[Champion] Master Yi - Page 18
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904 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
Get IE murder everything and everyone. | ||
Canada966 Posts
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United States7572 Posts
On November 01 2013 11:21 Lightswarm wrote: i believe its still getting to IE thats the issue not in S4, carry jangle | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
Taking kills and lane tax also works. His snowballing, in low elo games is probably ridic atm. Also ARAMS. Get IE, stack CritChance and CDR (and a Ghostblade), true terror. | ||
United States33802 Posts
Not the safest laner in the game, but there are very few lanes where I'd straight up quit life, like Teemo, for instance. The rest are workable. Edit: The OP is so out of date but I've already written like 3~4 guides for this site and I'm really bad >.> | ||
United States33802 Posts
For Reds, AD is the best, right? Like, ArPen is good because you're all physical damage, but considering your AoE has a 1:1 AD scaling and can crit and your steroid is True Damage that scales off AD, I think it's safe to say you can do without ArPen outside of masteries until you hit LW. As for Quints, I'm torn between AD, MS, and Lifesteal. AD as above. Lifesteal makes sense because it means you don't necessarily need to always spam your W as much. However, as you are still a melee autoattacker and need to stick, isn't MS the smartest option? | ||
United States2405 Posts
For jungle Yi AD reds are good but IMO AS reds are just as good if not better, since both his passive and E scale with AS. It's true that his E scales off of AD but it has a very poor ratio (1.1 total AD at level 1, 1.2 total AD at level 5), so it gets almost no help from runes. MS seems meh, he already has a gap-closer and his ult gives him a ridiculous MS boost. Lifesteal is good but he already has W for sustain. I don't really like running lifesteal except on ADCs and auto-attackers with no sustain (like Jax). The cooldown on W is long and the mana-cost was just given a huge buff, so spamming W isn't really a concern. AD is always a solid choice for auto-attackers like Yi. I would go AD/AD for lane Yi and AS/AD for jungle yi | ||
United States33802 Posts
My thing with MS quints is that, while yes you have Q and R, at every other point you're just running. And bet your money as soon as you pop either or both, someone will toss a stray stun or root at you and then suddenly you're impotently trying to get to someone so you can auto and lower Alpha Strike's CD. With the number of CCs, knockbacks, and jumps/dashes in the game right now, even with Highlander up it's not always that easy to stick to targets. Though, that could just be me not positioning/engaging correctly. AD is likely the better option. I would definitely agree with AS on jungle, though. | ||
United States2405 Posts
On November 09 2013 03:22 Requizen wrote: My thing with MS quints is that, while yes you have Q and R, at every other point you're just running. And bet your money as soon as you pop either or both, someone will toss a stray stun or root at you and then suddenly you're impotently trying to get to someone so you can auto and lower Alpha Strike's CD. With the number of CCs, knockbacks, and jumps/dashes in the game right now, even with Highlander up it's not always that easy to stick to targets. Though, that could just be me not positioning/engaging correctly. I don't agree with this logic, it's true for any champion chasing any other champion, and suddenly it looks good to put MS quints on every single champ in every single role, which we know isn't true. Highlander gives +25/35/45% MS. If you can't catch someone with that and a gap-closer that dodges spells then an extra 4.5% MS from runes won't make any difference. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On November 09 2013 03:47 BlasiuS wrote: I don't agree with this logic, it's true for any champion chasing any other champion, and suddenly it looks good to put MS quints on every single champ in every single role, which we know isn't true. Highlander gives +25/35/45% MS. If you can't catch someone with that and a gap-closer that dodges spells then an extra 4.5% MS from runes won't make any difference. Hm, disagree. Many other chasing champions have some form of range or CC to help their chase. In the form of slows/stuns (Trynd, Aatrox, Sion, Gangplank), you cannot mitigate these outside of Tenacity or blowing a CD like Cleanse, QSS, or the like. Once Yi closes the gap on you, if you stun/snare him while Highlander is up you can mitigate a good portion of his chasing/sticking prowess. So either you have to save Highlander for after they CC you (in which case you want to be fast enough to threaten them beforehand) or you use it and get CC'd (in which case you want to be fast enough after it wears off). Considering the amount of CCs and mobility in the game right now, 10 seconds of a sprint isn't that much, in my humble opinion. | ||
United States2405 Posts
If you can't catch someone with all of that, they can't be caught period. I've never needed MS quints to catch anyone with Yi, with higlander he has more mobility than probably 95% of the champs in the game. If you truly think that 10 seconds of +25/35/45% MS "isn't that much" then you are beyond convincing and there's really no point in me even trying to argue. | ||
Canada966 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On May 03 2014 07:25 Lightswarm wrote: I was wonder what people's opinion on Master Yi jungle with Feral Flare. Has anyone thought about ways to countering the speed of the farm? Against a Yi? Pick WW ![]() | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
? Care to explain? | ||
Germany3605 Posts
On May 03 2014 07:25 Lightswarm wrote: I was wonder what people's opinion on Master Yi jungle with Feral Flare. Has anyone thought about ways to countering the speed of the farm? My way would be to pick Vi into it and try to snowball lanes as much as you can while Yi farms his feral flare. That way, when he gets out of the jungle with Feral Flare, he has a nice and shiny item to shove up his ass while your laners kill his laners and mutilate their corpses. Hell, give him a wits end as well right when his feral flare is completed and he still won't be able to carry shit. If you want to go farm for farm though, I don't know if any other jungler can go farm for farm and win the game with no difference in laners. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
probably Evelynn or Lee Sin would be the best for that style of play Nocturne is very painful to splitpush against so he works really well in his own way against Yi | ||
France45622 Posts
I picked Nocturne against a Tryndamere, went red to red and stole it (got his ghost for my flash, I kept my blue afterwards), counterganked him when they thought they'd get an easy 3v1 dive on Aatrox with his passive down and even though Trynd got an assist I got a kill. After that he was massively behind, and by warding his red I killed him there again (being behind in exp and giving the 2nd blue to Fizz meant I was 6 when he wasn't yet). Yi's stronger off no farm and jungles faster but I'm pretty sure if your laners are strong early you can invade him to set him behind. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Yi is very different | ||
Canada966 Posts
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