[Champion] Ezreal - Page 22
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Finland33997 Posts
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Vietnam68 Posts
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Singapore649 Posts
On April 07 2013 22:21 walrus wrote: Where could I find Weixiao's VOD? Here's one of this tutorial VODs explaining how he plays Ez: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTIwNjMwNjE2.html I've also translated it to English for anyone who wants to understand it better. Thought I'd share it here and not let my efforts go to waste since hardly anyone saw that reddit post. http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/19rrxh/translation_request_chinese_to_english_we_weixiao/c99a70k?context=3 | ||
United States8298 Posts
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Canada5484 Posts
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United States7572 Posts
On April 11 2013 05:11 Juicyfruit wrote: Serious question: is maxing E stronger than maxing Q first on ezreal? If you are playing AP... | ||
United States1533 Posts
Even then it's very debatable. Q has a much lower cooldown and can apply lich bane on hit (and malady) to effectively increase its scaling, and the scaling just from base ad boosts its damage as well + Show Spoiler + (you can get 2-3 q off in the cooldown of max e. 2 q casts cost less mana, do 45 less base damage(5 per rank), have .35 less ap scaling, but have 2.0 ad scaling. That means to outdo the ad scaling off just your base ad (50.2-101.2 *2 q casts = ~100-200), you need ~157-450 ap (295 at lvl 9). If you buy a sheen, then it's nigh impossible to outstrip the damage on two cheaper and faster q's with e's ap scaling) | ||
United States7572 Posts
On April 11 2013 06:09 Fyrewolf wrote: Even then it's very debatable. Q has a much lower cooldown and can apply lich bane on hit (and malady) to effectively increase its scaling, and the scaling just from base ad boosts its damage as well + Show Spoiler + (you can get 2-3 q off in the cooldown of max e. 2 q casts cost less mana, do 45 less base damage(5 per rank), have .35 less ap scaling, but have 2.0 ad scaling. That means to outdo the ad scaling off just your base ad (50.2-101.2 *2 q casts = ~100-200), you need ~157-450 ap (295 at lvl 9). If you buy a sheen, then it's nigh impossible to outstrip the damage on two cheaper and faster q's with e's ap scaling) I though he meant W, yeah I would max Q>E in an AP build too. the per level scaling on both is terrible, Q is slightly better. AP ezreal is obscenely strong lategame if you can get him there, he just farms poorly and provides no utility until rylai his Q is on like a 2.5 seconds CD with a .95 AP ratio (lichbane) Essence flux .8 ap ratio on 5.5second CD base Shift on .75 ap ratio on 7 second CD base .9 ratio on ult, 48 second CD base base ...and his Q reduces all of them by a second every one you land. All good base damages, absolutely absurd ap ratios and damage output and completely impossible to catch when E is on a functional 4-5 second CD and procs full rylai | ||
United States170 Posts
On April 07 2013 19:45 Shikyo wrote: Wx(best Ezreal) seems to be doing BT -> Shiv in almost every game with Ezreal. Not a bad build, but the reason he goes SS is to have faster wave clear, which is suuuper important in the SEA meta, which puts heavy emphasis on waveclear and objective securing. The soloqueue 'meta' on NA (and likely EU, but I don't know that one for sure) has the lane phase extend out much longer - and suddenly, the wave clear from SS becomes a liability as you can no longer freeze the lane where you want, and are more prone to jungle ganks. By far the best build I have with Ez is: AD reds, Armor Yellows, MR/lvl blues, Lifesteal quints 19/0/11 masteries for the lifesteal in utility Start Doran's blade, build second if necessary. Rush trinity force by path of phage -> sheen -> TF (the upgrade only costs 3 so you should never be sitting on the zeal as well). Only get boots if you can't afford a Trinity component - at 10% MS on trinity, it actually gives you about 10 more MS than boots. After TF, build infinity edge, then last whisper. The remaining two slots can be used for game relevant survivability items (usually QSS is one of them). | ||
Canada5484 Posts
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United States170 Posts
On April 17 2013 03:51 Juicyfruit wrote: I think no having waveclear on an AD carry is detrimental to your team because when you run off to farm a few waves mid-game your creepline isn't going to move forward much at all. My personal opinion but I prefer applying constant pressure rather than opt for safety. When the enemy team is 5-man pressuring another lane you're going to be pulled away from farming anyways. While SS far and away is the best waveclear item for ADC, it's not like you completely lack waveclear with a trinity rush. The 150% spellblade bonus lets you oneshot minions with Q, and once you start the IE buildpath the combination of oneshotting casters while AAing the rest with Ez's passive AS bonus is still really quick. And if you need to clear a wave with urgency, you can still ulti it. That said, if you utterly lack waveclear ability (like vayne), the SS is a lot more appealing. The issue I have in general with BT builds, esp BT/SS, is that you're dedicating yourself to and your team to push their advantage immediately - which is perfectly fine if you're on a coordinated 5-man team (with good shotcalling), but in soloqueue it can turn into randomly throwing away a lead because your team doesn't react/group/pressure properly and you're left with subpar lategame items. | ||
Canada123 Posts
seems to be really solid on Ezreal. Spamming q with cd and good mana. I prefer this over BT>ss what do you guys think | ||
United States35091 Posts
On April 17 2013 06:50 .ImchEEzy wrote: sheen>boot>BT>ibg> IE/LW/Defense item seems to be really solid on Ezreal. Spamming q with cd and good mana. I prefer this over BT>ss what do you guys think It runs the issue on being low on damage, which is a problem with Ezreal regardless. Only works well if your team can make use of the utility while forgoing the damage. | ||
Canada6208 Posts
boots+BF>BT>SS>LW>surviability>IE (I value the straight autoattack damage more) If I'm going a sheen based build (I very rarely do it on AD carry ezreal) I generally prefer grabbing a lot of CDR to go with it, going (in no particular order) cdr boots+cleaver+IBG(39% CDR with masteries) + LW, muramana, BT It's excellent against teams with longish cd gap closers. Much better on a toplane ezreal than AD carry ezreal though since it takes so long for you to build up the items | ||
United States3977 Posts
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Canada6208 Posts
On April 17 2013 10:03 Tooplark wrote: Anyone tried GRB on Ez? I could see a hybrid build on him working respectably well. The problem with GRB on ezreal is that it doesn't really get him much of what he wants. AP ez wants CDR>AP to continuously spam QWE while AD ezreals either want AD+crit+AS or AD+CDR+arpen. While efficient, it's very quickly outscaled by any other item ezreal could get in its place. | ||
26 Posts
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Indonesia2978 Posts
On April 10 2013 20:52 divinesage wrote: Here's one of this tutorial VODs explaining how he plays Ez: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTIwNjMwNjE2.html I've also translated it to English for anyone who wants to understand it better. Thought I'd share it here and not let my efforts go to waste since hardly anyone saw that reddit post. http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/19rrxh/translation_request_chinese_to_english_we_weixiao/c99a70k?context=3 thanks for the translation! who's your Flash friend btw? | ||
Canada2270 Posts
Should I try BT - Shiv for higher damage? It just feels like throughout the whole game I'm tickling them if I go Triforce. | ||
United States298 Posts
On April 17 2013 15:31 TheLastRaven wrote: Does anyone know what is up with the wave of Ezreals I see who rush spirit of the elder lizard? I see this happening across the elo spectrum. It's a sort of poke build. You go: Dorans -> Tear -> Sheen -> Vamp -> Iceborn Gauntlet -> Lucidity Boots -> Elder Lizard -> Muramana -> LW -> BotRK It's very fun to play. Edit: Fixed build path | ||
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