Czech Republic11293 Posts
On masteries I go 0/21/9, taking improved smite, Durability, Veteran's Scars, Tough Skin, Bladed Armor, Hardiness (standard stuff), Safeguard, Juggernaut, Legendary Armor, Reinforced Armor and Honor Guard in defense. In utility I take improved flash, mp5, summoner cooldown, improved recall and buff duration.
I take 21 in defense because offense tree isn't very good for Rammus, and I don't take 21 in utility because even with that you can't really start with Flask (too little hp on the first clear). I take the standard stuff in defense except I don't take tenacity. I get Legendary Armor for my W instead, the 15% tenacity really isn't that important.
with 9 points left, I decide to put them in Utility, the masteries left in defense aren't all that useful apart from tenacity and the offense mastery tree isn't really worth mentioning lol. I take the standardest 9 utility points for jungler, don't think an explanation is needed.
just in case you wanted to know how I roll :p
I go 6/24/0, Smite/Flash. I find that 4% AS + 4 damage to monsters from Offense helps noticeably with the jungle, and I find that 15% Tenacity is one of the best masteries in the new Defense tree so I always take it if I'm going that far down the tree. Legendary Armor is a pretty bad mastery most of the time, but Rammus happens to be the only champion on whom I find it to be worth taking so I also get it. Runes-wise I'm taking AS Marks, flat Armor seals, MR/level glyphs and flat Armor quints.
I hate it that your jungle speed goes down the drain pretty fast, and the only items that seem like they fix that are Lizard Elder Spirit Stone (which is entirely too much gold spent for an item with no tank stats) and Funfire (which has really expensive components and doesn't help you clear faster until you finish it). Ancient Golem SS is simply inadequate to maintain a good jungle clear speed.
The tanky items I definitely like on Rammus for later on are Funfire, Aegis -> Runic Bulwark and Randuin's.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
I definitely don´t think the 4% attack speed is worth it. It increases you attack speed by 3.4% at level1, gradually decreasing every level. By estimate just about less than half of damage you do to creeps is from your autoattacks. So let's say it allows you to kill creeps 1.5% faster (at level 1, gets less and less each level). By another estimate about 75% of your time jungling is spent killing creeps. So it speeds up your jungle by about 1.1% and decreasing with each level. Not worth it for 4 mastery points imo.
not taking buff duration real dumb unless you're going man mode with 30 defense
Offense and Utility trees are both really awful for Rammus. You're better off going something like 0/26-30/0-4. You don't need the OOC movement speed or mana out of utility, so all you really get is lower CD on flash and some mp5, which are both already tier 1, plus more tier 2 points for further flash CD lowering. If you really need Flash CD lowered that badly, you can just grab Distortion anyway and invest your points in Defense. Defense tree has a lot of good stats Rammus wants, especially early. Not having Runic Mastery will barely affect you.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
What do you get for your extra few points, Defender, Tenacious, Unyielding and Block? Compare 15 tenacity, 1-5 Mres+Armor (depending on number of enemy champs nearby), 2 less dmg from champs and 3 less dmg from autoattacks. To 3 mp5, 30s cooldown on flash, 7s cooldown on smite and 30s duration on blue and red buff. I'd rather the second one usually, unless you expect that Defender will be useful for spotting counterjungle early game.
Summoner CD reductions are usually wasted in part or in full the way games play out. Rammus has a weak early game, so you dump all your masteries into shoring that up. The defense tree does not give tenacity. -2/3 damage from champs is pretty awful.
MP5 is about the only worthwhile pickup and even then that's only if you're having mana problems that would be helped by the slight regen gain.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Well, what do you get in masteries if you got 0/26/4 or 0/29/1 then? There aren't all that many other left. Magic Resistance and?
I don't really know what you want to say. What do you mean the defense tree doesn't give tenacity? The mastery called Tenacious does. I don't take it when I go 0/21/9, but I assumed you did when you get more than 21 in defense.
Also Distortion boots might not be that desirable because Homeguard boots can be quite good on Rammus, you can initiate with them in your inihibitor towers or slightly beyond.
Tenacity is a unique passive of CC reduction that does not stack with additional sources. Tenacious is CC reduction that stacks multiplicatively with Tenacity.
Which boot enchantment you get will always depend on the game, but it's also likely that the points in CD reduction on Flash/Smite never net you any meaningful value.
You'd load up on the mid/high tier Defensive tree for added durability and CC mitigation. The question really boils down to A.) how badly do you need that 3 mp5 and B.) how much does that 30 sec on blue/red really help? For Rammus, it's a bit of "meh" -- they're just so-so.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
So, what do you take instead of that in defense?
Sorry about the Tenacity confusion, somehow I thought it's a name for a stat that decreases CC duration, lol. :D
I just played a couple games as Rammus -- my first in S3 jungle with him. The spiritstone/spirit of golem helps him sooooo damned much. These items make his clears really fast, and he still ganks like a boss. I've been doing machete + 5hp => boots/spirit stone => golem spirit / tabis => aegis => thornmail / bulwark.
I tend to go Aegis after Spirit and sit on Spirit for awhile. I'm lukewarm on Ancient Golem since it does give you HP/Armor, but really doesn't give you any of the utility stats you want for fights (like Randuin's/FH active/passives) and it doesn't give you any additional regen or damage.
His clear times still aren't very good even with stone -- his small camp (wolves/wraiths) was already good and his big camp was already slow and remains so. I do like to use Tremors on red since I often recall right after grabbing it and the CD for his ult is so short.
On December 31 2012 17:12 Craton wrote: I tend to go Aegis after Spirit and sit on Spirit for awhile. I'm lukewarm on Ancient Golem since it does give you HP/Armor, but really doesn't give you any of the utility stats you want for fights (like Randuin's/FH active/passives) and it doesn't give you any additional regen or damage.
His clear times still aren't very good even with stone -- his small camp (wolves/wraiths) was already good and his big camp was already slow and remains so. I do like to use Tremors on red since I often recall right after grabbing it and the CD for his ult is so short. The golem stone gives you all sorts of stuff that you need. You get hp, armor, tenacity (allowing you to get tabis), and a larger bonus to creep damage. The tenacity and hp are particularly important because they give you more flexibility in terms of future itemization.
Still, have to wonder if it's worth holding off on or skipping altogether. He's right in saying that Randuin's will definitely take longer, and Randuin's alone is already giving health and armor. MR boots still give you tenacity, and if you get Aegis, I think you're covered for pretty much everything you need.
What about Locket? It's not as much armor, but a bit cheaper than Randuin's and the active is pretty good when you pop it at the same time as your W. The CDR seems good to me too.
You should all be getting locket it's op as fuck
On January 01 2013 02:29 sylverfyre wrote: What about Locket? It's not as much armor, but a bit cheaper than Randuin's and the active is pretty good when you pop it at the same time as your W. The CDR seems good to me too. It's not bad, but it's situational as to when it's a better buy than the standard items. It's comparable to Aegis, but without a build path.
Kindlegem / cloth seems like a fine enough buildpath to me.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Locket has an arguably better build up than Aegis because it's best part (Ruby Crystal/Kindlegem) is more slot efficient than having Ruby Crystal+Cloth while building Aegis. And yeah, Locket is ridiculously strong on Rammus.
What does slot efficiency matter when your combine cost is under 1000 gold and you've got literally two other items?