From the recommendation of ninja's tabi, I am guessing that you don't play/like the style of mobi boots and home guard for really fast movement from fountain to lane and then gank / be present in all the lanes with lots of backing. So stylistically, how do you play him?
[Champion] Rammus - Page 21
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United States719 Posts
From the recommendation of ninja's tabi, I am guessing that you don't play/like the style of mobi boots and home guard for really fast movement from fountain to lane and then gank / be present in all the lanes with lots of backing. So stylistically, how do you play him? | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Early game, I'd say my playstyle is somewhat farmy, while you aren't too too weak pre6, you're likely to be weaker than the enemy jungler and you do not have any reliable escapes, so you want to avoid moving in the river, getting countergank and sometimes even counterganking. Your ganks are relatively good, but as usual, just keep farming unless you think you're likely to get a kill, an objective, or almost certain to set up for a kill later by making the enemy flash. I also like smiting the Frog relatively often as it speeds up your farming immensely. In the early midgame, as with every jungler, you have to be very active and pro-active about dragon and decide whether you're better of fighting for it or trying to generate counterplay top. Rammus is very strong in teamfights in this period because he is both tanky and deals massive damage, so contesting dragon is very often a good idea. When it comes to later teamfights, there are 2 ways of going about it; either go deep and flash taunt an important target, or stay back and wait for the enemy to jump in in order to taunt them. Grand majority of the time I think the former of the options is better, up until the enemy gets QSS or Michael's to counter your taunt, you are almost always able to focus down important targets with the help of your team. It's worth noting that while you are good at protecting someone from 1 assassin, your taunt is still only single target and might not be able to defend your ADC if the enemy is too heavy on assassination, so don't overestimate yourself. I think this covers most of it, did I leave anything out? | ||
United States719 Posts
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