[Champion] Ezreal - Page 17
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United States33802 Posts
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India3050 Posts
I feel wriggles --> TF --> IE/LW is the most suitable build for Ezreal, and I have had huge success with it. Also I feel people put less emphasis on his autoattacks. Just because he has to spam his Q doesn't mean he shouldn't be autoattacking lol. With IE, I have no trouble when I am in close proximity in team fights. Also, as Requizen stated, Ez mid is pretty good (If I get sent there, I go AD anyway LOL) and just bash them APs. Although against some, I have to play passive. | ||
United States9706 Posts
WHAT SHOULD I RUN My page right now is AD Quints & Marks, Armor Seals, MR/Lv Glyphs, and 21/9/0. Would AS marks be better, since they speed your jungle ever so slightly but are less useful in a gank? Would 21/0/9 work better even if I get low from red? Wriggles -> Trinity --> IE/LW? Wriggles -> Trinity --> BT? Scepter --> BT? When do you add in attack speed? | ||
Belgium178 Posts
i hardly win any games .. | ||
France12578 Posts
On February 06 2012 01:27 Requizen wrote: Ez in a solo lane is actually really strong. I think one of his weaknesses in the duo lane meta is that he doesn't mesh as well with a support as a right click champ does, or Corki even does. Every time I get sent mid as Ez I end up winning lane with no problem, even if it's another AD in there. He does really well with Janna. As Ezreal i hate playing with another support tho. Feel like a waste indeed. | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
to be fair, though, I think Ez is the worst AD in the game at the moment, so maybe he's just too weak overall | ||
Canada145 Posts
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10417 Posts
On February 06 2012 00:53 anmolsinghmzn2009 wrote: I remember Morello basically saying that the chinese send ezreal mid instead of bot a couple days back in the LoL forums. And we already know that works decently so maybe its not some super secret strat or build. Presidency/Kriticalkill used to force ezreal mid when he was smurfing with me. | ||
United States33802 Posts
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India1783 Posts
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France15845 Posts
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Denmark1225 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
On February 20 2012 20:34 nojok wrote: Recently I tried 2dblades into sheen then pure ad, I agree getting triforce is expensive but sheen is not and is still very good. Eeh, I don't agree. If you're not building Sheen into something, it really scales off later on. Early on, it's great, you get a "free extra auto" from having it. Later, though, your base AD doesn't scale as well as AD items and if you're using that Sheen proc on Q, it can't crit (I don't know if Sheen proc can crit anyway). I think, but know that I'm not exactly an authority on the matter, that if you're not planning on getting TF (or Lichbane on other champs), Sheen is a waste that boosts your burst a bit during the midgame only to fall off quickly. On another note, I'm up in the air about Zeal/PD on him. On one hand, of course they're great items that give Crit/AS/MS, so yeah, good. On the other hand, he has a built in Flash and AS buff, so I don't know if it's as necessary to buy them as it is on, like, Cait or Graves or whatever. I like having it on him, but I don't know if I should go BT-PD or BT-LW/IE-PD. And yeah, full AD Ez is working so well for me. Maybe it's just playstyle, but I honestly just don't ever lose to TF Ezreals and I feel stronger against other AD laners than I did before. I still think he works better in a solo lane than a duo bot, but he works well with aggressive supports lately (Leona mostly). | ||
India1783 Posts
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France15845 Posts
On February 21 2012 06:49 Requizen wrote: Eeh, I don't agree. If you're not building Sheen into something, it really scales off later on. Early on, it's great, you get a "free extra auto" from having it. Later, though, your base AD doesn't scale as well as AD items and if you're using that Sheen proc on Q, it can't crit (I don't know if Sheen proc can crit anyway). I think, but know that I'm not exactly an authority on the matter, that if you're not planning on getting TF (or Lichbane on other champs), Sheen is a waste that boosts your burst a bit during the midgame only to fall off quickly. On another note, I'm up in the air about Zeal/PD on him. On one hand, of course they're great items that give Crit/AS/MS, so yeah, good. On the other hand, he has a built in Flash and AS buff, so I don't know if it's as necessary to buy them as it is on, like, Cait or Graves or whatever. I like having it on him, but I don't know if I should go BT-PD or BT-LW/IE-PD. And yeah, full AD Ez is working so well for me. Maybe it's just playstyle, but I honestly just don't ever lose to TF Ezreals and I feel stronger against other AD laners than I did before. I still think he works better in a solo lane than a duo bot, but he works well with aggressive supports lately (Leona mostly). It's more about getting a later triforce, sheen then IE BT or TF, it depends if you feel u need the extra ms and the slow or more lifesteal. It's maybe not optimal, I pick EZ when I have to and I prefer sololanes so i can adapt my ad carry to what they've picked and I pick him when they have lot of gap closers because his E is great. So I'm not expereienced EZ. I used to prefer Corki but I feel less team dependant to play ez. | ||
United States3977 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
As for getting TF late, I don't really like it. If you have an AD build (BT/IE/LW/PD in whatever grouping and order), you'll have MS/AS/Crit/AD in much higher numbers, so what you get from TF isn't huge. The 150% base AD proc isn't huge once there's a decent amount of armor on the field, plus you'll already have a bunch more just from AD items. If you really feel like you need the slow proc, just make sure you get Red. I mean, yeah, you'll never always have Red, but you can reliably have it for most fights. TF is a mid game power item, the only people you get it late on are tanky bruisers who don't get any other damage items. I admit it's great if you're running around being aggressive and skirmishing mid-game, but later on for an AD carry, it's not something I find super necessary. On a different note, I actually like Wriggle's on him lately, maybe with 1 DBlade or just boots. The proc helps his super slow clearing, and the lifesteal helps a bit in exchanges. Plus, you know, free ward. It's probably sub-optimal math-wise, but I feel like the utility and safety you get from it just makes it a good pick. | ||
3 Lions
United States3705 Posts
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India3050 Posts
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3 Lions
United States3705 Posts
He built his TF after the BC, and the BT after the TF. IE was finished last | ||
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