[Champion] Master Yi - Page 15
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United States19143 Posts
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Costa Rica432 Posts
For hilarious q->shyvdra burst ofc. I like the item, cheaper and gives me magic damage. Maybe PD would be better tho | ||
United States2405 Posts
Jungling: Spirit Stone vs Madred's I pick Spirit Stone. Madred's is most useful for champs that have an on-demand AS steroid (or champs that do most of their damage through autos). Yi doesn't (well, his ultimate, but that doesn't help with jungling). Also AFAIK his Q doesn't proc on hit effects. Double Strike does, but IMO that's not enough for me to choose Madred's. I max Q in the jungle first, and thus most of my clear damage comes from Q. Q benefits tremendously from Butcher, so that tips the scales in favor of SS for me. Plus it builds into SotEL, where madred's only builds into wriggle's which doesn't seem worth it to me. I've also seen some high elo players forego a machete start and instead either get doran's blade, or long sword + 2 pot. Haven't tried that myself yet. Example: just this morning I watched TheOddOne jungle Yi and he went long sword + 2pot -> vamp scepter -> boots of speed -> BotRK and did fine. Lifesteal + damage: BT vs. Hydra vs. BotRK I feel like you should only get 1 of these, due to the need to get either crit if you want to continue building damage, or tanky items if you want to go bruiser. I go for BotRK since the upfront burst and chasing is just so strong on this item. Also the AS synergizes with Wuju Style active. I haven't done extensive testing, but I feel like the BotRK is just better to 100-0 your first kill in a teamfight and start up your insane reset chain. I feel like a fully-stacked BT is probably comparable in damage though. But an early/mid-game cutlass is far superior than a BF Sword for ganks, so BotRK it is. Hydra is unnecessary IMO, once you get some AD you clear an entire wave with one Q + some autos. Plus, as I'll mention down below, I usually get shiv as my crit item, which helps even more with waveclear. Crit items: shiv vs. PD Shiv is the superior choice here, since Yi's movement during Q builds up the shiv, and with his ult he becomes extremely mobile, so Yi charges up the shiv significantly faster than on most champions. Other damage items: I usually build jungle yi as ad carry, so my other crit items are youmuu's and IE. Youmuu's is extremely stat efficient on Yi, helps kill squishies faster for your first reset, the active is boss for chasing, and brutalizer is an excellent mid-game buildup item. IE is really only for late-game or when I get fed, but if you already have crit (shiv + youmuu's) and need more damage then it's by far the best damage item. edit: Haven't tried it but Executioner's Calling seems like it would be actually be worth it on yi against Mundo/Volibear/Aatrox/Swain(?)/any other sustain champs Tank/Bruiser Items: Haven't built yi as bruiser yet, but I'm guessing fratma's is probably the best combination of damage + tank stats. You get AD, crit, armor, health, and more cc to help chase. Even champs with escapes won't be able to outrun Icy + Highlander (+ youmuu + ghost). edit: I also think QSS -> mercurial would be a good choice if you keep getting stunned/knocked up/knocked back/rooted in late-game. | ||
95 Posts
you build does sound interesting though, i think i will try it next time i yi. edit: I have seen some wriggles - youmuu rush yi's that have done very well also. | ||
United States19143 Posts
BotrK is an amazing item because the active is amazing but ulted Yi runs at near double the movespeed of anyone on the map anyway, so the superior lifesteal/damage from hydra/BT is just better, honestly even wriggles is better. Shiv makes sense for 2 things, poke, and Trynd, because Trynd gets near 100% crit w/o PD, on Yi who is getting most of his damage from Autos the attack speed and extra crit is relevant. opinions. | ||
United States1864 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
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United States3106 Posts
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United States12704 Posts
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Costa Rica432 Posts
Honestly though, I want to know if anyone has tried stopping at 2 offensive items and then going randuins+visage. It makes your team fight so much better, since you don't instantly blow up, and w is useful again. | ||
United States8519 Posts
Also I tried Shiv out, and I think its quite strong. It charges almost instantly because: 1. Alpha strike movement counts, and if you land it on 4 targets its approximately 40% worth of charge. 2. Double strike counts as two autos netting you another 20% worth of charge. 3. You move obscenely fast when you're using Highlander. So a few more autos while moving, and you get another shiv proc. I don't really think it replaces ghost blade, but it serves as a nice compliment. Thinking a core of BT/shiv/ghostblade lets you explode squishes so quickly, it may be worth it to get this over defensive items... So maybe zerkers/BT/shiv/ghostblade/GA/randuins as a 6 item build. I hate hydra on Yi, I really don't see any reason to get it, it just doesn't compliment his kit as well as BT, given how much he autos and benefits from raw AD. I guess the build path is a little smoother? But it costs more, so that's kind of a wash. Not a huge fan of BotRK either because it doesn't really give enough raw AD, and I don't think Yi has problems bursting down an individual target. It may be more worthwhile against tankier targets, but I'm not especially convinced (and those aren't really your targets as Yi unless they're the only ones left). | ||
New Zealand414 Posts
Suddenly get to mid game and Yi gets two quads outta nowhere, and finishes the game up with a penta. And im sitting on cait with the same amount of kills (before the quads/pentas) and way more cs, wondering how Yi did it. Like i was not even in the fights most of the time, we would 4v5 and come out on top as long as yi got the resets. Silly champ. | ||
United States750 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
I've become a believer in Hydra/Shiv. Very smooth build and you clear like a mofo. Zephyr first was pretty bad, but I still like BT/Zephyr combo. I did an IE/Shiv build as well that nuked shit, but that really requires you to be ahead. | ||
Denmark2771 Posts
On August 08 2013 16:25 Requizen wrote: Not sure if I'm a decent Yi player or if he's just broken as shit. But he's carrying me up the ranks >.> A bit of both I think. ![]() - considering I've seen all sorts of Yi builds hard carry something seems a bit off. I still run him with Muramana (go max CDR and a lot AS so I need a colossal manapool), the single target damage become simply rediculous. Starting with Tear makes laningphase so easy, only time I don't get it is if I get first blood - then I go for a snowbally item like Brutalizer. Against harass champions I plop some points into meditate before focusing on his E - still max Q first - and bank on my lategame power. Regarding building him bruiserish - Visage + Randuins - that is how I prefer going for lategame where the enemy team otherwise have the option to just simply blow you up instantly. On August 07 2013 13:49 Brambled wrote: So how are you guys opening up with lane Yi? At the moment it honestly seems like you can start whatever you want if you just get a bit of sustain be it Flask or whatever. So just go with your gut-instinct. ![]() Which runes do you guys use? Personally I go AS reds, LS quints, Armor and the standard Flat/Scaling MR (against AD composition I get flat CDR blues to start with 10%). Completely unrelated to League: In english do you use " - blablabla - " as often in danish when you make a small in-sentence speculative/thought/mention as in Danish? | ||
United States8298 Posts
On August 08 2013 19:53 Jek wrote: Completely unrelated to League: In english do you use " - blablabla - " as often in danish when you make a small in-sentence speculative/thought/mention as in Danish? I don't see it often, but it's still usable. I usually use parentheses instead, but either work. Shiv sounds great on Yi, not convinced he needs a pushing item like hydra but I guess there's no reason not to. | ||
Australia1822 Posts
Completely unrelated to League: In english do you use " - blablabla - " as often in danish when you make a small in-sentence speculative/thought/mention as in Danish? Generally sentence sentence sentence ( tangent/comment/stray thought) sentence sentence sentence sentence sentence sentence- example or clarification of subject under discussion- sentence sentence sentence so like I like master yi (I know, I know, so does everyone) because he's really cool I like master yi- particularly with the recent update- and I feel he's in a really good spot right now. That said, I don't think it's a particularly formal thing. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On August 08 2013 20:12 sylverfyre wrote: I don't see it often, but it's still usable. I usually use parentheses instead, but either work. Shiv sounds great on Yi, not convinced he needs a pushing item like hydra but I guess there's no reason not to. Hydra isn't necessarily just for pushing. There was math somewhere in GD recently, but basically Hydra is amazing on any AD melee champion. It has a much smoother build path than BT or IE as well, which helps in his mid-game, which can have issues. From a pure power perspective, AD/Crit stuff like IE/Shiv/LW is more powerful, or maybe something like BT/Zephyr/LW, but you can't necessarily just farm to BFS like a marksman can every game. For example, Teemo is the fucking bane of my existence top lane. Getting to a BFS in any decent amount of time requires lots of ganks or a shitty Teemo. | ||
Denmark2771 Posts
On August 09 2013 01:30 Requizen wrote: For example, Teemo is the fucking bane of my existence top lane. Getting to a BFS in any decent amount of time requires lots of ganks or a shitty Teemo. Last time I played vs a Teemo I defaulted to "turn Yi into a manaless champion" aka Tear build. Free Q farm and meditate whenever it's off CD takes care of his harass. ![]() Yeah I know. I'm in love with Tear. ![]() - think it's a solid situational item on him. I'm just a bad that cannot manage mana without it and thus almost always want it. | ||
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