anyone tried the diamondprox 14/3/13 tiger udyr dblade start in the jungle? only did it once, but started the game 5-0 and obv it felt really strong.
[Champion] Master Yi - Page 16
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United States1945 Posts
anyone tried the diamondprox 14/3/13 tiger udyr dblade start in the jungle? only did it once, but started the game 5-0 and obv it felt really strong. | ||
Canada450 Posts
Also the more crit you get, the worse it is for the Blade Yi. Since Alpha Strike can crit, the more AD you have the higher your initial burst is and the more true damage you're doing per hit. | ||
United States2405 Posts
Cutlass on a champ who doesn't have cc is huge for ganks. Assuming jungle yi here though. | ||
Belgium9944 Posts
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United States3106 Posts
After playing him more, I feel like you have to treat him as a bruiser-type adc, whether you play him top, mid, or jungle. Obviously team comp will dictate what you build first, but his core items should be Shiv, BT, and Ghostblade with Zerker Greaves. Shiv is there because you get a nice 1-2 punch of Q + auto-attack with Shiv proc. BT is for life steal mainly after building up stacks on it, and the bonus AD is nice too. Ghostblade is for the CDR, armor pen, and the "run away" active if you get caught out alone with Highlander on CD, or to "extend" your Highlander even longer if you don't get a normal reset. If you are looking for a defensive item, GA, Frozen Mallet or Randuin's is what I'd recommend, as one lets you get a "reset" while the other two stop the enemy team from disengaging/run away, short of a hard cc. I've yet to test it out, but I feel like his 6th item should be Mercurial Scimitar, because of the QSS active built into it, plus the additional MR and AD helps too. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
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Canada450 Posts
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95 Posts
i wonder what 'adjustments' riot will make to yi. he is hilariously strong atm. | ||
Canada450 Posts
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United States3106 Posts
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United States2474 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
On August 10 2013 10:15 Magus wrote: It's less about sticking to people and more about the part where you get an extra 125% total AD added onto your burst for your first hit to stack with your Shiv and possibly Hydra. Also if they're slowed you get more auto attacks in before you have to reposition so you're using more of your AS. Any sheen based item that isn't lichbane only gives extra damage equal to a % of the champion's base damage when it procs, not total damage. So it isn't that great really. | ||
Canada1600 Posts
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United States19143 Posts
also you're making ghostblade, there is no reason you need the Botrk active, and botrk w/o active is just straight up a bad item. | ||
10417 Posts
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United States1945 Posts
with all the success with varied builds that people seem to have, the path and timing of getting your dps items seems much more important than which particular ones you get. later in the game i'm pretty sure you could just randomly pick 3 items that have some kind of AD/AS/crit on them and still pass the dps threshold required to wreck fools, regardless of which items you ended up with. also i'm not sure that the effect of adding ranged cc to a melee champ who is balanced around not having any cc at all, should be taken that lightly. | ||
United States19143 Posts
botrk Yi is just another example of people not thinking about their builds and just getting the same thing reguardless of situation. | ||
United States1864 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
I highly disagree BotRK is most useful in small fights. It is least useful in small fights, because you don't have to deal with a full team of cc and sticking to an individual target (or two) should be completely trivial if you're using highlander. If you're getting it to stick to an individual target in a 1v1 or 2v2, you're probably getting BotRK for the wrong reasons, because Yi does not struggle with that. You're also overlooking the fact building an item with more AD means the enemy explodes sooner so they have less time to walk back. | ||
United States1864 Posts
Imagine sticking to a zyra graves Imagine sticking to a nami sivir Yi os so easy to CC skill shot, you know exactly where and when he lands with his Q. As a jungler you're often going to be the one blowing someones flash, another thing BotRK helps follow up on. BotRK is great. | ||
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