I mean, how's that even possible?
[Champion] Master Yi - Page 20
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Germany3605 Posts
I mean, how's that even possible? | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Switzerland16 Posts
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Canada966 Posts
On May 21 2014 20:52 Djagulingu wrote: I know Vi can take Yi down by lane pressure but... I beat a Master Yi (jungle, has feral flare) mano e mano with Vi (jungle, doesn't have feral flare). After 40 minute mark. Twice. Actually I beat him every single time except once. And that one time I lost to him, I had 2500+ unspent gold before the 20 minute mark (replace my giant's belt with randuins and give me a ruby crystal, I could easily take him down that time too imo). I mean, how's that even possible? i really want to face ur vi against my yi. ff/gb/botrk/ie at 28 min really doenst seem fair even when team is behind | ||
France987 Posts
Here is the detail of the build : Blade of the ruined king first, no matter what. Second, Infinite edge if ahead. If behind, Last whisper against a tanky opponent and Ghostblade against a squishy one. Third, Infinite edge or LW/Ghostblade based on what I bought second. After that I can buy pretty much anything I want according to the situation. My question is : should I keep relying on Infinite Edge after its nerf ? Given the IE nerf and the buff to Phantom Dancer, would it be a better plan to integrate Phantom dancer into my build as a core item and to stop building IE ? Infinite Edge would still be a good backdoor item but I think its 1v1 potential will be significantly affected by the nerf, whereas the 35% critical chance on Phantom Dancer is very appealing to me as a Yi player, given the fact that the rest of PD's stats are good for Yi too. | ||
Bulgaria4097 Posts
Now on topic: I never understood how to itemize Yi the best. I have the feeling that no matter what items, he performs arguably the same. Botrk first I agree 100%, no matter what is going on this is mandatory. After that I tried ghostblade or static shiv. Somehow I like shiv better, no idea why. Then 3rd item I go with IE and then I often even go tanky items like BVail, Tornmail, Warmog . But even when I want to add more damage I go with BT or Trinity, somehow I avoid LW due to his E and the fact that mostly I am going for their carries when I fight and there you dont really need LW. Maybe Phantom dancer is a good 2nd item to consider now. At least in my build path p.s For whoever is interested in lane Yi, after many tests I think 2 Life Steal quints are the most optimal solution. With a doran or 2 you have the needed sustain in lane. Its better then attack speed quints, coz you don;t need these in lane so much. However, jungling is better with AS quints | ||
France987 Posts
I'm not an elite player, that's for sure, but from what I understand Yi is at a pretty big disadvantage against a lot of toplaners and his laning phase is often very passive, the aim being to outscale your opponent. Sure, you can dominate a lane against some champions (tanks in general, Riven if you play very well), but against a lot of popular toplane picks you don't even stand a chance before you reach at least 2 items. Pantheon, Darius, Irelia, Wukong, Fiora, Jarvan, Tryndamere, and pretty much every "fighter" type toplaner utterly destroy Master Yi early on. Maybe I'm unlucky but I keep running into precisely these champs in solo queue and laning against them is all about farming under tower, crying for ganks and waiting for items. Sure, you have some unexpectedly okay matchups like Riven who can be defeated (although you need to be better than her) or Gnar who's actually quite easy in my opinion but that's not much really. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, though. As far as items are concerned, after a few tests it seems like Infinite Edge is still a core item and way better than pretty much anything else on Yi. I'll do a bit more testing before I definitely set my opinion on this but you need some kind of big AD item and IE fits the role perfectly. | ||
United States8519 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
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France987 Posts
On January 16 2015 10:28 GolemMadness wrote: Yi isn't played top because everyone shits on him, he's susceptible to ganks and his main ability pushes the wave. Why wouldn't you just play Tryndamere? Better sustain, has an escape, doesn't just lose every lane and has good scaling. I think the only reason why you'd take Yi over Tryndamere is because of the scaling. If you farm right and refrain from feeding you have the potential to carry a game 1v5 as Master Yi, because not only are you a splitpush god (like Tryndamere) but you can also single handedly destroy a teamfight if you play your cards right, whereas Tryndamere kinda relies on your team having a good engage for you or someone in the enemy team messing up and allowing you to get to him. When I get to 6 items on Yi I'm pretty sure my winrate is close to 100%, you can do everything on your own really. All things considered, Trynda is still the better pick by far though. And if my aim was purely to gain LP while playing solo queue I'd spam Tryndamere but Yi is way more fun to me, although being bullied in 75% of your lane matchups can be a bit upsetting sometimes, especially when your team is feeding and you know that you can't even try to "make plays" to compensate by winning your lane. | ||
Project Yasuo
United States153 Posts
Cowsep's Master Yi Level 3 Dragon Solo | ||
Bulgaria4097 Posts
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Lost My Will To Live
Botswana601 Posts
An example is against Riven. Normally that matchup goes the following way: Riven stuns you, does her shit, and you die. But if you can dodge the stun with Alpha Strike (hard to time), and meditate her windslash, it becomes a fairly easy matchup because you do have high raw damage. Unfortunately, it's hard to play it perfectly all the time, which makes Yi mad hard to play. | ||
Korea (South)18 Posts
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France987 Posts
On January 17 2015 04:40 Lost My Will To Live wrote: On equal footing, most champions can be beat with Master Yi. If you take a look at how Cowsep approaches things, the main key is to dodge crowd control with Alpha and/or Meditate to dodge high burst damage. An example is against Riven. Normally that matchup goes the following way: Riven stuns you, does her shit, and you die. But if you can dodge the stun with Alpha Strike (hard to time), and meditate her windslash, it becomes a fairly easy matchup because you do have high raw damage. Unfortunately, it's hard to play it perfectly all the time, which makes Yi mad hard to play. Thing is, against Riven dodging the knockup negates so much damage that it can actually create a trade in your favor, but not every champion has a dodgeable high damage cc and not every champion is threatened if you dodge one of their spells. Irelia's stun can't be dodged for example and I don't see how an Irelia who is as good as the Master Yi she faces could lose lane to him. In Pantheon's case, yes you can dodge the stun if you're really precise with your Alpha strike, but even if you do dodge it (which is no easy task) you still cannot trade favorably : you will have two auto attacks blocked, which denies most of your damage anyway, and meanwhile he'll still have two very high damage abilities up. This is why Yi is a weak laner in my opinion (although he's my main toplane champion and got me into plat, so i'm not saying he just blows and shouldn't be picked). With Alpha strike you have the potential to negate a good part of your opponent's damage and to get guaranteed damage on him (at least alpha damage plus one auto). The problem is, that's very good against champions who rely heavily on one ability, but if you're up against a champion that has more than one very dangerous ability you really can't do much as you have no tool to fight aside from your Q. And more often than not toplaners are champions that offer a large set of dangerous abilities. Which means that toplane "fighters" tend to counter Yi naturally as far as early laning is concerned, and that's also the reason why Korean players prefer mid Yi. I have tested mid Yi myself and there is definitely less pressure there imo, because against most midlaners if you can dodge their one strong initiate/cc ability (Lux's cage, Ahri's heart, Orianna's ball move/w combo, Yasuo's tornado) you're going to be fine and they won't be able to touch you or trade with you. | ||
Lost My Will To Live
Botswana601 Posts
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Bulgaria4097 Posts
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