First I'll preface by saying I'm pretty newb in LoL and I have no Dota/HoN experience to fall back on either.
I picked up Ezreal over the weekend and I've been having trouble being a productive team member with him. Specifically it seems like I need to retreat out of every confrontation I get in to unless it's a straight up style gank.
I think the reason I'm failing so miserably is because I don't 'get' Ezreal. I understand his flash is great and his Q skill is great, but it seems you only get to use those two skills of his effectively and the other two sit there.
So I guess my question is what is it that makes Ezreal great in your eyes, if you compare him to Corki or Trist they both have a 'close the gap fast' skill, but they also have a full skill set that seems to have better synergy than Ezreal's. I think if I can understand why people choose him over champs like corki and trist maybe it'll open my eyes to a play style I'm missing with him.
I've seen people play him on stream and they crush with him, so it's obviously a short-fall on my end.
On February 01 2011 23:12 baneling wrote: First I'll preface by saying I'm pretty newb in LoL and I have no Dota/HoN experience to fall back on either.
I picked up Ezreal over the weekend and I've been having trouble being a productive team member with him. Specifically it seems like I need to retreat out of every confrontation I get in to unless it's a straight up style gank.
I think the reason I'm failing so miserably is because I don't 'get' Ezreal. I understand his flash is great and his Q skill is great, but it seems you only get to use those two skills of his effectively and the other two sit there.
So I guess my question is what is it that makes Ezreal great in your eyes, if you compare him to Corki or Trist they both have a 'close the gap fast' skill, but they also have a full skill set that seems to have better synergy than Ezreal's. I think if I can understand why people choose him over champs like corki and trist maybe it'll open my eyes to a play style I'm missing with him.
I've seen people play him on stream and they crush with him, so it's obviously a short-fall on my end. People play him because he is fun. I think most people would agree that Corki and Trist are better ranged carries.
Ez can hang in team fights fairly well but it takes a little bit to figure out how in my experience. I found that I started getting a real feel for how aggressive I can be in places by how much I can auto attack the enemy champions.
His Q is his bread and butter of course and the E sets him up easier Qs but make sure to drop the mind set that this is where ALL of your damage comes from. At 4-6, W will still do a good bit of damage and if you are trying to kill someone it is worth using. Beyond that, auto attack as much as you can and use your ult to get your passive stacked, clear creep waves far away, knock a champion down a little bit, etc.
I'm not an amazing player but this is what I've seen since I started playing him. Also, never play him with a kat on your team because that bitch will steal your penta.
Main reason why you would pick Ez over Trist/Corki: Stronger during earlygame, especially in small skirmishes. Ability to snowball really hard. Better ganks because of the high mobility and global ult.
Actually, in a straight up fight Trist/Corki can deal just as much, if not more, as Ezreal. He's picked because he's less team-dependent due to his higher mobility and poking ability. Trist and Corki have to get down and dirty to deal their damage, whereas Ezreal doesn't need to risk himself.
That's why I said "small skirmishes". When it's only 2v2 or 3v3, there is much less CC to keep that melee off of you (Ez/Trist/Corki). Ez doesn't have much of a problem with that, he just kites from infinite range, forever.
I'm trying to learn Ezreal and was curious about how this new Doran's change is going to affect him. Is it still worth it to buy a Doran's Blade first or should I be going for something else? Vampyric scepter, Long Sword, Sapphire Crystal (to rush Sheen), or maybe just go boots w/ pots?
Basically, with the Doran's change what do you guys think is the best starting item for Ez now?
On February 03 2011 00:51 overt wrote: I'm trying to learn Ezreal and was curious about how this new Doran's change is going to affect him. Is it still worth it to buy a Doran's Blade first or should I be going for something else? Vampyric scepter, Long Sword, Sapphire Crystal (to rush Sheen), or maybe just go boots w/ pots?
Basically, with the Doran's change what do you guys think is the best starting item for Ez now? I was tempted to buy long sword+pot last night but didn't because the 100hp on him just seems monumental. I'm definitely looking to try it tonight but I think I'd get eaten by anyone that is playing a champ that Ez doesn't hard counter as soon as they notice my hp.
Long sword ez, best ez.
Win lane by level 2 always except vs panth and maybe MF
Doran's openings are still the strongest, don't let the patch fool you.
Just played a couple of games with ez starting with D-blade to test and i was completly i don't think another opening is need i mean +9damage, 3% vamp and 100 hp... yea i know long S(+10) cheaper and can build into something, but still i like more my D-blade
Dorans shield is where it's at on ranged carries.
this sounds pretty cool. I am a decent ez player and Ive been running a pretty weird build lately. I go for wriggles and black cleaver. anything after is pretty situational. been running 10 / 0 in ranked games. but I will test this build out .. oh and I run mp5/lvl on seals and glyphs. apen on marks and quints
On February 03 2011 05:33 Jougen wrote: Doran's openings are still the strongest, don't let the patch fool you.
Ah, thanks for the input. I may still try to go Sapphire Crystal first for a few games and play a bit more passive to see how it goes. Won't be getting super early kills and won't get to push tower that much but I want to see how it plays out.
I'm definitely not a fan of opening Sapphire Crystal, since it has almost 0 utility for you. One option would be to open Long Sword + 2 pots - if you stay in base for 10s after minions spawn, you'll have enough gold and can still walk to lane in time with no exp lost. The downside is your team will not be able to fight in the jungle. Long Sword + pot would still get crushed by a Doran's imo.
Im opening Doran into Atack speed boots and from there if i get a couple of kills rush a BF if not get a couple more dorans, after i complete my Blood and go for shen then trynity force and from there last whisper or a mallet
Manamune + GRB imoimoimo
Gonna make it fotm trollbuild, may need to do it on smurf account for an extra go-around on the lollercoaster.
General guide I randomly wrote for someone on reddit in my break:
Ezreal is best at getting crazy dps early/mid game, as his late game is weak compared to the other AD carries. With this in mind, it's best to use a build that maximises his midgame dps.
Your main source of your damage is your q and you have a nice blink skill that can be used both offensively and defensively in your e. His w skill is kinda weak, thought useful as more spell spam for your sheen. His ulti again isn't great, though it is useful as a long range finisher when they are running away or to help in a bit in a fight when you are a long way away.
Masteries/Runes: I run 9/0/21 masteries, as the utility tree is amazing and lower summoner cds is too good to miss out on. I run 2 apen quints, 1 hp quint, apen reds, mp5/lvl seals, flat mresist blue. I run flash/ghost. Ghost is amazing for everything, and I feel like flash is too good not to have. Flash combined with e makes you very hard to kill and gives you great mobility.
Items: I feel doran’s shield is the best item for AD carries now, and thoroughly recommend it. Doran’s blade can be okay, but I’d only really go with it you are going in a dual lane with support healer. Following it up with sheen and then cdr boots is a must. Sheen is by far the best item for ezreal, as you starting putting out crazy damage with q+e+autoattacks and cdr boots are great for more q spam. Merc treads can also be viable if they have a lot of disables. Next I go for triforce and black cleaver, the order pretty much depends on how much gold I have when I’m going shopping. (ie can I pick up a bf sword or not). After finishing one or both of these survivability items the next step with banshees (unless they have like 0 disables). But, by now your hero is getting weaker anyway.
I don’t think manaume or chalice are worth it unless you aren’t lvl 30 or don’t have mp5/lvl yellows. Sheen+runes+masteries gives you plenty of mana.
doran’s shield->sheen->cdr boots->triforce/blackcleaver->finish both triforce/blackcleaver->banshees
At level 1 just poke/farm with q, you can probably take lvl 1 fights as you have really good damage with your q if they are dumb enough to go for them. When you are lvl 2/3 and you have q and e you can start being really aggressive. Try to set up a position where you can blink e and hit them with it and then follow up with auto attacks and q. Keep being aggressive all game, at 6 you can get them low and then pick them off with his ulti when they are running away.
On February 12 2011 03:01 Goshawk. wrote: General guide I randomly wrote for someone on reddit in my break:
Ezreal is best at getting crazy dps early/mid game, as his late game is weak compared to the other AD carries. With this in mind, it's best to use a build that maximises his midgame dps.
Your main source of your damage is your q and you have a nice blink skill that can be used both offensively and defensively in your e. His w skill is kinda weak, thought useful as more spell spam for your sheen. His ulti again isn't great, though it is useful as a long range finisher when they are running away or to help in a bit in a fight when you are a long way away.
Masteries/Runes: I run 9/0/21 masteries, as the utility tree is amazing and lower summoner cds is too good to miss out on. I run 2 apen quints, 1 hp quint, apen reds, mp5/lvl seals, flat mresist blue. I run flash/ghost. Ghost is amazing for everything, and I feel like flash is too good not to have. Flash combined with e makes you very hard to kill and gives you great mobility.
Items: I feel doran’s shield is the best item for AD carries now, and thoroughly recommend it. Doran’s blade can be okay, but I’d only really go with it you are going in a dual lane with support healer. Following it up with sheen and then cdr boots is a must. Sheen is by far the best item for ezreal, as you starting putting out crazy damage with q+e+autoattacks and cdr boots are great for more q spam. Merc treads can also be viable if they have a lot of disables. Next I go for triforce and black cleaver, the order pretty much depends on how much gold I have when I’m going shopping. (ie can I pick up a bf sword or not). After finishing one or both of these survivability items the next step with banshees (unless they have like 0 disables). But, by now your hero is getting weaker anyway.
I don’t think manaume or chalice are worth it unless you aren’t lvl 30 or don’t have mp5/lvl yellows. Sheen+runes+masteries gives you plenty of mana.
doran’s shield->sheen->cdr boots->triforce/blackcleaver->finish both triforce/blackcleaver->banshees
At level 1 just poke/farm with q, you can probably take lvl 1 fights as you have really good damage with your q if they are dumb enough to go for them. When you are lvl 2/3 and you have q and e you can start being really aggressive. Try to set up a position where you can blink e and hit them with it and then follow up with auto attacks and q. Keep being aggressive all game, at 6 you can get them low and then pick them off with his ulti when they are running away.
I think Dblade is the way to go on Ez unless you are going against someone that counters you really hard. I also always take ignite/flash now because I like guaranteeing that I get first blood in my lane. It also makes me a destroyer of vlads which I absolutely love.
If you're going to open anything but dblade it should be rejuv bead + 3/3 pots or cloth + 5 pots. Regen trumps a lot of things early game.
So I bought Ez today so I can actually learn how to play him and im wondering, how good is EZ compared to the other ranged carries after the W scaling buff? Also, what about Lantern on Ez? Also im not shure on whether to get bloodfirster or black cleaver as damage item besides trinity.
/Edit Gah I just realized his ult received the scaling buff and not his W :/. Still is that buff any meaningful to his strength compared to the other ranged carries?