On May 08 2013 02:40 Alaric wrote: I think they meant spirit stone instead of sightstone, since they were talking about completing it into "the thing with tenacity" (eg golem spirit).
+ Show Spoiler + plus its still a relevant discussion
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Not really a discussion, there isn't really room for differing opinions. Only wrong ideas. <- (as far as sightstone is concerned) But yes, with spirit stone instead of sight stone it makes a lot more sense. Still, rushing Spirit of the Ancient Golem is worse than getting Locket first.
On May 08 2013 03:03 Scip wrote: Not really a discussion, there isn't really room for differing opinions. Only wrong ideas. <- (as far as sightstone is concerned) But yes, with spirit stone instead of sight stone it makes a lot more sense. Still, rushing Spirit of the Ancient Golem is worse than getting Locket first.
i quite disagree on this, just my personal preference and reasoning tho: Locket does scale off levels, so rushing it doesn't really give you a significant shield until later on the game, i rush golem because of the absurde good stats it gives for the little money it costs, and because it finally allows to get ninja tabis asap, which are cheaper and have a very good passive (i only get mercs rarely now). I get locket even after Aegis/Bulwark, because by the time i get it i will be at around level 14 to 16 and the shield will be significant. Actually most of the times i let the support get locket and i skip it in favor of Randuins. Just my personal opinion tho, as i stated =)
What's the opinion on putting one point in W and getting madreds? I find that the clear speed isn't too bad and more taunt is always good. What I usually go is either ss, aegis, or madreds aegis, telling the support to get locket.
I don't see why you'd delay getting the hp items that rammus needs so badly early on (before levels kick in for hp) for the sake of having taunt at level 5 2 levels earlier
On May 08 2013 20:07 ThE)ShoWTimE wrote:Show nested quote +On May 08 2013 03:03 Scip wrote: Not really a discussion, there isn't really room for differing opinions. Only wrong ideas. <- (as far as sightstone is concerned) But yes, with spirit stone instead of sight stone it makes a lot more sense. Still, rushing Spirit of the Ancient Golem is worse than getting Locket first. i quite disagree on this, just my personal preference and reasoning tho: Locket does scale off levels, so rushing it doesn't really give you a significant shield until later on the game, i rush golem because of the absurde good stats it gives for the little money it costs, and because it finally allows to get ninja tabis asap, which are cheaper and have a very good passive (i only get mercs rarely now). I get locket even after Aegis/Bulwark, because by the time i get it i will be at around level 14 to 16 and the shield will be significant. Actually most of the times i let the support get locket and i skip it in favor of Randuins. Just my personal opinion tho, as i stated =) Say you get it at level 6, it's still a 110 HP AoE shield that you can spam once per minute (like your ult), that gives you a bunch of HP early and easily (kindlegem is so good because of its low cost, steady CDR stat, and amazing build paths) and let you do silly stuff like tower dive more easily (never not tower dive, anyway). The fact that it costs so little is a big part of its appeal, and it's not like your team would be gimped if you had 2 Lockets (it's better for all non-carriers than having 2 Aegis—screw plural form).
I've found that unless I get several successful ganks early on (and tax a bit) for the gold and, mainly, the exp, I very easily fall behind due to the lack of clear speed with SS. Since madred's is out of question, I guess I should put more levels in W (especially pre-6) to make up for it. I was too used to getting pretty fed in my first few games I guess, and took the pretty good clear for granted.
the guy has a point its 1300 gold if you already bought spirit stone for 1300 gold worth of hp 10% cdr tenacity and more creep damage a pretty solid bargain
this is MUCH better than locket components, but a finished locket again is pretty stronk
~1100-1200 gold of personal hp early on 332~ gold cdr 700 gold armour 10 hp5 +team aura for fights for 1850 gold again free cdr and a bonus (tenacity vs team aura and some more hp regen
so whichever one you can afford after you have a kindlegem you should get theres some argument for waiting for locket if you know a fights coming up though
I meant Locket vs Aegis, not Locket vs Golem Spirit (I was rushing golem spirits off of boots1, sometimes building mobos instead if I'm fed early to give the finger to wards even more, but if Scip prefers Locket I'll try rushing it and decide for myself).
lockets prolly always better to get than aegis in early-mid gmae i think yango did the calculations
Czech Republic11293 Posts
You won't do more dmg with SotAG than with Spirit stone, you lose the 10 true dmg per attack with that upgrade.
wow government conspiracy i forgot about that 10 true damage i thought it wasnt on spirit stone for some reason
rammus is one of those champions that i tried once a few months back, sucked complete balls with, and then decided to play again after getting him in aram
are his ganks level 3 normally so weak? i came top to gank for a jax (i think) vs darius and he just shrugged off the 1 second taunt and killed both of us...
On May 09 2013 00:42 Scip wrote: You won't do more dmg with SotAG than with Spirit stone, you lose the 10 true dmg per attack with that upgrade. Is this math different now? SOTAG used to be 25% damage and now it's 30%.
On July 24 2013 09:47 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: rammus is one of those champions that i tried once a few months back, sucked complete balls with, and then decided to play again after getting him in aram
are his ganks level 3 normally so weak? i came top to gank for a jax (i think) vs darius and he just shrugged off the 1 second taunt and killed both of us... That sounds like you ganked into a bad situation where Darius couldn't actually win a fight. Were you low? Was Darius low? Was Jax full hp? What level were Jax and Darius? Whose summoners were up? Did Darius die before really getting to do damage? (Leaving you to 1v1 a solo laner who just got a bunch of xp from a kill which is likely to have leveled him up, and you're not a good 1v1er, especially early.)
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Yes, the math has changed, you definitely do more damage with SOTAG now.
And yes, Rammus is very weak until about level7 when he starts to pick up with 2s taunt. His lvl3 is especailly weak indeed, which is why you don't gank with rammus lvl3-5 unless you are sure you aren't getting counterganked.
ShallowBay, did you by any chance gank when Darius was pushing on Jax super hard and had like 6 ranged creeps on his side? You're not supposed to gank that with majority of junglers exactly because it often ends just trading kills OR you get counterganked and die horribly.
Correction, Jax was on my team. I will have to look at the replay to determine the levels and health, but I remember thinking that it was a legitimate gank, and I don't tend to go in when there is huge creep advantage for other laner, other than to show my face for a second and relieve pressure a bit.
It was mid lane, slightly on their side of the river, I remember that much, and it was pre 6. He basically killed us with E and Q.
Granted, there are probably extenuating reasons why I'm bad and it was a shit gank I just felt like I personally accomplished nothing with such a short taunt. I'm so used to Lee/Eve/Elise that ganking late like that seems strange.
Thanks for the help
On July 24 2013 09:47 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: rammus is one of those champions that i tried once a few months back, sucked complete balls with, and then decided to play again after getting him in aram
are his ganks level 3 normally so weak? i came top to gank for a jax (i think) vs darius and he just shrugged off the 1 second taunt and killed both of us... You definitely win that done correctly or force flash at the bare minimum. There had to be huge mistakes to die 1v2 at level 3.
I'll rewatch the replay if I can get it to work, in less rage-induced hindsight I probably just shit the bed.
Is Locket still best first big purchase? (after boots+ss)
United States1865 Posts
i've been playing a lot of rammus whenever I have to jungle lately and i've found the korean style to be the most fun
basically you rush madreds razor + boots of mobility with homeguard + crystalline flask and you gank like a madman possessed anytime you have red buff or there is an easy lane to gank.
With Rammus Q + boots of mobility with homeguard, you get from fountain to the action of any lane so fast its crazy and you are one of the few junglers that can reliably gank bot over and over again. The flask is not 100% necessary but it lets me stay in the field longer and clear a few camps without having to back.
Rush sunfire as your first major item (Rammus loves HP and its the only thing that helps him clear camps/waves)