. I think BT Triforce could potentially return as a super high damage poke that doesn't suck at autoing as much as blue ez. Or anything that subs in Triforce for IBG in search of damage at the cost of utility. It's only a loss of 10% CDR, which you can make up in multiple ways: Brutalizer (up there with elder lizard in powerful early buys - almost as much damage for 700 less gold) or Blue Buff are the ones that come to mind. I'm actually rather surprised how little we see Brutalizer on these poke-based ezreal builds. Muramana even synergizes very effectively with Black Cleaver (The muramana proc applies its own stack, seperate from the Q or Auto that provided it) Last Whisper can be the 6th item I guess, so you'll have a bit less overall AD but be able to shred people to bits in a few seconds. | ||
United States1484 Posts
On June 05 2013 16:09 Kinie wrote: Show nested quote + On June 05 2013 14:58 sylverfyre wrote: Where's your Last Whisper. I think BT Triforce could potentially return as a super high damage poke that doesn't suck at autoing as much as blue ez. Or anything that subs in Triforce for IBG in search of damage at the cost of utility. It's only a loss of 10% CDR, which you can make up in multiple ways: Brutalizer (up there with elder lizard in powerful early buys - almost as much damage for 700 less gold) or Blue Buff are the ones that come to mind. I'm actually rather surprised how little we see Brutalizer on these poke-based ezreal builds. Muramana even synergizes very effectively with Black Cleaver (The muramana proc applies its own stack, seperate from the Q or Auto that provided it) Last Whisper can be the 6th item I guess, so you'll have a bit less overall AD but be able to shred people to bits in a few seconds. i asked someone whos legit diamond when to get last whisper and the answer is "always 3rd/4th, only 4th if you need defenses for some reason" the breakpoint at which the item is cost effective is when something has 100 armor and almost every single champion reaches 100 armor naturally by level 18 at low levels you can tell someone who mains adc from someone who was forced to fill for it by whether or not they get LW together quickly or if they build 3 phantom dancers instead the only time you can ever skip LW, is if you're so absolutely retardedly snowballed that you really just want to go push to end the game at or before 20 min - for example yesterday i played a game where i happened to be an 11/1 caitlyn at around 12 min and i backed with like ~4k gold and already had ie zeal vamp, so i just said to myself "this game is silly im just getting a fuckin bloodthirster", then proceeded to immediately push mid for the win. but i only did that because i was like lvl 15 when most of the people on the other team were still 9-11, in a normal paced game you never want to do that, i'd use that gold to finish PD and get LW | ||
United States8298 Posts
On June 05 2013 16:09 Kinie wrote: Show nested quote + On June 05 2013 14:58 sylverfyre wrote: Where's your Last Whisper. I think BT Triforce could potentially return as a super high damage poke that doesn't suck at autoing as much as blue ez. Or anything that subs in Triforce for IBG in search of damage at the cost of utility. It's only a loss of 10% CDR, which you can make up in multiple ways: Brutalizer (up there with elder lizard in powerful early buys - almost as much damage for 700 less gold) or Blue Buff are the ones that come to mind. I'm actually rather surprised how little we see Brutalizer on these poke-based ezreal builds. Muramana even synergizes very effectively with Black Cleaver (The muramana proc applies its own stack, seperate from the Q or Auto that provided it) Last Whisper can be the 6th item I guess, so you'll have a bit less overall AD but be able to shred people to bits in a few seconds. Last whisper is one of the most powerful damage items in the game, any build that can't fit it in until 6 items is mathematically bad. Even 0-defense-item carries end up with enough armor (due to armor scaling from levelups.) | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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10417 Posts
AP Ezreal is a lot more viable because of this I think, you'll almost never get a fully stacked muramana on Dominion but IBG is still pretty strong and you basically weigh what you need (armor and slow proc vs hilarious lichbane burst) | ||
United States1036 Posts
My current build is: 1. Doran's Blade 2. Sheen 3. Zeal 4. Complete TF + Tear 5. Bloodthirster or Last Whisper (depends on how much armor you're up against) 6. Ionian boots 7. Muramana 8. Frozen Mallet (optional) Complete build is: TF/BT/LW/Ionian/Muramana/Defensive item of your choice.' Masteries: 23/7/0 or 23/4/3. Remember, TF gives crit so put points into Lethality and frenzy. I personally go 7 defense because manamune should solve all mana problem. If you don't plan on building manamune then perhaps you would want the 3 utility. | ||
United States298 Posts
If you're going TF you're definitely going to want an IE somewhere and are probably not going to need a tear or ionian boots. | ||
United States1036 Posts
On August 27 2013 05:22 olabaz wrote: When you get a tear you want it early so you can stack it fast. After a TF is not early at all. Then you get Ionian boots which makes me think you're going for an on-hit spam Q build like Blue Ez which makes me wonder why you're getting TF in the first place and spending money on crit chance. If you're going TF you're definitely going to want an IE somewhere and are probably not going to need a tear or ionian boots. Ezreal is not a pure autoattack carry regardless of how you build him. His autoattack doesn't have any on-hit bonus like Kog'Maw, Vayne, Cait, Varus, MF, Twitch. If he is then you wouldn't even be building TF, you'd be building IE or BOTRK. You can pretend that he is but then you are not maximizing his strength. Why even play Ezreal then? Given the choice of 20% ASPD from Berserker and 15% CDR from Ionian, the latter is much better with Ez's skillset. More Q = More CDR + More ASPD + More sheen procs + More movement speed. You are going to get more damage from CDR than a measly 20% aspd. As for Tears, it's optional, but Muramana + BT gives the most AD out of any 2 item combinations which is great for his Q and Ult. The proc from Muramana works on both his Q and his autos so that's far more useful than just extra crits from autoattacks gained from IE. And you can always start tear first, but I prefer having a strong early game with TF components. | ||
United States298 Posts
I tried a lot of variations for ezreal but you don't find yourself auto attacking that often with 40% cdr | ||
United States1036 Posts
On August 27 2013 07:55 olabaz wrote: Exactly, if you don't care about crits why get a TF which has a crit component. Crit scales with AD and AS neither of which you get from CDR boots Muramana Because there comes a point when a item gives so much stats for its cost that you might consider building it even if it does not optimally synergize with the kit. TF gives 4.5k+ golds of stats for 3.6k and while Ezreal doesn't need crit, it certainly doesn't hurt for him to have it. I've outlined several reasons why TF could better than Iceborn Gauntlet and none of those included crits. The crit is just a bonus. Why do people build Void Staff on Ryze? It doesn't give Mana, CDR, or Movement Speed, his three most important stats. Because they understand that they still need mpen even they have to pay for the AP that doesn't scale as well as it does with other AP champs. Building a champion isn't confined to ONE or THE OTHER. Just because I don't want to build an absolute AD Caster doesn't mean I should build completely contrary to the champion's playstyle. | ||
United States35091 Posts
On August 27 2013 03:53 AsianEcksDragon wrote: I'm definitely digging Trinity Force on Ezreal. The movement speed give him the kiting power that he's already known for. I'd say it's better than gauntlet unless you really need the armor or you're against a team full of AD Assassins. You are strong right in the beginning and don't have to wait for 3 items to do damage. You can also proc the speed bonus on creep and monsters. Also much better at tower sieging than Blue Ez because of the stronger sheen proc and higher ASPD. My current build is: 1. Doran's Blade 2. Sheen 3. Zeal 4. Complete TF + Tear 5. Bloodthirster or Last Whisper (depends on how much armor you're up against) 6. Ionian boots 7. Muramana 8. Frozen Mallet (optional) Complete build is: TF/BT/LW/Ionian/Muramana/Defensive item of your choice.' Masteries: 23/7/0 or 23/4/3. Remember, TF gives crit so put points into Lethality and frenzy. I personally go 7 defense because manamune should solve all mana problem. If you don't plan on building manamune then perhaps you would want the 3 utility. At that point, wouldn't Tear take till the 40ish minute mark to charge? | ||
United States1036 Posts
On August 27 2013 08:15 Gahlo wrote: Show nested quote + On August 27 2013 03:53 AsianEcksDragon wrote: I'm definitely digging Trinity Force on Ezreal. The movement speed give him the kiting power that he's already known for. I'd say it's better than gauntlet unless you really need the armor or you're against a team full of AD Assassins. You are strong right in the beginning and don't have to wait for 3 items to do damage. You can also proc the speed bonus on creep and monsters. Also much better at tower sieging than Blue Ez because of the stronger sheen proc and higher ASPD. My current build is: 1. Doran's Blade 2. Sheen 3. Zeal 4. Complete TF + Tear 5. Bloodthirster or Last Whisper (depends on how much armor you're up against) 6. Ionian boots 7. Muramana 8. Frozen Mallet (optional) Complete build is: TF/BT/LW/Ionian/Muramana/Defensive item of your choice.' Masteries: 23/7/0 or 23/4/3. Remember, TF gives crit so put points into Lethality and frenzy. I personally go 7 defense because manamune should solve all mana problem. If you don't plan on building manamune then perhaps you would want the 3 utility. At that point, wouldn't Tear take till the 40ish minute mark to charge? You're right. I should probably just complete the manamune and go for LW next so I get the AD bonus and faster charging. Again, you can choose to start tear in exchange for a weaker laning phase or just abandon tear altogether. I personally like having a muramana because it's just a lot of damage and works with both Q and auto. | ||
United States298 Posts
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