On July 24 2013 12:46 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: I'll rewatch the replay if I can get it to work, in less rage-induced hindsight I probably just shit the bed.
Is Locket still best first big purchase? (after boots+ss) I prefer Bulwark.
I prefer homegaurd tabi (w teleport) :D
On July 24 2013 13:05 Atrioc wrote: i've been playing a lot of rammus whenever I have to jungle lately and i've found the korean style to be the most fun
basically you rush madreds razor + boots of mobility with homeguard + crystalline flask and you gank like a madman possessed anytime you have red buff or there is an easy lane to gank.
With Rammus Q + boots of mobility with homeguard, you get from fountain to the action of any lane so fast its crazy and you are one of the few junglers that can reliably gank bot over and over again. The flask is not 100% necessary but it lets me stay in the field longer and clear a few camps without having to back.
Rush sunfire as your first major item (Rammus loves HP and its the only thing that helps him clear camps/waves)
This is how I have been playing ram as well. I went from gold 3 to plat 3 with this in 2 weeks. I never got a flask.
I'm really trying to learn Rammus as I enjoy playing him, but I can't figure out how to build him. I am currently going machete into spirit stone and boots, into mobos/'golem/sunfire. However, if the game doesn't go that well I fall behind as I clear like balls. Any tips? I think that going madreds/tabis would be a big help, and then going straight into sunfire.
personally I go madreds/spirit sotne into tabi+golem into sunfire/randuins or something dunno how scip avoids slow clears
Is it really worth it goldwise to go madred+stone, even considering his passive? I mean I know it accelerates his farming, but since it's slow to begin with does it accelerate it enough? I'd be under the assumption that in the midgame Rammus is to abuse his ult's cd and the fact that it works on tower to convert as many successful (eg. at least a recall) ganks as possible into tower/drake kills.
he still doesn't push towers much faster than junglers with any kind of AD build or steriosd and is awful at dragon. if you can successfully gank how efficient your conversion is isn't hugely important. you can use the short ult cd to farm buff camps faster hue Madreds is 400 gold worth of armour so you need to make only 300 gold worth of farm to make it already worth it (considering the XP bonus, you probably need much less).
Which bonus xp are you talking about? The fact that you level-up faster from clearing faster, and the base stats it brings you?
yes even 1 level is worth 100's of gold if you count in skill ranks
bumping because, old or not, this is the official Rammus thread. In patch 5.4: http://www.surrenderat20.net/2015/02/patch-54-notes.html they changed jungle so it costs an extra 225 gold to side-grade jungle items and nerf the range of chilling smite. Previously, I had used the Trail blazer as my jungle item while farming for the better jungle smite and then, switched to stalker’s blade before getting juggernaut as my first big item. Do people have a sense of if this still makes sense, or is it better to start with stalkers now and stay with it, or maybe just never shift to stalker… My first thought is that 225 is almost the cost of boots, so side-grading means leaving boots for later which is a big pain. Also, I think stalkers is a big part of Rammus’s ability to gank, since he has no quick jumps or gap closers other than Powerball (which you use to initiate the gank, and so don’t have up to chase with). So my thought is that it just means we need to start with stalkers and stick with it, which is going to hurt his already weak jungle clear (ARG Riot why do you hate jungle diversity so much!). Does your analysis match my own or is there something I’m missing that I should consider?
On February 26 2015 05:21 General_Winter wrote:bumping because, old or not, this is the official Rammus thread. In patch 5.4: http://www.surrenderat20.net/2015/02/patch-54-notes.htmlthey changed jungle so it costs an extra 225 gold to side-grade jungle items and nerf the range of chilling smite. Previously, I had used the Trail blazer as my jungle item while farming for the better jungle smite and then, switched to stalker’s blade before getting juggernaut as my first big item. Do people have a sense of if this still makes sense, or is it better to start with stalkers now and stay with it, or maybe just never shift to stalker… My first thought is that 225 is almost the cost of boots, so side-grading means leaving boots for later which is a big pain. Also, I think stalkers is a big part of Rammus’s ability to gank, since he has no quick jumps or gap closers other than Powerball (which you use to initiate the gank, and so don’t have up to chase with). So my thought is that it just means we need to start with stalkers and stick with it, which is going to hurt his already weak jungle clear (ARG Riot why do you hate jungle diversity so much!). Does your analysis match my own or is there something I’m missing that I should consider? I think you are quite right. My opinion is that you have to decide purple or blue depending on team compositions, meaning whats the probability of your early ganks to work? If you feel that odds are on your side go for the blue smite, if not go for purple. switching them is not worth for rammus imo
Czech Republic11293 Posts
I don't think switching is worth for anyone pretty much ever the main thing about Stalker's is chasing down people in the mid and lategame, it's actually rather difficult to get into taunt range without it in a lot of scenarios. I think just always going Stalkers is fine, you just gotta buy a few more HP pots.
Rammus has been a fucking terrible jungler since the jungle overhaul in 4.20(?). His clear is terrible, his sustain is terrible, and it doesn't help his q got nerfed. Add in the recent item nerfs and he's nearly unplayable in the jungle.
He's best played as a support with relic shield->targon's->sunfire->situational items here. He doesn't need much gold to be useful/tanky. His kit is good for a support but terrible for actual jungling.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
nah, it's alright alright, Rammus crash course
Runes: AtkSpe Reds, Armor Yellows, CDR Blues, Armor Quints Masteries: 9/21/0 Level WQWE R>E>W>Q Start Gromp and clear 5 camps (you can start Golems and clear 5 camps too but it's slower), base, clear 1 more camp, then you get lvl4 and you can gank (or not, just farming more is acceptable). Don't forget to buy HP pots, you need 'em.
Standard build build Stalker's -> Boots1 -> Sunfire -> conditional: If they have only AD, Ninja Tabi -> Randuins -> Thornmail, then maybe Juggernaut, Warmogs, Frozen Heart. If they have decent amount of both AP and AD, Locket -> Ninja Tabi -> Randuins, then stuff like Juggernaut, Warmogs, Spirit Visage
I've been experimenting with going Devourer and skipping Sunfire and so far it's always worked out really well but it might just be because everyone I've played against has been trash so far.
also, patch 4.20 KEK
Why Spirit Visage over Banshee? For the CDR?
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Yeah, I find the Banshees shield is pretty worthless on Rammus compared to going from 30%->40% CDR It's a shame Mres items suck, I've experimented with Wit's End as last item but I don't think I'd reccomend it yet lol
Abyssal is worth considering with sunfire and his fiddle-damage ult
Czech Republic11293 Posts
@Scip: what's the reasoning for leaving juggernaut till late or at least after sunfire and then randuis / locket? Juggernaut is pretty gold efficient ant the tenacity is good too.
I'd thought about Wit's end as well. Since W, R, and Thorn-mail all do magic damage, the resistance shredding might be pretty good. Haven't actually done the math to see if it really works out yet though.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
While Juggernaut does make you more powerful for the period you'd only have giant's belt+cloth armor up until you finish Sunfire, I find that getting the Sunfire quickly in order to enhance your farming speed and ability to push, and also very significantly increase your fighting strength - at that point in the game neither CDR nor tenacity are that important - is worth the temporary sacrifice of delaying Juggernaut. After Sunfire, I usually get Locket before Juggernaut simply because at that point in the game, you are much more likely to have issues with your teammates dying early, rather than you yourself dying early, and Locket is the best way to help that problem. With how much hp you get from Locket and Sunfire I think that Ninja Tabi are the most efficient tank items afterwards. After that, I usually get Randuins before Juggernaut because I find the slow rather useful, but if I don't expect it to be of much use then getting Juggernaut before Randuins is fine.