[Champion] Master Yi - Page 14
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United States10467 Posts
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Canada256 Posts
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Denmark2771 Posts
On August 02 2013 01:45 obesechicken13 wrote: I tried it in the past by rushing it on old yi and it took forever to build into manamune after which point it was ok. Then it took another forever to turn into muramana. I just don't stack fast enough on jungle yi. Just tried in a custom game to see just how fast I could max out the stacks. I managed to do it at 22 minutes using only Zephyr as a CDR item and taking no blues. Granted this was without any enemies to delay it, I think it should be possible to do within reasonable time if one acquire an additional CDR item outside of Zephyr - Spirit Visage as someone mentioned earlier? - or maybe upgrading it to Muramana earlier. Triggering E everytime it was off CD and using Meditate whenever I could helped tremendously in regards to the stacking speed. For some reason E and W does not always show up as triggered on Tear, but they do in fact add a stack. The new Q's reduction made it far faster than old Yi, especially since with Tear you can use it whenever it's off CD without going oom. I sadly wont have time to play more games the next few days, but when I do I'll try to report back in regards how a Tear build works out on him -- unless of course someone else already has tried it by then. ![]() I'll definetely use Tear instead of Doran's Ring should I play him again (yeah, I started with it the two times I played him to spam Q and use Meditate as much as possible). ![]() | ||
United States3106 Posts
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United States1945 Posts
On August 02 2013 01:40 Jek wrote: Personally I don't understand why you'd want Hydra over something else? His clear is already insane thanks to his kit. why wouldn't you want hydra? the only comparable AD items are bt and ie, and both have more awkward build ups and do nothing to help clear waves in between alpha strike cooldowns when you literally can't do anything but auto attack a single creep at a time. if you die occasionally and ur BT isn't fully stacked all of the time i'm not sure what advantages it gives you over hydra and as amazing as it would be to just rush IE every game, i'm pretty sure the overall cost and time spent with uncompleted parts makes that impractical. | ||
United States8519 Posts
I think Yi is a rare case of a melee champion where Bloodthirster is probably better than Hydra. The extra AD and lifesteal when fully stacked make much more of a difference because Yi autos a lot more than your typical bruiser AD champion. 10 seconds on hydra active is huge on someone like Lee or Renekton because their damage is tied to their abilities (burst) so heavily, but with Yi it's not impossible to get off 10-15 autos in the same time frame, so every bit of extra AD and lifesteal matters. Sure you lose stacks, but you can acquire those again with a little work before the next fight. I'm thinking something like zerkers/BT/ghostblade/zephyr/guardian angel/situational 6th item (IE/last whisper/randuins, banshee's veil/frozen mallet depending on the situation) would be pretty strong.I think it provides a decent mix of offensive power with defense. | ||
France3578 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
On August 02 2013 04:38 -Zoda- wrote: Muramana procs on his Q actually ? Seems hard to know since it hits multiple targets. I don't see why it would. It only works on on-hits, which Q doesn't apply. | ||
Canada450 Posts
Alpha strike onto a target, activate Bork + Hydra, activate Ghostblade, auto attack with a Shiv. I had a Yi do this to me in a smurf game before the remake. Melted in about 0.5 seconds. Now he has true damage... | ||
Canada33091 Posts
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United States1864 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
On August 02 2013 17:03 Complete wrote: so do yi's CD's get reset always when he gets a kill, even when its on CD? Also, 'reduced by half for assists' does that mean if Q is on CD with 4 seconds left it goes to 0 seconds or 2 seconds? It means the reduction amount is reduced by half(like 18 base to 9 or something like that?). If you have enough CDR, that point is moot, and you always reset when somebody dies. Yi is really, really strong right now. I actually think he's stronger than irelia in a midgame, and probably easier to farm up with alpha being so good. The true damage steroid in combination with ghostblade and ultimate just makes him truck squishies, and true damage steroid allows him to deal respectable damage even to tanks. | ||
Denmark2771 Posts
On August 02 2013 04:33 chalice wrote: why wouldn't you want hydra? the only comparable AD items are bt and ie, and both have more awkward build ups and do nothing to help clear waves in between alpha strike cooldowns when you literally can't do anything but auto attack a single creep at a time. if you die occasionally and ur BT isn't fully stacked all of the time i'm not sure what advantages it gives you over hydra and as amazing as it would be to just rush IE every game, i'm pretty sure the overall cost and time spent with uncompleted parts makes that impractical. I can see your point, but Alpha really fast one shoot the caster minions and make one of the melee low enough for a single hit KO leaving only two creeps left - at which point Hydra seems overkill; Hydra do however look interesting in teamfights where you can Alpha in and then wail away with AoE autos. Personally I don't feel like I need more Life Steal than my 3 Quints. I rush Zephyr's, and I think for a secondary offensive item Last Whisper or Ghostblade would be better. From my experience Yi's damage is plenty high without a ton of AD from items at least if you go for the AS/CDR route. On August 02 2013 10:19 IntoTheheart wrote: Wait so is he really good as a bruisy-AD sort of character now? I just come from a game where I went bruiserish. Tabi/Zephyr/Sunfire/Spirit Visage/BT (wanted Tabis vs my lane opponent - Irelia - and they had Xin jungle). In retrospect I think Tabi/Zephyr/Randuin/Spirit Visage/Ghostblade would have been much better. It worked out really well, tanky enough to not get blown up and high enough damage to kill squishies fast if they don't spend CC on me. - Cait did end up hard carry us, so it's hard to say how it would have worked out in an equal game. ---- On Muramana: The lack of basically infinite mana hurt splitpushing power as Alpha Strike mana cost is quite taxing if you spam it, it was still possible but having to actually look at mana from time to time was anoying. ![]() - Lacking the active in lategame did hurt a bit too. | ||
United States33802 Posts
![]() I don't know about bruiser Yi yet. I have only seen one, and it was pretty bad. Sadly, I only got to play one Yi game last night, so sad. | ||
Germany9118 Posts
at least in low elo he will be a problem. | ||
United States8519 Posts
Downsides: the meditation % damage resist means once you go in, you have to be 100% committed because there's very few situations where it will save you now. This is pretty much what I expected. This is a pretty big deal in teamfights, since it used to be a lot more effective, and you could get multiple resets so once you got the reset train going, you could be almost unkillable. It is a bit noticeable in ganks, but since alpha comes back so much more quickly, its not as bad as I thought it would be. I think this means GA is pretty close to mandatory on him now (and maybe a Frozen Mallet or Warmogs on top of that). Upsides: If you don't waste your first set of double buffs, its easy to rack up kills and have a massive influence early game. Much easier to build damage on Yi early. Wrecks dragon/towers/baron while ulting like you wouldn't believe. I think madred's razor/zerkers/bloodthirster/ghostblade/GA/Zephyr/Frozen Mallet would be quite good on him. Sell the madreds when you need space. Though madreds is probably unnecessary and just slows down item progression... I'll have to think about that one. Also some other observations: double strike counts as a normal auto when it comes to resetting alpha strike. Also, apparently I was wrong and it also double procs the true damage on the active part of Wuju. | ||
Denmark2771 Posts
On August 02 2013 22:36 Requizen wrote: @Jek: You wouldn't need to worry about mana from Alphas if you used Hydra as your AoE clearing instead ![]() I don't know about bruiser Yi yet. I have only seen one, and it was pretty bad. Sadly, I only got to play one Yi game last night, so sad. Haha. I suppose that's true. ![]() My primarily issue with Hydra is it's build route and at what timing you'd actually want it. I consider Zephyr's (at least with LS quints) to be the most important item to gain as fast as possible on him. At which point your opponent is capable of putting out a significant damage of his own - I like to buy a defensive item, Kindlegem for instance, at this point. But this might just be due to being much more familiar with playing support; I'm not very good at calling when to be ballish with non-supports. If you're getting Hydra for the AoE clearing, you might as well get a Tear instead it only costs 700 vs. the 1900 of Tiamat and I honestly don't think the different in clear speed AoE autos vs having basically free Alpha Strikes are worth the trade off considering just how strong Muramana becomes against single targets thanks to it's active later on. | ||
United States1864 Posts
the sad part is, in 2 of 3 games played I've actually been able to afford full build ;/ | ||
United States1291 Posts
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Costa Rica432 Posts
Of course, maybe I've been getting crazy fed lately, and this is a bit unrealistic on a jungler's budget... | ||
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